294 research outputs found

    Productivity in traditionally developed crops the blackberries case in the municipality of envigado, Antioquia - Colombia

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    RESUMEN: Una extensa área del Municipio de Envigado en Antioquia; Colombia; es considerada como zona rural. En dicha zona, las veredas de Perico y Pantanillo, se destacan por la producción tradicional del cultivo de mora. En los últimos años, los productores de mora han encontrado mayores competidores, siendo la tecnificación de los cultivos, las mejoras en infraestructura urbana y el montaje de cadenas productivas competidoras en municipios aledaños, algunos de los elementos que han fortalecido la mayor competencia. Sin embargo, pese a ser un cultivo desarrollado con técnicas aún muy tradicionales, el cultivo de mora continua siendo rentable. Así, el objetivo de este trabajo, consiste en calcular el actual nivel de productividad de la mora e identificar algunos de los principales determinantes de dicha productividad. Para tal fin se compiló información estratégica de un número representativo de fincas productoras de mora. En tal sentido, la investigación demuestra como algunos factores se han convertido en elementos diferenciadores, determinantes de la productividad de la mora, entre los cuales se destacan: los fertilizantes, las características del suelo y el grado de asociatividad.ABSTRACT: A vast area of the Municipality of Envigado, Antioquia-Colombia, is considered a rural zone. In this zone, the districts of Perico and Pantanillo stand out for their traditional production of blackberry crop. In the past few years, blackberry producers have encountered new major competitors due to elements that have strengthened the competition. Factors such as: the technification of crops, urban infrastructure improvements, and the establishment of competing productive chains in adjacent municipalities. Nevertheless, despite still being developed with very traditional techniques, the blackberry crop is still profitable for local producers. Therefore, the objective of this work is to calculate the actual level of blackberry productivity and to identify some of the principal determinants of said productivity. For this purpose, strategic information from a representative number of blackberry producing farms was collected. The research shows that some factors have become determinant differentiators of blackberry production. Among these factors are: the use of inputs, soi

    Plan de negocios para reformar y posicionar el Hotel Rondinela en Villeta, Cundinamarca

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    Administrador (a) de EmpresasPregrad

    Perfil lipídico na adolescência: efeito de exposições pré-natais e neonatais

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    This study assessed the effects of intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) and prenatal variables related to fetal growth on blood lipids in adolescence. All hospital births taking place in 1982 in Pelotas were identified and this population has been followed-up since then. All male subjects were identified in 2000 when enrolling in the national army; 79% (n = 2250) were traced and 2089 blood samples were made available. The following outcome variables were studied: Total cholesterol and fractions (VLDL, LDL, and HDL), non-HDL cholesterol, LDL/HDL ratio and serum triglycerides. The explanatory variables were IUGR, maternal pre-pregnancy body mass index (BMI) and maternal smoking during pregnancy. After adjusting for confounding variables, total and LDL cholesterol levels were slightly and significantly higher among adolescents whose mothers were in the 3rd and 4th quartile of pre-pregnancy BMI. However, these associations disappeared after adjusting for adolescent’s diet, schooling and BMI. A similar relation was observed for non-HDL cholesterol. Other associations were not significant (p>0.05). A higher maternal pre-pregnancy BMI seems to have an influence on the lipid profile of their offspring. Yet, this association is mediated by current BMI.Sem bolsaEste estudo avaliou os efeitos do retardo de crescimento intra-uterino (RCIU) e de variáveis pré-natais relacionadas ao crescimento fetal sobre o perfil lipídico em adolescentes. Em 1982, todos os nascimentos hospitalares ocorridos em Pelotas foram identificados e esta população tem sido acompanhada inúmeras vezes. Em 2000, os participantes masculinos da coorte foram identificados no alistamento militar; 79% (n=2250) foram entrevistados e 2089 doaram amostra de sangue. No presente estudo, as variáveis dependentes foram o colesterol total e suas frações (VLDL, LDL, HDL), colesterol não-HDL, razão LDL/HDL e triglicerídeos. As exposições estudadas foram o RCIU, o índice de massa corporal (IMC) materno pré-gestacional e o tabagismo materno na gravidez. Após ajuste para fatores de confusão, o colesterol total e LDL foram maiores entre os adolescentes cujo IMC materno pré-gestacional estava no terceiro e quarto quartil. No entanto, estas associações desapareceram após controle para dieta, escolaridade e IMC do adolescente. Associação similar foi observada para o colesterol não-HDL. O RCIU e o tabagismo materno na gravidez não foram associados com o perfil lipídico aos 18 anos de idade. Um IMC materno pré-gestacional elevado parece influenciar o perfil lipídico dos filhos, mas essa associação é mediada pelo IMC atual do adolescente

    Evaluación in vitro del efecto virucida e interacciones in sílico del Lupeol contra los cuatro serotipos del virus Dengue

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    RESUMEN: Introducción: No se encuentra hasta el momento disponible una terapia antiviral o vacuna específica contra el virus del Dengue (DENV). Debido a esto y a la necesidad de continuar con la búsqueda de agentes antivirales contra este virus, el objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar in vitro el efecto virucida e interacciones in silico del Lupeol, aislado de la planta de la Región Caribe colombiana Chenopodium ambrosioides, contra los cuatro serotipos del DENV. Metodología: Mediante la técnica de MTT se evaluó la viabilidad de células VERO en presencia de Lupeol (7,3- 233,6 uM). Se evaluó el efecto virucida del Lupeol contra DENV-1 a DENV-4 mediante el ensayo TRANS-tratamiento en células VERO, para lo cual se prepararon mezclas 1:1 de Lupeol (7,3 uM) y de cada serotipo de DENV (MOI:1). Se utilizó Heparina como control positivo de inhibición y la cepa DENV-2/16681 como cepa de control de inhibición del Lupeol. Finalmente, se recolectaron los sobrenadantes para cuantificar las partículas virales infecciosas y copias genómicas por ensayo de plaqueo y RT-qPCR , respectivamente. Para establecer diferencias nucleotídicas y aminoacídicas entre los serotipos de DENV utilizados en este estudio, se hizo secuenciación por Sanger para el gen que codifica para la proteína de Envoltura (E) y alineamiento de las secuencias por el método de Clustal W. Además, se evaluó la interacción del Lupeol con la proteína E de DENV 1-4 mediante docking molecular. Las diferencias estadísticas se identificaron usando t-Student o U de MannWhitney. Resultados: La viabilidad celular en VERO fue del 94,0 % a concentraciones de 7,3 µM del Lupeol. El porcentaje de infección en número de copias genómicas fue del 139,6% para DENV-1, 188,2% para DENV-2/16803, 15,6% para DENV-2/16681, 142,7 % para DENV-3 y DENV-4 126,5% respecto al control sin tratamiento. Por otra parte, el porcentaje de infección del número de partículas infecciosas fue del 91,3% para DENV-1, 16,2% para DENV-2/16803, 64,85 % para DENV-2/1668, del 64,8 % para DENV-3 y 35,0% para DENV-4 respecto al control de sobrenadantes de células VERO infectadas sin tratamiento. Se identificaron diferencias y sustituciones en la naturaleza de los aminoácidos que podrían estar relacionadas con el efecto antiviral del Lupeol diferencial para cada serotipo. En los resultados de Docking molecular se obtuvieron energías de unión favorables (-6,8 kcla/mol y 6,9 Kcal/mol) entre el Lupeol y la proteína E de los cuatro serotipos de DENV. Conclusiones: El efecto antiviral del Lupeol usando la estrategia de TRANS-tratamiento fue dependiente de la cepa y serotipo viral. Lupeol inhibió el número de partículas virales infecciosas de DENV-2/16803, DENV-3 y DENV-4

    Remaining missed opportunities of child survival in Peru:Modelling mortality impact of universal and equitable coverage of proven interventions

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    Abstract Background Peru has made great improvements in reducing stunting and child mortality in the past decade, and has reached the Millennium Development Goals 1 and 4. The remaining challenges or missed opportunities for child survival needs to be identified and quantified, in order to guide the next steps to further improve child survival in Peru. Methods We used the Lives Saved Tool (LiST) to project the mortality impact of proven interventions reaching every women and child in need, and the mortality impact of eliminating inequalities in coverage distribution between wealth quintiles and urban–rural residence. Results Our analyses quantified the remaining missed opportunities in Peru, where prioritizing scale-up of facility-based case management for all small and sick babies will be most effective in mortality reduction, compared to other evidenced-based interventions that prevent maternal and child deaths. Eliminating coverage disparities between the poorest quintiles and the richest will reduce under-five and neonatal mortality by 22.0 and 40.6 %, while eliminating coverage disparities between those living in rural and urban areas will reduce under-five and neonatal mortality by 29.3 and 45.2 %. This projected neonatal mortality reduction achieved by eliminating coverage disparities is almost comparable to that already achieved by Peru over the past decade. Conclusions Although Peru has made great strides in improving child survival, further improvement in child health, especially in newborn health can be achieved if there is universal and equitable coverage of proven, quality health facility-based interventions. The magnitude of reduction in mortality will be similar to what has been achieved in the past decade. Strengthening health system to identify, understand, and direct resources to the poor and rural areas will ensure that Peru achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030

    Socioeconomic inequalities in skilled birth attendance and child stunting in selected low and middle income countries: Wealth quintiles or deciles?

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    BACKGROUND: Wealth quintiles derived from household asset indices are routinely used for measuring socioeconomic inequalities in the health of women and children in low and middle-income countries. We explore whether the use of wealth deciles rather than quintiles may be advantageous. METHODS: We selected 46 countries with available national surveys carried out between 2003 and 2013 and with a sample size of at least 3000 children. The outcomes were prevalence of under-five stunting and delivery by a skilled birth attendant (SBA). Differences and ratios between extreme groups for deciles (D1 and D10) and quintiles (Q1 and Q5) were calculated, as well as two summary measures: the slope index of inequality (SII) and concentration index (CIX). RESULTS: In virtually all countries, stunting prevalence was highest among the poor, and there were larger differences between D1 and D10 than between Q1 and Q5. SBA coverage showed pro-rich patterns in all countries; in four countries the gap was greater than 80 pct points. With one exception, differences between extreme deciles were larger than between quintiles. Similar patterns emerged when using ratios instead of differences. The two summary measures provide very similar results for quintiles and deciles. Patterns of top or bottom inequality varied with national coverage levels. CONCLUSION: Researchers and policymakers should consider breakdowns by wealth deciles, when sample sizes allow. Use of deciles may contribute to advocacy efforts, monitoring inequalities over time, and targeting health interventions. Summary indices of inequalities were unaffected by the use of quintiles or deciles in their calculation

    Efecto de las condiciones individuales, del hogar y del área de residencia en la autopercepción de su salud en adultos colombianos: un estudio multinivel

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    Introduction: Self-rated health is strongly associated with morbidity and mortality. It is largely influenced by individual factors but also by individuals’ social surroundings and environment.Objective: To investigate individual, household, and locality factors associated with self-rated ealth in Colombian adults.Materials and methods: We conducted a cross-sectional multilevel study using data from national databases on 19 urban localities and 37,352 individuals nested within 15,788 households using a population-based survey. Given the natural hierarchical structure of the data, the estimates of self-rated health related to individual, household, and locality characteristics were obtained by fitting a three-level logistic regression.Results: The adjusted multilevel logistic models showed that at individual level, higher odds of poor self-rated health were found among older adults, persons from low socio-economic status, those living without a partner, with no regular physical activity, and reporting morbidities. At the household level, poor self-rated health was associated with households of low socioeconomic status located near noise sources and factories and in polluted and insecure areas. At the locality level, only poverty was associated with poor self-rated health after adjusting for individual and household variables.Conclusions: These results highlight the need for a more integrated framework when designing and implementing strategies and programs that aim to improve health conditions in urban populations in Latin America.Introducción. La autopercepción de la salud se asocia con la morbilidad y la mortalidad debido principalmente al efecto de las condiciones individuales y las características sociales y del ambiente en el que viven las personas.Objetivo. Investigar los factores individuales, del hogar y de la localidad asociados con la autopercepción de la salud en adultos colombianos.Materiales y métodos. Se llevó a cabo un estudio transversal. La información sobre las 19 localidades urbanas consideradas se obtuvo de bases de datos nacionales, en tanto que los datos sobre los 37.352 individuos anidados en 15.788 hogares provinieron de una encuesta de base poblacional. Dada la estructura jerárquica de los datos, las estimaciones del efecto de las variables individuales, del hogar y de la localidad sobre la autopercepción de la salud se hicieron utilizando un modelo de regresión logística de tres niveles.Resultados. Los modelos multinivel ajustados evidenciaron que a nivel individual había una mayor probabilidad de tener una peor percepción de la salud entre adultosmayores, personas de bajo nivel socioeconómico, sin compañero, físicamente inactivos y con enfermedades. A nivel de hogar, la peor percepción de la salud se asoció con la pertenencia a familias de bajo nivel socioeconómico, residentes cerca de fábricas, áreas contaminadas, inseguras y de alto ruido. Por último, a nivel de localidad y después del ajuste por variables individuales y del hogar, la residencia en localidades pobres aumentó la probabilidad de tener una peor percepción de la propia salud.Conclusiones. Los resultados evidencian la necesidad de considerar un marco conceptual más amplio en el momento de diseñar e implementar estrategias y programas que apunten al mejoramiento de las condiciones de salud de las poblaciones urbanas en Latinoamérica

    Missed opportunities in full immunization coverage:findings from low- and lower-middle-income countries

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    Background: An estimated 23 million infants are still not being benefitted from routine immunization services. We assessed how many children failed to be fully immunized even though they or their mothers were in contact with health services to receive other interventions. Design: Fourteen countries with Demographic and Health Surveys and Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys carried out after 2000 and with coverage for DPT (Diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis) vaccine below 70% were selected. We defined full immunization coverage (FIC) as having received one dose of BCG (bacille Calmette-Guérin), one dose of measles, three doses of polio, and three doses of DPT vaccines. We tabulated FIC against: antenatal care (ANC), skilled birth attendance (SBA), postnatal care for the mother (PNC), vitamin A supplementation (VitA) for the child, and sleeping under an insecticide-treated bed-net (ITN). Missed opportunities were defined as the percentage of children who failed to be fully immunized among those receiving one or more other interventions. Results: Children who received other health interventions were also more likely to be fully immunized. In nearly all countries, FIC was lowest among children born to mothers who failed to attend ANC, and highest when the mother had four or more ANC visits Côte d'Ivoire presented the largest difference in FIC: 54 percentage points (pp) between having four or more ANC visits and lack of ANC. SBA was also related with higher FIC. For instance, the coverage in children without SBA was 36 pp lower than for those with SBA in Nigeria. The largest absolute difference on FIC in relation to PNC was observed for Ethiopia: 31 pp between those without and with PNC. FIC was also positively related with having received VitA. The largest absolute difference was observed in DR Congo: 41 pp. The differences in FIC among whether or not children slept under ITN were much smaller than for other interventions. Haiti presented the largest absolute difference: 16 pp. Conclusions: Our results show the need to develop and implement strategies to vaccinate all children who contact health services in order to receive other interventions