6,301 research outputs found

    Duality of privacy amplification against quantum adversaries and data compression with quantum side information

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    We show that the tasks of privacy amplification against quantum adversaries and data compression with quantum side information are dual in the sense that the ability to perform one implies the ability to perform the other. These are two of the most important primitives in classical information theory, and are shown to be connected by complementarity and the uncertainty principle in the quantum setting. Applications include a new uncertainty principle formulated in terms of smooth min- and max-entropies, as well as new conditions for approximate quantum error correction.Comment: v2: Includes a derivation of an entropic uncertainty principle for smooth min- and max-entropies. Discussion of the Holevo-Schumacher-Westmoreland theorem remove

    Large Hadron Collider constraints on a light baryon number violating sbottom coupling to a top and a light quark

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    We investigate a model of R-parity violating (RPV) supersymmetry in which the right-handed sbottom is the lightest supersymmetric particle, and a baryon number violating coupling involving a top is the only non-negligible RPV coupling. This model evades proton decay and flavour constraints. We consider in turn each of the couplings lambda"_{313} and lambda"_{323} as the only non-negligible RPV coupling, and we recast two recent Large Hadron Collider (LHC) measurements and searches (CMS top transverse momentum p_T(t) spectrum and ATLAS multiple jet resonance search) in the form of constraints on the mass-coupling parameter planes. We delineate a large region in the parameter space of the mass of the sbottom (m_{b_R}) and the lambda"_{313} coupling that is ruled out by the measurements, as well as a smaller region in the parameter space of m_{b_R} and lambda"_{323}. A certain region of the m_{b_R}-lambda"_{313} parameter space was previously found to successfully explain the anomalously large ttbar forward backward asymmetry measured by Tevatron experiments. The entire region is excluded at the 95% CL by CMS measurements of the top p_T spectrum. We also present p_T(ttbar) distributions of the forward-backward asymmetry for this model.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures. v2 has minor corrections, in part due to extra diagrams at order alpha_s^2 lamba''^

    Cooperon propagator description of high temperature superconductivity

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    A phenomenological description of the high-Tc superconductors based on the Cooperon propagator is presented. This model allows one to study the effects of local pairing correlations and long-range phase fluctuations on the same footing, both above and below Tc. Based on numerical calculations, it is shown that the two types of correlations contribute to the gap/pseudogap in the single-particle excitation spectra. The concourse of these two effects can induce low energy states, which should be observable in underdoped materials at very low temperature.Comment: LaTeX, 6 pages, 2 EPS figures; paper presented at New^3SC-3, Hawaii, 01/2001. To appear in Physica

    An information-theoretic security proof for QKD protocols

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    We present a new technique for proving the security of quantum key distribution (QKD) protocols. It is based on direct information-theoretic arguments and thus also applies if no equivalent entanglement purification scheme can be found. Using this technique, we investigate a general class of QKD protocols with one-way classical post-processing. We show that, in order to analyze the full security of these protocols, it suffices to consider collective attacks. Indeed, we give new lower and upper bounds on the secret-key rate which only involve entropies of two-qubit density operators and which are thus easy to compute. As an illustration of our results, we analyze the BB84, the six-state, and the B92 protocol with one-way error correction and privacy amplification. Surprisingly, the performance of these protocols is increased if one of the parties adds noise to the measurement data before the error correction. In particular, this additional noise makes the protocols more robust against noise in the quantum channel.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figure

    Quantum Key Distribution Using Quantum Faraday Rotators

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    We propose a new quantum key distribution (QKD) protocol based on the fully quantum mechanical states of the Faraday rotators. The protocol is unconditionally secure against collective attacks for multi-photon source up to two photons on a noisy environment. It is also robust against impersonation attacks. The protocol may be implemented experimentally with the current spintronics technology on semiconductors.Comment: 7 pages, 7 EPS figure

    On giant piezoresistance effects in silicon nanowires and microwires

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    The giant piezoresistance (PZR) previously reported in silicon nanowires is experimentally investigated in a large number of surface depleted silicon nano- and micro-structures. The resistance is shown to vary strongly with time due to electron and hole trapping at the sample surfaces. Importantly, this time varying resistance manifests itself as an apparent giant PZR identical to that reported elsewhere. By modulating the applied stress in time, the true PZR of the structures is found to be comparable with that of bulk silicon

    Spider diversity (Arachnida: Araneae) in Atlantic Forest areas at Pedra Branca State Park, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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    BACKGROUND: There has never been any published work about the diversity of spiders in the city of Rio de Janeiro using analytical tools to measure diversity. The only available records for spider communities in nearby areas indicate 308 species in the National Park of Tijuca and 159 species in Marapendi Municipal Park. These numbers are based on a rapid survey and on an one-year survey respectively. NEW INFORMATION: This study provides a more thorough understanding of how the spider species are distributed at Pedra Branca State Park. We report a total of 14,626 spider specimens recorded from this park, representing 49 families and 373 species or morphospecies, including at least 73 undescribed species. Also, the distribution range of 45 species was expanded, and species accumulation curves estimate that there is a minimum of 388 (Bootstrap) and a maximum of 468 species (Jackknife2) for the sampled areas. These estimates indicates that the spider diversity may be higher than observed.Fil: Castanheira, Pedro. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; BrasilFil: Pérez González, Abel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia"; ArgentinaFil: Baptista, Renner L. C.. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Brasi

    A de Finetti representation theorem for infinite dimensional quantum systems and applications to quantum cryptography

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    According to the quantum de Finetti theorem, if the state of an N-partite system is invariant under permutations of the subsystems then it can be approximated by a state where almost all subsystems are identical copies of each other, provided N is sufficiently large compared to the dimension of the subsystems. The de Finetti theorem has various applications in physics and information theory, where it is for instance used to prove the security of quantum cryptographic schemes. Here, we extend de Finetti's theorem, showing that the approximation also holds for infinite dimensional systems, as long as the state satisfies certain experimentally verifiable conditions. This is relevant for applications such as quantum key distribution (QKD), where it is often hard - or even impossible - to bound the dimension of the information carriers (which may be corrupted by an adversary). In particular, our result can be applied to prove the security of QKD based on weak coherent states or Gaussian states against general attacks.Comment: 11 pages, LaTe

    Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy of Bi2Sr2CuO6+d: New Evidence for the Common Origin of the Pseudogap and Superconductivity

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    Using scanning tunneling spectroscopy, we investigated the temperature dependence of the quasiparticle density of states of overdoped Bi2Sr2CuO6+δ between 275 mK and 82 K. Below Tc = 10 K, the spectra show a gap with well-defined coherence peaks at ±Δp≃12 meV, which disappear at Tc. Above Tc, the spectra display a clear pseudogap of the same magnitude, gradually filling up and vanishing at T*≃68 K. The comparison with Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ demonstrates that the pseudogap and the superconducting gap scale with each other, providing strong evidence that they have a common origin
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