1,193 research outputs found

    Metodologias para estudos integrados de recursos naturais: uma discussão a partir do zoneamento ecológico-econômico

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    This article examines methodological developments in integrated zoning, which are used in the environmental planning and land use in Brazil. In particular, it focuses on Ecological-Economic Zoning (EEZ), a methodology that has become the primary instrument of territorial planning in the Brazilian government. Throughout its historical development process, EEZ has become an interdisciplinary zoning method, which incorporates various environmental and socio-economic themes. However, there are still several central issues in constant discussion and many challenges to be resolved. Various sides of this discussion are analyzed, and new methodologies are suggested from other research areas, which may contribute to the efficiency of integrated environmental studies.Este artigo adentra-se no debate sobre as evoluções metodológicas dos zoneamentos integrados constantes nos instrumentos de planejamento ambiental e de ordenamento territorial do Brasil. Em especial, enfoca o debate promovido em torno da metodologia do Zoneamento Ecológico-Econômico – ZEE - brasileiro, instrumento basilar de planejamento territorial do país. Ao longo de seu processo histórico de desenvolvimento, o ZEE tornou-se um zoneamento amplo, que incorpora diversas temáticas ambientais e sócio-econômicas. Contudo, ainda existem diversos pontos nevrálgicos em constante discussão, bem como vários desafios a serem vencidos. O artigo pretende cobrir várias facetas desse debate, além de sugerir novas metodologias provenientes de outras áreas de estudo, e que podem contribuir para que os estudos integrados de meio ambiente tornem-se cada vez mais eficientes

    Sugarcane Straw Blanket Management Effects on Plant Growth, Development, and Yield in Southeastern Brazil

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    In Brazilian sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) production systems, the practice of moving harvesting residue from row to inter-row positions (i.e., raking) has increased in response to producer concerns over the potential negative effects of sugarcane straw on crop establishment and stalk yield. Despite increasing adoption among sugarcane farmers, the impacts of straw raking practices on plant growth and yield remain unclear. A 2-yr experiment that included both dry and wet seasons was conducted at two sites in southeastern Brazil to evaluate straw management strategy effects on plant tillering, phytomass accumulation, plant nutritional status, and stalk yield. The experiments were established at the Bom Retiro mill and the Univalem mill. Experimental treatments included raking straw to inter-rows (raked), total straw removal (bare soil), and no straw removal (straw cover). Raked and bare soil treatments improved plant tillering but did not influence final plant population. Straw management had a slight effect on phytomass accumulation. Reduction of phytomass yield was observed from the first to the second ratoon during both seasons at both sites. At Bom Retiro, phytomass yield decreased 37% for stands established during the dry season and 19% for stands established during the wet season. At Univalem, phytomass yield decreased 20% for stands established during the dry season and 30% for stands established during the wet season. Retaining straw in the field (regardless of treatment) increased leaf tissue P content but not stalk yield. Raking straw from row to interrow positions at these locations in southeastern Brazil had no benefit on sugarcane yield but may result in soil compaction and higher production costs over time

    Non-classical gluconeogenesis-dependent glucose metabolism in Rhipicephalus microplus embryonic cell line BME26

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    In this work we evaluated several genes involved in gluconeogenesis, glycolysis and glycogen metabolism, the major pathways for carbohydrate catabolism and anabolism, in the BME26 Rhipicephalus microplus embryonic cell line. Genetic and catalytic control of the genes and enzymes associated with these pathways are modulated by alterations in energy resource availability (primarily glucose). BME26 cells in media were investigated using three different glucose concentrations, and changes in the transcription levels of target genes in response to carbohydrate utilization were assessed. The results indicate that several genes, such as glycogen synthase (GS), glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK3), phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK), and glucose-6 phosphatase (GP) displayed mutual regulation in response to glucose treatment. Surprisingly, the transcription of gluconeogenic enzymes was found to increase alongside that of glycolytic enzymes, especially pyruvate kinase, with high glucose treatment. In addition, RNAi data from this study revealed that the transcription of gluconeogenic genes in BME26 cells is controlled by GSK-3. Collectively, these results improve our understanding of how glucose metabolism is regulated at the genetic level in tick cells

    On the application of 3d metals for C-H activation toward bioactive compounds: The key step for the synthesis of silver bullets

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    Several valuable biologically active molecules can be obtained through C-H activation processes. However, the use of expensive and not readily accessible catalysts complicates the process of pharmacological application of these compounds. A plausible way to overcome this issue is developing and using cheaper, more accessible, and equally effective catalysts. First-row transition (3d) metals have shown to be important catalysts in this matter. This review summarizes the use of 3d metal catalysts in C-H activation processes to obtain potentially (or proved) biologically active compounds


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    O presente trabalho foi desenvolvido dentro do perímetro urbano da cidade de Rio BrancoAC, localizada entre as coordenadas geográficas de 9°58’29’’ de latitude sul e 67°48’36’’ de longitude oeste. Teve como objetivo geral o levantamento e diagnóstico da arborização viária. A metodologia estatística utilizada foi definida tomando-se como unidade amostral o quarteirão. Encontrou-se pouquíssimos espécimes nas calçadas dos quarteirões amostrados, totalizando 292 indivíduos distribuídos por 39 espécies, sendo 11 nativas e 28 exóticas. A média por quarteirão foi de 1,83 árvores, e por quilômetro de calçada foi de 4,57 árvores. Concluiu-se que o número de árvores existentes nas calçadas foi muito pequeno, tendo-se como referência 100 árvores por quilômetro de calçada como ideal. A maioria das espécies encontrada era exótica (78,57%), a despeito da cidade encontrar-se numa região com uma das maiores diversidades de espécies arbóreas do planeta. Quanto ao estado físico, a copa normal foi predominante, exceto na região central. As recomendações indicadas foram primeiramente de se elaborar um plano de arborização urbana para o município, contendo referências técnicas para escolha das espécies, técnicas de manejo e programa de educação ambiental

    J-PLUS : a catalogue of globular cluster candidates around the M 81/M 82/NGC 3077 triplet of galaxies

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    Globular clusters (GCs) are proxies of the formation assemblies of their host galaxies. However, few studies exist targeting GC systems of spiral galaxies up to several effective radii. Through 12-band Javalambre Photometric Local Universe Survey (J-PLUS) imaging, we study the point sources around the M 81/M 82/NGC 3077 triplet in search of new GC candidates. We develop a tailored classification scheme to search for GC candidates based on their similarity to known GCs via a principal component analysis projection. Our method accounts for missing data and photometric errors. We report 642 new GC candidates in a region of 3.5 deg2 around the triplet, ranked according to their Gaia astrometric proper motions when available. We find tantalizing evidence for an overdensity of GC candidate sources forming a bridge connecting M 81 and M 82. Finally, the spatial distribution of the GC candidates (g − i) colours is consistent with halo/intra-cluster GCs, i.e. it gets bluer as they get further from the closest galaxy in the field. We further employ a regression-tree-based model to estimate the metallicity distribution of the GC candidates based on their J-PLUS bands. The metallicity distribution of the sample candidates is broad and displays a bump towards the metal-rich end. Our list increases the population of GC candidates around the triplet by threefold, stresses the usefulness of multiband surveys in finding these objects, and provides a testbed for further studies analysing their spatial distribution around nearby (spirals) galaxies

    Environmental and sanitary conditions of guanabara bay, Rio de Janeiro

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    Guanabara Bay is the second largest bay in the coast of Brazil, with an area of 384 km2. In its surroundings live circa 16 million inhabitants, out of which 6 million live in Rio de Janeiro city, one of the largest cities of the country, and the host of the 2016 Olympic Games. Anthropogenic interference in Guanabara Bay area started early in the XVI century, but environmental impacts escalated from 1930, when this region underwent an industrialization process. Herein we present an overview of the current environmental and sanitary conditions of Guanabara Bay, a consequence of all these decades of impacts. We will focus on microbial communities, how they may affect higher trophic levels of the aquatic community and also human health. The anthropogenic impacts in the bay are flagged by heavy eutrophication and by the emergence of pathogenic microorganisms that are either carried by domestic and/or hospital waste (e.g., virus, KPC-producing bacteria, and fecal coliforms), or that proliferate in such conditions (e.g., vibrios). Antibiotic resistance genes are commonly found in metagenomes of Guanabara Bay planktonic microorganisms. Furthermore, eutrophication results in recurrent algal blooms, with signs of a shift toward flagellated, mixotrophic groups, including several potentially harmful species. A recent large-scale fish kill episode, and a long trend decrease in fish stocks also reflects the bay’s degraded water quality. Although pollution of Guanabara Bay is not a recent problem, the hosting of the 2016 Olympic Games propelled the government to launch a series of plans to restore the bay’s water quality. If all plans are fully implemented, the restoration of Guanabara Bay and its shores may be one of the best legacies of the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro

    Incidence and risk factors for Preeclampsia in a cohort of healthy nulliparous pregnant women: a nested case-control study

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    The objective of this study is to determine the incidence, socio-demographic and clinical risk factors for preeclampsia and associated maternal and perinatal adverse outcomes. This is a nested case-control derived from the multicentre cohort study Preterm SAMBA, in five different centres in Brazil, with nulliparous healthy pregnant women. Clinical data were prospectively collected, and risk factors were assessed comparatively between PE cases and controls using risk ratio (RR) (95% CI) plus multivariate analysis. Complete data were available for 1,165 participants. The incidence of preeclampsia was 7.5%. Body mass index determined at the first medical visit and diastolic blood pressure over 75 mmHg at 20 weeks of gestation were independently associated with the occurrence of preeclampsia. Women with preeclampsia sustained a higher incidence of adverse maternal outcomes, including C-section (3.5 fold), preterm birth below 34 weeks of gestation (3.9 fold) and hospital stay longer than 5 days (5.8 fold) than controls. They also had worse perinatal outcomes, including lower birthweight (a mean 379 g lower), small for gestational age babies (RR 2.45 [1.52-3.95]), 5-minute Apgar score less than 7 (RR 2.11 [1.03-4.29]), NICU admission (RR 3.34 [1.61-6.9]) and Neonatal Near Miss (3.65 [1.78-7.49]). Weight gain rate per week, obesity and diastolic blood pressure equal to or higher than 75 mmHg at 20 weeks of gestation were shown to be associated with preeclampsia. Preeclampsia also led to a higher number of C-sections and prolonged hospital admission, in addition to worse neonatal outcomes9CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQ401636/2013-5Bill and Melinda Gates FoundationGates Foundation [OPP1107597]; CNPqNational Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) [401636/2013-5

    Balneotherapy is a potential risk factor for Pseudomonas aeruginosa colonization

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    The practice of immersion in burn patient has been abandoned in many parts of the world but in Brazil it is still common. The aim of this study was to ascertain if balneotherapy is a risk factor for Pseudomonas aeruginosa colonization in thermally injured patients. Eighteen patients from a Burn Center were studied for 14 weeks for Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Samples were collected by swabbing the exudate of wounds, before and after giving bath to the patients and from balneotherapy table. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis was used to determine bacterial genetic relatedness. Thirty-seven P. aeruginosa isolates were detected from 292 swabs collected from patients' burn surface area and from the balneotherapy table. Profile analysis of P. aeruginosa DNA fragmentation showed 10 clones among the 37 strains analyzed. Type A is the most prevalent clone, with 23 strains distributed into eight subtypes. These were present in the swabs collected, before and after the patients' bath, from the surface of the bath table, suggesting that there was cross-contamination between the patients in different ways. This work demonstrates that balneotherapy is a risk factor in the Burn Center studied, because the same clone was found among P. aeruginosa isolates collected at various points and times. Uniterms: Pseudomonas aeruginosa/colonization. Burn patients. Balneotherapy. PFGE. A prática de balneotarapia em paciente queimado foi abandonada em muitas partes do mundo, mas no Brasil ainda é comum. O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar se a balneoterapia é um fator de risco para a colonização por Pseudomonas aeruginosa em pacientes queimados. Dezoito pacientes internados em um Centro de Queimadura (CQ) foram acompanhados por 14 semanas. Amostras foram coletadas do exsudato de feridas, antes e depois do banho dos pacientes e também da mesa onde a balneoterapia foi realizada. A relação genética entre as cepas de P. aeruginosa foi determinada pela electroforese em gel de campo pulsado. Trinta e sete cepas foram detectadas a partir de 292 swabs coletados de área de superfície das feridas dos pacientes e da mesa de balneoterapia. Análise de fragmentação do DNA das 37 P. aeruginosa mostrou a existência de 10 clones. O tipo A foi o clone mais prevalente, com 23 cepas distribuídas em oito subtipos. Estas estavam presentes nas lesões dos pacientes antes e após o banho e na mesa onde o banho foi realizado, sugerindo contaminação cruzada inter e intra-pacientes e pacientes e mesa de banho. Este trabalho mostra que a balneoterapia é um fator de risco para colonização por P. aeruginosa, no CQ estudado, pois um mesmo clone da bactéria foi encontrado nos isolados coletados em vários pontos e épocas diferentes. Unitermos: Pseudomonas aeruginosa/colonização. Pacientes queimados/tratamento. Balneoterapia. Eletroforese em campo pulsado