Analisis Lahan Potensial Hutan Mangrove dengan Menggunakan Aplikasi Penginderaan Jauh di Kecamatan Pontang Tahun 2017


The existence of ecological mangrove forests in coastal areas can function as mudguards and sediment traps, including toxic wastes carried by the flow of surface water, for various aquatic biota as care areas and foraging, spawning and enlargement areas. In connection with the research conducted, mangroves are a type of vegetation that can be tapped by remote sensing imagery. Estimates of mangrove forests can be helped by using remote sensing science. Estimation of mangrove forest is based on mangrove vegetation and mangrove forest distribution which can be seen by using the results of tapping the depiction of the face of the earth through remote sensing imagery. This study aims to (1) determine the distribution of mangrove forests in Pontang Sub-district using the remote sensing approach; (2) Analyzing the potential of mangrove forest areas in Pontang Sub-District by utilizing remote sensing and identifying the management of mangrove forest areas in Pontang District, as well as their management of mangrove potential land. The remote sensing approach carried-out in this study to determine the distribution of mangrove forests, is to utilize SPOT 6 image. The method in this study was conducted, by analyzing the interpretation of visual images to determine the distribution of mangrove forests, and knowing the extent of mangrove forest distribution. The data from the validated analysis of the distribution of mangrove forests are used to see how much potential mangrove forests are available. Data from the analysis of the distribution of mangrove forests in Pontang Sub-District in 2017 shows the distribution area of mangrove forests in Pontang Sub-District of 190.28 hectares. This area has increased from the total area in 2015. Potential land for mangrove forests is analyzed by several variables including; Landform, Slope Slope, Salinity, Soil Texture, Inundation Height, Tides, and Land Use. The overlaying method of each variable produces a potential land map supported by interview data as supporting data to determine the potential and management of Pontang Sub-District mangrove forests. Potential land is dominated by ponds that are directly adjacent to the coastal border area. Efforts in the management of mangrove forest distribution, carried out by local governments, by conducting counseling and socialization to the community about the benefits of mangrove plants as a counterweight to coastal ecosystems and conducting training in mangrove cultivation. Utilization of mangrove forest as ecotourism in Pontang Sub-District, one of which is to use it as a mangrove tourism area

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