4,779 research outputs found

    Selection of bioantagonistic bacteria to be used in biological control of Rhizoctonia solani in tomato

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    http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0716-97602011000100002&lng=es&nrm=isoBacteria from the rhizoplane and surrounding soil of healthy and Rhizoctonia solani diseased tomato plants, cropped in greenhouse of the V Region of Chile, were collected. The best bacterial strains, based on their ability to control development of three R. solani isolates (identified as belonging to the anastomosis groups AG-2-1, AG-4), were identified as B. subtilis (one isolate) and B. lentimorbus (two different isolates). All bacterial isolates resulted effective for the in vitro control of growth of all R. solani isolates, where the control mechanisms used by the bacteria do not involve the secretion of fungal cell wall hydrolytic enzymes. R. solani AG-2-1 was more sensitive than R. solani AG-4. On the other hand, all bacteria grew well in conditions similar to those that can be found at the field level (considering pH, salinity, Fe3+ and temperature) and showed a good capacity of tomato root colonization. These results suggest that the B. subtilis and B. lentimorbus isolates studied have an excellent potential to be used as biocontrol agents of R. solani in tomato greenhouses at the field level

    Media coverage of climate change mitigation in the spanish press

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    This article analyzes how the Spanish press covers the mitigation of climate change. We have used the search engine MyNews to study in El País and El Mundo, the newspapers with the largest circulation in Spain during the years 2016 and 2017, the news that includes the words "mitigacion" o "reducción de emisiones", y "cambio climatico” o “calentamiento global" in the most circulation newspapers in Spain in 2016 and 2017: El País and El Mundo. To explain how mitigation is covered by the Spanish press, we have used a series of categories and variables. As a result, we find an important difference between the urgency expressed by the scientific community and the reduced presence of this topic in the Spanish press

    Crime, Street Vendors and the Historical Downtown in Post-Giuliani Mexico City

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    This article endeavors to go deeply into the recent transformations that have taken place in the regulation of street-level economic and business activities in Mexico City. It draws upon data collected during the course of a three-year research project carried out from 2007 to 2009, a specific timeframe when the urban authority deployed different legal and repressive strategies in order to 'clean-up' the streets of the city's downtown areas, in keeping with the Giuliani Group's advice. This paper intends to clarify two different dynamics: (a) how the urban authorities went about applying Giuliani's advice to clean up the streets, and (b) the consequences these initiatives may have on the historical downtown core. My principal task is to offer a tentative insight into whether the incorporation of Giuliani's repressive approach to urban planning has affected a specific urban space where, for decades, street-level economic, business and trade activities have been intimately interrelated with the creation of a city's street culture. Research findings suggest that in those countries where street economic activities constitute a die-hard method of eking out one's sustenance, the relation between order and crime may be more porous and indeterminate than is recognized and acknowledged by the majority of sociolegal studies that have, over the course of time, developed around this topic

    Validation of a performance model on entrepreneurship based on self-efficacy, personal goal orientation and environment goal orientation using Structural Equation Modeling

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    Master's thesis in International hotel and tourism managementThree are the main contributions that I pretend to provide through this research. First, I will combine four theoretical constructs that, to my knowledge, have not been worked through this way before. I mean that this research is attempting to validate and estimate the existing relationships between Self-efficacy, Perceived Personal Goal Orientation, Perceived Environment Goal Orientation and Perceived Personal Performance. There is much evidence in the literature that has explored the connections between self-efficacy and the goal theory as I will show later. Those works used to focus on explaining how setting goals improves performance in a varied set of fields. Goals are “what an individual is trying to accomplish; it is the object or aim of an action“ (E. Locke, Saari, L., Shaw, K., and Latham, G., 1981). There is some agreement that setting goals increase performance in two ways: first, there is a direct relation between setting goals and performance, and, second, goals and performance relationship is mediated by self-efficacy: greater performance increase self-perceptions of competence, as a consequence, individuals would set even higher goals (Edwin A. Locke & Latham, 1990). However, for this project, my focus is on the analysis of goal orientation. For the sake of a better understanding of this project, I have to explain -before going deeper- what is the difference between “setting goals” and “goal orientation”. The former refers to the individual’s actions oriented to establish –formally or informally- future goals related to upcoming events. For example, when a university student is getting ready for final exams might set (as a goals) to obtain A or B grades only. The “goal orientation”, which is the central concept involved in this project, refers to something a bit different: if individuals perceive themselves or their environment as performance oriented (PGO): focus on comparisons to others (i.e., I want the best grade of my class) - or as task oriented (TGO): focus on comparisons to one’s self (i.e., I want to improve my last score in this class). [...

    Projected reduction in healthcare costs in Belgium after optimization of iodine intake : impact on costs related to thyroid nodular disease

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    Background: Several surveys in the last 50 years have repeatedly indicated that Belgium is affected by mild iodine deficiency. Within the framework of the national food and health plan in Belgium, a selective, progressive, and monitored strategy was proposed in 2009 to optimize iodine intake. The objective of the present study was to perform a health economic evaluation of the consequences of inadequate iodine intake in Belgium, focusing on undisputed and measurable health outcomes such as thyroid nodular disease and its associated morbidity (hyperthyroidism). Methods: For the estimation of direct, indirect, medical, and nonmedical costs related to thyroid nodular diseases in Belgium, data from the Federal Public Service of Public Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment, the National Institute for Disease and Disability Insurance (RIZIV/INAMI), the Information Network about the prescription of reimbursable medicines (FARMANET), Intercontinental Marketing Services, and expert opinions were used. These costs translate into savings after implementation of the iodization program and are defined as costs due to thyroid nodular disease throughout the article. Costs related to the iodization program are referred to as program costs. Only figures dating from before the start of the intervention were exploited. Only adult and elderly people (>= 18 years) were taken into account in this study because thyroid nodular diseases predominantly affect this age group. Results: The yearly costs due to thyroid nodular diseases caused by mild iodine deficiency in the Belgian adult population are similar to(sic)38 million. It is expected that the iodization program will result in additional costs of similar to(sic)54,000 per year and decrease the prevalence of thyroid nodular diseases by 38% after a 4-5-year period. The net savings after establishment of the program are therefore estimated to be at least (sic)14 million a year. Conclusions: Optimization of iodine intake in Belgium should be quite cost effective, if only considering its impact on nodular thyroid disease. There are likely added benefits relating to more optimal thyroid hormone influenced brain development that are more difficult to estimate but may be even more important

    A Replisome’s journey through the bacterial chromosome

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    Genome duplication requires the coordinated activity of a multi-component machine, the replisome. In contrast to the background of metabolic diversity across the bacterial domain, the composition and architecture of the bacterial replisome seems to have suffered few changes during evolution. This immutability underlines the replisome’s efficiency in copying the genome. It also highlights the success of various strategies inherent to the replisome for responding to stress and avoiding problems during critical stages of DNA synthesis. Here we summarise current understanding of bacterial replisome architecture and highlight the known variations in different bacterial taxa. We then look at the mechanisms in place to ensure that the bacterial replisome is assembled appropriately on DNA, kept together during elongation, and disassembled upon termination. We put forward the idea that the architecture of the replisome may be more flexible that previously thought and speculate on elements of the replisome that maintain its stability to ensure a safe journey from origin to terminus

    The communication of adaptation to Climate Change in spanish press

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    This article is a translation, with some modifications, of the research "Adaptation to climate change in the Spanish press", from the LIFE-Shara program. This is a media analysis of the adaptation to climate change in Spain in the newspapers El País, El Mundo, La Vanguardia, and Expansión. The methodology followed is the application of a content analysis to each article that contains the terms "adaptation", and "climate change" and/or47 "global warming", through a series of variables with categories. The My News search engine analyzes the articles between January 1, 2012 and December 31, 2016. The results show a description of how adaptation is being socially constructed in Spanish media.El presente artículo es una traducción parcial, con algunas modificaciones, del trabajo “La adaptación al cambio climático en prensa española”, del programa LIFE-Shara. Se trata de un análisis mediático de la adaptación al cambio climático en España en los diarios El País, El Mundo, La Vanguardia y Expansión. La metodología seguida es la aplicación de un análisis de contenido a cada pieza periodística que contiene los términos “adaptación”, y “cambio climático” y/o “calentamiento global”, mediante una serie de variables con categorías. A través del buscador My News se analizan los relatos entre el 1 de enero de 2012 y el 31 de diciembre de 2016. Los resultados muestran una descripción sobre cómo se está construyendo socialmente la adaptación en medios de comunicación españoles

    Trump, eventos extremos y cumbres Internacionales en la cobertura mediática del cambio climático

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    La influencia de la agenda internacional en la cobertura mediática nacional sobre el cambio climático en España es notoria. El presente artículo trata de clarificar elementos que pueden tener peso en este influjo. Las unidades de análisis son las piezas periodísticas que contienen los términos “cambio climático” y/o “calentamiento global” en un periodo de seis meses, que van desde junio a noviembre de 2017. El diario analizado es, principalmente, El Mundo (El País, La Vanguardia y Expansión en algún epígrafe) a través del buscador My News. Se estudia qué protagonismo tienen: Trump, tanto cuantitativa como cualitativamente; eventos extremos, tales como las olas de calor y la sequía en España, y el huracán Irma en el Caribe; y cumbres internacionales, tales como las Cumbres de Marrakech y Bonn, y la Cumbre del G20. También se investiga a qué espacio se refiere la información: si es local-comarcal, provincial, regional, nacional, europeo-continental, internacional-extranjero o genérico-difícil de contextualizar. Como resultado, se observa: un peso cuantitativo contundente del presidente estadounidense en meses determinados, y una imagen negativa por su postura en torno al cambio climático; una escueta, aunque creciente, vinculación entre los eventos extremos con el cambio climático; y la prevalencia de los relatos referidos al ámbito geográfico interior de España.The influence of the international agenda on national media coverage of climate change in Spain is notorious. The present article tries to clarify elements that can have weight in this influence. The units of analysis are the journalistic pieces that contain the terms “climate change” and/or “global warming” in a period of six months, which go from June to November 2017. The newspaper analyzed is, mainly, El Mundo (El País, La Vanguardia and Expansion in some epigraph) through the My News search engine. It is studied what role they have: Trump, both quantitatively and qualitatively; extreme events, such as heat waves and drought in Spain, and Hurricane Irma in the Caribbean; and international summits, such as the Summits of Marrakech and Bonn, and the G20 Summit. We also investigate to what space the information refers: whether it is local-regional, provincial, regional, national, continental-European, international- foreign or generic-difficult to contextualize. As a result, it is observed: a strong quantitative weight of the US president in certain months, and a negative image due to his position on climate change; a brief, although growing, link between extreme events and climate change; and the prevalence of the articles referred to the interior geographical area of Spai

    España mantuvo estable su cobertura en prensa en 2018, a pesar de una mayor percepción científica del riesgo

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    El presente artículo persigue una propuesta divulgadora y no científica. Se articula mostrando cómo ha evolucionado la cobertura mediática en prensa de los términos “cambio climático” or “calentamiento global” en España y en diversas regiones del mundo. A partir de los datos de MeCCO (Media Climate Change Observatory) publicados por la Universidad de Colorado, se efectúan diferentes comparaciones. Como resultado se observa que España mantuvo su cobertura estable con respecto al año anterior a pesar de una mayor percepción del riesgo científico.This article pursues a divulgation proposal and non-scientific. It shows how media coverage in the press has evolved from the terms "climate change" or "global warming" in Spain and in various regions of the world. From the data of MeCCO (Media Climate Change Observatory) published by the University of Colorado, different comparisons are made. As a result, it is observed that Spain maintained its stable coverage with respect to the previous year despite a greater perception of scientific risk

    La comunicación de la mitigación y de la reducción de emisiones

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    La mitigación es, junto a la adaptación, una respuesta consensuada frente al cambio climático. Se trata de la intervención humana encaminada a reducir las fuentes o potenciar los sumideros de gases de efecto invernadero. El presente artículo trata de identificar qué términos son idóneos para la investigación de la mitigación. Se analiza la presencia de “mitigation”, “reduction” y “limitation” en Informes del IPCC (Panel Intergubernamental de Cambio Climático). Posteriormente se investiga la presencia de “mitigación” y “reducción de emisiones” en prensa a través de un análisis de contenido cuantitativo. Como conclusión se observa un mayor volumen de los términos “reducción de emisiones” que de “mitigación” en prensa española. Por tanto, se considera interesante tener presente los relatos periodísticos donde aparezcan la “reducción de emisiones” en las investigaciones mediáticas sobre la mitigación para el enriquecimiento de los análisis.Mitigation is, together with adaptation, a consensual response to climate change. It is about human intervention aimed at reducing the sources or enhancing the greenhouse gas sinks. This article tries to identify which terms are suitable for mitigation research. The presence of “mitigation”, “reduction” and “limitation” in Reports of the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) is analyzed. Subsequently, the presence of “mitigación” and “reducción de emisiones” in the press is investigated through a quantitative content analysis. In conclusion, a greater volume of the terms “reducción de emisiones” is observed than “mitigación” in the Spanish press. Therefore, it is considered interesting to assess the journalistic articles where the “reducción de emisiones” appears in media research on mitigation for the enrichment of the analyzes