489 research outputs found

    Parental Financial Conditions as A Source of Stress on First-Generation TJC Honors Students

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    INTRODUCTION Parental support is a key factor in a child\u27s development. Motivation coming from a parent is a substantial help on the realization of tasks. The involvement of parents on children\u27s education is directly proportional to the level of achievement and success of the students. In low income families, parental support can be translated to pressure, the anxiety of seeing their children to pursue a career and achieve success is not a desire but it is a necessity. Regularly, the students’ parents will use their own lack of financial stability as an example to motivate their children to be better. However, many of them will not take in consideration how this motivation can be transformed into pressure that will cause students to have an increase on their stress levels, which can threat their academic performance. The purpose of this project is to analyze the impact of parental financial conditions on the variation of stress levels on TJC Honors students

    Experiences of Soviet Women Combatants During World War II

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    World War II was arguably the most heroic event in the history of the Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), so much that it was known as the “Great Patriotic War.” Tens of millions of Russians were killed during the large scale conflict against their “fascist foes.” Still, the large population of the USSR were moved to action primarily by mass propaganda distributed by the Communist Party leaders. Women played a large role during the war, not just in the factories on the home front or as partisans, but as combat nurses and snipers as well. Since the losses were heavy on the Soviet side, the Party urged women to take up arms and fight on the front lines. When the war ended in a Red Army victory, the Party did everything in its power to stifle the voices of the women who had served by fueling rumors that women veterans had joined the army merely to find husbands and by emphasizing the importance of domestic women and motherhood over any military achievements

    Understanding Undergraduate Students’ eHealth Use and Views of the Patient-Provider Relationship

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    eHealth, defined by WHO as “the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) for health�, is an innovative tool which broadens accessibility of health information and communication between patients and physicians. It can be utilized as an at home method of learning medical information which is cost-effective and can be tailored to an individual’s needs. Within the past few decades, eHealth has grown exponentially in usage alongside technology and has become more prevalent for individuals who are proactive in their health, but little is documented about how undergraduates use eHealth or view the patient-provider relationship. College students frequently use technology and have been assumed from previous studies to utilize eHealth due to convenience and comfort using technology. Little is known about the specific patient-provider relationship model for undergraduates, but a guardian or paternalistic relationship, in which medical decisions are dictated solely by the physician, has been identified as the traditional model with general populations. This research used surveys and interviews to evaluate how undergraduates view eHealth and the patient-provider relationship. Using data from 527 students enrolled in introductory biology lab courses, it was found that students are familiar with eHealth but prioritize medical information from their provider as their preferred medical source followed by information from family members. Most students indicated that they want their physician to act more as a counselor or advisor than a guardian. Racial and ethnic disparities were found in how comfortable students were with their medical provider, as well as how frequently the students experienced barriers in sharing health information with their provider. Whether the gender identity of the student matched that of their provider also significantly impacted the student’s level of comfort with their provider. This research highlights how physicians and family have a greater influence on undergraduates’ health decisions than information discovered through eHealth sources and demonstrates that undergraduates may view the patient-provider relationship differently than the traditional guardian or paternalistic model. In addition, it raises questions about how to reduce racial and ethnic disparities in the patient-physician relationship so that more undergraduates will be comfortable seeking medical advice from a physician, when needed

    Captura de carbono con lechuga (Lactuca sativa L.) fertilizada con Biol en condiciones ambientales de un biohuerto, Lima, 2015

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    El presente estudio determina la captura de carbono con lechuga (Lactuca sativa L.) fertilizada con biol en condiciones ambientales de un biohuerto en Lima, 2015, se estableció como objetivo principal determinar la cantidad de carbono capturado con la lechuga (Lactuca sativa L.) fertilizada con Biol. Como respaldo teórico se consignaron conceptos y teorías relacionados con la elaboración de biohuertos, producción de hortalizas, abonos orgánicos y sumideros de carbono. El tipo de estudio corresponde al aplicativo de diseño experimental transeccional, la población de estudio estuvo conformada por el análisis de 96 muestras de lechugas, siendo la mitad de estas cosechada de manera tradicional. El proceso de cuantificación de datos se realizó a través de análisis de laboratorio, los cuales obtuvieron como resultado promedio de carbono capturado 41.89% en la fertilización con Biol y 38.10% en el testigo. La discusión de los resultados obtenidos fue cotejada con los antecedentes, teorías y conceptos desarrollados en el trabajo. Finalmente se propusieron conclusiones y recomendaciones acordes a los datos, y como resultados alcanzados se demostró el incremento significativo de carbono almacenado mediante fertilización con Biol

    La violencia en Querétaro, una mirada a vuelo de pájaro

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    Violence is, unfortunately, a constant in history and as such, possible to be recorded. Others before me have already started that path, showing that, despite the supposed advances of civilization, barbarism persists in various ways, one of them through daily violence. In this work, we account for the multiple forms of violence that is experienced, on a daily basis, in Querétaro (Mexico), as well as the mechanisms through which this violence is reproduced, in a normalized way, although not so invisible. It is proposed that the increase in violence, and especially against women, is in part the result of a cultural construction of relationships between men and women, in its multiple dimensions, that runs through Mexican culture.La violencia es, desafortunadamente, una constante en la historia y como tal, posible de ser historiada. Ya otros antes de mí han iniciado ese camino, evidenciando que, pese a los supuestos avances de la civilización, la barbarie persiste de diversas maneras, una de ellas, a través de la violencia cotidiana. En este trabajo, damos cuenta de las múltiples formas de la violencia que se vive, de manera cotidiana, en Querétaro (México), así como los mecanismos a través de los cuales esa violencia es reproducida, de forma normalizada aunque no tan invisibilizada. Se propone que el incremento de las violencias, y sobre todo contra las mujeres, es en parte el resultado de una construcción cultural de las relaciones entre varones y mujeres, en sus múltiples dimensiones, que atraviesa la cultura mexicana

    Coral Gardening: Issues and Challenges

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    Coral gardening is the process of restoring cover of a damaged reef by affixing live coral fragments. This method of reef rehabilitation has been gaining popularity in the Philippines, and while it has its applications, it should be the last option for bringing a reef back to a healthy state. Proper management of reef resources through marine protected areas, removal of stressors, and easing of fishing pressure provides a broader and more holistic approach while allowing the reef to recover by itself. If coral gardening is the only viable option available for rehabilitating a certain reef, careful consideration must be put into site selection, coral species to be utilized, and the management of transplantation sites. All national and local government permits required for operating a coral gardening initiative should also be obtained, and a monitoring plan formulated to assess its effectivity in the long run

    The Impact of an Event-Triggered Video Intervention on Rural Teenage Driving

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    This study examines the ability of an event-triggered video system to extend parental involvement into the independent driving phase of newly licensed teen drivers. The system provides both immediate feedback and a 20-second video clip, giving the teen driver and their parent the opportunity to review and learn from their mistakes as well as good responses. The event-triggered video system was placed in the vehicles of 25 teen drivers (ages 16-17) for 57 weeks. The first nine weeks established a within-subject baseline; no parental or system feedback was given during this time. During the next 40 weeks, feedback was provided to the teen driver in the form of a blinking LED on the camera and a weekly report card mailed to the parents. The report showed the driver’s weekly and cumulative performance regarding unsafe behaviors and seatbelt use relative to the other participants. The last eight weeks was a second baseline period. Results revealed two distinct groups: one that triggered few events and one that triggered many events. Combining this emerging technology with parental weekly review of safety-relevant incidents resulted in a significant and lasting decrease in events for most of the teens that triggered many events

    Medical Simulations for Exploration Medicine

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    Medical simulation is a useful tool that can be used to train personnel, develop medical processes, and assist cross-disciplinary communication. Medical simulations have been used in the past at NASA for these purposes, however they are usually created ad hoc. A stepwise approach to scenario development has not previously been used. The NASA Exploration Medical Capability (ExMC) created a medical scenario development tool to test medical procedures, technologies, concepts of operation and for use in systems engineering (SE) processes

    Grado de aplicación de los sistemas de gestión que utilizan las normas ISO y OHSS en las PYMEs de la industria manufacturera del Distrito Metropolitano de Quito. Caso: proyecto de investigación K13110, subsector C13 fabricación de productos textiles

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    La administración en base a la calidad total puede ser definida por los beneficios que el cliente reconoce sobre los bienes y servicios que consume, creando una conciencia de mejora mediante metas que solucionen problemas con la implementación de proyectos que mantengan sistemas operacionales que midan los logros y superaciones alcanzados. La calidad busca el perfeccionamiento, el manejo de desperdicios, permanencia, cobertura de stock, entrega eficiente y cumplimiento de requerimientos del cliente; por lo que TQM busca el mejoramiento de las formas para satisfacer al cliente mediante la generación de valor en los procesos optimizando el uso de los recursos que se vean reflejados en los costos. La norma ISO 9001 es un requisito que asegura la calidad en el manejo de estándares mediante el desarrollo de procesos para la generación de productos que satisfagan las necesidades del cliente; la norma ISO 14001 establece los requisitos para el manejo de sistemas de gestión ambiental mitigando los impactos ambientales y la rentabilidad de la organización; y las normas OHSAS 18001 establecen los requisitos para el establecimiento, desarrollo y operaciones comprometidas con la seguridad y salud ocupacional de los clientes internos y los lugares que se desenvuelven en sus actividades laborales. Las PYMES son uno de los motores de la economía, debido a su importancia y potencial de crecimiento en la producción nacional; las limitaciones en el manejo de recursos económicos, la falta de conocimiento en procesos de gestión y normas de exportación y carencia de personal calificado, son dificultades para la obtención de certificados de calidad; todos estos factores genera el requerimiento para implementar procesos que apoyen y subsidien el desarrollo de las empresas PYMES que ayuden al desarrollo de la matriz productiva del país. El subsector CIIU C13, en el Distrito metropolitano de Quito no se ve exento a los problemas que existen para la certificación de las PYME’s del Ecuador y la región; uno de los puntos relevantes para la implementación de normas de calidad, se encuentra determinada por la participación en la producción a nivel nacional, además de que en los procesos de producción se utilizan químicos para su desarrollo, lo que requiere de programas que mitiguen los riesgo en seguridad y salud