2,030 research outputs found
Experimental study of honeycomb SiCSi under highly concentrated solar flux: Evolution of its thermo-radiative properties
The material that is used in solar receivers is subjected to intense cyclic thermal stresses and extreme temperatures, which are directly dependent on the intermittence of the solar resource. These factors accelerate the ageing mechanisms and reduce the durability of the receivers because of a reduction of their thermal performance. This study presents guidelines to study the thermo-radiative properties of an absorber material that is subjected to a highly concentrated solar flux. The material was a square honeycomb SiCSi structure that is typically used in volumetric air receivers. Accelerated ageing tests were performed by means of crashing thermal treatments, in which the modulus and period of the incident flux and the boundary conditions of the material were varied. The reflectivity and absorptivity of the material were experimentally characterized before and after the thermal treatments. The measurements were performed using two different reflectometers, one monochromatic and one in the solar band; the latter can measure at ambient temperature or high temperature that is representative of the operational conditions (400-700 degrees C). However, only the solar band reflectometer working at high temperature was able to detect the evolution of the thermo-radiative properties of the material, which highlights the important role of the temperature and the wavelength. Furthermore, the thermal treatments in which the samples were water-cooled and in which the solar flux was medial more quickly accelerated the ageing mechanism of the material and reduced its absorptivity.The authors acknowledge the financial support of the research programme of the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, 2015, which made this study possible through a mobility grant. Moreover, this work was supported by the French "Investments for the future" programme, which is managed by the National Agency for Research under contract ANR-10-LABX-22-01 by Labex SOLSTICE and by the Spanish government under the project ENE2012-34255
Effect of sugarcane silage on productive parameters of replacement Holstein-Friesian heifers
ABSTRACTObjective. Measure the productive parameters of Holstein-Friesian females from weaning to 470 days old, comparing feeding through sugarcane silage (SCS) and corn silage (CS) in a concentrated fodder ratio of 70:30. Materials and methods. Twenty-eight post-weaning calves were used, with an average age of 80±16 days old and an initial weight of 79.5±12.9 kg. The T-Student test was used for the comparison of means, where calves were divided into two groups of 14, one for each treatment. The body weight BW (kg), wither height WH (cm), body condition BC (1 to 5 scale), daily weight gain DWG (kg) and feed conversion FC (kg) was measured every 30 days. Results. Differences were found between treatments, where heifers fed with SCS showed better BC (3.12), FC (7.4) as compared to the CS treatment. No significant differences were found in terms of DWG (0.666 and 0.743 kg/d). Conclusions. Feeding based on sugarcane silage allows for an improved body condition and feed conversion of animals having with this an acceptable and cost-effective production performance in the raising of dairy replacements
Deformation heterogeneity study of a 6061-T6 aluminum alloy processed by equal channel angular pressing
Among the severe plastic deformation techniques, the equal channel angular pressing
(ECAP) has drastically improved the mechanical properties of the processed alloys. However,
information regarding friction phenomenon, which modifies the deformation at the surface and the
heterogeneity microstrain state produced by the process itself, is still scarce. In the present work, the
deformation heterogeneity and the friction effect, at the surface in the bulk material of the 6061-T6
aluminum alloy processed by ECAP, is presented and discussed. The residual stress (RS)
measurements were performed by means of X-Ray diffraction. By means of synchrotron diffraction,
volumetric sections of the ECAPed samples were characterized. Finite element analysis showed a
good agreement with the experimentally obtained residual stress and microhardness mapping
results. The study also showed that the highest deformation zones were located at the outer parts of
the deformed samples (top and bottom), while the inner zone showed strain oscillations of up to
49±2 MPa.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft
Ciencia y tecnología en México
En la medida en que la actividad científico-tecnológica se ocupe de la solución de los grandes problemas de la sociedad, las posibilidades de crecimiento económico y desarrollo son mayores.
Como parte sustancial de las funciones de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México se encuentra la actividad científica. A ella se dedican cerca de 3 mil académicos, de los cuales dos terceras partes realizan investigación en el área de ciencias exactas y naturales y el resto en las ciencias sociales y las humanidades. Las áreas del conocimiento que se cultivan, cubren casi todos los campos de la ciencia y un número significativo de los científicos más renombrados del país son miembros de su personal académico.
En esta publicación se presentan cinco trabajos que abordan una temática amplia sobre algunos problemas seculares como la dependencia y la transferencia tecnológica, y concluye con una suerte de reflexión prospectiva de los impactos de las nuevas tecnologías en los países subdesarrollados
Polyoxometalates as alternative Mo precursors for methane dehydroaromatization on Mo/zsm-5 and Mo/mcm-22 catalysts
The conversion of methane into higher molecular weight hydrocarbons of greater added value has emerged as one of the grand challenges of the 21st century. The non-oxidative methane dehydroaromatization (hereafter MDA) reaction is a promising methane valorisation reaction since it transforms methane into added-value aromatics and olefins, namely benzene, naphthalene and ethylene. Molybdenum-promoted ZSM-5 zeolite has proven to be one of the most effective catalysts for MDA providing a shape-selective environment for the conversion of methane into benzene. However, one of the principle disadvantages of using aluminosilicates in the presence of methane is that the catalyst suffers from rapid deactivation induced by coke formation, which ultimately leads to a decrease in activity and aromatics selectivity, making the process unsuitable for large-scale industrial applications. Better control of the metal dispersion on the surface of the aluminosilicate supports represents a crucial factor to partially suppress catalyst coking and improve stability. Here we show how different molecular polyoxomolybdate (POM) anions can be used as alternative Mo precursors to conventional Mo salts for the preparation of catalysts for the MDA reaction. Molecular dynamics simulations and experimental testing were conducted to characterize the interphase interactions between polyoxomolybdates and zeolite surfaces at the atomistic level and to evaluate the MDA performance of different POM-based catalysts supported on ZSM-5 and MCM-22, respectively. The catalysts prepared using hexamolybdate anions, [Mo6O19]2-, were found to be more active and selective towards benzene than those employing the commercial heptamolybdate, [Mo7O24]6-. The Mo loading and dispersion of MoOx species were found to be the key factors leading to enhanced catalytic stability on ZSM-5 and MCM-22-based supports for MDA where the 5% Mo6/MCM-22 catalyst provided a constant aromatics yield above 7% for more than 18 hours time-on stream operating at 700 °C with a diluted methane flow under atmospheric pressure. The zeolitic catalysts prepared with the Mo6 precursor were found to be amongst the most promising MDA catalysts in the literature and the results of this study pave the way for the selection and use of different POMs as innovative metal precursors to formulate new catalysts and further improve the MDA reaction process
Raman-Mössbauer-XRD studies of selected samples from “Los Azulejos” outcrop: A possible analogue for assessing the alteration processes on Mars
The outcrop of “Los Azulejos” is visible at the interior of the Cañadas Caldera in Tenerife Island (Spain). It exhibits a great variety of alteration processes that could be considered as terrestrial analogue for several geological processes on Mars. This outcrop is particularly interesting due to the content of clays, zeolite, iron oxides, and sulfates corresponding to a hydrothermal alteration catalogued as “Azulejos” type alteration. A detailed analysis by portable and laboratory Raman systems as well as other different techniques such as X ray diffraction (XRD) and Mössbauer spectroscopy has been carried out (using twin-instruments from Martian lander missions: Mössbauer spectrometer MIMOS-II from the NASA-MER mission of 2001 and the XRD diffractometer from the NASA-MSL Curiosity mission of 2012). The mineral identification presents the following mineral species: magnetite, goethite, hematite, anatase, rutile, quartz, gregoryite, sulphate (thenardite and hexahydrite), diopside, feldspar, analcime, kaolinite and muscovite. Moreover, the in-situ Raman and Micro-Raman measurements have been performed in order to compare the capabilities of the portable system specially focused for the next ESA Exo-Mars mission. The mineral detection confirms the sub-aerial alteration on the surface and the hydrothermal processes by the volcanic fluid circulations in the fresh part. Therefore, the secondary more abundant mineralization acts as the color agent of the rocks. Thus, the zeolite-illite group is the responsible for the bluish coloration, as well as the feldspars and carbonates for the whitish and the iron oxide for the redish parts. The XRD system was capable to detect a minor proportion of pyroxene, which is not visible by Raman and Mössbauer spectroscopy due to the “Azulejos” alteration of the parent material on the outcrop. On the other hand, Mössbauer spectroscopy was capable of detecting different types of iron-oxides (Fe3+/2+-oxide phases). These analyses emphasize the strength of the different techniques and the working synergy of the three different techniques together for planetary space missions.The work was supported by the MICINN with the Project AYA-2008-04529.Peer reviewe
Detection of cannabinoid receptors CB1 and CB2 within basal ganglia output neurons in macaques: changes following experimental parkinsonism
Abstract Although type 1 cannabinoid receptors (CB1-
Rs) are expressed abundantly throughout the brain, the
presence of type 2 cannabinoid receptors (CB2Rs) in neurons
is still somewhat controversial. Taking advantage of
newly designed CB1R and CB2R mRNA riboprobes, we
demonstrate by PCR and in situ hybridization that transcripts
for both cannabinoid receptors are present within
labeled pallidothalamic-projecting neurons of control and
MPTP-treated macaques, whereas the expression is markedly
reduced in dyskinetic animals. Moreover, an in situ
proximity ligation assay was used to qualitatively assess
the presence of CB1Rs and CB2Rs, as well as CB1R–CB2R
heteromers within basal ganglia output neurons in all
animal groups (control, parkinsonian and dyskinetic
macaques). A marked reduction in the number of CB1Rs,
CB2Rs and CB1R–CB2R heteromers was found in dyskinetic
animals, mimicking the observed reduction in CB1R
and CB2R mRNA expression levels. The fact that chronic
levodopa treatment disrupted CB1R–CB2R heteromeric
complexes should be taken into consideration when
designing new drugs acting on cannabinoid receptor
Engineering and Directed Evolution of a Ca2+ Binding Site A-Deficient AprE Mutant Reveal an Essential Contribution of the Loop Leu75–Leu82 to Enzyme Activity
An aprE mutant from B. subtilis 168 lacking the connecting loop Leu75–Leu82 which is predicted to encode a Ca2+ binding site was constructed. Expression of the mutant gene (aprEΔLeu75–Leu82) produced B. subtilis colonies lacking protease activity. Intrinsic fluorescence analysis revealed spectral differences between wild-type AprE and AprEΔL75–L82. An AprEΔL75–L82 variant with reestablished enzyme activity was selected by directed evolution. The novel mutations Thr66Met/Gly102Asp located in positions which are predicted to be important for catalytic activity were identified in this variant. Although these mutations restored hydrolysis, they had no effect with respect to thermal inactivation of AprEΔL75–L82
G102D. These results support the proposal that in addition to function as a calcium binding site, the loop that connects β-sheet e3 with α-helix c plays a structural role on enzyme activity of AprE from B. subtilis 168
Differential gene expression profile between progressive and de novo muscle invasive bladder cancer and its prognostic implication
This study aimed to ascertain gene expression profle diferences between progressive muscle-invasive bladder cancer (MIBC) and de novo MIBC, and to identify prognostic biomarkers to improve patients' treatment. Retrospective multicenter study in which 212 MIBC patients who underwent radical cystectomy between 2000 and 2019 were included. Gene expression profles were determined in 26 samples using Illumina microarrays. The expression levels of 94 genes were studied by quantitative PCR in an independent set of 186 MIBC patients. In a median follow-up of 16 months, 46.7% patients developed tumor progression after cystectomy. In our series, progressive MIBC patients show a worse tumor progression (p= 0.024) and cancer-specifc survival (CSS) (p= 0.049) than the de novo group. A total of 480 genes were found to be diferently expressed between both groups. Diferential expression of 24 out of the 94 selected genes was found in an independent cohort. RBPMC2 and DSC3 were found as independent prognostic biomarkers of tumor progression and CALD1 and LCOR were identifed as prognostic biomarkers of CSS between both groups. In conclusion, progressive and de novo MIBC patients show diferent clinical outcome and gene expression profles. Gene expression patterns may contribute to predict high-risk of progression to distant metastasis or CSS
Enfriamiento al inicio de verano para mitigar el estrés por calor en vacas Holstein del noroeste de México
The objective of this study was to determine the physiological, endocrine and productive response in lactating dairy cows under several series of artificial cooling at the beginning of the summer (June to July, 2011). Fourteen multiparous Holstein cows were assigned in one of two treatments: Cooling (C) before milking (0700 and 1700 h) and additional cooling (AC) each 2 h (from 0700 to 1700h) in the holding pen of the milking parlor. Milk yield (MY), and serum levels of prolactin (PRL) and IGF1 were measured. Rectal temperature and respiratory rate were registered and included as physiological markers of heat stress. Ambient temperature and relative humidity were also collected and used to calculate temperature-humidity index (THI). Both markers of heat stress showed a significant interaction (P<0.001) between treatment and time/week, which were lower in AC treatment (-3.8 breaths per minute and -0.2 °C) during wk 6 and 7. Serum levels of PRL were higher under additional cooling (AC: 35.1 vs C: 29.4 ng/ml; P=0.004), while IGF1 serum levels showed variation only through the sampling weeks (P=0.014). The MY increased (P<0.05) in AC only during wk 6 (+3.1 kg/d) and 7 (+3.1 kg/d). It was concluded that additional cooling at the beginning of the summer reduced heat stress in dairy cows allowing a better productive performance at the end of the study because such effect relied on the variable time/week.El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la respuesta fisiológica, endócrina y productiva en vacas lactantes sometidas a varias series de enfriamiento artificial al inicio de verano (junio a julio de 2011). Se asignaron 14 vacas Holstein multíparas a uno de dos tratamientos: enfriamiento (E) antes de la ordeña (0700 y 1700 h) y enfriamiento adicional (EA) cada 2 h de 0700 a 1700 h en el corral de espera a la ordeña. Se midió la producción de leche (PL), niveles de prolactina (PRL) e IGF1, mientras que la temperatura rectal y frecuencia respiratoria fueron registradas y consideradas como indicadores fisiológicos de estrés por calor. La temperatura ambiental y humedad relativa también fueron registradas y utilizadas para calcular el índice de temperatura-humedad (ITH). Los indicadores de estrés calórico mostraron una interacción significativa (P<0.001) entre tratamiento y tiempo/semana, los cuales fueron menores con EA (-3.8 respiraciones por minuto y -0.2 °C) sólo durante las semanas 6 y 7. Los niveles séricos de PRL fueron mayores bajo enfriamiento adicional (EA: 35.1 vs E: 29.4 ng/ml; P=0.004), mientras que los de IGF1 solo variaron a través de las semanas de muestreo (P=0.014). La PL se incrementó (P<0.05) en EA durante las semanas 6 (+3.1kg/día) y 7 (+3.1 kg/día). Se concluye que la mayor frecuencia de baños mitigó la condición de estrés calórico al inicio de verano, permitiéndole a la vaca expresar un mejor desempeño productivo al final del estudio, ya que dicho efecto dependió de la variable tiempo/semana
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