122 research outputs found

    A Comparative Study to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Crushed Ice Pack Application and Sitz Bath on Episiotomy Pain and Wound Healing Among Postnatal Mothers

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    An episiotomy is an incision made in the perineum- the tissue between the vaginal opening and the anus during child birth. Pain at the episiotomy site is more distressing for the mother during postnatal period. An ice pack application or warm shallow bath (sitz bath) may increase comfort and promotes healing. The main aim of this present study was to compare the effect of Crushed ice pack application and Sitz bath on episiotomy pain and wound healing among postnatal mothers. A Matched group design was adopted in this study. By using Non probability purposive sampling technique 22 postnatal mothers with episiotomy were selected as samples at Ramakrishna Hospital, Coimbatore and 11mothers were assigned randomly to each group I and group II. Episiotomy pain was assessed by using Numerical Pain Intensity scale and Wound healing was assessed by using Davidson REEDA scale. Group I received crushed ice pack application and Group II received sitz bath. Intervention was given for 10 minutes twice a day for three consecutive days from first postnatal day. Data were analysed by using descriptive and inferential statistical methods. The statistical analysis revealed that the calculated mean scores of episiotomy pain in the group I and group II was1.72 and 2.9 respectively and the mean difference is 1.2 with the standard deviation of group I and group II was 0.64 and 0.53 respectively. The calculated ‘t’ value 11.3 was greater than the table value of 2.086 at 0.05 level of significance. The calculated mean scores of episiotomy wound healing in the group I and group II was 1.54 and 1.81 respectively and the mean difference is 0.27 with the standard deviation of group I and group II was 0.5 and 0.6 respectively. The calculated‘t’ value 2.6 was greater than the table value of 2.086 at 0.05 level of significance. Finally, the study concluded that the crushed ice pack application was more effective than sitz bath in reducing the level of episiotomy pain and promotes wound healing among postnatal mothers

    A Five Year Review OF API20E Bacteria Identification System’s Performance at a Teaching Hospital

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    Objectives: To assess the performance of the API20E bacteria  identification system at a teaching hospital in Kenya.Design: Retrospective study.Setting: The microbiology laboratoryoratory of the Aga Khan University teaching Hospital.Subjects: One thousand six hundred and fifty eight API20E records.Main outcome measures: The accuracy in identifying the bacteria species.Results: One thousand four hundred and forty two (87.6%) isolates had the exact identity, 199 (12%) nearest identity, and seven (0.4%) no identity. The performance varied among the species; Acinetobacter baumanii had 140 (99.3%) isolates with the exact identity and only one (0.7%) with the nearest identity compared with Aeromonas hydrophila which had five (17.2%) with exact and 24 (82.8%) with nearest.Conclusions: The API20E system is a robust bacteria identification method which can serve small and medium clinical microbiology laboratoryoratories that may not afford automated systems. Adhering to the manufacturer’s instructions and good laboratoryoratory practice can improve the  performance of this method

    Effect of tcdR Mutation on Sporulation in the Epidemic Clostridium difficile Strain R20291

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    Citation: Girinathan, B. P., Monot, M., Boyle, D., McAllister, K. N., Sorg, J. A., Dupuy, B., & Govind, R. (2017). Effect of tcdR Mutation on Sporulation in the Epidemic Clostridium difficile Strain R20291. Msphere, 2(1), 14. doi:10.1128/mSphere.00383-16Clostridium difficile is an important nosocomial pathogen and the leading cause of hospital-acquired diarrhea. Antibiotic use is the primary risk factor for the development of C. difficile-associated disease because it disrupts normally protective gut flora and enables C. difficile to colonize the colon. C. difficile damages host tissue by secreting toxins and disseminates by forming spores. The toxin-encoding genes, tcdA and tcdB, are part of a pathogenicity locus, which also includes the tcdR gene that codes for TcdR, an alternate sigma factor that initiates transcription of tcdA and tcdB genes. We created a tcdR mutant in epidemic-type C. difficile strain R20291 in an attempt to identify the global role of tcdR. A site-directed mutation in tcdR affected both toxin production and sporulation in C. difficile R20291. Spores of the tcdR mutant were more heat sensitive than the wild type (WT). Nearly 3-fold more taurocholate was needed to germinate spores from the tcdR mutant than to germinate the spores prepared from the WT strain. Transmission electron microscopic analysis of the spores also revealed a weakly assembled exosporium on the tcdR mutant spores. Accordingly, comparative transcriptome analysis showed many differentially expressed sporulation genes in the tcdR mutant compared to the WT strain. These data suggest that regulatory networks of toxin production and sporulation in C. difficile strain R20291 are linked with each other. IMPORTANCE C. difficile infects thousands of hospitalized patients every year, causing significant morbidity and mortality. C. difficile spores play a pivotal role in the transmission of the pathogen in the hospital environment. During infection, the spores germinate, and the vegetative bacterial cells produce toxins that damage host tissue. Thus, sporulation and toxin production are two important traits of C. difficile. In this study, we showed that a mutation in tcdR, the toxin gene regulator, affects both toxin production and sporulation in epidemic-type C. difficile strain R20291

    Glimpse towards cultivable hemolymph microbiota of marine crabs: Untapped resource for aquatic probiotics/antibacterial agents

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    Bacterial diseases have turned out to be the primary constraint in sustainable aquaculture production, where, probiotics can play an important role to prevent or control fish and shellfish diseases. As the autochthonous preparations would be more effective than commercial products, continued search for novel antibacterial strains native to aquatic environment are warranted against aquatic pathogens. Further, knowledge on abundance, composition and role of hemolymph microbes is also essential to predict the health status and disease diagnosis. Hence, in present study, 4 commercially significant marine crabs that are important for aquaculture were used to unravel the implication and significance of cultivable hemolymph microbes. Bacterial abundance was found to be individual- and species-dependent; and statistically significant interaction was present between growth media and abundance. Gram negative isolates represented 84% of hemolymph microbes. Vibrio was the principal genera in all species; each carrying a specific hemolymph microbiota (both in terms of abundance and diversity). The present study forms the first report of genera viz., Enterovibrio, Pantoea, Kluyvera and Enterobacter in crustacean hemolymph. Interestingly, new Vibrio species were also found. Further, the study forms the first observation on inhibitory activity of marine crab hemolymph microbes against aquatic pathogens. Overall, the results highlight marine crab hemolymph microbiota as a promising moreover, an untapped resource for probiotics/ antimicrobial agents to combat aquatic pathogens. Concurrently, the present study fetches a platform for the prediction of health and disease diagnosis of 4 potentially important aquaculture crab species

    Genetic diversity and risk factors for the transmission of antimicrobial resistance across human, animals and environmental compartments in East Africa: a review.

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    BACKGROUND The emergence and spread of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) present a challenge to disease control in East Africa. Resistance to beta-lactams, which are by far the most used antibiotics worldwide and include the penicillins, cephalosporins, monobactams and carbapenems, is reducing options for effective control of both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. The World Health Organization, Food and Agricultural Organization and the World Organization for Animal Health have all advocated surveillance of AMR using an integrated One Health approach. Regional consortia also have strengthened collaboration to address the AMR problem through surveillance, training and research in a holistic and multisectoral approach. This review paper contains collective information on risk factors for transmission, clinical relevance and diversity of resistance genes relating to extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing (ESBL) and carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae, and Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) across the human, animal and environmental compartments in East Africa. MAIN BODY The review of the AMR literature (years 2001 to 2019) was performed using search engines such as PubMed, Scopus, Science Direct, Google and Web of Science. The search terms included 'antimicrobial resistance and human-animal-environment', 'antimicrobial resistance, risk factors, genetic diversity, and human-animal-environment' combined with respective countries of East Africa. In general, the risk factors identified were associated with the transmission of AMR. The marked genetic diversity due to multiple sequence types among drug-resistant bacteria and their replicon plasmid types sourced from the animal, human and environment were reported. The main ESBL, MRSA and carbapenem related genes/plasmids were the CTX-Ms (45.7%), SCCmec type III (27.3%) and IMP types (23.8%), respectively. CONCLUSION The high diversity of the AMR genes suggests there may be multiple sources of resistance bacteria, or the possible exchange of strains or a flow of genes amongst different strains due to transfer by mobile genetic elements. Therefore, there should be harmonized One Health guidelines for the use of antibiotics, as well as regulations governing their importation and sale. Moreover, the trend of ESBLs, MRSA and carbapenem resistant (CAR) carriage rates is dynamic and are on rise over time period, posing a public health concern in East Africa. Collaborative surveillance of AMR in partnership with regional and external institutions using an integrated One Health approach is required for expert knowledge and technology transfer to facilitate information sharing for informed decision-making

    Secretion of Clostridium difficile Toxins A and B Requires the Holin-like Protein TcdE

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    The pathogenesis of Clostridium difficile, the major cause of antibiotic-associated diarrhea, is mainly associated with the production and activities of two major toxins. In many bacteria, toxins are released into the extracellular environment via the general secretion pathways. C. difficile toxins A and B have no export signature and their secretion is not explainable by cell lysis, suggesting that they might be secreted by an unusual mechanism. The TcdE protein encoded within the C. difficile pathogenicity locus (PaLoc) has predicted structural features similar to those of bacteriophage holin proteins. During many types of phage infection, host lysis is driven by an endolysin that crosses the cytoplasmic membrane through a pore formed by holin oligomerization. We demonstrated that TcdE has a holin-like activity by functionally complementing a λ phage deprived of its holin. Similar to λ holin, TcdE expressed in Escherichia coli and C. difficile formed oligomers in the cytoplamic membrane. A C. difficile tcdE mutant strain grew at the same rate as the wild-type strain, but accumulated a dramatically reduced amount of toxin proteins in the medium. However, the complemented tcdE mutant released the toxins efficiently. There was no difference in the abundance of tcdA and tcdB transcripts or of several cytoplasmic proteins in the mutant and the wild-type strains. In addition, TcdE did not overtly affect membrane integrity of C. difficile in the presence of TcdA/TcdB. Thus, TcdE acts as a holin-like protein to facilitate the release of C. difficile toxins to the extracellular environment, but, unlike the phage holins, does not cause the non-specific release of cytosolic contents. TcdE appears to be the first example of a bacterial protein that releases toxins into the environment by a phage-like system

    Early Treatment with Fumagillin, an Inhibitor of Methionine Aminopeptidase-2, Prevents Pulmonary Hypertension in Monocrotaline-Injured Rats

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    Pulmonary Hypertension (PH) is a pathophysiologic condition characterized by hypoxemia and right ventricular strain. Proliferation of fibroblasts, smooth muscle cells, and endothelial cells is central to the pathology of PH in animal models and in humans. Methionine aminopeptidase-2 (MetAP2) regulates proliferation in a variety of cell types including endothelial cells, smooth muscle cells, and fibroblasts. MetAP2 is inhibited irreversibly by the angiogenesis inhibitor fumagillin. We have previously found that inhibition of MetAP2 with fumagillin in bleomycin-injured mice decreased pulmonary fibrosis by selectively decreasing the proliferation of lung myofibroblasts. In this study, we investigated the role of fumagillin as a potential therapy in experimental PH. In vivo, treatment of rats with fumagillin early after monocrotaline injury prevented PH and right ventricular remodeling by decreasing the thickness of the medial layer of the pulmonary arteries. Treatment with fumagillin beginning two weeks after monocrotaline injury did not prevent PH but was associated with decreased right ventricular mass and decreased cardiomyocyte hypertrophy, suggesting a direct effect of fumagillin on right ventricular remodeling. Incubation of rat pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells (RPASMC) with fumagillin and MetAP2-targeting siRNA inhibited proliferation of RPASMC in vitro. Platelet-derived growth factor, a growth factor that is important in the pathogenesis of PH and stimulates proliferation of fibroblasts and smooth muscle cells, strongly increased expression of MetP2. By immunohistochemistry, we found that MetAP2 was expressed in the lesions of human pulmonary arterial hypertension. We propose that fumagillin may be an effective adjunctive therapy for treating PH in patients

    Heat stress causes spatially-distinct membrane re-modelling in K562 leukemia cells

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    Cellular membranes respond rapidly to various environmental perturbations. Previously we showed that modulations in membrane fluidity achieved by heat stress (HS) resulted in pronounced membrane organization alterations which could be intimately linked to the expression and cellular distribution of heat shock proteins. Here we examine heat-induced membrane changes using several visualisation methods. With Laurdan two-photon microscopy we demonstrate that, in contrast to the enhanced formation of ordered domains in surface membranes, the molecular disorder is significantly elevated within the internal membranes of cells preexposed to mild HS. These results were compared with those obtained by anisotropy, fluorescence lifetime and electron paramagnetic resonance measurements. All probes detected membrane changes upon HS. However, the structurally different probes revealed substantially distinct alterations in membrane heterogeneity. These data call attention to the careful interpretation of results obtained with only a single label. Subtle changes in membrane microstructure in the decision-making of thermal cell killing could have potential application in cancer therapy

    The Extracellular Matrix Component Psl Provides Fast-Acting Antibiotic Defense in Pseudomonas aeruginosa Biofilms

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    Bacteria within biofilms secrete and surround themselves with an extracellular matrix, which serves as a first line of defense against antibiotic attack. Polysaccharides constitute major elements of the biofilm matrix and are implied in surface adhesion and biofilm organization, but their contributions to the resistance properties of biofilms remain largely elusive. Using a combination of static and continuous-flow biofilm experiments we show that Psl, one major polysaccharide in the Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm matrix, provides a generic first line of defense toward antibiotics with diverse biochemical properties during the initial stages of biofilm development. Furthermore, we show with mixed-strain experiments that antibiotic-sensitive “non-producing” cells lacking Psl can gain tolerance by integrating into Psl-containing biofilms. However, non-producers dilute the protective capacity of the matrix and hence, excessive incorporation can result in the collapse of resistance of the entire community. Our data also reveal that Psl mediated protection is extendible to E. coli and S. aureus in co-culture biofilms. Together, our study shows that Psl represents a critical first bottleneck to the antibiotic attack of a biofilm community early in biofilm development.National Institutes of Health (U.S.). National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (Training Grant in Toxicology 5 T32 ES7020-37