15 research outputs found

    New constraints on the Middle Palaeozoic to Cenozoic burial and thermal history of the Holy Cross Mts. (Central Poland): results from numerical modelling

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    A 1-D burial-thermal modelling was performed using data from two borehole sections representative of the central part of the Holy Cross Mts. area. This area is located in the axial part of the Permian-Mesozoic Mid-Polish Trough that was inverted during the latest Cretaceous-Paleocene. The modelling involved different variants of restored stratigraphy of eroded Carboniferous to Cretaceous strata, whereas calibration was based on samples from cored Middle-Upper Devonian sediments. The modelling results are consistent with the assumption of a Variscan (Carboniferous-Early Permian) heat flow elevated up to 80 mWm-2, which is further confirmed by independent regional evidence. The zone of increased thermal maturity in the Devonian may be partly accounted for by a thicker Carboniferous section (by ca. 500 m) compared to previous estimates. Two variants of the post-Carboniferous geohistory were analysed. The variant of a thinner Permian-Mesozoic section, implying lower magnitude of the Late Cretaceous-Paleogene inversion, allows more realistic assumptions regarding heat flow distribution through time, including the possibility to incorporate an elevated Variscan heat flow. The alternative scenario, assuming deeper burial, generally lower heat flow and smaller Carboniferous thickness, is regarded as less probable. The accepted variant of the Permian-Mesozoic burial history implies that the total post-Carboniferous burial in the study area was on the order of 2000-2500 metres rather than 3000-3500 metres. The respective Upper Cretaceous thickness could have been 400 to 500 m instead of ca. 1000 m, whereas the Late Cretaceous-Paleogene inversion more likely started in the Santonian than in the late Maastrichtian. Consequently, the preferred magnitude of total inversion was on the order of 2500 m

    New constraints on the Middle Palaeozoic to enozoic burial and hermal history of the Holy ross Mts. (Central Poland) : results of numerical modelling

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    A 1-D burial-thermal modelling was performed using data from two borehole sections representative of the central part of the Holy Cross Mts. area. This area is located in the axial part of the Permian-Mesozoic Mid-Polish Trough that was inverted during the latest Cretaceous-Paleocene. The modelling involved different variants of restored stratigraphy of eroded Carboniferous to Cretaceous strata, whereas calibration was based on samples from cored Middle-Upper Devonian sediments. The modelling results are consistent with the assumption of a Variscan (Carboniferous-Early Permian) heat flow elevated up to 80 mWm-2, which is further confirmed by independent regional evidence. The zone of increased thermal maturity in the Devonian may be partly accounted for by a thicker Carboniferous section (by ca. 500 m) compared to previous estimates. Two variants of the post-Carboniferous geohistory were analysed. The variant of a thinner Permian-Mesozoic section, implying lower magnitude of the Late Cretaceous-Paleogene inversion, allows more realistic assumptions regarding heat flow distribution through time, including the possibility to incorporate an elevated Variscan heat flow. The alternative scenario, assuming deeper burial, generally lower heat flow and smaller Carboniferous thickness, is regarded as less probable. The accepted variant of the Permian-Mesozoic burial history implies that the total post-Carboniferous burial in the study area was on the order of 2000-2500 metres rather than 3000-3500 metres. The respective Upper Cretaceous thickness could have been 400 to 500 m instead of ca. 1000 m, whereas the Late Cretaceous Paleogene inversion more likely started in the Santonian than in the late Maastrichtian. Consequently, the preferred magnitude of total inversion was on the order of 2500 m

    Автоматизация учета и анализа проведения ремонтных работ в котельном цехе ООО "ЮТЭЦ"

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    В статье представлена разработка информационной системы для автоматизации учета и анализа проведения ремонтных работ в котельном цехе ООО «ЮТЭЦ». Для разработки информационной системы выбрана платформа «1С: Предприятие». Показаны созданные в системе основные объекты: справочники, документы, отчеты.The article presents the development of an information system for the automation of accounting and analysis of repair work in the boiler room. For the development of the information system, the 1C: Enterprise platform was chosen. The main objects created in the system are shown: directories, documents, reports

    Uwarunkowania społeczne inwestycji w odnawialne źródła energii na obszarach pogórniczych w regionie konińskim

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    The article presents an overview of social considerations for location of renewable energy production sites (wind or solar farms) at the overburden disposal areas situated inside Jóźwin II B and Jóźwin IIA open pits of the PAK Konin Lignite Mine which are researched in frame of the SUMAD project (entitled “Sustainable Use of Mining Waste Dumps”). The article includes a preliminary investigation of socio-economic variables in order to verify if the new function planned for the post-mining areas meets the needs of a local community.W artykule przedstawiono przegląd uwarunkowań społecznych związanych z lokalizacją miejsc produkcji energii odnawialnej (farm wiatrowych lub słonecznych) na wewnętrznych zwałowiskach górniczych zlokalizowanych w obrębie odkrywek Jóźwin IIB i Jóźwin IIA PAK Kopalni Węgla Brunatnego Konin, które są przedmiotem badań w ramach projektu SUMAD (pt. “Zrównoważone wykorzystanie zwałowisk górniczych”). Artykuł obejmuje wstępne badanie zmiennych społeczno-ekonomicznych w celu sprawdzenia, czy nowa funkcja planowana dla terenów pogórniczych odpowiada potrzebom lokalnej społeczności

    Strategies and action plans for public lighting development in polish municipalities

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    W artykule podjęto temat planowania strategicznego w gminach w odniesieniu do modernizacji infrastruktury oświetleniowej i systemów zarządzania oświetleniem. Przedstawiono założenia i cele kluczowe gminnej strategii rozwoju oświetlania publicznego oraz zaprezentowano przykładowe działania możliwe do realizacji w ramach planów działania. Opracowanie i wdrożenie przez gminę strategii oświetleniowej i podjęcie wynikających z niej działań powinno skutkować projektowaniem oświetlenia, które przyczyni się zarówno do zmniejszenia zużycia energii potrzebnej do zapewnienia niezbędnego poziomu oświetlenia, jak i ograniczenia negatywnych efektów sztucznego światła i stworzenia przestrzeni publicznych bezpiecznych i przyjaznych dla mieszkańców.The article analyzes a topic of strategic planning in municipalities, which is related to modernization of lighting infrastructure and public lighting management systems. The assumptions and key objectives of a municipal strategy for public lighting development and examples of actions that could be implemented in frame of action plans are presented. The lighting strategy development and implementation by a municipality and taking the related actions should result in the provision of a lighting design that will contribute to both reducing energy required to provide a necessary level of lighting as well as minimizing negative effects of artificial light and creating public spaces that are safe and friendly for residents

    Możliwości lokalizacji inwestycji w odnawialne źródła energii na obszarach pogórniczych w regionie konińskim

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    The article provides an overview of possible locations of renewable energy production sites at the overburden disposal areas situated inside lignite open pits of the Konin region which are researched in frame of the SUMAD project (entitled “Sustainable Use of Mining Waste Dumps”). The three mines currently operating in the Konin region represent different cases in terms of time of operation, pit size and other conditions. Coal excavation in the two of them is about to be ceased so reclamation processes have already taken place in the inactive parts of the pits. The article includes a preliminary site investigation in order to indicate possibilities for future use of the post-mining areas as renewable energy production sites (wind or solar farms).W artykule przedstawiono przegląd możliwych miejsc produkcji energii odnawialnej na wewnętrznych zwałowiskach górniczych zlokalizowanych w obrębie odkrywek węgla brunatnego regionu konińskiego, które są przedmiotem badań projektu SUMAD (pt. “Zrównoważone wykorzystanie zwałowisk górniczych”). Trzy kopalnie działające obecnie w regionie konińskim reprezentują różne przypadki pod względem czasu trwania eksploatacji, wielkości wyrobisk i innych warunków. Wydobycie węgla w dwóch z nich ma się wkrótce zakończyć, więc w nieczynnych częściach wyrobisk prowadzona jest już rekultywacja. Artykuł obejmuje wstępne rozpoznanie obszaru kopalni w celu wskazania możliwości przyszłego wykorzystania terenów pogórniczych jako miejsc produkcji energii odnawialnej (farm wiatrowych lub słonecznych)

    Projects realised by „Poltegor-Institute” within Interreg Central Europe Program

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    Celem artkułu jest zaprezentowanie projektów zrealizowanych przez „Poltegor-Instytut” w ramach programu Interreg Europa Środkowa finansowanego z Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego.The main aim of the paper is to present projects realised by „Poltegor-Institute” within Interreg Central Europe Program

    Potential of using waste heat from processing industry in the Lower Silesia region

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    W artykule podjęto próbę oszacowania potencjału ciepła odpadowego z dolnośląskiego przemysłu przetwórczego. W tym celu wykorzystano metodykę szacowania potencjału ciepła odpadowego, gdzie oblicza się go jako procent zużytej energii w poszczególnych sektorach przemysłu. Dla Dolnego Śląska potencjał ten określono łącznie na 3253,50 TJ rocznie (0,9 TWh/rok), co stanowi około 16,5 % zużycia energii w przemyśle przetwórczym. Jednocześnie wykazano potencjał redukcji emisji w wysokości 308 tys. ton CO2 /rok (w porównaniu z rokiem bazowym 2016). Oszacowany potencjał ciepła odpadowego stanowił podstawę do opracowania scenariuszy rozwoju wykorzystania tego ciepła do roku 2040. Przyjęto, że wykorzystanie potencjału ciepła odpadowego odbywać się może według trzech scenariuszy: podstawowego, scenariusza ochrony klimatu i scenariusza ochrony klimatu plus.The article attempts to estimate waste heat potential from processing industry in the Lower Silesia region. For this purpose, the methodology for estimating waste heat potential was used, where it is calculated as a percentage of energy consumed in individual industry sectors. For the Lower Silesia this potential is determined at a total of 3,235.50 TJ per year (0.9 TWh / year), which is about 16.5% of energy consumption in the processing industry. The emission reduction potential of 308 thousand tonnes of CO2 / year is demonstrated (compared to 2016 as a base year). The estimated waste heat potential is a basis for scenarios of waste heat utilization development by 2040. It is assumed that the utilization of waste heat potential can take place according to three scenarios: a basic scenario, climate protection scenario and climate protection scenario plus

    New constraints on the Middle Palaeozoic to enozoic burial and hermal history of the Holy ross Mts. (Central Poland) : results of numerical modelling

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    A 1-D burial-thermal modelling was performed using data from two borehole sections representative of the central part of the Holy Cross Mts. area. This area is located in the axial part of the Permian-Mesozoic Mid-Polish Trough that was inverted during the latest Cretaceous-Paleocene. The modelling involved different variants of restored stratigraphy of eroded Carboniferous to Cretaceous strata, whereas calibration was based on samples from cored Middle-Upper Devonian sediments. The modelling results are consistent with the assumption of a Variscan (Carboniferous-Early Permian) heat flow elevated up to 80 mWm-2, which is further confirmed by independent regional evidence. The zone of increased thermal maturity in the Devonian may be partly accounted for by a thicker Carboniferous section (by ca. 500 m) compared to previous estimates. Two variants of the post-Carboniferous geohistory were analysed. The variant of a thinner Permian-Mesozoic section, implying lower magnitude of the Late Cretaceous-Paleogene inversion, allows more realistic assumptions regarding heat flow distribution through time, including the possibility to incorporate an elevated Variscan heat flow. The alternative scenario, assuming deeper burial, generally lower heat flow and smaller Carboniferous thickness, is regarded as less probable. The accepted variant of the Permian-Mesozoic burial history implies that the total post-Carboniferous burial in the study area was on the order of 2000-2500 metres rather than 3000-3500 metres. The respective Upper Cretaceous thickness could have been 400 to 500 m instead of ca. 1000 m, whereas the Late Cretaceous Paleogene inversion more likely started in the Santonian than in the late Maastrichtian. Consequently, the preferred magnitude of total inversion was on the order of 2500 m