335 research outputs found


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    Resenha de: LIMULJA, Hanna. O desejo dos outros: Uma etnografia dos sonhos yanomami. São Paulo: Ubu Editora, 2022

    Trends in cultured meat : a bibliometric and sociometric analysis Of publication

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    Cellular agriculture is been considered as a mechanism to minimize future negative impacts of the estimated world population growth for the coming decades. Among the alternatives of this technology, the development of meat grown in the laboratory stands out. Numerous researchers have been making efforts to develop this scientific field today. However, few studies have tried to map the intellectual panorama and emerging themes in the scientific literature of this scientific field. Thus, this research aims to analyze from the perspective of the bibliometric and sociometric analysis the scientific publications on meat cultivated within the perspective of cellular agriculture, indexed in the Web of Science database. We analyzed 91 publications on cultured meat, combining mapping data, patterns of co-citation and collaboration from scientific journals and authorship. We also analyze emerging issues in the re-search on meat cultivated. We noted that, given the participation of authors and co-authors from different areas of knowledge, there is not a pattern in the composition of collaboration networks. Also stands out the multidisciplinary nature of the studies on cultured meat, transposing different disciplines and analytical approaches. Those aspects concerning the environmental, cultural impact, tech-nical viability of its productive process and impacts on traditional livestock production appear as latent constructs in this new food biotechnology

    Certification mechanisms for the development of an agriculture with a potential for climate change mitigation

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    Os aumentos de temperaturas médias globais e da ocorrência de eventos climáticos extremos poderão afetar a oferta de alimentos a médio e longo prazos. A agricultura, a pecuária e as atividades florestais respondem por quase 30% das emissões de gases de efeito estufa (GEE) – os principais causadores do aquecimento global. As mudanças climáticas decorrentes de processos antrópicos geram a necessidade do desenvolvimento de uma agricultura com potencial de mitigação e redução dos GEE. Assim, o objetivo deste artigo foi identificar ferramentas e metodologias de cálculo de emissões, bem como seu uso, para subsidiar sistemas de certificação climáticos para sistemas agrícolas e alimentos. Verificou-se que existem plataformas suficientes para o desenvolvimento de mecanismos de certificação, que seguem principalmente as diretrizes do IPCC para inventários de GEE e a avaliação de ciclo de vida. Apesar do grande número de rótulos ecológicos existentes, apenas um deles foi identificado como selo de certificação climática para cadeias produtivas agrícolas – o selo sueco Klimatcertifiering för Mat. Embora existam oportunidades de mercado, uma eficiente comunicação do propósito dos selos climáticos ainda demanda aperfeiçoamentos.The average increase of global temperatures and of the occurrence of extreme climatic events may affect the supply of food in the medium and long terms. Agriculture, livestock, and forestry activities account for almost 30% of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions – the main causes of global warming. The climatic changes resulting from anthropic processes generate the need to develop an agriculture with the potential to mitigate and reduce GHG. Therefore, the objective of this work was to identify tools for the emission calculation and methodologies, as well as their use to support climate certification systems for agricultural systems and food. It has been found that there are sufficient devices for the development of certification mechanisms, which follow mainly the IPCC guidelines for GHG inventories and the life cycle assessment. Despite the large number of existing eco-labels, only one has been identified as a climatic certification seal for agricultural production chains – the Swedish seal Klimatcertifiering för Mat. Although there are market opportunities, an efficient communication of the purpose of the climate seals still requires improvements

    Avaliação econômica e contábil das cadeias produtivas do arroz beneficiado no Rio Grande do Sul (Brasil) e Uruguai com aplicação da Matriz de Análise de Políticas

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    Rice is the basis of diet for almost half of the world population, and its culture is one of the strategic agroindustrial production chains in the agribusiness environment, in both economic and social levels. Thus, the comparative analysis between the production chains of rice milled in Rio Grande do Sul (RS), Brazil, and Uruguay was mainly motivated by the interest in knowing the differences in the business environment and public policies that impact the competitiveness of this chain in both study regions. Therefore, the objective of this study was to assess the economic efficiency, competitiveness, and effects of public policies of the rice production chain of milled rice in RS (Brazil) relative to Uruguay. The data collected in this study are from the 2011-2012 harvests and indicators were calculated by applying the concepts of the policy analysis matrix (PAM). Results showed that the chains in both study regions were competitive under the existing market and policy conditions, revealed comparative advantage, transferred a high load of resources to other sectors of the economy, and satisfactorily remuneration of the domestic production factors. However, the competitiveness and comparative advantage shown in this study were not due to the encouraging intervention policies, as both production systems pay high taxes.O arroz é a base da alimentação para quase metade da população mundial, e sua cultura se situa como uma das cadeias produtivas agroindustriais estratégicas no ambiente do agronegócio, tanto no nível econômico como no social. Assim, a análise comparativa entre as cadeias produtivas do arroz beneficiado no Rio Grande do Sul (RS), Brasil e no Uruguai foi motivada, principalmente, pelo interesse em conhecer as diferenças no ambiente de negócios e nas políticas públicas que afetam a competitividade desta cadeia nas respectivas regiões. Portanto, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a eficiência econômica, competitividade, e efeitos de políticas públicas da cadeia produtiva de arroz beneficiado no RS (Brasil) em relação ao Uruguai. Os dados coletados neste estudo são das safras de 2011-2012 e, os indicadores foram calculados aplicando os conceitos da matriz de análise de políticas (MAP). Os resultados mostraram que as cadeias em ambas as regiões de estudo foram competitivas sob as condições de mercado e políticas existentes, evidenciaram vantagem comparativa, transferiram alto volume de recursos para outros setores da economia, remunerando satisfatoriamente os fatores domésticos de produção. Entretanto, tal competitividade e vantagem comparativa demonstrada não se deveram às intervenções políticas de incentivo, pois ambos sistemas de produção pagam elevados tributos

    Utilisation de la très haute résolution spatiale pour la caractérisation des habitats de rongeurs, vecteurs de zoonoses à La Réunion

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    Connaître la distribution des espèces vectrices de zoonoses est fondamentale pour comprendre les dynamiques épidémiologiques et caractériser les zones à risque. Cette distribution peut être appréhendée à différentes échelles : régionalement, l'aire de répartition de ces espèces définit les limites d'occurrence de la transmission d'agents pathogènes et, localement, leurs niches déterminent l'aléa. Cette dernière échelle requiert une connaissance très précise des milieux qui peut être acquise par l'analyse d'images satellite à très haute résolution spatiale. Dans le cadre d'un projet de recherche sur la leptospirose à La Réunion (LeptOI), cette étude propose de mesurer le potentiel d'utilisation d'une image Pléiades (produit rééchantillonné à 50 cm) pour caractériser la distribution locale de différents petits mammifères terrestres autour de l'Etang de Saint-Paul. Trois campagnes de piégeage ont permis la capture de 134 animaux appartenant à quatre des cinq espèces présentes à La Réunion (Rattus rattus, R. norvegicus, Suncus murinus et Tenrec ecaudatus). Une analyse orientée-objet de l'image Pléiades a permis de discriminer dix classes d'occupation des sols avec une précision totale de 83,6%. Des indices paysagers ont été calculés à partir de cette classification autour de chacun des pièges (distances les plus courtes aux classes d’occupation, densité de contours et pourcentages de surface des classes au sein de zones tampon de 50 et de 100 mètres). Trois zones ("humide", "anthropisée" et "sèche") sont clairement discriminées par ces variables, qui pourront être utilisées comme déterminants écologiques de différents profils épidémiologiques : la zone humide étant propice à la leptospirose et la zone anthropisée étant un lieu de cooccurrence des quatre espèces et ainsi potentiellement une zone d'échanges de pathogènes


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    As cadeias curtas é uma alternativa para aproximar o consumo de alimentos de sua produção, valorizando a proximidade, o bem social e ambiental de modo a aumentar equitativamente o ganho para todos os atores, configurando-se como inovação organizacional. Esta por sua vez, é um meio de melhorar as práticas de negócios, organizando o local de trabalho e suas relações externas. Edificado através de um ensaio teórico, dispondo-se como trabalho bibliográfico qualitativo, o estudo apurou que cadeias curtas e inovação organizacional possuem características em comum, especialmente o comportamento dos atores envolvidos, troca de informações e integração. Porém, cadeias curtas necessitam passar por processos de inovação, de maneira a se perpetuar, firmando-se como uma evolução sustentável e rentável. Para isso, como condição estratégica, sugere-se que as cadeias curtas sejam miradas por uma visão de negócios, e absorvam a implantação de técnicas e abordagens administrativas. E para inovação organizacional, que seu conceito seja melhor compreendido e aplicado

    Technological prospecting : the case of cultured meat

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    Cultured meat, derived from cellular agriculture, is an emerging food biotechnology. Although it is not yet avail- able on an industrial scale, there are speculations regarding the technical and economic challenges that con- troversy over the viability of this product. Therefore, our study aimed to map the technological development of cultured meat. For this, we used patent registrations, start-ups, and their investors as the main indicators for analysis, observing the assumptions established in the Schumpeterian trilogy of technological innovation. We also identified the stakeholders involved in this sector, as well as their role and relevance. From these observations, we found that some technical aspects of cultured meat production can still be improved, aiming the production in economies of scale. Patent registries demonstrate that R&D efforts are precisely directed at these issues. In this sense, some start-ups that work with cultured meat are located in the Silicon Valley region. In general, our results make some comparisons possible with the trajectory of other food biotechnologies, allowing it to reflect on the dynamics and economic and technological balance behind cultured meat, which is already a millionaire sector and still has a tendency to expand in impressive proportions

    Procedural Priorities of the Pork Loin Supply Chain

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    The pork meat production industry is facing new challenges as a consequence of consumers’ expectations regarding the quality and safety of food products. For the present study, experts and consumers in Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil were interviewed to identify the attributes of pork loin that need to be improved. Consumers have particular concerns about the juiciness, fibrousness, and portion size of the meat, the diversity of cuts and safety and animal welfare. The supply chain was also analyzed in order to verify the procedural priorities that need to be improved in order to meet the demands of consumers. Experts were interviewed using the quality function deployment methodology. The findings of the study indicate that, improvements must be made in the production sector in terms of animal handling and transportation. In the processing sector, improvements are required regarding slaughter control of PSE and DFD, the development of new packaging, and product fractionation. The requirements in the distribution sector relate to information campaigns for consumers to diffuse the nutritional characteristics of pork loin and in the product safety through sanitary inspection