22 research outputs found

    Genotypic and symbiotic diversity of Rhizobium populations associated with cultivated lentil and pea in sub-humid and semi-arid regions of Eastern Algeria

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    The genetic structure of rhizobia nodulating pea and lentil in Algeria, Northern Africa was determined. A total of 237 isolates were obtained from root nodules collected on lentil (Lens culinaris), proteaginous and forage pea (Pisum sativum) growing in two eco-climatic zones, sub-humid and semi-arid, in Eastern Algeria. They were characterised by PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) of the 16S-23S rRNA intergenic region (IGS), and the nodD-F symbiotic region. The combination of these haplotypes allowed the isolates to be clustered into 26 distinct genotypes, and all isolates were classified as Rhizobium leguminosarum. Symbiotic marker variation (nodD-F) was low but with the predominance of one nod haplotype (g), which had been recovered previously at a high frequency in Europe. Sequence analysis of the IGS further confirmed its high variability in the studied strains. An AMOVA analysis showed highly significant differentiation in the IGS haplotype distribution between populations from both eco-climatic zones. This differentiation was reflected by differences in dominant genotype frequencies. Conversely, no host plant effect was detected. The nodD gene sequence-based phylogeny suggested that symbiotic gene diversity in pea and lentil nodulating rhizobial populations in Algeria was low compared to that reported elsewhere in the world

    Hubungan antara Pola Pemberian ASI terhadap Perkembangan Motorik Kasar pada Bayi Usia 6-11 Bulan di Puskesmas Rappokalling Kota Makassar

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    ASI adalah makanan dan minuman yang dibutuhkan oleh bayi hingga ia berusia 6 bulan. ASI memiliki beberapa manfaat yaitu meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh, pertumbuhan dan perkembangan motorik kasar pada bayi, meningkatkan kecerdasan, daya pengelihatan, serta mengurangi risiko terkena penyakit. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara pola pemberian ASI terhadap perkembangan motorik kasar pada bayi usia 6-11 bulan di Puskesmas Rappokalling Kota Makassar Tahun 2019. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan desain survey analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh bayi yang berusia 6-11 bulan sebanyak 193 bayi di Puskesmas Rappokalling. Teknik pengambilan sampel yaitu accidental sampling dan diperoleh sebanyak 128 bayi di Puskesmas Rappokalling. Metode analisis data menggunakan uji bivariat dengan uji chi square. Hasil penelitian ini didapatkan ibu yang memberikan ASI eksklusif sebanyak 81 orang (63,3%). Dan ibu yang memberikan ASI non eksklusif sebanyak 47 orang (36,7%). Dari 128 anak didapatkan perkembangan motorik kasar pada anak usia 6-11 bulan yang normal sebanyak 112 anak (87,5%), dan yang abnormal sebanyak 16 anak (12,5%). Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah ada hubungan yang signifikan antara pola pemberian ASI terhadap perkembangan motorik kasar pada bayi usia 6-11 bulan di Puskesmas Rappokalling Kota Makassar

    Microbioterre : rĂ©fĂ©rencer des indicateurs de microbiologie des sols et les intĂ©grer dans l’analyse de terre de routine, pour amĂ©liorer la gestion des apports de matiĂšres organiques au champ

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    CASDAR 2017-2021National audienceThe agroecological transition of field crop systems involves optimizing practices that both i) store carbonin the soil over the long term and ii) increase the supply of nutrients to crops. However, there is still a lackof laboratory-based diagnostic tools to enable farmers to assess the soils’capacity to perform these twofunctions, with a view to improving them. The aim of Microbioterre was to reference the most scientificallyreliable and technically mature analytical indicators of soil microbiology linked to carbon and nitrogencycles (“bioindicators”). The ultimate goal was to be able to use them as routine management tools toadapt farming practices. The project assessed the way in which these bioindicators respond to differentorganic matter management practices in arable and mixed cropping-livestock, based on measurementscarried out in medium or long-term trials in diversified production systems and on literature reviews. Therelationships between these indicators and soil functions, on the one hand, and the agricultural practicesstudied, on the other, were also assessed. A practical guideline on these bioindicators and theirinterpretation for diagnosis is proposed to agricultural advisors and farmers as well as various trainingmodules.La transition agroĂ©cologique des systĂšmes en grandes cultures nĂ©cessite d’optimiser les pratiquespermettant Ă  la fois i) de stocker du carbone dans le sol sur le long terme et ii) d’augmenter la fourniturede nutriments aux cultures. Les outils de diagnostic en laboratoire manquent encore pour que lesagriculteurs puissent Ă©valuer la capacitĂ© du sol Ă  assurer ces deux fonctions afin de les optimiser.Microbioterre vise Ă  rĂ©fĂ©rencer des indicateurs analytiques de microbiologie des sols en lien avec lescycles du carbone et de l’azote (« bioindicateurs »), les plus matures scientifiquement et techniquement.L’objectif est de pouvoir les utiliser en routine comme des outils de pilotage de pratiques culturales. Leprojet a Ă©valuĂ© comment ces bioindicateurs rĂ©pondent Ă  diffĂ©rents modes de gestion des matiĂšresorganiques en grandes cultures et en polyculture-Ă©levage Ă  partir de mesures dans des essais demoyenne-longue durĂ©e dans des systĂšmes de production diversifiĂ©s, et d’analyses bibliographiques. Lesrelations entre ces indicateurs et, d’une part les fonctions des sols et, d’autre part les pratiques culturalesĂ©tudiĂ©es, ont aussi Ă©tĂ© explicitĂ©es. Un guide pratique sur ces bioindicateurs et leur interprĂ©tation pour lediagnostic est proposĂ© Ă  destination des conseillers agricoles et agriculteurs ainsi que diffĂ©rents modulesde formation

    Going with the flow: Landscape position drives differences in microbial biomass and activity in conventional, low input, and organic agricultural systems in the Midwestern U.S.

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    While there has been long-term interest in identifying agricultural practices which promote soil ecological services, there remains little consensus on how practices such as low-input and organic impact soil microbial communities and their functions. In order to improve understanding of the response of soil microbial communities to shifts in agricultural management programs, a two year field study was conducted on large-scale conventional, low-input and organic fields associate with the Kellogg Biological Station, Long Term Ecological Research site near Kalamazoo, MI. Because large commercial agricultural fields typically exhibit diverse topography, plots were established in all fields at unique landscape positions to explore interactions between management and topographical position. Over the course of two growing seasons, differences in microbial biomass, extracellular enzyme production and carbon and nitrogen mineralization were quantified at different topographical positions (summits, slopes, and depressions) in each of the three agricultural management systems. Alone, management practices had little to no impact on soil microbial traits, however, significant management by landscape position and management by time interactions were observed for extracellular enzymes. Acid phosphatase activity on hill slopes was 35–52% greater in low input systems than in conventional and organic management systems. Similarly, spring amino peptidase activity was roughly 100% higher in low input than in organic systems. Landscape position also had substantial effects on both microbial biomass and enzyme activities. Topographical depressions exhibited significantly higher activities of ÎČ-N-acetylglucosaminadase, ÎČ-glucosidase, phenol oxidase and greater microbial biomass than summits and slopes (26%, 30%, 36%, and 55%, respectively). Similarly, peroxidase activity was approximately 38% greater in depressions and on summits than on hill slopes. Differences in microbial traits among positions were also negatively correlated with soil bulk density and sand content and positively correlated with clay, silt, carbon, nitrogen and moisture content. Our study stresses the importance of accounting for topographical heterogeneity when assessing the impact of management practices on belowground ecological function. Further, while management practices alone had little effect on soil microbial biomass and function, our study demonstrates that low input management programs may be beneficial for retaining microbial resources and thus promoting microbial activity on erosion-prone hill slopes

    Detoxification mechanisms of honey bees (Apis mellifera) resulting in tolerance of dietary nicotine

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    Insecticides are thought to be among the major factors contributing to current declines in bee populations. However, detoxification mechanisms in healthy, unstressed honey bees are poorly characterised. Alkaloids are naturally encountered in pollen and nectar, and we used nicotine as a model compound to identify the mechanisms involved in detoxification processes in honey bees. Nicotine and neonicotinoids have similar modes of action in insects. Our metabolomic and proteomic analyses show active detoxification of nicotine in bees, associated with increased energetic investment and also antioxidant and heat shock responses. The increased energetic investment is significant in view of the interactions of pesticides with diseases such as Nosema spp which cause energetic stress and possible malnutrition. Understanding how healthy honey bees process dietary toxins under unstressed conditions will help clarify how pesticides, alone or in synergy with other stress factors, lead to declines in bee vitality.http://www.nature.com/srephb201