46 research outputs found

    Protocolo Tafonômico/Paleoautoecológico com Ferramenta nas Análises Paleossinecológicas de Invertebrados: Exemplos de Alpicação em Concentrações Fossilíferas do Paleozóico da Bacia do Paraná, Brasil

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    Paleoecology is a discipline that deals with interactions of fossil organisms in their ancient environments. Intrinsically, all paleoecologic interpretations require information on the time resolution of individual samples (hours, days, months, years, centuries). However, one of the major obstacles in dealing with any form of data derived from fossil collections is the effects of time-averaging, which are the result of mixing the remains of organisms that did not lived together. In other words: individual fossils found preserved together in a given geological strata are not necessarily contemporaneous, influencing the paleossinecologic conclusions. Here a seven steps taphonomic/autoecologic protocol is proposed in order to standers some field (e.g., collecting) and laboratory procedures. The protocol emphasizes the need for the recognizance of the time-averaging phenomena in a given paleontologic collection. This is particularly true for the Paleozoic fossil concentration where an absolute age of the bioclasts can not be obtained by radiometric dating. For paleoecologic purposes sampling size must be large and precise enough (bed-to-bed) to generate collections including the full range of taphonomic signatures showed by each individual fossil from the same bedding plane. A sampling strategy of large oriented blocks (0,05 m3) is here proposed, but this collecting methodology seems to be more appropriated applicable for fossil accumulations, such as the internally complex concentrations (e.g., bioclastic sandstones and coquinas) represented by tridimensional bodies that are easily recognized in the geological record

    Macroevolution and adaptive processes of the Leptocoeliidae family (Brachiopoda) throughout the Silurian and Devonian. e2321742

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    The Leptocoeliidae family (genera Anabaia, Australocoelia, Eocoelia, Leptocoelia, Leptocoelina and Pacificocoelia) has an important place in the global paleobiogeography, during the Silurian and Devonian. During these periods, global climate changes impacted a lot of invertebrate faunas in the epicontinental seas of Gondwana. In the Silurian, the genus Eocoelia reached a cosmopolitan behavior, while Leptocoeliaemerged by adaptive sympatric processes and Anabaia became extinct. After that, during the Devonian, the genus Australocoelia emerged and reached cosmopolitan levels while Leptocoelina and Pacificocoelia emerged by sympatries in the equatorial regions. Australocoelia, during the Devonian, occupied the same ecological niches that were previously occupied by Anabaia in the Silurian. It can be said that the same occurred with Pacificocoelia and Eocoloelia in the seas of Laurentia, configuring a process of succession of fauna

    Orbiculoidea baini e Orbiculoidea excentrica (Brachiopoda, Discinidae) do Devoniano Médio (Sub-bacia Alto Garças, Bacia do Paraná) de Caiapônia, Goiás (Brasil)

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    Os braquiópodes devonianos de Goiás (Sub-bacia Alto Garças, Bacia do Paraná) possuem registros nos municípios de Caiapônia, Amorinópolis e Doverlândia. No entanto, a maior parte dos trabalhos existentes sobre esse grupo apenas cita a ocorrência desses fósseis nessas áreas, sem qualquer descrição taxonômica. Em vista disso, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi descrever os discinídeos Orbiculoidea baini, Orbiculoidea excentrica e Orbiculoidea sp. encontrados na cidade de Caiapônia. Tais braquiópodes foram preservados em assembleia nesse afloramento, instigando uma abordagem tafonômica simplificada. Os fósseis foram encontrados paralelos ao plano de acamamento, em uma assembleia fracamente empacotada com espécimes, em sua maioria, inteiros e inarticulados. Embora em menor número, vários indivíduos fragmentados também foram encontrados (alguns estilhaçados), o que reflete em transporte do material antes do soterramento, configurando uma tafocenose parautóctone a alóctone. Outro aspecto interessante é o tamanho diminuto dos braquiópodes associado ao fato de estes terem sido preservados em uma lente arenítica no topo de um siltito localizado sobre folhelhos pretos de idade Eogivetiana. Essas características podem estar relacionadas ao Efeito Lilliput, em virtude de os discinídeos preservados constituírem tanto formas adultas quanto juvenis. O Efeito Lilliput resultou de uma crise biótica (evento KAČÁK) ocorrida durante o Eifeliano-Givetiano. Essa é a primeira evidência desse efeito no Devoniano de Goiás (Sub-bacia Alto Garças, Bacia do Paraná).The Devonian brachiopods from Goiás (Alto Garças Sub-basin, Paraná Basin) present records in the cities of Caiapônia, Amorinópolis, and Doverlândia. However, most of the papers only mention the presence of these fossils in these areas, without any taxonomic description. Thus, our aim was to describe the discinoids Orbiculoidea baini, Orbiculoidea excentrica, and Orbiculoidea sp. found in Caiapônia city. These discinoids were preserved in assemblage, instigating a simplified taphonomic approach. The fossils were found parallel to bedding planes in a poorly package assemblage. Most of them are entire and unarticulated. Although in smaller numbers, several fragmented individuals were also found (some quite fragmented). Therefore, the material was transported configuring a parautochthonous to allochthonous taphocenosis. Another interesting aspect is the decreased size of the brachiopods, which were preserved in sandstone lens on the top of a siltstone layer that overlap black shales of the Early Givetian age. These features can be related to the Lilliput Effect, due to the preserved discinoids present both in adult and juvenile forms. The Lilliput Effect resulted from a biotic crisis (KAČÁK Event) that occurred in the Eifelian-Givetian. This is the first piece of evidence of this effect in the Devonian of Goiás (Alto Garças Sub-basin, Paraná Basin)

    Physa mezzalirai: um novo gastrópode da Formação Adamantina (Bacia Bauru), Cretáceo Superior, São Paulo, Brasil

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    Physa mezzalirai n. sp. (Family Physidae, Order Basommatophora), a fresh-water gastropod is described from sand-silty beds of Adamantina Formation (Bauru Basin), Late Cretaceous of São Paulo State, Brazil. This is the first occurrence of gastropods in the analyzed region and to this geological unit where the paleontological content is mostly known by the big turtle bones and shells, and by other vertebrate remains. These finding attests the paleontological potential of Adamantina Formation to the study of invertebrate fossils, nearly neglected in the moment, and could help in the refinement of fl uviolacustrine paleoenvironmental and about the paleoecology during the time of Bauru Group depositon. Key words: Mollusca, Gastropods, systematic, Adamantina Formation, Late Cretaceous, Brazil.Physa mezzalirai, um novo táxon de gastrópode dulcícola da Família Physidae, Ordem Basommatophora, é descrito para os níveis areno-sílticos da Formação Adamantina (Grupo Bauru, Bacia Bauru), de idade Cretáceo Superior, aflorante próximo ao município de Marília, estado de São Paulo. Trata-se do primeiro registro de membros da família para esta unidade, comum em outras áreas cretáceas globais. Sua presença na Formação Adamantina, mais conhecida pelas ocorrências de grandes ossos e carapaças de tartarugas e outros restos de vertebrados, atesta o potencial paleontológico para novos achados de moluscos, sendo este um grupo fóssil ainda pouco conhecido para tais níveis e importante nas inferências paleoambientais e paleoecológicas da deposição flúvio-lacustre deste intervalo do Grupo Bauru. Palavras-chave: Mollusca, Gastropoda, taxonomia, Formação Adamantina, Cretáceo Superior, Brasil

    OCURRENCE OF LINGULAPHOLIS (CRANIOPSIDAE, BRACHIOPODA) IN THE PIMENTEIRA FORMATION (DEVONIAN, PARNAÍBA BASIN): Registro de Lingulapholis (Craniopsidae, Brachiopoda) na Formação Pimenteira (Devoniano, Bacia de Parnaíba)

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    The genus Lingulapholis had temporal and spatial restrictions during the Devonian, being found only in Colombia and the United States. In Brazil, its related taxa Craniops is common in the Amazonas, Paraná, and Parnaíba basins. New data from the cities of Picos and Itainópolis, east flank of Parnaíba Basin, led to the discovery of a yet previously undescribed brachiopod genus for this region of Gondwana. The Lingulapholis brachiopod was found associated with plant fragments under conditions of moderate to low hydrodynamic energy as indicated by ichnological assemblage, in proximal expressions of Cruziana ichnofacies alternated to Skolithos ichnofacies. The presence of Lingulapholis suggests that the Parnaíba Basin was inserted in the zone of diffuse faunal mixing during the Middle Devonian.ABSTRACT - The genus Lingulapholis had temporal and spatial restrictions during the Devonian, being found only in Colombia and the United States. In Brazil, its related taxa Craniops is common in the Amazonas, Paraná, and Parnaíba basins. New data from the cities of Picos and Itainópolis, east flank of Parnaíba Basin, led to the discovery of a yet previously undescribed brachiopod genus for this region of Gondwana. The Lingulapholis brachiopod was found associated with plant fragments under conditions of moderate to low hydrodynamic energy as indicated by ichnological assemblage, in proximal expressions of Cruziana ichnofacies alternated to Skolithos ichnofacies. The presence of Lingulapholis suggests that the Parnaíba Basin was inserted in the zone of diffuse faunal mixing during the Middle Devonian. RESUMO - - O gênero Lingulapholis teve restrições temporais e espaciais durante o Devoniano, sendo encontrado apenas na Colômbia e nos Estados Unidos. No Brasil, seu táxon relacionado Craniops é comum nas bacias do Amazonas, Paraná e Parnaíba. Novos dados das cidades de Picos e Itainópolis, flanco leste da Bacia do Parnaíba, levaram à descoberta de um gênero de braquiópode ainda não descrito para esta região do Gondwana. O braquiópode Lingulapholis foi encontrado associado a fragmentos de plantas em condições de moderada a baixa energia hidrodinâmica, conforme indicado pela assembleia icnológica, em expressões próximas de icnofácies Cruziana alternadas a icnofácies Skolithos. A presença de Lingulapholis sugere que a Bacia do Parnaíba esteve inserida na zona de mistura faunística difusa durante o Devoniano Médio


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    O Devoniano da bacia do Paraná é caracterizado pela consolidação de duas sub-bacias, uma ao sul chamada sub-bacia Apucarana e outra ao norte chamada sub-bacia Alto Garças. Diferenças paleoambientais são notadas em ambas bacias, na sub-bacia Alto Garças as diferenças são laterais: fácies terrígenas deltáicas se estabeleceram na margem norte enquanto que fácies marinhas reinam à noroeste. Na região de Jaciara-MT, flanco noroeste da sub-bacia Alto Garças, as rochas devonianas aflorantes foram descritas apenas contendo fácies de mar aberto, no entanto aqui apresentamos novos empilhamentos estratigráficos, ambientes deposicionais e concentrações fossilíferas. Foram individualizados várias subunidades deposicionais, sendo elas da base para o topo; fácies de mar aberto com fósseis bastante representativos da fauna Malvinocáfrica (exemplares de Lingulídeos, Orbiculoidea sp., Australocoelia sp., Notiochonetes sp. e Australospirifer sp.), fácies de frente deltaica influenciada pela ação das marés, fácies de preenchimentos de vales incisos, fácies de rompimentos cíclicos de diques marginais sob planícies deltaicas, fácies fluviais, fácies transgressivas marinhas. Delimitadas por Superfície de Inundação Máxima, Superfície de Regressão Forçada e a Superfície Transgressiva


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    The process of interpreting and evaluating a fossil is a difficult task. Isopoda is a species rich group of peracarid eumalacostracans which represent quite a challenge when found as fossils, independent of whether we are working with fragmentary or more complete specimens. Here we describe a new fossil species of crustacean, Platuropodus odysseus n. gen. n. sp., from the Irati Formation, Permian of Paraná Basin, Brazil. After misinterpretations, the fossil taxon is recognised here as a representative of Isopoda. The new species presents characters found in Phreatoicidea, Asellota and Oniscidea in a unique combination for the fossil and extant record, such as two pairs of sub-chelate anterior trunk appendages, a short region after the anus and flat uropods. This chimera-like morphology and a morphometric analysis of the sub-chelae indicate convergent evolution in the early diversification of Isopoda. The morphological diversification present in the Palaeozoic and Mesozoic fossil record of Eumalacostraca indicate a “push of the past” effect in different ingroups of Peracarida

    Permian stromatolites associated with bivalve coquina beds-Angatuba, SP, Brazil (Teresina Formation, Parana Basin)

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    Silicified stromatolites have been described in the Permian Teresina Formation, Passa Dois Group, of the Parana Basin. These stromatolites occur as blocks in the Fazenda Monte Alegre area at the headwaters of the creek known as Corrego Catanduva in the municipality of Angatuba. These blocks originate from the Serra de Angatuba region and were recognized in a road that was cut in the midst of sandstones and siltites. The stromatolites are isolated bioherms that are domed to subspherical with a flat base in profile and a rounded to lenticular shape in plan view. The stromatolites exhibit a reddish coloration and are composed of microcrystalline quartz. Lamination is continuous, non-columnar, and anastomosed, showing parallel to divergent growth; however, divergent columns also occur, especially at the tops of the bioherms. The lamination is fine and well preserved, with alternating light and dark laminas. Microfossils of filamentous cyanobacteria are preserved and were related to the genera Microcoleus and Rivularia. Silicified bivalves occur in association with the stromatolites and are preserved in the form of coquina beds and rare isolated specimens within the bioherms. The described specimens belong to the Pinzonella illusa biozone, with representatives of the species Pinzonella illusa, Angatubia cowperesioides, and Houldausiella elongata. The formation environment of these stromatolites is associated with tidal plains of shallow, brackish, relatively calm, warm waters of good luminosity with the presence of weak currents. There was likely a low level of predation, and the environment may have been hypersaline. The coquina beds associated with the stromatolites indicate a probable proximal tempestite, i.e., they were formed near the coastline. The stromatolites were originally composed of carbonates, although these were replaced by silica during early diagenesis

    Perspective on the Role of Academic Journals on Scientific Colonialism in Paleontology

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    Academic journals have developed policies that globally regulate the specific protocols that must be followed when using sensitive medical, biological, chemical, and genetic data in research. Yet, paleontological material seems to be excluded. We performed a submission policy search to test the extent of this legal gap in light of colonialism. Results show that, even though most journals adhere to broad ethical guidelines, they do not systematically provide information regarding fossil permits and specifications on their collection and storage, as well as other relevant data (N = 108, > 80% in Asia and North America, > 65% in Europe and Latin America). This problem impacts educational, economical, and scientific development, perpetuates illegal trafficking, and boosts scientific colonialism. It is necessary to implement a mandatory policy for fossil handling, including ethical and legal management in the submission guidelines of journals, and to request that this information is included in materials and method sections

    Marine and coastal environmental education in the context of global climate changes - synthesis and subsidies for ReBentos (Coastal Benthic Habitats Monitoring Network)

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    As changes in coastal and marine environments are expected to negatively affect Brazilian ecosystems, the importance of Marine Environmental Education (MEE) comes to the fore. However, so far only 32 contributions related to this issue have been published in Brazil. The MEE workgroup of ReBentos aims at promoting EE and the communication of marine ecological research to the scholastic public as a whole, as well as to groups which exert an influence on general perception, such as the media, politicians, and scientists. This paper presents an overview of the initiatives of MEE in Brazil, with emphasis on the ReBentos projects and guidelines. The conceptual background of action is based on the Rio'92 Treaty on Environmental Education, thereby implying an MEE with Transdisciplinar, emancipatory and reflexive characteristics, directed to changes in values, principles and attitudes. During the period 2011 to 2015, 10 projects were developed from Alagoas to Santa Catarina States, involving the development, implementation and testing through scientific research of 16 MEE activity-models. The didactic material subsequently produced comprised three books and 21 book-chapters. A public of around 6,500 Conservation Unit visitors, 250 public school teachers and 800 high school students have been impacted to date. To act as monitors and multipliers, 250 undergraduate students and professionals were trained. Research project evaluation generated the publication of nine papers. As a further step, the need for protocol elaboration for each model is placed in evidence, in order to direct and facilitate future initiatives.A importância da educação ambiental marinha (EAM) vem tomando relevância à medida que aumenta a expectativa de impactos nos ecossistemas brasileiros ocasionados por mudanças nos ambientes costeiros. Entretanto, apenas 32 contribuições sobre esse assunto foram publicadas no Brasil. O grupo de trabalho em EAM da ReBentos objetiva promover a comunicação da pesquisa ecológica marinha para o público escolar como um todo, bem como a grupos com influência na percepção comum, como a mídia, políticos e cientistas. Este trabalho apresenta uma visão das iniciativas em EAM no Brasil, com ênfase nos projetos e diretrizes da ReBentos. A base conceitual de ação é o Tratado de Educação Ambiental da Rio 92, implicando em um ensino com características transdisciplinares, reflexivas e emancipatórias, dirigidas a mudanças em valores, princípios e atitudes. Durante o período de 2011 a 2015, 10 modelos de atividade foram desenvolvidos, de Alagoas a Santa Catarina, envolvendo sua concepção, implementação e teste por meio de pesquisa científica. O material didático produzido compreendeu três livros e 21 capítulos de livros. Um público total ao redor de 5500 visitantes de UCs, 250 professores de escolas públicas e 800 estudantes foi impactado. Como monitores e multiplicadores, foram treinados 250 estudantes de graduação e profissionais. Projetos de avaliação de pesquisa geraram nove trabalhos científicos. Como uma próxima iniciativa, é salientada a necessidade de elaboração de protocolos para cada modelo, a fim de direcionar e facilitar futuras iniciativas