758 research outputs found

    Communication through coherence in a realistic neuronal model

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    The Communication Through Coherence (CTC) theory establishes that neural communication is much effective if the underlying oscillatory activity of both populations are phase locked, that is, the input from the emitting population arrives at the peak of excitability of the receiving neural network. To study this setting, we consider a novel population rate model, which provides an exact description of the macroscopic activity of a network, and perturb it with a periodic function, modelling the input. We study analytical and numerically the emerging phase-locked states using tools from dynamical systems

    Induction Furnace Smelting of Montana Chromite

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    In 1939 the total world production of crude chromite was approximately 1,167,000 metric tons; of which the United States produced only 3,672 metric tons and imported over 317,500 metric tons. Imports came mostly from the Philippine Islands, Cuba, South Africa, and Rhodesia

    Multi-scale inventory balancing in an extended global supply chain

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    Thesis (M.B.A.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sloan School of Management; and, (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering; in conjunction with the Leaders for Manufacturing Program at MIT, 2006.Includes bibliographical references (p. 68-69).Dell is a well-known consumer electronics manufacturer that has experienced astounding rates of revenue growth since its inception in 1984. Regarded as a supply chain innovator, Dell has attained success through industry-revolutionizing ideas such as vendor-managed inventory, pull manufacturing, and direct sales. Today, continuance of revenue growth for Dell requires not only rapid innovation, but also rapid geographic and product expansion. Until a few years ago, Dell only had one facility in the United States. All of Dell's US-based systems and processes were constructed to optimize this single factory. Since 1999, Dell has added a number of new facilities in the US - factories and merge centers - for the sake of proximity to customers as well as additional capacity. Also, Dell recently began practicing more product leveling than in the past, producing multiple types of systems at the same factory. Finally, Dell's US supply base has migrated to Asia, as have those of most in the industry. This confluence of complexities has led to a significant increase in instances of material imbalances, whereby any given part has not been distributed to the various sites in accordance with their proportion of actual demand, often resulting in costly expedites from site to site or delayed shipments to customers.(cont.) Part of the solution to this problem is what Dell has termed "Dynamic Replenishment". As Dell's US supply has shifted from America-based to Asia-based over the past five years, the effective lead time for most ocean-shipped parts has increased from days to several weeks. As a result, the site-level forecast for routing of an ocean shipment is more frequently incorrect by the time it reaches the US, and material imbalances occur. In order to reduce these imbalances, Dynamic Replenishment processes aim to proactively re-route material (if needed, based on campus inventories and forecasts) upon arrival at the US port. This thesis will focus on the tools, information, processes, and organizational roles that are required to ensure proper routing of material at the latest possible juncture in Dell's ocean-network supply chain. Treatment will also be given to the idea that the material balancing problem is one of many that result from Dell's rapid supply chain growth, and some related issues will be examined from this broader perspective. (A note on scope: The content of this thesis is related only to Dell's US-based operations. All history, facts, and comments should be taken in this regard.)by Amy M. Reyner.S.M.M.B.A


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    Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah konsep Restorative Justice dapat melengkapi dalam penyelesaian penanganan anak yang berkonflik dengan hukum dan bagaimana penerapan Restorative Justice terhadap tindak pidana pencurian oleh anak di bawah umur. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatife, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa: 1. Konsep Restorative Justice dapat melengkapi penyelesaian anak yang berkonflik dengan hukum, karena Restorative Justice dapat memperjuangkan hak-hak anak di masa depan. 2. Penerapan Restorative Justice terhadap tindak pidana pencurian oleh anak di bawah umur mengikuti mekanisme pelaksanaan diversi yaitu pengalihan hukum dari proses pidana ke proses luar pidana. Penerapan Restorative Justice dikenal adanya proses mediasi, negosiasi antara pelaku tindak pidana, korban, keluarga pelaku dan korban, masyarakat dan penegak hukum. Lebih efektif dan efesiensi bagi tindak pidana, di mana melalui proses mediasi dan negosiasi disatukan mereka (pelaku, korban, keluarga korban dan pelaku), masyarakat yang terkena dampak langsung tindak pidana tersebut, dan melibatkan pihak yang netral untuk memediasi antara pelaku dan korban sehingga mendapatkan kesepakatan bersama, sanksi berdasarkan kesepakatan bersama terhadap pelaku tindak pidana pencurian yang dilakukan oleh anak di bawah umur dapat berupa mengembalikan barang atau kerja sosial sesuai dengan kesepakatan bersama sebagai kompensasi dari perbuatanya. Kata kunci: Restorative Justice, Pencurian, Anak Di Bawah Umu

    Radiative heat transfer at the nanoscale

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    Treballs Finals de Grau de FĂ­sica, Facultat de FĂ­sica, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2022, Tutor: Ivan LatellaMacroscopic objects at thermal equilibrium emit electromagnetic radiation which is in equilibrium with the objects. If two bodies have different temperatures, they can exchange heat without contact by means of the emitted thermal radiation. For separations large enough between the bodies, the power exchanged is described by the well-known Stefan-Boltzmann law and is bounded by the backbody limit. But, what happens when the gap between the two of them is reduced to much smaller distances? At the nanoscale, the blackbody limit law can be exceeded by several orders of magnitude due to the contribution of evanescent waves standing close to the surfaces of the bodies. In this TFG, we study this phenomenon at a theoretical level and numerically calculate the heat flux between to semi-infinite bodies considering concrete materials such as silicon carbide and gol


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana kriteria hewan yang dilindungi dan bagaimana pemidanaan terhadap pelaku perdagangan hewan langka menurut Hukum Pidana Positif. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif, disimpulkan: 1. Kriteria-kriteria hewan langka adalah hewan tersebut hanya ada di beberapa wilayah tertentu saja, bahkan hanya ada di satu daerah tertentu saja, juga karena hewan tersebut hampir punah, jumlahnya yang hanya tersisa sedikit di seluruh dunia karena diburu. 2. Pemidanaan terhadap pelaku perdagangan hewan langka diatur dalam UU No. 5 Tahun 1990 tentang Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam Hayatai dan Ekosistemnya dalam Pasal 40 ayat (1) dan ayat (2) untuk jenis perbuatan yang termasuk kategori kejahatan karena dilakukan dengan sengaja dan Pasal 40 ayat (3) dan ayat (4) untuk jenis perbuatan yang termasuk kategori pelanggaran.Kata kunci: Pemidanaan, Pelaku Perdagangan Hewan Langka, Hukum Pidana Positi

    Presupposition in Awkarin's Instagram Caption

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    Presupposition is an implicit assumption that accompanies certain utterances. Despite being implied, the assumption is still conveyed from the addresser to the addressee. Presupposition can be analyzed in conveying information, for example communication. It plays a huge role for good communication to each other. In this paper, the writer decides to analyze presuppositions found in Awkarin’s Instagram caption. The research objective of this research is the writer intents to classify and analyzed presupposition triggers found in Awkarin’s Instagram caption. The writer also wants to indicate the function of each presupposition founded in it. The theory of Presuppositions from Yule’s and Kartuneen’s in Levinson as supporting ones. The writer uses descriptive qualitative method to analyze data. The writer collects data by browsing Awkarin’s Instagram account, making a note what presupposition found in Awkarin’s Instagram account. Then, screen shooting it for data validation and the last making a table for categorizing. After collecting the data, the writer analyzes data by identifying, categorizing and analyzing types and function presupposition triggers. From the findings of analysis data, it can conclude that the result founds 48 utterances with 82 presuppositions. Presupposition triggers that found are Existential (consists of Noun Phrase and Possessive), Lexical (consists of factive, change of verb, counterfactual verb, conventional item and iterative) and Structural (consists of Wh-question and counterfactual conditional). Concerning the function, there are three functions of presupposition in the addresser’s utterance. They are supporting addresser’s position, leading the reader’s assumption, and raising the reader’s belief

    The Adoption of B2B e-Commerce Initiatives by The Indonesian Grocery Industry

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    Electronic Commerce is concerned with conducting business transactions electronically using information and communication technologies. In this globalization era, many organisations in various countries have rapidly adopted e-Commerce to enable efficient trading with other organisations located in various parts of the world. However, e-Commerce adoption is still unilaterally concentrated in developed countries which are attributable to some issues related to the relevance of e-Commerce for organisations in developing countries. Currently, there are limited detailed studies into the adoption of e-Commerce technologies in developing countries. Therefore, in this study, we conducted a multiple case study over an extended period of time, exploring the adoption of e-Commerce technologies that support business-to-business interactions within the supply chain of the grocery industry in Indonesia, as an example of a developing country. Valuable insights have been obtained regarding the adoption of e-Commerce technologies by the participating organisations in Indonesia to better manage their supply chain. This study offers important implications to both academics and practitioners in the field of technology adoption

    Usulan Strategi Pemasaran Toko Retail RC Motogarage - Penyedia Helm Sepeda Motor dan Peralatan Keselamatan Premium

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    Along with Indonesia\u27s economic growth and the need for practical and economical transportation vehicle, the number of two-wheeled motor vehicles or motorcycles users is increasing. This also resulted in an increasing demand for motorcycle safety gear given the importance factor of safety for motorcycle users. RC Motogarage, a retail store that sells motorcycle safety gear in Bandung, chooses to sell premium safety equipment products because the level of safety provided by the premium brand is relatively better than local brands. Being the current market leader, RC Motogarage sales decreased significantly due to the emergence of competitors. By using cluster analysis and factor analysis research methods, this research aims to produce the best solution to improve the marketing strategies of RC Motogarage
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