276 research outputs found

    Implementation of a Surgery Congress for Medical Students to Learn Transversal Competences. A Case of Student-Led Teaching Activity

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    Background: A dynamic training approach close to clinical work and research is highly requested by health sciences students. The aim of this paper is to present the organizational model of a student-promoted and student-managed surgical congress that encourages the acquisition of transversal competencies among the students in charge of the organization of the Congress. Methods: A two-day surgical congress for medical students organized by themselves was held. Each day comprised two separate sections corresponding to different surgical specialties; sections included three types of activities: conferences, round tables with guest professors, and practical workshops. Once the Congress had finished, an online survey was carried out to evaluate 10 items scored from 1 to 4. To assess the acquisition of transversal competences among the students organizing the congress, three evaluations were carried out by the professor involved in the organization of the congress. Results: The congress had great acceptance among the students, filling 150 available places with an attendance rate of 100%. The survey showed a high assessment of the subjects (3.48/4), conferences (3.48/4) and workshops (3.27/4). Evaluation of the round tables was significantly lower (2/4). A total of 99% considered the congress to have been useful in its formation process and 100% would recommend it. The grade of transversal competences among the students organizing the congress showed a significant increase between the first and the third evaluation, being between 1.24 and 7.25 times higher. Conclusions: the student-led student surgical congress is a well-evaluated activity for medical students, and promotes, among its organizers, the acquisition of transversal competences.The congress organization was partially supported by the Vice-rectorate of the Biscay Campus, the Student Council of the Faculty of Medicine and Nursing and the Student Council of the University of the Basque Country for their support

    Autonomous use of a computer algebra system for learning linear algebra

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    A Computer Algebra System (CAS) can be defined as mathematical software with numerical, graphic and symbolic capacities. Many studies have addressed the teaching of mathematics in a CAS environment. This paper describes a teaching experience carried out in a linear algebra course, for engineering students, with methodologies adapted to the European Higher Education Area. Generic competences such as self-learning, team work or use of technology have been enhanced through autonomous work of students, who had worked in small groups (2-3 students) using a CAS for solving proposal exercises. The experience was completed with a competition which was announced and promoted between the students with the best grades. They developed a project related to a real problem in science or engineering, where orthogonal transformations are used for modelling and solving the problem. A brief summary of the winner project is included in the paper. The experiment proves that technology provides the students with material for enhancing the apprenticeship and improving the motivation

    El codo flotante en el niño: opciones terapéuticas y complicaciones

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    La fractura simultánea ipsilateral del húmero y de uno o ambos huesos del antebrazo, llamada también "codo flotante", es una entidad poco frecuente, siendo escasa la literatura al respecto. En este artículo se describe nuestra experiencia con este tipo de lesiones en el paciente pediátrico, así como sus complicaciones asociadas y las distintas opciones de tratamiento. El tratamiento del codo flotante es actualmente controvertido en cuanto a su indicación y la técnica quirúrgica a emplear. También existe controversia con respecto a la mayor incidencia de complicaciones en este tipo de lesiones.Simultaneous ipsilateral fracture of the humerus and one or both bones of the forearm, also called "floating elbow" is a rare entity, with little literature. This article describes our experience with this type of injury in the pediatric patient and their associated complications and treatment options. The floating elbow treatment is currently controversial in terms of indications and surgical technique to use. There is also controversy over the increased incidence of complications in this type of injury

    Análisis de chatbots de inteligencia artificial y satisfacción en el aprendizaje en educación matemática

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    The use of artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly widespread in today's society. This type of technology, and more specifically chatbots as virtual assistants, can be implemented and integrated as a support tool in educational environments. This article proposes the creation of chatbots in the subject of didactic of geometry of the Degree of Primary Education of the Faculty of Education at the University of Málaga, carried out by 120 students in two groups. The aim is to analyse these chatbots, as well as the students' evaluation and satisfaction with them. To this end, the students were given brief training so that they could generate their own bots and know how to integrate them into a social network and then use them. The results of the questionnaire show that the students have shown interest in the generation of their chatbot and its integration into the social network, have improved their digital competence, as well as demonstrating a high degree of satisfaction with their AI creations, along with the idea that this type of experience can be transferred to other subjects and educational contexts.El uso de la inteligencia artificial (IA) está cada vez más extendido en la sociedad actual. Este tipo de tecnología, y más concretamente los chatbots como asistentes virtuales tienen posibilidades de implementación e integración como herramienta de apoyo en los entornos educativos. En este artículo se propone la creación de chatbots en la asignatura de didáctica de la geometría del Grado de Educación Primaria de la Facultad de Educación en la Universidad de Málaga, realizados por 120 estudiantes en dos grupos-clase. El objetivo es hacer un análisis de dichos chatbots, así como de la valoración y satisfacción de estos por parte del alumnado. Para ello, se facilitó a los estudiantes una breve formación para que pudiesen generar sus propios bots y lo supiesen integrar en una red social para después usarlos. Los resultados del cuestionario realizado ponen de manifiesto que el alumnado se ha mostrado interesado en la generación de su chatbot y su integración en la red social, han mejorado su competencia digital, además de demostrar un alto grado de satisfacción con sus creaciones de IA, junto con la idea de que este tipo de experiencias se pueda trasladar a otras asignaturas y contextos educativos

    Demonstration of the stability or instability of multibreathers at low coupling

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    Whereas there exists a mathematical proof for one-site breathers stability, and an unpublished one for two-site breathers, the methods for determining the stability properties of multibreathers rely on numerical computation of the Floquet multipliers or on the weak nonlinearity approximation leading to discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equations. Here we present a set of multibreather stability theorems (MST) that provides a simple method to determine multibreathers stability in Klein–Gordon systems. These theorems are based in the application of degenerate perturbation theory to Aubry’s band theory. We illustrate them with several examples.European Union under the RTN project, LOCNET, HPRN-CT-1999-0016

    Interaction of moving discrete breathers with vacancies

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    In this paper a Frenkel–Kontorova model with a nonlinear int eraction potential is used to describe a vacancy defect in a crystal. According t o recent numerical results [Cuevas et al . Phys. Lett. A 315, 364 (2003)] the vacancy can migrate when it interacts with a moving breather. We study more thoroughl y the phenomenology caused by the interaction of moving breathers with a single v acancy and also with double vacancies. We show that vacancy mobility is strongly correlated with the existence and stability properties of stationary breather s centered at the particles adjacent to the vacancy, which we will now call vacancy breat hers.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, Spain, project FIS2004-0118

    Results from Bottom Trawl Survey on Flemish Cap of July-August 2005

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    A stratified random bottom trawl survey on Flemish Cap was carried out from July 1st to August 21th 2005. The area surveyed was extended up to depths of 800 fathoms (1 400 meters) following the same procedures as in previous years and increasing the number of hauls planned (195). The survey was carried out by the R/V Vizconde de Eza with the usual survey gear (Lo foten). A total of 176 valid hauls were made by the vessel R/V Vizconde de Eza, 117 up to 730 meters depth and 59 up to 1 400 meters. Survey results including abundance indices of the main commercial species and age distributions for cod, redfish, American plaice, Greenland halibut and Shrimp are presented. The general indexes for this year are estimated taken into account the traditional swept area (strata 1-19, up to depths of 730 m) and the total area surveyed (strata 1-34, up to depths of 1 400 m)

    Implementación de chatbots para el aprendizaje en geometría

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    La revolución tecnológica experimentada en los últimos años ha propiciado que los programas y aplicaciones informáticos estén siendo sustituidos por aplicaciones inteligentes con capacidades de inteligencia artificial. La inteligencia artificial es un conjunto de algoritmos que permite que los ordenadores lleven a cabo tareas que típicamente requerirían capacidades propias de la inteligencia humana. Existen diferentes aplicaciones que hacen uso de la inteligencia artificial presentando interfaces de usuario sencillos sin requerir un conocimiento avanzado en programación. La aplicación de este tipo de herramientas al proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje puede derivar en importantes beneficios tanto para el alumnado como para el profesorado pretendiendo una integrabilidad entre el saber y la tecnología. Uno de los aspectos que la tecnología puede facilitar es la comunicación, apelando a mecanismos eficientes que operen con cierta autonomía y que tengan una disponibilidad amplia de acceso. En la actualidad este tipo de programas permiten crear chatbots, asistentes que se comunican con los usuarios a través de mensajes de texto, que permiten automatizar procesos recurrentes logrando disminuir los tiempos. Así, se pueden sistematizar respuestas o dudas sobre conceptos de una asignatura que suelen repetirse de manera constante o crear conversaciones que aclaran conceptos que no suelen tratarse en profundidad.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Gender differences between university students in use and Aceptance Social Netwoks Sites

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    Las redes sociales online se han convertido en los últimos años, y a un ritmo vertiginoso, en parte de la realidad diaria de los internautas. Las empresas también emplean las redes sociales, como una vía de comunicación bidireccional con sus clientes actuales y potenciales. En este trabajo, de carácter exploratorio, pretendemos analizar si el género de los internautas influye en el comportamiento de uso de las redes sociales. El motivo es que, a pesar de que la aceptación y uso de las TIC es más frecuente en hombres según la literatura previa, la redes sociales, según distintas encuestas sobre el tema, son más utilizadas por las mujeres. Por ello, analizamos si existen divergencias por sexo en los constructos de modelos clásicos de aceptación de la tecnología, como el TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) y el TPB (Theory of Planned Behavior), empleando una muestra de 1460 alumnos universitarios.Online social networks have become rapidly in part of the daily reality of Internet users. Companies also employ social networks, as a means of two-way communication with their customers and prospects. In this work, exploratory in nature, we aim to analyze whether the gender of Internet users influences the behavior of using social networks. The reason is that, while the acceptance and use of ICT is more frequent in men according to previous literature, the social networks are more used by women, according to various surveys on the subject. Therefore, we analyze if there are differences by sex in the constructs of classical models of acceptance of technology, such as the TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) and TPB (Theory of Planned Behavior), using a sample of 1460 university students

    La elección de servicios turísticos online por los usuarios mayores de 55 años. Segmentación mediante clases latentes.

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es determinar y analizar las preferencias de los usuarios mayores de 55 años acerca de las características relevantes en su elección entre diferentes e-retailers que ofrecen servicios turísticos. La revisión de la literatura sobre comercio electrónico sugiere la evaluación de atributos tangibles e intangibles en la elección del sitio web y la diferente importancia atribuida. Para alcanzar los objetivos empleamos el Análisis Conjunto como modelo de preferencia multiatributo; con él analizamos las preferencias complejas dependientes de más de un factor o atributo -paso previo a la determinación de segmentos basados en clases latentes (LC clusters). Los resultados obtenidos nos permiten identificar dos grupos de usuarios online entre los mayores de 55 que muestran diferente sensibilidad al precio