17 research outputs found

    Evidence-Based View of Safety and Effectiveness of Prokineticin Receptors Antagonists during Pregnancy

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    Endocrine gland derived vascular endothelial growth factor (EG-VEGF) is a canonical member of the prokineticin (PROKs) family. It acts via the two G-protein coupled receptors, namely PROKR1 and PROKR2. We have recently demonstrated that EG-VEGF is highly expressed in the human placenta; contributes to placental vascularization and growth and that its aberrant expression is associated with pregnancy pathologies including preeclampsia and fetal growth restriction. These findings strongly suggested that antagonization of its receptors may constitute a potential therapy for the pregnancy pathologies. Two specific antagonists of PROKR1 (PC7) and for PROKR2 (PKRA) were reported to reverse PROKs adverse effects in other systems. In the view of using these antagonists to treat pregnancy pathologies, a proof of concept study was designed to determine the biological significances of PC7 and PKRA in normal pregnancy outcome. PC7 and PKRA were tested independently or in combination in trophoblast cells and during early gestation in the gravid mouse. Both independent and combined treatments uncovered endogenous functions of EG-VEGF. The independent use of antagonists distinctively identified PROKR1 and PROKR2-mediated EG-VEGF signaling on trophoblast differentiation and invasion; thereby enhancing feto-placental growth and pregnancy outcome. Thus, our study provides evidence for the potential safe use of PC7 or PKRA to improve pregnancy outcome

    A reassessment of IgM memory subsets in humans

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    From paired blood and spleen samples from three adult donors, we performed high-throughput VH sequencing of human B cell subsets defined by IgD and CD27 expression: IgD+CD27+ (“marginal zone [MZ]”), IgD−CD27+ (“memory,” including IgM [“IgM-only”], IgG and IgA) and IgD−CD27− cells (“double-negative,” including IgM, IgG, and IgA). A total of 91,294 unique sequences clustered in 42,670 clones, revealing major clonal expansions in each of these subsets. Among these clones, we further analyzed those shared sequences from different subsets or tissues for VH gene mutation, H-CDR3-length, and VH/JH usage, comparing these different characteristics with all sequences from their subset of origin for which these parameters constitute a distinct signature. The IgM-only repertoire profile differed notably from that of MZ B cells by a higher mutation frequency and lower VH4 and higher JH6 gene usage. Strikingly, IgM sequences from clones shared between the MZ and the memory IgG/IgA compartments showed a mutation and repertoire profile of IgM-only and not of MZ B cells. Similarly, all IgM clonal relationships (among MZ, IgM-only, and double-negative compartments) involved sequences with the characteristics of IgM-only B cells. Finally, clonal relationships between tissues suggested distinct recirculation characteristics between MZ and switched B cells. The “IgM-only” subset (including cells with its repertoire signature but higher IgD or lower CD27 expression levels) thus appear as the only subset showing precursor–product relationships with CD27+ switched memory B cells, indicating that they represent germinal center–derived IgM memory B cells and that IgM memory and MZ B cells constitute two distinct entities

    Role of NLRP7 in Normal and Malignant Trophoblast Cells

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    International audienceGestational choriocarcinoma (CC) is an aggressive cancer that develops upon the occurrence of abnormal pregnancies such as Hydatidiform moles (HMs) or upon non-molar pregnancies. CC cells often metastasize in multiple organs and can cause maternal death. Recent studies have established an association between recurrent HMs and mutations in the Nlrp7 gene. NLRP7 is a member of a new family of proteins that contributes to innate immune processes. Depending on its level of expression, NLRP7 can function in an inflammasome-dependent or independent pathway. To date, the role of NLRP7 in normal and in malignant human placentation remains to be elucidated. We have recently demonstrated that NLRP7 is overexpressed in CC trophoblast cells and may contribute to their acquisition of immune tolerance via the regulation of key immune tolerance-associated factors, namely HLA family, βCG and PD-L1. We have also demonstrated that NLRP7 increases trophoblast proliferation and decreases their differentiation, both in normal and tumor conditions. Actual findings suggest that NLRP7 expression may ensure a strong tolerance of the trophoblast by the maternal immune system during normal pregnancy and may directly affect the behavior and aggressiveness of malignant trophoblast cells. The proposed review summarizes recent advances in the understanding of the significance of NLRP7 overexpression in CC and discusses its multifaceted roles, including its function in an inflammasome-dependent or independent pathways

    Evidence-Based View of Safety and Effectiveness of Prokineticin Receptors Antagonists during Pregnancy

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    International audienceEndocrine gland derived vascular endothelial growth factor (EG-VEGF) is a canonical member of the prokineticin (PROKs) family. It acts via the two G-protein coupled receptors, namely PROKR1 and PROKR2. We have recently demonstrated that EG-VEGF is highly expressed in the human placenta; contributes to placental vascularization and growth and that its aberrant expression is associated with pregnancy pathologies including preeclampsia and fetal growth restriction. These findings strongly suggested that antagonization of its receptors may constitute a potential therapy for the pregnancy pathologies. Two specific antagonists of PROKR1 (PC7) and for PROKR2 (PKRA) were reported to reverse PROKs adverse effects in other systems. In the view of using these antagonists to treat pregnancy pathologies, a proof of concept study was designed to determine the biological significances of PC7 and PKRA in normal pregnancy outcome. PC7 and PKRA were tested independently or in combination in trophoblast cells and during early gestation in the gravid mouse. Both independent and combined treatments uncovered endogenous functions of EG-VEGF. The independent use of antagonists distinctively identified PROKR1 and PROKR2-mediated EG-VEGF signaling on trophoblast differentiation and invasion; thereby enhancing feto-placental growth and pregnancy outcome. Thus, our study provides evidence for the potential safe use of PC7 or PKRA to improve pregnancy outcome

    NLRP7 Promotes Choriocarcinoma Growth and Progression through the Establishment of an Immunosuppressive Microenvironment

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    International audienceThe inflammatory gene NLRP7 is the major gene responsible for recurrent complete hydatidiform moles (CHM), an abnormal pregnancy that can develop into gestational choriocarcinoma (CC). However, the role of NLRP7 in the development and immune tolerance of CC has not been investigated. Three approaches were employed to define the role of NLRP7 in CC development: (i) a clinical study that analyzed human placenta and sera collected from women with normal pregnancies, CHM or CC; (ii) an in vitro study that investigated the impact of NLRP7 knockdown on tumor growth and organization; and (iii) an in vivo study that used two CC mouse models, including an orthotopic model. NLRP7 and circulating inflammatory cytokines were upregulated in tumor cells and in CHM and CC. In tumor cells, NLRP7 functions in an inflammasome-independent manner and promoted their proliferation and 3D organization. Gravid mice placentas injected with CC cells invalidated for NLRP7, exhibited higher maternal immune response, developed smaller tumors, and displayed less metastases. Our data characterized the critical role of NLRP7 in CC and provided evidence of its contribution to the development of an immunosuppressive maternal microenvironment that not only downregulates the maternal immune response but also fosters the growth and progression of CC