15 research outputs found


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    Competition telecommunications company in Indonesia is very strict, because Indonesia is a country that has the potential to develop the telecommunications business, it is exactly what underlies any competing telecom companies always provide high quality services to give satisfaction to the customers, so that customers become loyal to our products. Exelcomindo is a leading telecommunication company in Indonesia, can be seen from the number of subscribers increased from year to year. But with the continued increase in the number of customers Exelcomimdo not guarantee that they are satisfied with the services provided Exelcomindo. Therefore the aim of this study was to determine the true effect of service quality, satisfaction, relationship commitment, Customer Loyalty for Exelcomindo in Surabaya. The method used in this research is kuanntitatif methods for using primary data (questionnaire). The research was conducted in Surabaya, using SEM analysis tools AMOS 19. With a total of 120 respondents. From the results of this study have 5 hypothesis H1: Service Quality significant positive effect on satisfaction, H2: Quality Service a significant positive effect on trust, H3: Satisfaction significant positive effect on relationship commitment, H4: Trust significant positive effect on relationship commitment, H5 : Relationship commitment significant positive effect on loyalty Suggestions for EXELCOMINDO that besides improving the quality of service, Exelcomindo should be more willing to fight promo with other telecommunication services. Keywords: Quality of Service, Satisfaction, Trust, Relationship Commitment, Loyalty, Surabay


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    Pekerjaan sebagai seorang nelayan sudah selayaknya mendapat perhatian khusus dari pemerintah. Hal ini berdasarkan pada konsep negara kesejahtraan yang dicanangkan pemerintah kepada seluruh elemen masyarakat. Dengan demikian, pemerintah wajib memeberikan perlindungan kepada warganya secara adil dan merata. Salah satu upaya pemerintah dalam memperhatikan kesejahteraan nelayan adalah dengan melaksanakan program Bantuan Premi Asuransi bagi Nelayan yang diperuntukkan bagi seluruh nelayan yang ada di indonesia.Job as a fisherman should received special attention from government. This is based on the concept of walfare state which proclaimed by government to all elements of society. Therefore, the government must give a protection to  citizens fairly and equally. One of the government's efforts to pay attention to fishermen's welfare is by implementing a program of Insurance Premiums for Fishermen that is intended for all fishermen in Indonesia


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    Tanaman adalah sumber dari berbagai metabolit sekunder, yang sering digunakan dalam aktivitas antikanker. Menemukan obat antikanker baru dari sumber herbal lebih penting baik dalam biologi maupun kegiatan farmakologis. Oleh karena itu, tujuan dari review artikel ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi agen antikanker dari 6 tanaman yang memiliki aktivitas antikanker dari famili myrtaceae. Dari data literatur famili myrtaceae yang memiliki aktivitas sebagai anti kanker diantaranya Callistemon citrinus (Curtis) skeel , Syzygium aromaticum L., Psidium guajava L. , Myrcia bella Cambess, Rhodomyrtus tomentosa (Aiton) Hassk, dan Syzygium cumini L. Kata kunci : anti kanker, myrtacea

    Analisis Lahan Potensial Hutan Mangrove dengan Menggunakan Aplikasi Penginderaan Jauh di Kecamatan Pontang Tahun 2017

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    The existence of ecological mangrove forests in coastal areas can function as mudguards and sediment traps, including toxic wastes carried by the flow of surface water, for various aquatic biota as care areas and foraging, spawning and enlargement areas. In connection with the research conducted, mangroves are a type of vegetation that can be tapped by remote sensing imagery. Estimates of mangrove forests can be helped by using remote sensing science. Estimation of mangrove forest is based on mangrove vegetation and mangrove forest distribution which can be seen by using the results of tapping the depiction of the face of the earth through remote sensing imagery. This study aims to (1) determine the distribution of mangrove forests in Pontang Sub-district using the remote sensing approach; (2) Analyzing the potential of mangrove forest areas in Pontang Sub-District by utilizing remote sensing and identifying the management of mangrove forest areas in Pontang District, as well as their management of mangrove potential land. The remote sensing approach carried-out in this study to determine the distribution of mangrove forests, is to utilize SPOT 6 image. The method in this study was conducted, by analyzing the interpretation of visual images to determine the distribution of mangrove forests, and knowing the extent of mangrove forest distribution. The data from the validated analysis of the distribution of mangrove forests are used to see how much potential mangrove forests are available. Data from the analysis of the distribution of mangrove forests in Pontang Sub-District in 2017 shows the distribution area of mangrove forests in Pontang Sub-District of 190.28 hectares. This area has increased from the total area in 2015. Potential land for mangrove forests is analyzed by several variables including; Landform, Slope Slope, Salinity, Soil Texture, Inundation Height, Tides, and Land Use. The overlaying method of each variable produces a potential land map supported by interview data as supporting data to determine the potential and management of Pontang Sub-District mangrove forests. Potential land is dominated by ponds that are directly adjacent to the coastal border area. Efforts in the management of mangrove forest distribution, carried out by local governments, by conducting counseling and socialization to the community about the benefits of mangrove plants as a counterweight to coastal ecosystems and conducting training in mangrove cultivation. Utilization of mangrove forest as ecotourism in Pontang Sub-District, one of which is to use it as a mangrove tourism area


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    This study aims to examine the influence of Family Financial Education, Financial Literacy, and Financial Inclusion on Financial Behavior with Religiosity as a Moderation Variable (Case Study of FEBI UIN Sunan Kalijaga Students in 2022). The sample in this study was 84 FEBI UIN Sunan Kalijaga students. This study used quantitative methods with the PLS-SEM analysis model with the help of the WarpPLS 7.0 analysis tool. The results showed that Family Financial Education and Financial Literacy affect financial behavior. Furthermore, Financial Inclusion has no effect on financial behavior. Meanwhile, religiosity variables are only able to moderate financial inclusion


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    Tujuan paper ini untuk mengetahui perbandingan nilai kuat tekan beserta kelebihan dan kekurangan batako dengan material campuran baru. Sebagaimana mestinya dalam bidang pembangunan yang mempengaruhi perkembangan ekonomi dengan pemanfaatan limbah dalam material yang dikembangkan. Data yang diperoleh dari berbagai buku, dan juga berbagai sumber dari internet (artikel, E-book, dll), maka dari itu butuh penelitian lebih lanjut dari komponen material Kulit Kerang dan Ampas Tebu. Hasil pengujian menyatakan bahwa terdapat bukti adanya pengaruh campuran kulit kerang dan ampas tebu dalam pembuatan batako terhadap kekuatan batako. Cara kerja serbuk kerang mampu mengikat partikel serta mampu mengisi rongga pori batako secara maksimum, juga tahan terhadap suhu panas tertentu, sedangkan ampas tebu kekuatannya lebih rendah dibanding dengan batako kulit kerang karena batako ampas tebu tidak mampu mengikat partikel

    Ketika Allah SWT lebih menyayangi wanita

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    Pencegahan Penularan Covid-19 Melalui Pembagian Masker Dan Edukasi Perilaku Hidup Bersih Dan Sehat Di SPS Paud Desa Tambakbaya

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    ABSTRAK Pengetahuan akan pencegahan penyebaran penularan virus Covid-19 bagi anak-anak usia dini sangat penting untuk dilakukan karena seringkali anak susah untuk diminta memakai masker dan kebanyakan anak-anak tidak sadar akan pentingnya membersihkan tangan terlebih dahulu sebelum dan sesudah melakukan aktivitasnya baik didalam maupun diluar sekolah. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk memberikan pengetahuan kepada siswa SPS PAUD Darussalam Desa Tambakbaya dalam mengantisipasi pencegahan penyebaran penularan Covid-19 melalui gerakan menggunakan masker dan mencuci tangan yang baik dan benar. Metode penyuluhan terdiri dari tahap persiapan, pelaksanaan dan evaluasi. Dimulai dari kegiatan mempersiapkan lokasi, peserta yaitu siswa SPS PAUD Darussalam, Desa Tambakbaya, Kecamatan Cisurupan, Kabupaten Garut, Provinsi Jawa Barat. Pada tahap pelaksaan diberikan dengan beberapa tahapan seperti penjelasan, diskusi, dan praktek. Rincian kegiatan yaitu penjelasan leaflet mengenai cara menggunakan masker dan mencuci tangan dengan baik dan benar dan praktek 7 langkah mencuci tangan menggunakan sabun dengan baik dan benar. Tahap evaluasi kegiatan dilakukan dengan terus membangun komunikasi dan memberikan informasi-informasi yang penting dengan Guru SPS PAUD Darussalam dan juga kepala Desa Tambakbaya. Hasil pengabdian masyarakat yang telah dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa terjadi peningkatan pemahaman siswa terkait pencegahan penularan Covid-19 dengan pemberian edukasi penggunaan masker dan mencuci tangan dengan baik dan benar. Pengukuran kemampuan pemahaman siswa tidak dilakukan secara kuantitatif dengan menggunakan kuisioner melainkan hanya secara kualitatif dari proses diskusi dan tanya jawab yang berlangsung setelah pemaparan materi. Pemahaman siswa dapat dilihat secara langsung dengan meminta beberapa siswa untuk menjelaskan dan memperagakan kembali penjelasan materi yang telah diberikan. Kesimpulan dari penyuluhan ini bahwa terjadi perubahan perilaku lama menjadi perilaku baru dalam pencegahan penularan Covid-19 selama pandemi. Hal ini diharapkan menjadi perilaku baru yang membudaya untuk siswa dalam pencegahan penularan Covid-19. Penyuluhan ini memiliki manfaat besar dalam menimbulkan kesadaran bagi anak usia dini sehingga turut berkontribusi dalam mencegah penyebaran virus SARS-CoV-2 penyebab Covid-19. Kata Kunci : Covid-19, Mencuci Tangan, Penggunaan Masker  ABSTRACT Knowledge of preventing the spread of Covid-19 virus transmission for early childhood is very important because it is often difficult for children to be asked to wear masks and most children are not aware of the importance of cleaning their hands first before and after carrying out their activities both inside and outside school. . The purpose of this community service activity is to provide knowledge to SPS PAUD Darussalam students in Tambakbaya Village in anticipating the prevention of the spread of Covid-19 transmission through the movement of using masks and washing hands properly and correctly. The extension method consists of the stages of preparation, implementation, and evaluation. Starting from the activity of preparing the location, the participants were SPS PAUD Darussalam students, Tambakbaya Village, Cisurupan District, Garut Regency, West Java Province. At the implementation stage, it is provided with several stages such as explanation, discussion, and practice. The details of the activity are an explanation of leaflets on how to use masks and wash hands properly and correctly and practice 7 steps of washing hands using soap properly and correctly. The evaluation phase of the activity is carried out by continuing to build communication and provide important information with the Darussalam SPS PAUD teacher and also the head of Tambakbaya Village. The results of community service that have been carried out show that there is an increase in student understanding regarding the prevention of Covid-19 transmission by providing education on the use of masks and washing hands properly and correctly. The measurement of students' understanding ability is not done quantitatively using questionnaires but only qualitatively from the discussion and question and answer process that takes place after the presentation of the material. Students' understanding can be seen directly by asking several students to explain and demonstrate again the explanation of the material that has been given. The conclusion from this counseling is that there is a change in old behavior into new behavior in preventing Covid-19 transmission during the pandemic. This is expected to be a new, entrenched behavior for students in preventing the transmission of Covid-19. This counseling has great benefits in raising awareness for early childhood so that it contributes to preventing the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes Covid-19. Keywords: Covid-19, Washing Hands, Wearing Mask


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    Fever is a state where the body's core temperature rises above normal levels. In healthy adults, the average oral temperature is around 37°C. Fever is not harmful but in certain circumstances this response is undesirable because it interferes with normal activities. The research method used is True Experimental with Posttest Only Control Group Design approach as the research design. The purpose of this study was to assess the antipyretic effect of tangkur fern root on mice induced by DTP-HB vaccine. The results showed that the extract and water fraction of tangkur fern root had antipyretic effects by reducing the fever temperature of mice during the observation time for 240 minutes. Overall, this study proves that the ethanol extract at a dose of 100 mg/kgBB is an effective dose as a candidate for antipyretic drugs.Demam adalah keadaan di mana suhu inti tubuh naik di atas level normal. Pada individu dewasa yang sehat, suhu rata-rata mulut adalah sekitar 37°C. Demam tidak merugikan namun dalam keadaan tertentu respon ini tidak diinginkan karena mengganggu aktifitas normal. Metode penelitian yang digunakkan yaitu True Experimental dengan pendekatan Posttest Only Control Group Design sebagai desain penelitian. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menilai efek antipiretik dari akar pakis tangkur pada mencit yang diinduksi vaksin DTP-HB. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak dan fraksi air akas pakis tangkur memiliki efek antipiretik dengan cara menurunkan suhu demam mencit selama waktu pengamatan selama 240 menit. Secara keseluruhan penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa ektrak etanol dosis 100 mg/kgBB merupakan dosis yang efektif sebagai calon kandidat obat antipiretik