2,517 research outputs found

    Inhibition causes ceaseless dynamics in networks of excitable nodes

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    The collective dynamics of a network of excitable nodes changes dramatically when inhibitory nodes are introduced. We consider inhibitory nodes which may be activated just like excitatory nodes but, upon activating, decrease the probability of activation of network neighbors. We show that, although the direct effect of inhibitory nodes is to decrease activity, the collective dynamics becomes self-sustaining. We explain this counterintuitive result by defining and analyzing a "branching function" which may be thought of as an activity-dependent branching ratio. The shape of the branching function implies that for a range of global coupling parameters dynamics are self-sustaining. Within the self-sustaining region of parameter space lies a critical line along which dynamics take the form of avalanches with universal scaling of size and duration, embedded in ceaseless timeseries of activity. Our analyses, confirmed by numerical simulation, suggest that inhibition may play a counterintuitive role in excitable networks.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    The Spin-Orbit Evolution of GJ 667C System: The Effect of Composition and Other Planet's Perturbations

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    Potentially habitable planets within the habitable zone of M-dwarfs are affected by tidal interaction. We studied the tidal evolution in GJ 667C using a numerical code we call TIDEV. We reviewed the problem of the dynamical evolution focusing on the effects that a rheological treatment, different compositions and the inclusion of orbital perturbations, have on the spin-down time and the probability to be trapped in a low spin-orbit resonance. Composition have a strong effect on the spin-down time, changing, in some cases, by almost a factor of 2 with respect to the value estimated for a reference Earth-like model. We calculated the time to reach a low resonance value (3:2) for the configuration of 6 planets. Capture probabilities are affected when assuming different compositions and eccentricities variations. We chose planets b and c to evaluate the probabilities of capture in resonances below 5:2 for two compositions: Earth-like and Waterworld planets. We found that perturbations, although having a secular effect on eccentricities, have a low impact on capture probabilities and noth- ing on spin-down times. The implications of the eccentricity variations and actual habitability of the GJ 667C system are discussed.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures, 4 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRAS - V

    Negative-energy perturbations in cylindrical equilibria with a radial electric field

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    The impact of an equilibrium radial electric field EE on negative-energy perturbations (NEPs) (which are potentially dangerous because they can lead to either linear or nonlinear explosive instabilities) in cylindrical equilibria of magnetically confined plasmas is investigated within the framework of Maxwell-drift kinetic theory. It turns out that for wave vectors with a non-vanishing component parallel to the magnetic field the conditions for the existence of NEPs in equilibria with E=0 [G. N. Throumoulopoulos and D. Pfirsch, Phys. Rev. E 53, 2767 (1996)] remain valid, while the condition for the existence of perpendicular NEPs, which are found to be the most important perturbations, is modified. For eiϕTi|e_i\phi|\approx T_i (ϕ\phi is the electrostatic potential) and Ti/Te>βcP/(B2/8π)T_i/T_e > \beta_c\approx P/(B^2/8\pi) (PP is the total plasma pressure), a case which is of operational interest in magnetic confinement systems, the existence of perpendicular NEPs depends on eνEe_\nu E, where eνe_\nu is the charge of the particle species ν\nu. In this case the electric field can reduce the NEPs activity in the edge region of tokamaklike and stellaratorlike equilibria with identical parabolic pressure profiles, the reduction of electron NEPs being more pronounced than that of ion NEPs.Comment: 30 pages, late

    Finding the Higgs Boson through Supersymmetry

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    The study of displaced vertices containing two b--jets may provide a double discovery at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC): we show how it may not only reveal evidence for supersymmetry, but also provide a way to uncover the Higgs boson necessary in the formulation of the electroweak theory in a large region of the parameter space. We quantify this explicitly using the simplest minimal supergravity model with bilinear breaking of R-parity, which accounts for the observed pattern of neutrino masses and mixings seen in neutrino oscillation experiments.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures. Final version to appear at PRD. Discussion and results were enlarge

    Statistical Properties of Avalanches in Networks

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    We characterize the distributions of size and duration of avalanches propagating in complex networks. By an avalanche we mean the sequence of events initiated by the externally stimulated `excitation' of a network node, which may, with some probability, then stimulate subsequent firings of the nodes to which it is connected, resulting in a cascade of firings. This type of process is relevant to a wide variety of situations, including neuroscience, cascading failures on electrical power grids, and epidemology. We find that the statistics of avalanches can be characterized in terms of the largest eigenvalue and corresponding eigenvector of an appropriate adjacency matrix which encodes the structure of the network. By using mean-field analyses, previous studies of avalanches in networks have not considered the effect of network structure on the distribution of size and duration of avalanches. Our results apply to individual networks (rather than network ensembles) and provide expressions for the distributions of size and duration of avalanches starting at particular nodes in the network. These findings might find application in the analysis of branching processes in networks, such as cascading power grid failures and critical brain dynamics. In particular, our results show that some experimental signatures of critical brain dynamics (i.e., power-law distributions of size and duration of neuronal avalanches), are robust to complex underlying network topologies.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    Predicting criticality and dynamic range in complex networks: effects of topology

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    The collective dynamics of a network of coupled excitable systems in response to an external stimulus depends on the topology of the connections in the network. Here we develop a general theoretical approach to study the effects of network topology on dynamic range, which quantifies the range of stimulus intensities resulting in distinguishable network responses. We find that the largest eigenvalue of the weighted network adjacency matrix governs the network dynamic range. Specifically, a largest eigenvalue equal to one corresponds to a critical regime with maximum dynamic range. We gain deeper insight on the effects of network topology using a nonlinear analysis in terms of additional spectral properties of the adjacency matrix. We find that homogeneous networks can reach a higher dynamic range than those with heterogeneous topology. Our analysis, confirmed by numerical simulations, generalizes previous studies in terms of the largest eigenvalue of the adjacency matrix.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Antigenic variation in vector-borne pathogens.

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    Several pathogens of humans and domestic animals depend on hematophagous arthropods to transmit them from one vertebrate reservoir host to another and maintain them in an environment. These pathogens use antigenic variation to prolong their circulation in the blood and thus increase the likelihood of transmission. By convergent evolution, bacterial and protozoal vector-borne pathogens have acquired similar genetic mechanisms for successful antigenic variation. Borrelia spp. and Anaplasma marginale (among bacteria) and African trypanosomes, Plasmodium falciparum, and Babesia bovis (among parasites) are examples of pathogens using these mechanisms. Antigenic variation poses a challenge in the development of vaccines against vector-borne pathogens

    Negative-Energy Perturbations in Circularly Cylindrical Equilibria within the Framework of Maxwell-Drift Kinetic Theory

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    The conditions for the existence of negative-energy perturbations (which could be nonlinearly unstable and cause anomalous transport) are investigated in the framework of linearized collisionless Maxwell-drift kinetic theory for the case of equilibria of magnetically confined, circularly cylindrical plasmas and vanishing initial field perturbations. For wave vectors with a non-vanishing component parallel to the magnetic field, the plane equilibrium conditions (derived by Throumoulopoulos and Pfirsch [Phys Rev. E {\bf 49}, 3290 (1994)]) are shown to remain valid, while the condition for perpendicular perturbations (which are found to be the most important modes) is modified. Consequently, besides the tokamak equilibrium regime in which the existence of negative-energy perturbations is related to the threshold value of 2/3 of the quantity ην=lnTνlnNν\eta_\nu = \frac {\partial \ln T_\nu} {\partial \ln N_\nu}, a new regime appears, not present in plane equilibria, in which negative-energy perturbations exist for {\em any} value of ην\eta_\nu. For various analytic cold-ion tokamak equilibria a substantial fraction of thermal electrons are associated with negative-energy perturbations (active particles). In particular, for linearly stable equilibria of a paramagnetic plasma with flat electron temperature profile (ηe=0\eta_e=0), the entire velocity space is occupied by active electrons. The part of the velocity space occupied by active particles increases from the center to the plasma edge and is larger in a paramagnetic plasma than in a diamagnetic plasma with the same pressure profile. It is also shown that, unlike in plane equilibria, negative-energy perturbations exist in force-free reversed-field pinch equilibria with a substantial fraction of active particles.Comment: 31 pages, late