42 research outputs found
Correlation between Cognitive Function and Physical Performance in Community-Dwelling Older Adults
Background: One of the health problems often found among older adults in Indonesia is cognitive impairment, resulting in difficulties daily life and a significant decrease in functional status. This study aimed to determine the correlation between cognitive function and physical performance in community-dwelling older adults.Methods: This was a cross-sectional study conducted from October–November 2019. Samples were collected from North Jakarta through consecutive sampling (n=38). Cognitive function was measured using the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) and the physical performance was measured using the Timed Up and Go Test (TUG) method. The statistical test applied in this study was Spearman’s rank correlation (p<0.05). Results: The majority of the subjects in this study were mostly female young older adults with the most received ≥12 years of education. The results for both MMSE and TUG were normal. There was a negative correlation between MMSE and TUG scores (r= -0.357, p=0.028).Conclusions: There is a weak but significant correlation between cognitive function and physical performance in community-dwelling older adults. A further study exploring cognitive dysfunction and physical performance in older adults is needed
Factors Associated with Physical Frailty in Elderly Women with Low Socioeconomic Status in Urban Communities: A Cross-Sectional Study
Background: there are differences in factors associated with frailty syndrome in elderly population. The aim of this research was to determine frailty status (fit, pre-frail and frail) and to identify factors associated with physical frailty in urban community-dwelling elderly women. Methods: a cross-sectional study of community-dwelling women aged 60 years and older was conducted in West and Central Jakarta regions, Indonesia, from July until September 2017. The Cardiovascular Health Study (CHS) score was used to determine frailty status (fit/ pre-frail/ frail). Chi-Square Test and logistic regression analysis were used to determine association between independent variables and physical frailty. Results: there were 325 female subjects with a median age of 67 (60–94) years; 95.7% had income below the Provincial Minimum Income of DKI Jakarta in 2017 (<3.3 million IDR≈238 USD/month), and 92.6% had a level of education ≤9 years. Subjects were classified into this following groups: fit (12.6%), pre-frail (63.4%) and frail (24%). Factors associated with physical frailty were age above 70 years old with OR 5.27, lower Barthel Index for Activities of Daily Living (B-ADL) with OR 2.85, depressive symptoms with OR 6.79, and Euro Quality of Life-5 Dimensions (EQ-5D) index with OR 1.96. Conclusion: elderly women in the urban community with low socioeconomic status were classified as fit (12.6%), pre-frail (63.4%) and frail (24%). Factors associated with physical frailty were age above 70 years old, depressive symptoms, lower functional status and health-related quality of life index
In the Excelsiora, a Hope Student News Paper, There is a Report of the Death of the Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte That Occurred On This Day but Published in Volume VII, Nov. to June, 1877
In the Excelsiora, a Hope student news paper, there is a report of the death of the Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte that occurred on this day but published in volume VII, Nov. to June, 1877. The author of the tribute to Van Raalte was R[ensa] H. Joldersma. The news paper/magazine was not published as such but was hand written. This tribute consists of seven pages.https://digitalcommons.hope.edu/vrp_1870s/1274/thumbnail.jp
Skripsi ini berjudul “Penggunaan Teknik Token Ekonomi Untuk Mengurangi Perilaku Agresi Anak Dengan Hambatan Emosi dan Perilaku Di SLB E Handayani”. Perilaku agresi merupakan salah satu penyimpangan tingkah laku. Perilaku agresi ini mudah dikenali, bisa telihat secara jelas, dan memiliki dampak langsung terhadap lingkungan. Perilaku agresi disajikan berdasarkan fokusnya terhadap tiga aspek, yaitu akibat merugikan/menyakitkan, niat, dan harapan untuk merugikan orang lain. Upaya untuk memodifikasi perilaku agresi peserta didik dapat dilakukan dengan teknik pemberian hadiah. Salah satunya ialah dengan menggunakan teknik token ekonomi. Tujuan umum dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui apakah penggunaan teknik token ekonomi dapat mengurangi perilaku agresi peserta didik di SLB E Handayani. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan desain single subject research. Subjek penelitian berinisial DT kelas 8 SLB E Handayani. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya pengurangan perilaku agresi pada aspek agresi fisik. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini, dengan menggunakan teknik token ekonomi terdapat pegurangan perilaku agresi pada peserta didik anak dengan hambatan emosi dan perilaku di SLB E Handayani;--
The Concept Design of a Flap System for the New Generation of Sport Aircraft
Diplomová práce se zabývá návrhem celkové koncepce sportovního letounu pro základní výcvik, leteckou turistiku a aerovleky s využitím v aeroklubech a privátním sektoru. Cílem práce bylo navržení vnějších tvarů letounu, výpočet základních aerodynamických charakteristik a výkonů, řešení konstrukčního a aerodynamického návrhu křídla, vztlakové mechanizace a jejího ovládání.ploma thesis deals with design of a four-seat sport aircraft for basic training, tourist flying and glider towing, which can be used in aeroclubs and by private owners. The objective of this thesis was to design the outer shapes of the aircraft, compute the basic aerodynamic characteristics and performance, design of structural and aerodynamic layout of the wing and design of flap system with governing.
Manajemen Komunikasi Keluarga di Era Digital
Di era digital saat ini, manajemen komunikasi keluarga memainkan peran yang semakin vital dalam mendukung kesejahteraan keluarga. Perubahan teknologi yang cepat telah mengubah cara anggota keluarga berinteraksi dan berkomunikasi, menciptakan tantangan sekaligus peluang baru. Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi bagaimana keluarga dapat mengelola komunikasi digital mereka untuk memperkuat ikatan keluarga dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan keseluruhan. Ditemukan bahwa penggunaan teknologi yang bijak dapat memperkaya komunikasi antaranggota keluarga, namun juga diperlukan kesadaran akan potensi risiko seperti ketergantungan teknologi dan penurunan interaksi tatap muka. Dengan demikian, keluarga perlu mengembangkan kebijakan komunikasi yang seimbang, memanfaatkan teknologi untuk mendukung komunikasi positif, sekaligus menjaga keseimbangan dengan interaksi langsung. Berdasarkan pada teori sistem keluarga dapat menjelaskan strategi komunikasi yang efektif, peran orang tua dalam penggunaan teknologi anak, serta faktor yang mempengaruhi kesejahteraan keluarg
Implementasi Hukum Standar Pelayanan Obstetri Neonatal Emergensi Dasar (PONED) oleh Bidan dalam Upaya Kesehatan di Puskesmas Mulyoharjo Kabupaten Pemalang
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui implementasi hukum standar Pelayanan Obstetri Neonatal Emergensi Dasar (PONED) oleh bidan dalam upaya kesehatan dan mengetahui pengaruh faktor kedisiplinan, fasilitas, dan kerja sama terhadap implementasi hukum standar PONED di Puskesmas Mulyoharjo Kabupaten Pemalang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan yuridis sosiologis, dan spesifikasi penelitian deskriptif. Penelitian ini mengambil lokasi di Puskesmas Mulyoharjo Kabupaten Pemalang dengan responden sebanyak 20 bidan. Pengambilan sampel penelitian mengunakan simple random sampling atau sampel random acak. Jenis dan sumber data meliputi data primer dan data sekunder yang diperoleh dengan metode angket, dokumenter dan kepustakaan. Data yang terkumpul diolah dengan menggunakan metode coding, editing dan tabulasi serta dianalisis dengan analisis statistik sederhana, content analysis dan comparative analysis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi hukum standar PONED oleh bidan dalam upaya kesehatan Puskesmas Mulyoharjo Kabupaten Pemalang adalah efektif. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan hasil penelitian terhadap 3 (tiga) indikator meliputi Efektifnya pelaksanaan standar PONED dalam pelayanan kesehatan ibu; Efektifnya pelaksanaan standar PONED dalam pelayanan kesehatan anak; dan Efektifnya pelaksanaan standar PONED dalam pelayanan kesehatan reproduksi perempuan dan keluarga berencana. Faktor kedisiplinan kerja sebagai faktor personal, fasilitas kerja dan kerja sama sebagai faktor sosial cenderung berpengaruh secara positif terhadap implementasi hukum standar PONED oleh bidan dalam upaya kesehatan di Puskesmas Mulyoharjo Kabupaten Pemalang. Hal ini mengandung arti bahwa kedisiplinan kerja yang tinggi, fasilitas kerja baik dan baiknya kerja sama maka semakin efektifnya pelaksanaanya
The absence of the respondent in the process of talak divorce request becomes the basis for the panel of judges to issue a default judgment. The purpose of this writing is to understand the trial process in handling the talak divorce request in case number: 1584/Pdt.G/2023/PA.Kab.Mlg. The research method used is juridical-empirical by using legal data collection techniques through direct observation in the case and assisting the lawyer as the legal representative of the applicant in the trial process. The process of talak divorce request began with the registration of the divorce lawsuit and power of attorney at the religious court within the jurisdiction of the respondent's residence. Then, It was proceeded to the initial hearing with the agenda of mediating the parties that ended in a failed session which was postponed and continued with the evidence presentation process and the verdict. This was because the respondent had been officially and appropriately summoned twice but he did not attend the trial session after being called twice. The evidence presentation process involved submitting two types of evidence: documentary evidence and witness testimony. It concluded with the panel of judges granting the applicant's request in its entirety. After the verdict gained legal force (inkracht), the religious court in Kabupaten Malang summoned a talak vow hearing along with the issuance of the divorce deed conducted by the applicant. The divorce talak application process in case number: 1584/Pdt.G/2023/PA.Kab.Mlg has complied with the applicable legal procedural rules. It is hoped that the panel of judges and the mediator will provide education regarding the importance of attending the trial process to exercise one's rights and fulfill obligations
Determinant Factors of Cognitive Frailty in Elderly Patients
Introduction. Physical frailty and cognitive impairment have a strong relationship and there are differences in factors associated with cognitive frailty. This research aimed to determine the prevalence of cognitive frailty and identify factors associated with cognitive frailty in the elderly population in hospital polyclinic. Methods. A cross-sectional study with secondary data on patients aged ≥60 years in the Internal Medicine Polyclinic of Atma Jaya Hospital, Jakarta, from May 2020 to May 2021. The independent variables of this study were age, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, risk of malnutrition, risk of depression, and functional status. The alternative criteria by Won et al. were used to classify cognitive frailt. Bivariate analysis (chi-square test) and multivariate analysis (logistic regression) were performed using SPSS program. Results. There were 343 subjects with a median age of 66 years, 35% had cardiovascular disease, 5.2% had a high risk of malnutrition, 9.3% had depressive symptoms, 20.4% had a low functional status (ADL-Barthel index), 55.7% were diagnosed with type 2 diabetes mellitus, and 36.4% were diagnosed with dyslipidemia. The prevalence of subjects with cognitive frailty is 1.2% and 98.8% without cognitive frailty. The determinant factor of cognitive frailty is the presence of cardiovascular disease [OR 10.17 (95% CI 0.97-106.54); p=0.05]. Conclusions. Prevalence of cognitive frailty in elderly outpatients is 1.2%. The determinant factor of cognitive frailty is cardiovascular disease
Fisherman Settlement Arrangement to Area Zero Waste
The quality of the environment in Gudang Lelang fishermen district is getting decrease because of trash problem. The purpose of the research is to know the appropriate form of the district’s arrangement as a problem solving of trash to be applied to Gudang Lelang fishermen as a Zero Waste district. The methods of data collection are observation, literature, and interview. The analysis performed covers environment, human and building which the result of the analysis is startegy for district planning