12 research outputs found

    Heterogeneous CO\u3csub\u3e2\u3c/sub\u3eand CH\u3csub\u3e4\u3c/sub\u3eContent of Glacial Meltwater From the Greenland Ice Sheet and Implications for Subglacial Carbon Processes

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    Accelerated melting of the Greenland Ice Sheet has increased freshwater delivery to the Arctic Ocean and amplified the need to understand the impact of Greenland Ice Sheet meltwater on Arctic greenhouse gas budgets. We evaluate subglacial discharge from the Greenland Ice Sheet for carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) concentrations and δ13C values and use geochemical models to evaluate subglacial CH4 and CO2 sources and sinks. We compare discharge from southwest (a sub-catchment of the Isunnguata Glacier, sub-Isunnguata, and the Russell Glacier) and southern Greenland (Kiattut Sermiat). Meltwater CH4 concentrations vary by orders of magnitude between sites and are saturated with respect to atmospheric concentrations at Kiattut Sermiat. In contrast, meltwaters from southwest sites are supersaturated, even though oxidation reduces CH4 concentrations by up to 50 % during periods of low discharge. CO2 concentrations range from supersaturated at sub-Isunnguata to undersaturated at Kiattut Sermiat. CO2 is consumed by mineral weathering throughout the melt season at all sites; however, differences in the magnitude of subglacial CO2 sources result in meltwaters that are either sources or sinks of atmospheric CO2. At the sub-Isunnguata site, the predominant source of CO2 is organic matter (OM) remineralization. However, multiple or heterogeneous subglacial CO2 sources maintain atmospheric CO2 concentrations at Russell but not at Kiattut Sermiat, where CO2 is undersaturated. These results highlight a previously unrecognized degree of heterogeneity in greenhouse gas dynamics under the Greenland Ice Sheet. Future work should constrain the extent and controls of heterogeneity to improve our understanding of the impact of Greenland Ice Sheet melt on Arctic greenhouse gas budgets, as well as the role of continental ice sheets in greenhouse gas variations over glacial–interglacial timescales

    Direct measurements of meltwater runoff on the Greenland ice sheet surface

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    Meltwater runoff from the Greenland ice sheet surface influences surface mass balance (SMB), ice dynamics, and global sea level rise, but is estimated with climate models and thus difficult to validate. We present a way to measure ice surface runoff directly, from hourly in situ supraglacial river discharge measurements and simultaneous high-resolution satellite/drone remote sensing of upstream fluvial catchment area. A first 72-h trial for a 63.1-km2 moulin-terminating internally drained catchment (IDC) on Greenland?s midelevation (1,207?1,381 m above sea level) ablation zone is compared with melt and runoff simulations from HIRHAM5, MAR3.6, RACMO2.3, MERRA-2, and SEB climate/SMB models. Current models cannot reproduce peak discharges or timing of runoff entering moulins but are improved using synthetic unit hydrograph (SUH) theory. Retroactive SUH applications to two older field studies reproduce their findings, signifying that remotely sensed IDC area, shape, and supraglacial river length are useful for predicting delays in peak runoff delivery to moulins. Applying SUH to HIRHAM5, MAR3.6, and RACMO2.3 gridded melt products for 799 surrounding IDCs suggests their terminal moulins receive lower peak discharges, less diurnal variability, and asynchronous runoff timing relative to climate/SMB model output alone. Conversely, large IDCs produce high moulin discharges, even at high elevations where melt rates are low. During this particular field experiment, models overestimated runoff by +21 to +58%, linked to overestimated surface ablation and possible meltwater retention in bare, porous, low-density ice. Direct measurements of ice surface runoff will improve climate/SMB models, and incorporating remotely sensed IDCs will aid coupling of SMB with ice dynamics and subglacial systemspublishersversionPeer reviewe

    Recent warming trends of the Greenland ice sheet documented by historical firn and ice temperature observations and machine learning

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    Surface melt on the Greenland ice sheet has been increasing in intensity and extent over the last decades due to Arctic atmospheric warming. Surface melt depends on the surface energy balance, which includes the atmospheric forcing but also the thermal budget of the snow, firn and ice near the ice sheet surface. The temperature of the ice sheet subsurface has been used as an indicator of the thermal state of the ice sheet's surface. Here, we present a compilation of 4612 measurements of firn and ice temperature at 10m below the surface (T10m) across the ice sheet, spanning from 1912 to 2022. The measurements are either instantaneous or monthly averages. We train an artificial neural network model (ANN) on 4597 of these point observations, weighted by their relative representativity, and use it to reconstruct T10m over the entire Greenland ice sheet for the period 1950-2022 at a monthly timescale. We use 10-year averages and mean annual values of air temperature and snowfall from the ERA5 reanalysis dataset as model input. The ANN indicates a Greenland-wide positive trend of T10m at 0.2°C per decade during the 1950-2022 period, with a cooling during 1950-1985 (-0.4°C per decade) followed by a warming during 1985-2022 (+0.7° per decade). Regional climate models HIRHAM5, RACMO2.3p2 and MARv3.12 show mixed results compared to the observational T10m dataset, with mean differences ranging from -0.4°C (HIRHAM) to 1.2°C (MAR) and root mean squared differences ranging from 2.8°C (HIRHAM) to 4.7°C (MAR). The observation-based ANN also reveals an underestimation of the subsurface warming trends in climate models for the bare-ice and dry-snow areas. The subsurface warming brings the Greenland ice sheet surface closer to the melting point, reducing the amount of energy input required for melting. Our compilation documents the response of the ice sheet subsurface to atmospheric warming and will enable further improvements of models used for ice sheet mass loss assessment and reduce the uncertainty in projections

    Chemical weathering across the western foreland of the Greenland Ice Sheet

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    Proglacial streams deliver melt water and chemical weathering products, including nutrients and radiogenic isotopes, from continental ice sheets to the ocean. Weathering products are also delivered to the ocean in non-glacial streams that form following ice sheet retreat and are disconnected from ice sheet meltwater by hydrologic divides. If weathering reactions differ in non-glacial and proglacial stream catchments, the streams could deliver different types and magnitudes of solutes to the ocean, depending on relative discharge volumes. Unlike proglacial streams, however, little is known of non-glacial stream solute compositions or discharge. Here we show specific discharges are similar from a proglacial stream draining the Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) with several streams disconnected from the ice sheet. We also evaluate weathering reactions across a 170-km transect in western Greenland that contains one proglacial stream draining the GrIS, and two coastal (ice distal) and three inland (ice proximal) areas with non-glacial streams. Non-glacial streams exhibit solute compositions and offsets between dissolved and bedload Sr isotope ratios that indicate weathering increases toward the coast with exposure age and precipitation. Major element mass balance calculations show weathering reactions shift from predominately carbonic acid weathering of carbonate minerals inland near the ice sheet to predominately sulfuric acid weathering of carbonate minerals near the coast. Strontium concentrations and isotopic ratios of the proglacial stream reflect mixing of at least two subglacial sources and minor in-stream weathering that consumes CO2. About 5 times less CO2 is consumed per liter in the proglacial than inland non-glacial streams; however, arid conditions inland suggest limited discharge from the ungauged inland streams leads to less total CO2 weathering than proglacial stream. One coastal area consumes less CO2 per liter than the proglacial stream and another coastal area exhibits net CO2 production. These results indicate estimates for glacial foreland solute fluxes and CO2 weathering consumption and production should include estimates from both non-glacial and proglacial streams. Understanding weathering fluxes from these two types of streams will be important for evaluations of past ice sheet retreat and predictions of future solute and CO2 fluxes associated with continued ice sheet retreat

    Author Correction: Increasing extreme melt in northeast Greenland linked to foehn winds and atmospheric rivers (Nature Communications, (2023), 14, 1, (1743), 10.1038/s41467-023-37434-8)

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    Correction to: Nature Communications, published online 29 March 2023 The original version of this Article contained an error in the “Introduction”, which incorrectly read ‘The Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) has lost ~3.9 billion tons of ice since 1992.’ The correct version states ‘~3,900 billion tons’ in place of ‘~3.9 billion tons’. This has been corrected in both the PDF and HTML versions of the Article

    Increasing extreme melt in northeast Greenland linked to foehn winds and atmospheric rivers

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    Extreme ice sheet melt events in northeast Greenland occur after intense water vapor transport into northwest Greenland by atmospheric rivers. Through the foehn effect, the air becomes warmer and drier as it descends the ice sheet slope

    Methods for Predicting the Likelihood of Safe Fieldwork Conditions in Harsh Environments

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    Every year, numerous field teams travel to remote field locations on the Greenland ice sheet to carry out polar research, geologic exploration, and other commercial, military, strategic, and recreational activities. In this region, extreme weather can lead to decreased productivity, equipment failure, increased stress, unexpected logistical challenges, and, in the worst cases, a risk of physical injury and loss of life. Here we describe methods for calculating the probability of a “scienceable” day defined as a day when wind, temperature, snowfall, and sunlight conditions are conducive to sustained outdoor activity. Scienceable days have been calculated for six sites on the ice sheet of southern Greenland using meteorological station data between 1996-2016, and compared with indices of large scale atmospheric circulation patterns: the Greenland Blocking Index (GBI) and the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). Our findings show that the probability of a scienceable day between 2010 and 2016 in the Greenland Ice Sheet.'s accumulation zone was 46 ± 17% in March-May and 86 ± 11% in July-August on average. Decreases in scienceability due to lower temperatures at higher elevations are made up for by weaker katabatic winds, especially in the shoulder seasons. We also find a strong correlation between the probability of a scienceable day and GBI (R = 0.88, p < 0.001) resulting in a significant decrease in April scienceability since 1996. The methodology presented can help inform expedition planning, the setting of realistic field goals and managing expectations, and aid with accurate risk assessment in Greenland and other harsh, remote environments

    Methods for predicting the likelihood of safe fieldwork conditions in harsh environments

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    Abstract Every year, numerous field teams travel to remote field locations on the Greenland ice sheet to carry out polar research, geologic exploration, and other commercial, military, strategic, and recreational activities. In this region, extreme weather can lead to decreased productivity, equipment failure, increased stress, unexpected logistical challenges, and, in the worst cases, a risk of physical injury and loss of life. Here we describe methods for calculating the probability of a “scienceable” day defined as a day when wind, temperature, snowfall, and sunlight conditions are conducive to sustained outdoor activity. Scienceable days have been calculated for six sites on the ice sheet of southern Greenland using meteorological station data between 1996–2016, and compared with indices of large scale atmospheric circulation patterns: the Greenland Blocking Index (GBI) and the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). Our findings show that the probability of a scienceable day between 2010 and 2016 in the Greenland Ice Sheet’s accumulation zone was 46 ± 17% in March-May and 86 ± 11% in July-August on average. Decreases in scienceability due to lower temperatures at higher elevations are made up for by weaker katabatic winds, especially in the shoulder seasons. We also find a strong correlation between the probability of a scienceable day and GBI (R = 0.88, p &lt; 0.001) resulting in a significant decrease in April scienceability since 1996. The methodology presented can help inform expedition planning, the setting of realistic field goals and managing expectations, and aid with accurate risk assessment in Greenland and other harsh, remote environments