136 research outputs found


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    The aim of this research is to increase of the welfare of most people in the research area of the object, ie in Masaran Subdistrict, Sragen, Central Java, by encouraging the batik industry in that area. So far, most people living in Masaran, Sragen, work in the batik industry as labor. This research were conducted in two Small-Scale Medium Businesses (SMBs) in that Subdistrict, ie Batik Morinda and Sadewa. Those batik those companies have advantages in the production process. Both of them use natural coloring material (not the chemical stuff). Therefore their products are more natural, environmental-friendly and have high interest in the international market. The research problems are: a) The source of raw materials are difficult to be Obtained (only available in some areas are far from Sragen roomates). b)Limited production capacity due to limited production tools. c) The ability of available human resources is the minimum. d) Traditional business management. e)Limited and less inovative batik designs. In overall, the pattern used in the implementation method of this activity includes: discussion, workshop/studio work, factory operating, training and mentoring (groups/ individuals). The steps in the implementation of science and technology are: team discussion with the SMEs regarding the development of batik designs roomates have high interest in the market and unavailable in the SME, designing machines (feeder) roomates are needed for production, managerial trainings (accounting, marketing, human resources) and techinal trainings in order to increase of the ability/skill of the workers. Besides, the Efforts to develop the usage of natural coloring materials are more encouraged by assisting the SMEs in providing access to the source of raw materials and lab testings. Then, those activities are Followed by mentoring so that all activities can be conducted effectively acctivities

    Estimasi Beban Pencemaran Point Source dan Limbah Domestik di Sungai Kalibaru Timur Provinsi DKI Jakarta, Indonesia

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    East Kalibaru River is one of the thirteen rivers flowing through Jakarta. East Kalibaru River has an important role in development of the region. Considering the increasing activities of people, settlements and number of industries along the East Kalibaru River, it is necessary to calculate contaminants load that discharged into the water body East Kalibaru. This study conducted to determine the point source and domestic waste pollution loads, using parameters of BOD, COD and TSS. The analysis showed that the total pollution loads such are calculated as 43.714 kg/day for BOD, 60.107 kg/day for COD and total 41.529 kg/day for TSS. Total pollution load discharged into river from point source effluent is amounted of 249 kg/day for BOD, 1.505 kg/day for COD and total 411 kg/day for TSS. Effect of domestic waste is very insignificant compared to the effect of point source that went into the river. The result suggest that approach that need to be done to reduce the burden of domestic waste water pollutants is by performing additional production or communal Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) in densely populated areas

    Evaluation of Management Strategy in Controlling Financial Performance PT. Vale Indonesia, Tbk

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    In 2016, when nickel prices were in a low position throughout history, PT Vale not only managed to achieve strong performance but also succeeded in laying a solid foundation for sustainable growth in the future. This study aims to evaluate management strategies in controlling financial performance that occurred at PT. Vale Indonesia, Tbk and to provide enlightenment and suggestions as an evaluation material for companies in taking more measurable, more effective and efficient strategic measures to be more sustainable and remain competitive. This research is based on qualitative approach. The theoretical framework is obtained through articles, literature and case studies relevant to the research. Empirical information is gained through experience experienced by the researcher, interaction, formal and non-formal communication, and observation. The results of this study indicate that the evaluation and testing of PT Vale strategy using SWOT analysis and TOWS matrix has been done correctly with the proven that internal factors in PT Vale have a very strong influence on the decisions and strategic steps taken by the company. In this study, evaluation of strategic decisions determined by firms is evaluated through QSPM analysis. The evaluation conducted at PT Vale proves that QSPM can be a very precise strategic planning tool

    Contamination of Cd and Pb on Milkfish Chanos Chanos Cultured in Seribu Islands, Jakarta

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    Seribu Islands located in the north of Jakarta Bay; it is potentially polluted by heavy metal such as Cd and Pb. The aims of this study is to prove contamination presumption, by analyzing and determine correlation Cd and Pb concentration in the sediment, in the water and on milkfish Chanos chanos cultured in this area. On this study, we collected water quality data (pH, temperature, dissolve oxygen and salinity) and heavy metals contamination (Cd and Pb) in the sediment, in the water and on milkfish. We compare collected data with quality standar and correlate heavy metal concentration between in the water and in the sediment; in the water and on milkfish organ; and, in the sediment and on milkfish organ. In general, water quality is sufficient enough to support the life of farmed milkfish. Cd and Pb contamination level in the water lied below the quality standard of Ministry of Environment decree No. 51/2004 in the last April and July. However, the contamination exceeds the standard in the last October. The contamination in sediment lied below RNO (1981), EPA (1999) and IACD/CEDA (1997). Gills, viscera and the meat of the milkfish are contaminated with Cd and Pb, yet, still lied below the quality standard of Ministry of Environment Decree No. 51/2004. The results showed that farmed milkfish in Thousand Islands are safe to eat. We also found that the correlation of Cd and Pb contamination between water and sediment is positive. The correlation of Cd is much higher than Pb. The correlation of Cd between water and viscera as well as between sediment and viscera are the most closely related than any other organ

    Analisis Mds (Multi Dimensional Scalling) Untuk Keberlanjutan Pengelolaan Air Lintas Wilayah Studi Kasus DKI Jakarta

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    Jakarta is the capital of Indonesia and as a big city with 9.588.198 people in 2010 (BPS, July, 2010). Jakarta needs clean water 524.953.840 for domestic and non domestic 212.606.350 m3 or the total 737.560.145,20 m3. PAM Jaya production capacity in 2009 is about 509.431.934 m3/year. PAM Jaya capacity is about 69,07% of the total needs DKI Jakarta. To fulfil the clean water, Jakarta needs water supply from the other provinces and 80% water supply for Jakarta is from Citarum (West Java) and Cisadane (Tangerang-Banten) and others. A research has been done within 13 months started from 2010 June to 2011 July. The research is aimed to identify the supply and demand of clean water and identify the exiting policy about fulfilment the clean water cross boundaries or district and to make the model of fulfilment the clean water cross boundaries with sustainable. The methodology analysis is Multi Dimensional Scalling (MDS) methodology to analysis sustainablity of fulfilment clean water of Jakarta. The goverment has a central role to fulfill the needs of clean water, fulfilment clean water needs to understand more about supply and demand of water. The problem is the flood has often occured. The sustainable of fulfilment clean water is economi dimensional (69,17) dimensional of law and institution (68,24), dimensional of infrastructur and tecnology (61,45), but dimensional of ecology is not sustainable with the score (48,75)

    Kematangan Gonad Beberapa Jenis Ikan Buntal (Tetraodon Lunaris, T. Fluviatilis, T. Reticularis) Di Perairan Ujung Pangkah, Jawa Timur [Gonad Maturity of Some Puffer Fishes (Tetraodon Lunaris, T. Fluviatilis, T. Reticularis) in Ujung Pangkah, East]

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    Pengamatan terhadap kematangan gonad beberapa jenis ikan buntal (Tetraodon lunaris, T. fluviatilis, T. reticularis) dilakukan sejak Maret 2000 sampai April 2001 di perairan Ujung Pangkah, Jawa Timur. Sampel ikan ditangkap per bulan dengan menggunakan gill net (mata jaring 2,5 dan 4,5 cm). Gonad diambil, diawet dengan formaldehide 40 % dan ditimbang beratnya (sampai ketelitian 0.1 g) di laboratorium. Pengamatan tingkat kematangan gonad dilakukan secara morfologis. Analisis dilakukan untuk menentukan nisbah kelamin (J/B) dan indeks somatik gonad (GSI). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui musim pemijahan dari beberapa jenis ikan tersebut. Hasil pengamatan didapatkan bahwa jenis Tetraodon reticularis memiliki nisbah kelamin sebesar 1,6:1, T. fluviatilis sebesar 1,2:1 dan T. reticularis sebesar 1,9:1. Tingkat kematangan gonad jenis T. lunaris dan T. reticularis umumnya tidak matang dan matang awal (TKG I dan II) dan tidak ditemukan dalam keadaan matang gonad (TKG III dan IV). T. fluviatilis ditemukan mulai pada tingkat kematangan gonad 1 sampai V dengan prosentase TKG IV terbanyak pada bulan April. Berdasarkan nilai indeks kematangan gonad (IKG) pada T. fluviatilis, didapatkan bahwa nilai tersebut bervariasi 0,01-3.87 (jantan) dan 0.18-2.43 (betina) dengan nilai terbesar pada bulan April. Pada T. lunaris, nilai IKG bervariasi 0,04-5.74 (jantan) dan 0,01-3,62 (betina) dengan nilai terbesar dijumpai pada bulan Mei. Sedangkan pada T. reticularis nilai IKG bervariasi 0,10-0,83 (jantan) dan 0,05-3,13 (betina). Berdasarkan TKG dan IKG tersebut, didapatkan bahwa puncak musim pemijahan diperkirakan terjadi pada bulan April untuk T. fluviatilis. Sedangkan untuk T. lunaris dan T. reticularis masih belum dapat ditentukan musim pemijahannya


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    Kawasan perlindungan laut berperan dalam melindungi dan mempertahankan keanekaragaman dan kelimpahan ikan-ikan target. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi komunitas dan karakteristik habitat dari ikan kerapu di zona inti kawasan lindung dan di kawasan non-lindung (zona pemukiman), Taman Nasional Laut Kepulauan Seribu; menganalisis faktor lingkungan yang mempengaruhi keanekaragaman dan kelimpahan kerapu; dan untuk menganalisis efektivitas penetapan daerah reservasi (zona inti) ditinjau dari perspektif perikanan kerapu. Data keanekaragaman dan kelimpahan kerapu dan karakteristik bentik diperoleh melalui observasi bawah laut dan membuat perangkap ikan. Data pada daerah lindung dibandingkan dengan data pada lokasi penangkapan ikan intensif. Karakteristik bentik di daerah lindung tidak berbeda nyata dengan daerah penangkapan intensif dan pengelompokan bentik tidak mencerminkan adanya status perlindungan, sehingga menunjukkan ketidakefektifan kawasan lindung dalam mempertahankan kondisi terumbu karang. Populasi kerapu di kawasan lindung memiliki kelimpahan dan keanekaragaman yang lebih tinggi (ikan berukuran besar) dibanding kawasan non-lindung. Kawasan lindung cukup efektif dalam menjaga populasi kerapu, namun belum optimal karena dari beberapa parameter yang diamati seperti CPUE, rata-rata panjang, dan distribusi frekuensi panjang belum menunjukkan adanya perbedaan antara kerapu di daerah lindung dan non-lindung. Kelimpahan kerapu berkorelasi yang erat dan signifikan dengan tekanan penangkapan, sedangkan keanekaragaman ikan dipengaruhi oleh persen penutupan karang hidup. Oleh sebab itu, disarankan untuk lebih mengefektifkan pengelolaan kawasan lindung yang ada serta mengkaji ekologi reproduksi dari spesies ikan kerapu sebagai pengelolaan berbasis ekologi perikanan kerapu di Kepulauan Seribu.Kata kunci: habitat bentik, kawasan lindung laut, keanekaragaman, kelimpahan, kerapu, manajeme


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    This research conducted due to lack of information about fish larvae in Ranau Lake, South Sumatera. This information is quite essential to explore because this can be used as a scientific basis for policy formation in this area. The objectives of this research are to analyze the correlation between fish larvae abundance to physicochemical parameters in Ranau Lake waters. Sampling was carried out at six stations (Muara Silabung, Dermaga, Way Maisin, Pemandian Air Panas, Lumbok, and Talang Teluk). Physico-chemical parameters measured directly in the field are temperature, pH, depth, brightness, CO2, O2, hardness, electrical conductivity, total alkalinity, and turbidity; while the chemical parameters measured in the laboratory are COD, NO2, NO3, NH3, and PO4. Larvae species identified through DNA sequence. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was used to measure the relationship between fish larvae abundance to the water parameters. Results show that generally there were forty-two fish larvae from nine species. The dominant species was Oreochromis niloticus. The results of the Principal Component Analysis show that the highest abundance of fish larvae was in water with the highest level of turbidity and dissolved oxygen, whereas the lowest abundance was in water with the highest level nitrate and depth.   Belum ada informasi tentang kelimpahan larva ikan diperairan Danau Ranau Sumatera Selatan melatarbelakangi penelitian ini. Informasi ini sangat penting untuk diketahui karena dapat dijadikan acuan dalam pengelolaan perikanan di wilayah ini. Penelitian bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan kelimpahan larva ikan dengan parameter fisika-kimia di perairan Danau Ranau. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan di enam stasiun (Muara Silabung, Dermaga, Way Maissin, Pemandian Air Panas, Lumbok dan Talang Teluk). Parameter fisika-kimia perairan yang diukur langsung di lapangan adalah suhu, pH, kedalaman, kecerahan, CO2, O2, kesadahan, daya hantar listrik, total alkalinitas, dan turbiditas; sedangkan parameter kimia yang diukur di laboratorim adalah COD, NO2, NO3, NH3, dan PO4. Spesies larva ikan diidentifikasi dengan sekuen DNA. Analisis Komponen Utama dilakukan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kelimpahan larva ikan dengan parameter fisika-kimia perairan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan secara keseluruhan ada 42 larva ikan yang berasal dari 9 spesies. Spesies yang paling dominan adalah Oreochromis niloticus. Hasil Analisis Komponen Utama menunjukkan bahwa kelimpahan larva ikan tertinggi (102,9 individu/100m3) berada pada stasiun pengamatan yang memiliki turbiditas dan oksigen terlarut tertinggi, sedangkan kelimpahan larva ikan terendah (10,83 individu/100m3) berada pada stasiun pengamatan yang memiliki kadar nitrat dan kedalaman tertinggi


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    Komoditi udang galah terutama yang jantan merupakan komoditi perikanan tawar yang mempunyai potensi besar untuk dikembangkan, karena memiliki kelebihan seperti laju pertumbuhannya yang relatif lebih cepat dibanding yang betina. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan udang galah jantan kelamin tunggal (monosek) yang maksimal dengan menggunakan hormon alami dari ekstrak teripang pasir sebagai alternatif teknologi yang ramah lingkungan melalui teknik sex reversa.l Penelitian dilakukan di Sub Unit Pembenihan Udang Galah (SUPUG) Pelabuhan Ratu, Balai Besar Pengembangan Budidaya Air Tawar (BBPBAT) Sukabumi dari bulan Juli 2007 sampai bulan Desember 2007. Penelitian terdiri dari dua tahap. Percobaan pertama yaitu perlakuan berupa pemberian ekstrak segar teripang yang baru diformulasikan pada media pemeliharaan larva udang galah dan percobaan kedua yaitu perlakuan berupa pemberian ekstrak tidak segar teripang pada media pemeliharaan larva udang galah yang telah diformulasikan dan disimpan selama 30 hari pada suhu 4oC. Perlakuan ekstrak teripang pada juvenil udang galah dengan metode perendaman (dipping), menggunakan 12 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan dengan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) Faktorial, 2faktor. Faktor yang pertama adalah dosis ekstrak teripang dengan empat taraf perlakuan yaitu 0, 10, 15, dan 25 mg/L dan faktor yang kedua adalah waktu perendaman dengan tiga taraf perlakuan yaitu 12, 24, dan 36 jam. Dilakukan juga dua perlakuan kontrolpositif yaitu MT konsentrasi 25 mg/L selama 24 jam dan AI (Imidazole,1,3-Diaza-2,4-Cyclopentadiene,) konsentrasi 30 mg/l selama 24 jam. Ekstrak segar maupun yang telah disimpan selama 30 hari dengan dosis 10 mg/L, 15 mg/L dan 25 mg/L, dapat menghasilkan populasi jantan lebih tinggi dari perlakuantanpa pemberian ekstrak teripang (kontrol) yaitu diatas 40%. Populasi jantan tertinggi terdapat pada perlakuan ekstrak teripang 25 mg/l dengan 36 jam perendaman. Ekstrak teripang yang telah disimpan selama 30 hari ternyata efektif dalam maskulinisasi juvenil udang galah yaitu 66,67%.Kata kunci: hormone alami, manipulasi, ekstrak, teripang, udang gala