135 research outputs found

    The Small World of Osteocytes: Connectomics of the Lacuno-Canalicular Network in Bone

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    Osteocytes and their cell processes reside in a large, interconnected network of voids pervading the mineralized bone matrix of most vertebrates. This osteocyte lacuno-canalicular network (OLCN) is believed to play important roles in mechanosensing, mineral homeostasis, and for the mechanical properties of bone. While the extracellular matrix structure of bone is extensively studied on ultrastructural and macroscopic scales, there is a lack of quantitative knowledge on how the cellular network is organized. Using a recently introduced imaging and quantification approach, we analyze the OLCN in different bone types from mouse and sheep that exhibit different degrees of structural organization not only of the cell network but also of the fibrous matrix deposited by the cells. We define a number of robust, quantitative measures that are derived from the theory of complex networks. These measures enable us to gain insights into how efficient the network is organized with regard to intercellular transport and communication. Our analysis shows that the cell network in regularly organized, slow-growing bone tissue from sheep is less connected, but more efficiently organized compared to irregular and fast-growing bone tissue from mice. On the level of statistical topological properties (edges per node, edge length and degree distribution), both network types are indistinguishable, highlighting that despite pronounced differences at the tissue level, the topological architecture of the osteocyte canalicular network at the subcellular level may be independent of species and bone type. Our results suggest a universal mechanism underlying the self-organization of individual cells into a large, interconnected network during bone formation and mineralization

    The relationship among development skills, design quality, and centrality in open source projects

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    The paradigm of the Internet of Services envisions trade on a global service-enabled internet. Companies, which participate in this new world of services, face the challenges of changing market conditions, new competitive threats, and new legal regulations. Service-oriented Architectures (SOA) provide a promising way to address some of these challenges at the level of the company’s IT infrastructure. In order to guideline an enterprise’s organization and IT and ensure smooth operations, governance frameworks have been established. More specifically, IT Governance and recently SOA Governance have been introduced. The basic structure of IT Governance frameworks is applicable to an SOA. However, they lack functionality or applicability concerning SOA-specific challenges. Current approaches, which focus on mere SOA Governance, lack framework scope and are mostly driven by individual companies. This issue aggravates taking into account the shift to an Internet of Services. We identify key issues and provide initial insights on building blocks for a Service Governance Framework which enables operations for companies in a moderated service network. We discuss service life cycle phases, stakeholder roles, and management processes taking into consideration existing frameworks such as ITIL and CObIT as well as industry-specific approaches from companies such as SAP, Oracle, and HP

    Towards a Consistent Service Lifecycle Model in Service Governance

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    Introducing an SOA in a company brings new challenges for the existing management. Small loosely coupled services allow the Enterprise Architecture to flexibly adapt to existing business processes that themselves depend on changing market environments. SOA, however, introduces a new implicit system complexity. Service Governance approaches address this issue by introducing management processes and techniques, and best practices to cope with the new heterogeneity. Service lifecycle management is one aspect. Existing definitions of service lifecycles vary greatly.. In this paper, we compare existing service lifecycle approaches concerning defined phases and process. In particular, we challenge the purpose of the distinctions made between design time, runtime, and change time. Concluding, we propose a consolidated service lifecycle model for usage in Service Governance

    Towards a Generic Governance Model for Service Oriented Architectures

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    Over the past years, Service-oriented Architecture (SOA) Systems have been recognized more and more as a serious alternative to common monolithic systems for Enterprise Architectures (EA). An SOA provides a flexible means of effectively mapping business processes to IT processes. However, large IT systems require consistent leadership – IT Governance. For SOAs, governance faces new challenges. A number of different approaches for SOA Governance Frameworks exist, which differ extensively in scope and capability, as most of them are product-driven and developed by software companies. In this paper, we outline and compare existing SOA Governance approaches and present our approach - a Generic Governance Model for SOA

    Dancers entrain more effectively than non-dancers to another actor's movements

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    For many everyday sensorimotor tasks, trained dancers have been found to exhibit distinct and sometimes superior (more stable or robust) patterns of behavior compared to non-dancers. Past research has demonstrated that experts in fields requiring specialized physical training and behavioral control exhibit superior interpersonal coordination capabilities for expertise-related tasks. To date, however, no published studies have compared dancers’ abilities to coordinate their movements with the movements of another individual—i.e., during a so-called visual-motor interpersonal coordination task. The current study was designed to investigate whether trained dancers would be better able to coordinate with a partner performing short sequences of dance-like movements than non-dancers. Movement time series were recorded for individual dancers and non-dancers asked to synchronize with a confederate during three different movement sequences characterized by distinct dance styles (i.e., dance team routine, contemporary ballet, mixed style) without hearing any auditory signals or music. A diverse range of linear and nonlinear analyses (i.e., Cross-correlation, Cross-Recurrence Quantification Analysis (CRQA), and Cross-Wavelet analysis) provided converging measures of coordination across multiple time scales. While overall levels of interpersonal coordination were influenced by differences in movement sequence for both groups, dancers consistently displayed higher levels of coordination with the confederate at both short and long time scales. These findings demonstrate that the visual-motor coordination capabilities of trained dancers allow them to better synchronize with other individuals performing dance-like movements than non-dancers. Further investigation of similar tasks may help to increase the understanding of visual-motor entrainment in general, as well as provide insight into the effects of focused training on visual-motor and interpersonal coordination

    Quantum transport through STM-lifted single PTCDA molecules

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    Using a scanning tunneling microscope we have measured the quantum conductance through a PTCDA molecule for different configurations of the tip-molecule-surface junction. A peculiar conductance resonance arises at the Fermi level for certain tip to surface distances. We have relaxed the molecular junction coordinates and calculated transport by means of the Landauer/Keldysh approach. The zero bias transmission calculated for fixed tip positions in lateral dimensions but different tip substrate distances show a clear shift and sharpening of the molecular chemisorption level on increasing the STM-surface distance, in agreement with experiment.Comment: accepted for publication in Applied Physics

    Human Genotyping and An Experimental Model Reveal NPR-C as A Possible Contributor to Morbidity In Coarctation Of The Aorta

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    Coarctation of the aorta (CoA) is a common congenital cardiovascular (CV) defect characterized by a stenosis of the descending thoracic aorta. Treatment exists, but many patients develop hypertension (HTN). Identifying the cause of HTN is challenging because of patient variability (e.g., age, follow-up duration, severity) and concurrent CV abnormalities. Our objective was to conduct RNA sequencing of aortic tissue from humans with CoA to identify a candidate gene for mechanistic studies of arterial dysfunction in a rabbit model of CoA devoid of the variability seen with humans. We present the first known evidence of natriuretic peptide receptor C (NPR-C; aka NPR3) downregulation in human aortic sections subjected to high blood pressure (BP) from CoA versus normal BP regions (validated to PCR). These changes in NPR-C, a gene associated with BP and proliferation, were replicated in the rabbit model of CoA. Artery segments from this model were used with human aortic endothelial cells to reveal the functional relevance of altered NPR-C activity. Results showed decreased intracellular calcium ([Ca2+]i) activity to C-type natriuretic peptide (CNP). Normal relaxation induced by CNP and atrial natriuretic peptide was impaired for aortic segments exposed to elevated BP from CoA. Inhibition of NPR-C (M372049) also impaired aortic relaxation and [Ca2+]i activity. Genotyping of NPR-Cvariants predicted to be damaging revealed that rs146301345 was enriched in our CoA patients, but sample size limited association with HTN. These results may ultimately be used to tailor treatment for CoA based on mechanical stimuli, genotyping, and/or changes in arterial function

    Interactive Rhythmic Auditory Stimulation Reinstates Natural 1/f Timing in Gait of Parkinson's Patients

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    Parkinson's disease (PD) and basal ganglia dysfunction impair movement timing, which leads to gait instability and falls. Parkinsonian gait consists of random, disconnected stride times—rather than the 1/f structure observed in healthy gait—and this randomness of stride times (low fractal scaling) predicts falling. Walking with fixed-tempo Rhythmic Auditory Stimulation (RAS) can improve many aspects of gait timing; however, it lowers fractal scaling (away from healthy 1/f structure) and requires attention. Here we show that interactive rhythmic auditory stimulation reestablishes healthy gait dynamics in PD patients. In the experiment, PD patients and healthy participants walked with a) no auditory stimulation, b) fixed-tempo RAS, and c) interactive rhythmic auditory stimulation. The interactive system used foot sensors and nonlinear oscillators to track and mutually entrain with the human's step timing. Patients consistently synchronized with the interactive system, their fractal scaling returned to levels of healthy participants, and their gait felt more stable to them. Patients and healthy participants rarely synchronized with fixed-tempo RAS, and when they did synchronize their fractal scaling declined from healthy 1/f levels. Five minutes after removing the interactive rhythmic stimulation, the PD patients' gait retained high fractal scaling, suggesting that the interaction stabilized the internal rhythm generating system and reintegrated timing networks. The experiment demonstrates that complex interaction is important in the (re)emergence of 1/f structure in human behavior and that interactive rhythmic auditory stimulation is a promising therapeutic tool for improving gait of PD patients
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