115 research outputs found

    Public water supply system analysis in the region of Castelo Branco (Portugal) : geostatistical methodologies to the groundwater productivity estimation

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    The present work concerns to the study of the public water supply system, actual situation in Castelo Branco, Portugal. The Castelo Branco geographical area is about 1439.94 Km2 with a 500000 people population being an inner region of the country with big problems of water supply during the summer months. The purpose of this work is to develop a methodological procedure as a working tool to the management optimisation of the water supply system taking in consideration: the groundwater supply; the system management and the captured water volumes control. The definition of a groundwater hydraulic potential in a major fractured hydrogeology field, in which the water is conditioned by the presence of extended altered formations and it’s mobility conditioned by the intense fracture density is the goal of the propose work. The working data is available in a few Portuguese water institutions, and summarizes to 2002, the groundwater volumetric supplies, hydrological basin type, planning regions, geology, litology and served population. To the groundwater productivity estimated cartography was adopted a set of statistics and geostatistics methodologies like Ordinary Kriging, using a preliminary variographic data analysis that allowed the inference of the preferential underground flow

    Transformação de um estudante estagiário em Professor de Educação Física: a primeira gota do Oceano.

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    O presente documento foi desenvolvido no âmbito da unidade curricular Estágio Profissional (EP), inserida no 2ºciclo de estudos referente ao grau de Mestre em Ensino de Educação Física nos Ensinos Básico e Secundário. Evidencia acima de tudo o exercício de uma análise e reflexão sobre a prática desenvolvida ao longo deste ano tão importante, o ano de estágio profissional, que surge como ponto de partida inundado de experiências e vivências certamente inesquecíveis e que se constituem como fatores fundamentais para o meu desenvolvimento a nível pessoal e profissional. O referido EP teve como palco o Agrupamento de Escolas Pêro Vaz De Caminha situado no distrito do Porto. Está inserido no Território Escolar de Intervenção Prioritária, por se encontrar numa zona económica e socialmente desfavorecida e, como tal, constituiu-se como um contexto bastante desafiante e motivante para mim. Sempre foi curiosidade minha poder interagir e desenvolver trabalho junto deste tipo de população, constantemente na procura de encontrar formas e ferramentas de auxiliar estes alunos a atingir o sucesso educativo e pessoal. A organização deste relatório traduz-se numa ordem lógica de ideias, seguindo uma sequência principiada desde logo pela minha autobiografia, que consiste na exposição dos principais motivos que me levaram a enveredar por esta opção. Após o "Enquadramento Pessoal" surge o "Enquadramento Institucional" onde evidencio e ilustro o panorama e contexto escolar no qual realizei o Estágio Profissional. Posteriormente, identifico o "Enquadramento Operacional" que está subdividido em três áreas onde apresento uma panóplia de vivências, experiências, dificuldades encontradas, estratégias de intervenção e modos de proceder para realizar as diferentes avaliações. A área 1, "Organização e Gestão do Ensino e da Aprendizagem", engloba o enquadramento concetual, o processo de construção de todo o planeamento escolar, a importância das reflexões efetuadas ao longo deste período e os procedimentos nas avaliações; a área 2, "Participação na Escola e Relações com a Comunidade" abrange tudo aquilo que foi realizado para além da lecionação das aulas por si só. Por fim, na área 3, "Desenvolvimento Profissional", é fundamentalmente centrada no estudo/projeto de investigação "Aplicação de Modelos de Ensino: Como transitar para o modelo pretendido" que desenvolvi junto desta comunidade escolar, onde esclareço o seu contexto, procedimentos efetuados, resultados alcançados e conclusões daí retiradas.This document was developed in the scope of the curricular unit Professional Internship (PE), included in the 2nd study cycle for the degree of Master in Physical Education Teaching in Primary and Secondary Schools. It aims mainly to analyse and reflect on the practice developed during this very important year, the year of professional internship, which appears as a starting point full of certainly unforgettable moments and experiences that are fundamental factors for my personal and professional development. This PE took place in the Pêro Vaz De Caminha School Grouping, located in the district of Porto. It is part of the School Territory of Priority Intervention, since it is located in an economically and socially disadvantaged area and, as such, it was a very challenging and motivating context for me. I have always been curious to interact and develop work with this type of population, constantly trying to find ways and tools to help these students to achieve educational and personal success. The organisation of this report is in a logical order of ideas, following a sequence that starts with my autobiography, which consists of the exposition of the main reasons that led me to follow this path. After the "Personal Framework" comes the "Institutional Framework" where I highlight and illustrate the whole environment and school context in which I underwent Vocational Training. Subsequently, I identify the "Operational Framework" subdivided into three performance areas where I present a set of reflections on the experiences, difficulties encountered, intervention strategies and ways of proceeding to carry out the different assessments. Area 1, "Organisation and Management of Teaching and Learning", includes the conceptual framework, the process of building all the school planning, the importance of the reflections made throughout this period and the procedures in the assessments; area 2, "School Participation and Community Relations", covers everything that was done beyond the teaching of the lessons per se. Finally, in area 3, "Professional Development", it focuses mainly on the study/research project "Application of Teaching Models: How to make the transition to the desired model" that I developed with this school community, where I clarify its context, procedures carried out, results achieved and conclusions drawn from it

    Efeitos das alterações climáticas e da subida do nível do mar nos aquíferos costeiros

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    Neste trabalho descrever-se-ão os efeitos da subida do nível do mar no planeamento e gestão dos sistemas de captação da água doce disponível nas regiões costeiras. Recordar-se-ão as leis que regem o escoamento subterrâneo nos aquíferos do litoral e as metodologias para a procura das melhores políticas de extracção da água doce. Apresenta-se o modelo de gestão que é composto pela associação de uma técnica de optimização e de modelos de simulação do comportamento do aquífero. O modelo de optimização-simulação determina as extracções máximas permitidas a um conjunto de captações para cada cenário de subida do nível do mar, do escoamento natural no aquífero, do local de implantação e da distância de segurança entre o pé da interface água doce / água salgada e o ponto de controlo. Os efeitos na redução das extracções face à projectada subida do nível do mar e da diminuição do escoamento natural no aquífero, para que seja mantida a distância de segurança pretendida, são diversos em função do local de implantação. As superfícies e as curvas das extracções máximas em função da subida do nível do mar e do local de implantação evidenciam a necessidade dum adequado planeamento dos locais de construção das captações que antecipadamente evite os efeitos das alterações climáticas.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Aberrant crypt Foci segmentation using computational vision

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    Colorectal cancer is a type of cancer that develops in the large intestine (colon) orthe rectum, one of the most common malignancies in the world. In this context, the aberrantcrypt foci may have a crucial and decisive role. The aberrant crypt foci are supposed to be theprecursors of colorectal cancer. This works aimed to develop computational methodologies forthe detection and segmentation of aberrant crypt foci in endoscopy images

    Optimal management of groundwater withdrawals in coastal aquifers

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    In this work, an optimisation model has been developed for planning and managing saltwater-intruded coastal aquifer systems. We apply this model, which uses the simulation / optimisation approach, for managing water resources in coastal areas. The management model finds the best policies to maximize the present value of economic results of meeting water demands and to keep under control the saltwater intrusion. The idea of security distance to a control point provides the establishment of a trade-off relationship between the increased management cost and the desired level of protection. The model was applied to a typical case with interesting results. It was also crucial to have an understanding of the tradeoffs between groundwater withdrawals, positions of the wells from the coast line, and the security distance. This model allows the sustainable use of coastal water resources

    Effects of working memory training on depressive symptoms and frontal alpha asymmetry: a pilot study

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    To assess the effects of working memory training (WMT) on depressive symptoms and frontal alpha asymmetry of young adults with moderate-severe depression. : 30 participants were randomly allocated to the WMT or control groups. Two subjects dropped out and one participant was excluded from EEG analysis.The WMT group completed 5 sessions of automatically adjusted n-back training (starting from 2-back) and the control group only performed 1-back trials. Main outcome measures were self reported depressive symptoms and frontal alpha asymmetry (pre- and post-training). There was a significant time*group interaction for self-reported depression (p = .047, ηp² = .144) and F4-F3 alpha asymmetry (p = .043, ηp² = .153). Post-hoc analysis revealed significant improvements in depression on the WMT group (p < .001) and non-significant findings regarding F4-F3 alpha asymmetry. There was no significant interaction for F8-F7 alpha asymmetry (p = .115, ηp² = .096). WMT may be an effective tool to reduce depressive symptoms. Frontal alpha asymmetry should be explored as a neurophysiological outcome measure of cognitive training efficacy.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Photocatalytic Bi2O3/TiO2:N thin films with enhanced surface area and visible light activity

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    Bi2O3 nanocone films functionalized with an overlayer of TiO2 were deposited by d.c. reactive magnetron sputtering. The aforementioned nanocone structures were formed via a vapour-liquid-solid (VLS) growth, starting from a catalytic bismuth seed layer. The resultant nanocones exhibit an improved surface area, measured by atomic force microscopy, when compared to non-VLS deposition of the same metal oxide. X-ray diffraction texture analysis enabled the determination of the crystallographic β-phase of Bi2O3. A very thin TiO2 overlayer (6 nm thick), undoped and doped with nitrogen, was deposited onto the nanocones template, in order to functionalize these structures with a photocatalytic, self-cleaning, cap material. N-doped TiO2 overlayers increased the selective absorption of visible light due to nitrogen doping in the anatase cell, thus, resulting in a concomitant increase in the overall photocatalytic efficiency.The authors acknowledge the financial support of the project “NANOPURIFY—Development of photocatalytic panels for air treatment units, Vieira & Lopes Lda.”, with the reference 024121, co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), through the Operational Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalisation (COMPETE 2020), under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement. Filipe C. Correia acknowledges the financial support from the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) for the Ph.D grant SFRH/BD/111720/2015

    Streptococcal tonsillitis as a cause of urticaria Tonsillitis and urticaria

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    BACKGROUND: The primary role of infections in chronic urticaria (CU) is controversial. We hypothesised that streptococcal tonsillitis (ST) could be a primary cause of CU or acute recurrent urticaria (ARU). METHODS: Retrospective study of 14 outpatients observed between January 2000 and December 2009, with CU/ARU and clinical and/or laboratorial suspicion of an aetiopathogenic link with ST. Clinical history, objective examination and laboratorial study were looked for. Three groups were defined: spontaneous resolution of urticaria, resolution after tonsillectomy, and still symptomatic. RESULTS: In these patients, a causal relationship between ST and urticaria is supported by: markers of streptococcal infection, the perception of a clinical relationship between tonsillitis and urticaria, the decrease of urticaria severity with early antibiotherapy to tonsillitis and urticaria resolution after tonsillectomy. CONCLUSIONS: Our study encourages the investigation of tonsillitis in these otherwise idiopathic patients, especially until young adulthood and even in the absence of any symptoms

    Atas do XXVIII Seminário de Investigação em Educação Matemática

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    Em 2017, realiza-se em Viseu, pela terceira vez, o Seminário de Investigação em Educação Matemática (SIEM), dinamizado pelo Grupo de Trabalho de Investigação (GTI) da Associação de Professores de Matemática (APM). Estes seminários aconteceram em 1992 e em 2002. Em 1992 realizou-se na Escola Superior de Educação de Viseu o III SIEM. Foi neste seminário que surgiu, de forma mais visível, o Grupo de Trabalho de Investigação, com a aprovação dos seus objetivos e linhas orientadoras. A ideia de constituir, no seio da Associação de Professores de Matemática, um grupo de trabalho dedicado à Investigação em Educação Matemática vinha de trás, do Encontro de Professores de Matemática (ProfMat) de 1989, em Viana do Castelo, por iniciativa de João Pedro da Ponte. Em 1992, Viseu sucedia, assim, ao SIEM das Caldas da Rainha, em 1990, e ao SIEM do Porto, no ano seguinte. A revista Quadrante, publicada pelo GTI, tem tantos anos quantos decorreram desde esse primeiro SIEM em Viseu, 25 anos. Pode dizer-se que a Quadrante nasceu em Viseu, na medida em que no seu número inaugural, que saiu nesse ano de 1992, publicou textos baseados em comunicações realizadas no III SIEM.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    MicroRNA signature refine response prediction in CML

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    microRNAs (miRs) dysregulation have emerged as a crucial step in tumorigenesis, being related with cancer development, progression and response to treatment. In chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML), the resistance to tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKI) is responsible for treatment failure and could be linked to changes in miRs expression. This work aimed to correlate the expression levels of 3 miRs, miR-21, miR-26b and miR-451, with response to TKI treatment in CML patients. miR-451 levels at diagnosis were significantly higher in patients with optimal response after 6 and 12 months of therapy. Conversely, patients without optimal response had highest levels of miR-21. miR-21 and miR-451 appear to be good biomarkers of response, able to predict optimal TKI responders (p < 0.05). Using the combined profile of both miRs, we create a predictive model of optimal response after one year of treatment. This study highlights the role of miR-21 and miR-451 expression levels at diagnosis in predicting which patients achieve the optimal response.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio