17 research outputs found

    Mexico. From simple and centralised to expansion, diversity and complexity

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    History and current panorama of the public communication of science (PCS) in Mexico

    Mediação em centros e museus de ciência no México: um estudo sobre os atores sociais que atuam com os visitantes

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    The museums educators who work at the intersection of the museum's apparatus, objects and exhibitions with the visiting public are professionals who have different attributions and professional profiles. In this study, we map who the museums educators of scientific and cultural spaces in Mexico are and their views on the role of mediation. Data collection took place through an online questionnaire, answered by 179 people from 18 scientific and cultural spaces in ten states of the Mexican Republic. Among the respondents, there is a greater number of women (126; 70.4%) and young people aged between 20 and 24 years (108; 60.3%), with a bachelor's degree (122; 68.2%) or with high school education complete (49; 27.3%). The majority (157; 87.7%) have been working in the area for less than two years, working hours of up to 20 hours a week and receiving financial aid scholarships. For the Mexican museum educators who participated in this study, their actions should not be limited to explaining concepts; most of them expressed that they considered it essential that a good professional associate the museum's contents with daily life (135; 75.4%) and ask questions that provoke reflection (121; 67.6%). Mediation seems to be seen as a temporary activity, with a short-term link with Mexican institutions. We believe that our study will provide valuable information about professionals who work in mediation in museums and science centers in Mexico, helping to strengthen initiatives for training and maintaining these social actors in the profession.Os mediadores que atuam em museus na interseção entre os aparatos, os objetos e as exposições do museu com o público visitante são profissionais que possuem atribuições e perfis profissionais diversos. Neste estudo, mapeamos quem são os mediadores de espaços científicos e culturais do México e suas visões sobre o papel da mediação. A coleta de dados ocorreu por meio de um questionário on-line, respondido por 179 pessoas provenientes de 18 espaços científicos e culturais que se distribuem por dez estados da República Mexicana. Entre os respondentes, há um número maior de mulheres (126; 70,4%) e jovens entre 20 e 24 anos (108; 60,3%), com formação em licenciatura (122; 68,2%) ou com ensino médio completo (49; 27,3%). A maioria (157; 87,7%) atua há menos de dois anos na área, cumprindo jornadas de trabalho de até 20 horas semanais e recebendo bolsas de auxílio financeiro. Para os mediadores mexicanos que participaram deste estudo, suas ações não devem se limitar a explicação de conceitos; a maioria deles expressou considerar imprescindível que um bom mediador associe os conteúdos do museu com a vida cotidiana (135; 75,4%) e faça perguntas que provoquem reflexão (121; 67,6%). A mediação parece ser vista como uma atividade temporária, com um vínculo de curto prazo com as instituições mexicanas. Acreditamos que nosso estudo trará informações valiosas sobre os profissionais que atuam na mediação nos museus e centros de ciência do México, ajudando a fortalecer iniciativas de formação e manutenção desses atores sociais na profissão.

    A graduate course for science communicators: a Mexican approach

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    Within the UNAM (The National Autonomous University of Mexico) there is an institution, the Dirección General de Divulgación de la Ciencia (DGDC) devoted to the popularization of science through different media such as museums, exhibitions, journals, books, radio and TV programs, internet, workshops for children, demos, shows, plays, summer courses and outreach programs. Most of these products and materials are planned, designed and manufactured by a multidisciplinary team of professionals in the DGDC. Some of our most outstanding projects are: the creation and operation of two science museums, UNIVERSUM (on the university campus), and the Museo de la Luz (Museum of Light) in the center of the city, many temporary and traveling exhibitions, museums in other parts of the country and abroad and a monthly publication for young readers called ¿Cómo ves

    Where are the science museums heading for: proposals and reflections

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    Tema del mesLa sociedad del conocimiento requiere de una ciudadanía informada con una cultura científica básica que le permita tomar decisiones y participar en asuntos relacionados con la ciencia y sus aplicaciones. Todo esto con el fin de mejorar su calidad de vida y avanzar hacia un desarrollo sustentable tomando en cuenta las culturas y necesidades locales. Los museos de ciencia poseen características y ventajas únicas para contribuir a esta tarea para convertirse en espacios protagónicos dentro de la comunidad a la cual pertenecen. En este artículo se comparten reflexiones y propuestas para desarrollar este potencial de los museos de ciencia. Se abordan temas como los museos como nodos de una red de instituciones educativas y culturales, su relación con el sistema educativo, los contenidos de los museos y las necesidades actuales, el balance entre el conocimiento global y local, el museo como un espacio incluyente al servicio de la comunidad para la educación continua, los museos y la sustentabilidad, la evaluación como instrumento de desarrollo de los museos, y la profesionalización y la investigación.The knowledge society requires informed citizens with a basic scientific culture that allows them to make decisions and participate in matters related to science and its applications in order to improve their quality of life and move towards sustainable development taking into account local cultures and needs. Science museums have unique features and benefits to contribute to this task and become protagonist spaces within the community to which they belong. In this article ideas and proposals to develop the potential of science museums are shared. Some of the topics covered are: museums as hubs of a network of cultural and educational institutions; their relationship with the educational system; contents of museums and current needs; the balance between global and local knowledge, museums as an inclusive space for its community for life-long learning; museums and sustainability; evaluation as a tool for development; professionalism and research

    Mediação em centros e museus de ciência no México: um estudo sobre os atores sociais que atuam com os visitantes

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    The museums educators who work at the intersection of the museum's apparatus, objects and exhibitions with the visiting public are professionals who have different attributions and professional profiles. In this study, we map who the museums educators of scientific and cultural spaces in Mexico are and their views on the role of mediation. Data collection took place through an online questionnaire, answered by 179 people from 18 scientific and cultural spaces in ten states of the Mexican Republic. Among the respondents, there is a greater number of women (126; 70.4%) and young people aged between 20 and 24 years (108; 60.3%), with a bachelor's degree (122; 68.2%) or with high school education complete (49; 27.3%). The majority (157; 87.7%) have been working in the area for less than two years, working hours of up to 20 hours a week and receiving financial aid scholarships. For the Mexican museum educators who participated in this study, their actions should not be limited to explaining concepts; most of them expressed that they considered it essential that a good professional associate the museum's contents with daily life (135; 75.4%) and ask questions that provoke reflection (121; 67.6%). Mediation seems to be seen as a temporary activity, with a short-term link with Mexican institutions. We believe that our study will provide valuable information about professionals who work in mediation in museums and science centers in Mexico, helping to strengthen initiatives for training and maintaining these social actors in the profession.Os mediadores que atuam em museus na interseção entre os aparatos, os objetos e as exposições do museu com o público visitante são profissionais que possuem atribuições e perfis profissionais diversos. Neste estudo, mapeamos quem são os mediadores de espaços científicos e culturais do México e suas visões sobre o papel da mediação. A coleta de dados ocorreu por meio de um questionário on-line, respondido por 179 pessoas provenientes de 18 espaços científicos e culturais que se distribuem por dez estados da República Mexicana. Entre os respondentes, há um número maior de mulheres (126; 70,4%) e jovens entre 20 e 24 anos (108; 60,3%), com formação em licenciatura (122; 68,2%) ou com ensino médio completo (49; 27,3%). A maioria (157; 87,7%) atua há menos de dois anos na área, cumprindo jornadas de trabalho de até 20 horas semanais e recebendo bolsas de auxílio financeiro. Para os mediadores mexicanos que participaram deste estudo, suas ações não devem se limitar a explicação de conceitos; a maioria deles expressou considerar imprescindível que um bom mediador associe os conteúdos do museu com a vida cotidiana (135; 75,4%) e faça perguntas que provoquem reflexão (121; 67,6%). A mediação parece ser vista como uma atividade temporária, com um vínculo de curto prazo com as instituições mexicanas. Acreditamos que nosso estudo trará informações valiosas sobre os profissionais que atuam na mediação nos museus e centros de ciência do México, ajudando a fortalecer iniciativas de formação e manutenção desses atores sociais na profissão.

    Bilingual sentiment consistency for statistical machine translation

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    In this paper, we explore bilingual sentiment knowledge for statistical machine translation (SMT). We propose to explicitly model the consistency of sentiment between the source and target side with a lexicon-based approach. The experiments show that the proposed model significantly improves Chinese-to-English NIST translation over a competitive baseline. \ua9 2014 Association for Computational Linguistics.Peer reviewed: YesNRC publication: Ye