654 research outputs found

    Parental Financial Conditions as A Source of Stress on First-Generation TJC Honors Students

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    INTRODUCTION Parental support is a key factor in a child\u27s development. Motivation coming from a parent is a substantial help on the realization of tasks. The involvement of parents on children\u27s education is directly proportional to the level of achievement and success of the students. In low income families, parental support can be translated to pressure, the anxiety of seeing their children to pursue a career and achieve success is not a desire but it is a necessity. Regularly, the students’ parents will use their own lack of financial stability as an example to motivate their children to be better. However, many of them will not take in consideration how this motivation can be transformed into pressure that will cause students to have an increase on their stress levels, which can threat their academic performance. The purpose of this project is to analyze the impact of parental financial conditions on the variation of stress levels on TJC Honors students

    Experiences of Soviet Women Combatants During World War II

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    World War II was arguably the most heroic event in the history of the Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), so much that it was known as the “Great Patriotic War.” Tens of millions of Russians were killed during the large scale conflict against their “fascist foes.” Still, the large population of the USSR were moved to action primarily by mass propaganda distributed by the Communist Party leaders. Women played a large role during the war, not just in the factories on the home front or as partisans, but as combat nurses and snipers as well. Since the losses were heavy on the Soviet side, the Party urged women to take up arms and fight on the front lines. When the war ended in a Red Army victory, the Party did everything in its power to stifle the voices of the women who had served by fueling rumors that women veterans had joined the army merely to find husbands and by emphasizing the importance of domestic women and motherhood over any military achievements

    A Pilot Study on Standardizing Provider Communication Between the Ambulatory Clinics and Acute Cancer Care Center

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    Michelle De Los Reyes pictured.https://openworks.mdanderson.org/aprn-week-23/1006/thumbnail.jp

    Understanding Undergraduate Students’ eHealth Use and Views of the Patient-Provider Relationship

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    eHealth, defined by WHO as “the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) for health�, is an innovative tool which broadens accessibility of health information and communication between patients and physicians. It can be utilized as an at home method of learning medical information which is cost-effective and can be tailored to an individual’s needs. Within the past few decades, eHealth has grown exponentially in usage alongside technology and has become more prevalent for individuals who are proactive in their health, but little is documented about how undergraduates use eHealth or view the patient-provider relationship. College students frequently use technology and have been assumed from previous studies to utilize eHealth due to convenience and comfort using technology. Little is known about the specific patient-provider relationship model for undergraduates, but a guardian or paternalistic relationship, in which medical decisions are dictated solely by the physician, has been identified as the traditional model with general populations. This research used surveys and interviews to evaluate how undergraduates view eHealth and the patient-provider relationship. Using data from 527 students enrolled in introductory biology lab courses, it was found that students are familiar with eHealth but prioritize medical information from their provider as their preferred medical source followed by information from family members. Most students indicated that they want their physician to act more as a counselor or advisor than a guardian. Racial and ethnic disparities were found in how comfortable students were with their medical provider, as well as how frequently the students experienced barriers in sharing health information with their provider. Whether the gender identity of the student matched that of their provider also significantly impacted the student’s level of comfort with their provider. This research highlights how physicians and family have a greater influence on undergraduates’ health decisions than information discovered through eHealth sources and demonstrates that undergraduates may view the patient-provider relationship differently than the traditional guardian or paternalistic model. In addition, it raises questions about how to reduce racial and ethnic disparities in the patient-physician relationship so that more undergraduates will be comfortable seeking medical advice from a physician, when needed

    An Evaluation Study of a College Success Course as a Counseling Intervention

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    Community colleges are attracting many first generation minority students. A question often asked is how can a college, faculty, and staff promote student achievement, particularly to underrepresented groups? One of the courses required at a South Texas community college, serving a predominately Hispanic population, is a College Success Course. Courses such as these are designed to facilitate students in developing the necessary skills/a college. The study explored the perceptions of counselors and students regarding the effectiveness of a College Success Course as a counseling intervention and as it related to improved student skills and achievement. The study included a between interviews were conducted with six counselors who taught the College Success Course. The students that received the College Success Course intervention completed a personal skills survey with open-ended questions. The constant comparative method was utilized to analyze the additional qualitative data (Patton, 2002). The findings of the qualitative portion of the study indicated that the College Success Course was viewed overall by s effective counseling intervention to improve student success skills. Students completed Nelson and Low’s (2004) College Version Emotional Skills Assessment Process (ESAP). Descriptive statistics and a one (ANOVA) were completed to compare the posttest ESAP scores of the intervention groups in comparison with the control groups. The ANOVA was significant in the assertion scores only. Although the quantitative statistical significance was limited, t facilitating them in improving their study skills

    Emergence and migration of trunk neural crest cells in a snake, the California Kingsnake (Lampropeltis getula californiae)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The neural crest is a group of multipotent cells that emerges after an epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition from the dorsal neural tube early during development. These cells then migrate throughout the embryo, giving rise to a wide variety derivatives including the peripheral nervous system, craniofacial skeleton, pigment cells, and endocrine organs. While much is known about neural crest cells in mammals, birds, amphibians and fish, relatively little is known about their development in non-avian reptiles like snakes and lizards.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this study, we show for the first time ever trunk neural crest migration in a snake by labeling it with DiI and immunofluorescence. As in birds and mammals, we find that early migrating trunk neural crest cells use both a ventromedial pathway and an inter-somitic pathway in the snake. However, unlike birds and mammals, we also observed large numbers of late migrating neural crest cells utilizing the inter-somitic pathway in snake.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We found that while trunk neural crest migration in snakes is very similar to that of other amniotes, the inter-somitic pathway is used more extensively by late-migrating trunk neural crest cells in snake.</p

    Captura de carbono con lechuga (Lactuca sativa L.) fertilizada con Biol en condiciones ambientales de un biohuerto, Lima, 2015

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    El presente estudio determina la captura de carbono con lechuga (Lactuca sativa L.) fertilizada con biol en condiciones ambientales de un biohuerto en Lima, 2015, se estableció como objetivo principal determinar la cantidad de carbono capturado con la lechuga (Lactuca sativa L.) fertilizada con Biol. Como respaldo teórico se consignaron conceptos y teorías relacionados con la elaboración de biohuertos, producción de hortalizas, abonos orgánicos y sumideros de carbono. El tipo de estudio corresponde al aplicativo de diseño experimental transeccional, la población de estudio estuvo conformada por el análisis de 96 muestras de lechugas, siendo la mitad de estas cosechada de manera tradicional. El proceso de cuantificación de datos se realizó a través de análisis de laboratorio, los cuales obtuvieron como resultado promedio de carbono capturado 41.89% en la fertilización con Biol y 38.10% en el testigo. La discusión de los resultados obtenidos fue cotejada con los antecedentes, teorías y conceptos desarrollados en el trabajo. Finalmente se propusieron conclusiones y recomendaciones acordes a los datos, y como resultados alcanzados se demostró el incremento significativo de carbono almacenado mediante fertilización con Biol

    Plan de Negocio: MB Comunicación Visual

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    Como toda empresa, esta empresa tiene que valorar qué necesidades satisface, el tipo de empresa desde un punto de vista jurídico, magnitud y actividad que realiza, ya sea un servicio o un producto, el tamaño que tiene la empresa y donde está localizada. También se hablará de su misión, visión, ética del empresario y ética empresarial, puntos fundamentales para saber hacia dónde va la empresa y lo busca y la manera en que la empresa y el empresario la desarrollará tomando en cuenta a sus competidores directos e indirectos y el punto de vista de una competencia justa y ética tanto para las empresas contra las que compite como a la hora de darle el servicio a sus clientes; viendo las garantías que le brinda al cliente en el servicio y producto final, al igual que en las formas de entrega y distribución y su respuesta ante posibles problemas que puedan haber en el proceso y en la entrega final del producto requerido. Hablaremos de un punto clave e indispensable como es la innovación de la empresa, en que se diferencia a las demás, que la hace más rentable y factible; las ventajas y desventajas de la empresa con el fin de fortalecer las ventajas y conocer las herramientas que tiene para enfrentar la competencia y para posicionarse de una mejor manera y las debilidades para reforzar los puntos débiles que hay