1,619 research outputs found

    Fluctuation theorems for genuine quantum mechanical regimes

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    Of indisputable relevance for non-equilibrium thermodynamics, fluctuations theorems have been generalized to the framework of quantum thermodynamics, with the notion of work playing a key role in such contexts. The typical approach consists of treating work as a stochastic variable and the acting system as an eminently classical device with a deterministic dynamics. Inspired by technological advances in the field of quantum machines, here we look for corrections to work fluctuations theorems when the acting system is allowed to enter the quantum domain. This entails including the acting system in the dynamics and letting it share a nonclassical state with the system acted upon. Moreover, favoring a mechanical perspective to this program, we employ a concept of work observable. For simplicity, we choose as theoretical platform the autonomous dynamics of a two-particle system with an elastic coupling. For some specific processes, we derive several fluctuation theorems within both the quantum and classical statistical arenas. In the quantum results, we find that, along with entanglement and quantum coherence, aspects of inertia also play a significant role since they regulate the route to mechanical equilibrium.Comment: In this new version, we added a new figure, changed the title, and made minor changes to the tex

    Duração da intensidade da atividade física durante as aulas de Educação Física : associação com aptidão cardiorrespiratória

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    Orientador : Prof. Dr. Wagner de CamposDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Biológicas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação Física. Defesa: Curitiba, 17/04/2015Inclui referências : f. 51-60Área de concentração: Exercício e esporteResumo: Este estudo investigou a duração das intensidades da atividade física (AF) nas aulas de Educação Física (EF) e sua relação com a aptidão cardiorrespiratória (ACR) em 614 escolares, de 10 a 17 anos, com média de idade de 13,75±1,57 anos (meninas) e 14,1±1,64 anos (meninos), estudantes do ensino público estadual de Pinhais, Paraná. A duração nas intensidades da AF dos escolares foi avaliada por acelerômetro Actigraph (WGT3X, GT3X+ e GT3X), posicionados no quadril e programado com epochs de 60s. A aptidão cardiorrespiratória foi determinada pelo teste de Léger 20 metros (VO2max), foram utilizados os pontos de corte de Freedson (2005) para classificação dos níveis de AF e Fitnessgran (2014) para a ACR. Foram feitas observações em 100 aulas de Educação Física com duração de 31 minutos e 50 segundos, com média de alunos avaliados por aula de 12,4±6,4. Os escolares foram classificados a cada 60s em uma das 5 (cinco) categorias de duração da AF nas aulas de Educação Física (sedentária, leve, moderada, vigorosa e muito vigorosa). O maior tempo de aula foi gasto em atividade sedentária (AS) sendo (meninas 61,0 min. e meninos 52,0 min., p<0,001). Observou-se que 40,9% de meninas e 59,1% dos meninos estavan com índices inadequados de aptidão cardiorrespiratória (ACR). Os resultados apontaram que a associação entre a duração das intensidades da AF e a ACR foi significativa somente para os meninos nas atividades físicas (leve, moderada, vigorosa (r=0,11; 0,11; 0,15; p<0,05; respectivamente), indicando que os meninos que se exercitaram dentro das aulas de EF apresentam uma ACR crescente relacionada com o aumento da intensidade da AF. Em relação às meninas não foi encontrada relação significativa nas intensidades das AF. Dessa forma pode-se inferir que a duração nas intensidades da AF durante as aulas de EF se caracterizou como sendo de curta duração e de baixa a muito-baixa intensidades, inviabilizando o alcance de benefícios satisfatórios quanto ao desenvolvimento e ao aprimoramento dos níveis de ACR. Entende-se que, a partir dos resultados obtidos, serão necessários treinamento e orientações de professores, assim como políticas públicas que enfatizem maior número de aulas e maior duração do tempo de aula dedicada a atividades de intensidade vigorosa. Torna-se importante, também, ações que objetivem o aumento da eficiência e da eficácia das aulas de Educação Física nos ensinos fundamental e médio. Palavras-chave: Duração de atividade; atividade física; Educação Física; aptidão cardiorrespiratória.Abstract: This study investigated the duration of the intensities of AF in PE classes and their relationship with cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) in 614 school children, 10-17 years old, with a mean age of 13.75 ± 1.57 years (girls) and 14.1 ± 1.64 years (boys), the state public school Pinhais, Paraná. The duration of the school AF intensities was assessed by accelerometer Actigraph (WGT3X, GT3X + and GT3X), positioned in the hip and programmed with 60s epochs. CRF was determined by the test léger 20 meters (VO2max), the Freedson cutoffs were used (2005) for classification of levels of AF and Fitnessgran (2014) for the CRF. We analyzed 100 PE classes and the average duration of classes was 31.5 minutes and average of students evaluated by class 12.4 ± 6.4 The students were classified every 60s in one of the five (5) categories of duration of PA in PE classes (sedentary, light, moderate, vigorous and vigorous). The largest class time was spent in sedentary PA (girls and boys 61.0 min., 52.0 min., p<0.000). It was observed that 40.9% of girls and 59.1% boys with inadequate rates of CRF. The results regarding the association between the duration of the intensities of AF and CRF was significant only for boys in AF (light, moderate, vigorous (r=0.11; 0.11; 0.15; p<0.05; respectively), indicating that boys who exercised within the PE classes have a CRF increased related to the increased intensity of PA. In relation to girls was no significant relationship in the intensities of PA. The duration of the PA intensities during PE classes was characterized as being short-lived and low to very-low intensities, preventing the achievement of satisfactory benefits for the development and improvement of CRF levels. Training and public teachers and policy guidelines that emphasize the largest number of lessons and length of class time devoted to vigorous intensity activities are needed, and further increase the efficiency and effectiveness of PE classes in elementary and secondary education. Keywords: Duration of activity, physical activity, physical education, cardiorespiratory fitness

    Recent advances on materials for lithium-ion batteries

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    Environmental issues related to energy consumption are mainly associated with the strong dependence on fossil fuels. To solve these issues, renewable energy sources systems have been developed as well as advanced energy storage systems. Batteries are the main storage system related to mobility, and they are applied in devices such as laptops, cell phones, and electric vehicles. Lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) are the most used battery system based on their high specific capacity, long cycle life, and no memory effects. This rapidly evolving field urges for a systematic comparative compilation of the most recent developments on battery technology in order to keep up with the growing number of materials, strategies, and battery performance data, allowing the design of future developments in the field. Thus, this review focuses on the different materials recently developed for the different battery components—anode, cathode, and separator/electrolyte—in order to further improve LIB systems. Moreover, solid polymer electrolytes (SPE) for LIBs are also highlighted. Together with the study of new advanced materials, materials modification by doping or synthesis, the combination of different materials, fillers addition, size manipulation, or the use of high ionic conductor materials are also presented as effective methods to enhance the electrochemical properties of LIBs. Finally, it is also shown that the development of advanced materials is not only focused on improving efficiency but also on the application of more environmentally friendly materials.Funding grants UID/FIS/04650/2020, UID/EEA/04436/2020 and UID/QUI/0686/2020; and project PTDC/FIS-MAC/28157/2017. Financial support grants SFRH/BD/140842/2018 (J.C.B.) and Investigator FCT Contracts CEECIND/00833/2017 (R.G.) and 2020.04028.CEECIND (C.M.C.) Financial support ELKARTEK and PIBA (PIBA-2018-06) programs

    The use of the code of document classification of archive of the National Council of Archives

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    Estudo sobre o uso do Código de Classificação de Documentos de Arquivo elaborado pelo Conselho Nacional de Arquivos (Conarq) para ser aplicado nos arquivos dos órgãos públicos da Administração Federal. Procurou-se conhecer a real utilização do Código de Classificação do Conarq nos Ministérios instalados em Brasília, tanto do ponto de vista quantitativo quanto qualitativo. Buscou-se, nos órgãos que utilizam o instrumento, saber as principais dificuldades encontradas em sua aplicação, a existência de treinamento e o nível de assistência oferecida pelo Arquivo Nacional. ___________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTStudy on the use of the Code of Document Classification of Archive elaborated for the National Council of Archives (Conarq) to be applied in the archives of the public agencies of the Federal Administration. It was looked to know the real use of the Code of Classification of the Conarq in the Ministries installed in Brasilia, as much of how much qualitative the quantitative point of view. One searched, in the agencies that use the instrument, to know the main difficulties found in its application, the existence of training and the level of assistance offered for the National Archive


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    Este artigo apresenta uma análise de técnicas de composição visual utilizadas em três capas de revisas publicadas no ano de 2015 sobre a redução da maioridade penal no Brasil. Para efeitos de análise são utilizados metodologicamente os princípios elencados por Dondis (1997), considerando-se principalmente a cor e os níveis representacional, abstrato e simbólico da composição das capas das revistas. Para contextualizar o assunto é apresentado um breve histórico das propostas de redução de maioridade penal e uma sucinta explanação sobre as medidas socioeducativas. Após as análises realizadas é possível chegar à conclusão que cada revista manteve um posicionamento em relação ao tema

    Diferentes formas de pensamentos para a construção de pesquisas na área da Educação

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    This article aims to reflect on different forms of thought and structure for research in education, more precisely, to construct paths for the problematic of these researches.&nbsp; Different forms of thought and structure, whether philosophical, sociological or otherwise, have many aspects to be considered; different developments of these matrices, it should be said, better known, brought consequences for the area of research in education, requiring that, from the writing of projects or pre-projects, candidates to the selective processes for master's or doctoral degrees, be aware of the specificities of different ways of thinking and structure. Thus, this work, of an essayistic nature, has as its general proposal, present these ways of thinking and structure and indicate referential readings to contribute to the writing of projects and pre-projects of master's and doctorates in Education.Este artigo visa a reflexão sobre diversas formas de pensamento e estrutura para a pesquisa em educação, mais precisamente, para a construção de caminhos para as problemáticas dessas pesquisas. As diferentes formas de pensamento e estrutura, sejam filosóficas ou sociológicas, ou outras, possuem muitos aspectos a serem considerados; os diferentes desdobramentos dessas matrizes, diga-se, mais conhecidas, trouxeram consequências para a área da pesquisa em educação exigindo que, desde a escrita dos projetos ou pré-projetos, os candidatos aos processos seletivos para mestrado ou doutorado, estejam atentos às especificidades das diferentes formas de pensamento e estrutura. Assim, esse trabalho, de natureza ensaística, tem como proposta geral, apresentar essas formas de pensamento e estrutura e indicar leituras referenciais para contribuir para a escrita de projetos e pré-projetos de mestrado e doutorado em Educação

    Early intervention in obstetric brachial palsy: a review/ Intervenção precoce na paralisia braquial obstetrica: uma revisão

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    Obstetric brachial paralysis is the end of an injury to the nerve fibers of the brachial plexus during obstetric maneuvers during childbirth. The injury has a great impact on the functionality of the injured upper limb of the newborn. The signs and symptoms vary, depending on the location of the lesion. The early intervention of the physiotherapist in the rehabilitation process is essential to prevent complications and improve motor function. Physiotherapeutic treatment has a very important contribution to the rehabilitation of children with obstetric brachial palsy, however, it is important to respect the neuropsychomotor development process normal child. The physiotherapy objectives basically consists on avoiding contractures and adhesions; promoting motor and sensory stimulation; maintaining range of motion and functional training. Among the techniques that these professionals have, we can highlight passive and active kinesiotherapy, electrostimulation, proprioceptive stimulation, hydrotherapy and Movement Induction and Containment Therapy (MICT), always creating the best possible conditions for the recovery of this individual's functional capacity

    Ejercicio físico, calidad de vida y salud de diabéticos tipo 2

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar los efectos de diferentes tipos de ejercicios físicos, desarrollados durante 24 semanas, relacionados con la calidad de vida y salud de individuos con diabetes mellitus tipo 2. Fueron seleccionados 24 individuos inactivos de ambos sexos, con un promedio de edad de 60.41 años. Los individuos fueron divididos aleatoriamente en tres grupos: ejercicio aeróbico, ejercicio resistido y ejercicio de flexibilidad. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron una ficha de registros sobre anamnesis clínica, una ficha de registro de control diario, El Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q 1 y 2), cuestionario de calidad de vida relacionada a la salud SF-36 (Medical Outcomes Study 36 - Item Short-Form Health Survey) y las lipoproteínas de alta y baja densidad por medio de análisis bioquímico. Solamente en el ejercicio aeróbico fueron observadas alteraciones significativas en la concentración de lipoproteínas de alta y baja densidad. En relación a la calidad de vida, el ejercicio aeróbico contribuyó de manera significativa en los dominios de capacidad funcional, vitalidad y salud mental. El ejercicio resistido reveló significancia en los dominios de vitalidad y salud mental. Los resultados demostraron que la prescripción de ejercicio físico consiste en una herramienta fundamental en el control de la diabetes, mientras que el ejercicio aeróbico proporcionó un efecto positivo en la calidad de vida y salud de diabéticos tipo 2, siendo fundamental apoyo psicológico para estos pacientes a lo largo de su vida.The aim of this study was to compare the effects of different types of physical exercises developed for 24 weeks-related quality of life and health of individuals with diabetes mellitus type 2. Were selected 24 individuals inactive men and women, with an average of age of 60.41 years. The subjects were randomly divided into three groups: aerobic exercise, resistance exercise and flexibility exercise. The instruments used were a form of records on clinical history, a registration of daily monitoring, the Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q 1 and 2), health-related quality of life related to health SF-36 (Medical Outcomes Study 36 - item Short-Form Health Survey) lipoproteins and high and low density by means of biochemical analysis. Only aerobic exercise were observed significant alterations in lipoprotein concentration and higher density. Regarding quality of life, aerobic exercise contributed significantly in the domains of functional capacity, vitality and mental health. The resistance exercise revealed significance in the domains of vitality and mental health. The results showed that the prescription of physical exercise is an essential tool in the management of diabetes, while aerobic exercise provided a positive effect on quality of life and health of type 2 diabetes, and essential psychological support for these patients throughout his life.O objectivo deste estudo foi comparar os efeitos de diferentes tipos de exercício físico desenvolvidos visando 24 semanas de qualidade de vida e saúde para indivíduos com diabetes mellitus tipo 2. Foram seleccionados 24 indivíduos inactivos homens e mulheres, com média de idade de 60,41 anos. Os sujeitos foram divididos aleatoriamente em três grupos: exercício aeróbio, exercício de resistência e exercício de flexibilidade. Os instrumentos utilizados foram uma ficha de registo de história clínica, uma de registo de monitorização diário, o Questionário de Prontidão para a Actividade Física (PAR-Q 1 e 2), um Questionário de Qualidade de Vida relacionada com a saúde SF-36 (Medical Outcomes Study 36 - Item Short-Form Health Survey) e as de alta e baixa densidade por meio de análise bioquímica. Somente no exercício aeróbio foram observadas alterações significativas na concentração e densidade de lipoproteína. Em relação à qualidade de vida, o exercício aeróbio contribuiu significativamente nos domínios da capacidade funcional, vitalidade e saúde mental. O exercício de resistência revelou significância nos domínios da vitalidade e saúde mental. Os resultados mostraram que a prescrição do exercício físico é uma ferramenta essencial no controlo da diabetes, enquanto o exercício aeróbio proporcionou um efeito positivo na qualidade de vida e saúde, bem como um apoio psicológico essencial para estes pacientes ao longo da sua vida

    Effect of two sources of zinc on the physiological quality of seed and nutrition of rice (Oriza sativa) seedlings

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    Rice seeds coating with microparticulate zinc oxide can maximize the absorption of this micronutrient by the seedling and favor seeds vigor when compared with zinc sulfate. This work aimed to evaluate the sources and doses of zinc in seed quality and in the nutrition of rice seedlings. The experiment consisted of a completely randomized design with four replications, five doses of zinc in the form of oxide (0; 20; 40, 80 and 160 g kg-1), and a control treatment of zinc in the form of sulfate (40 g kg-1). The following parameters were evaluated: germination, accelerated aging, seedlings emergence, emergence speed index, cold test, dry matter, and zinc concentration in the root and shoot of the seedlings. Seed coating with zinc, regardless of the source, improved seed physiological quality and seedling nutrition of the rice cultivar. Zinc sources did not change the germination; however, the oxide form provided better seed vigor, except for the highest dose (160 g kg-1). The increase in the dose of zinc oxide increased the concentration of this nutrient in rice seedlings dry matter. Zinc coating of rice seeds in the form of microparticulate, depending on the dose, can maximize the seeds vigor and increase the concentration of this micronutrient in the seedlings when compared with zinc sulfate, which is the traditional source used by producers. Highlights Zinc (Zn) coating does not affect germination, but influences the vigor of rice seeds. The Zn sources affect the Zn concentration in the shoot dry matter. Both ZnO and ZnSO 4 showed higher shoot dry matter, when compared with the absence of Zn in rice seeds. Oxide zinc (ZnO) promotes greater root dry matter of rice when compared with zinc sulfate (ZnSO 4 ).Rice seeds coating with microparticulate zinc oxide can maximize the absorption of this micronutrient by the seedling and favor seeds vigor when compared with zinc sulfate. This work aimed to evaluate the sources and doses of zinc in seed quality and in the nutrition of rice seedlings. The experiment consisted of a completely randomized design with four replications, five doses of zinc in the form of oxide (0; 20; 40, 80 and 160 g kg-1), and a control treatment of zinc in the form of sulfate (40 g kg-1). The following parameters were evaluated: germination, accelerated aging, seedlings emergence, emergence speed index, cold test, dry matter, and zinc concentration in the root and shoot of the seedlings. Seed coating with zinc, regardless of the source, improved seed physiological quality and seedling nutrition of the rice cultivar. Zinc sources did not change the germination; however, the oxide form provided better seed vigor, except for the highest dose (160 g kg-1). The increase in the dose of zinc oxide increased the concentration of this nutrient in rice seedlings dry matter. Zinc coating of rice seeds in the form of microparticulate, depending on the dose, can maximize the seeds vigor and increase the concentration of this micronutrient in the seedlings when compared with zinc sulfate, which is the traditional source used by producers. Highlights Zinc (Zn) coating does not affect germination, but influences the vigor of rice seeds. The Zn sources affect the Zn concentration in the shoot dry matter. Both ZnO and ZnSO 4 showed higher shoot dry matter, when compared with the absence of Zn in rice seeds. Oxide zinc (ZnO) promotes greater root dry matter of rice when compared with zinc sulfate (ZnSO 4 )

    Thymus irrigation and morphology in hybrid Dalland and Penarlan pigs

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    O objetivo desta pesquisa foi contribuir com dados relativos à morfologia e à irrigação do timo de fetos de suínos, resultantes do cruzamento entre as raças Dalland e Penarlan. Para tanto, foram utilizados 40 fetos de suínos (16 machos e 24 fêmeas), após óbito natural; eles foram doados pela Granja Beira-Rio, do município de Andradas (MG). O sistema vascular arterial dos animais foi preenchido com solução aquosa corada de látex (diluição a 50%), via aorta torácica, em seguida, houve fixação em formoldeído estabilizado (diluição a 10%), para posterior dissecação das artérias endereçadas aos lobos tímicos. As observações permitiram relatar que o timo foi irrigado por ramos diretos e indiretos das artérias cervicais superficiais direita e esquerda, carótidas comuns direita e esquerda, torácicas externas direita e esquerda e torácicas internas direita e esquerda. As principais artérias supridoras dos lobos tímicos cervicais foram as artérias cervicais superficiais, enquanto que o lobo torácico recebeu um maior número de ramos das artérias torácicas internas direita e esquerda. Após as análises estatísticas, foi possível concluir que não existe correlação entre o tamanho do timo e os ramos das artérias que o irrigam.This research aimed to contribute with data related to the morphology and irrigation of the thymus of swine fetuses, resulting from the mating between Dalland and Penarlan breeds. For this, 40 swine fetuses (16 males and 24 females) were used, after natural death; they were donated by Granja Beira-Rio, from the town of Andradas (MG). The arterial vascular system of animals was filled in with an aqueous solution of colored latex (50% dilution), via thoracic aorta, then, there was fixation in stabilized formaldehyde (10% dilution), for later dissection of arteries directed towards the thymic lobes. The observations allowed us to report that thymus was irrigated by the direct and indirect branches of the right and left superficial cervical arteries, right and left common carotid arteries, right and left external thoracic arteries, and right and left internal thoracic arteries. The main arteries supplying the thymic cervical lobes were the superficial cervical arteries, while the thoracic lobe received a major number of branches from the right and left internal thoracic arteries. After the statistical analyses, it was possible to conclude that there is no correlation between the thymus size and the branches of arteries irrigating it