153 research outputs found

    Aplicação de silício como método auxiliar no controle da traça das crucíferas na cultura do repolho

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    Entre as estratégias de Manejo Integrado de Pragas (MIP) estão os fatores que induzem a resistência da planta hospedeira. A adubação mineral com silício pode aumentar a resistência de plantas ao ataque de pragas. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o potencial da aplicação de silício no controle da traça-das-crucíferas (TDC), Plutella xylostella (Lepidoptera, Plutellidae), na cultura do repolho. O experimento foi conduzido na área de produção de hortaliças da Fazenda Água Limpa, Universidade de Brasília, Brasília-DF. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos ao acaso, com nove tratamentos e quatro repetições, totalizando 36 parcelas. Os tratamentos foram T1= aplicação foliar de Agrosilício® (10,5 % Si); T2= aplicação foliar de Sifol® (12% Si); T3= aplicação do inseticida deltametrina 25 g/L (Decis® 25 EC); T4= aplicação do bioinseticida Bacillus thuringiensis 33,60 g/L (Dipel®SC); T5= Agrosilício® (10,5% Si) + deltametrina 25 g/L (Decis® 25 EC); T6= Agrosilício® (10,5% Si) + Bacillus thuringiensis 33,60 g/L (Dipel®SC); T7= Sifol® (12% Si) + deltametrina 25 g/L (Decis® 25 EC); T8= Sifol® (12% Si) + Bacillus thuringiensis 33,60 g/L (Dipel®SC) e T9= tratamento controle. As aplicações de Agrosilicio® e Sifol® foram realizadas semanalmente via foliar. As aplicações dos produtos deltametrina e Bacillus thuringiensis foram realizadas quando se atingiu o nível de controle definido para a TDC na cultura do repolho. A aplicação de silício via foliar, isolada ou associada aos inseticidas químicos e biológicos, T2, T7 e T8, resultou na melhor estratégia de controle da TDC na cultura do repolho, com menor número de lagartas por planta, menor número de perfurações nas folhas e melhor avaliação estética das plantas de repolho. O uso do silício via foliar apresenta potencial como método auxiliar de manejo da TDC em repolho, seguindo-se as doses recomendadas pelos fabricantes.Integrated pest management (IPM) strategies are among the factors promoting plant resistance to pests, and silicon application may increase this resistance. Thus, the aim of this research was to evaluate the control of diamondback moth (DBM), Plutella xylostella (Lepidoptera, Plutellidae) through foliar application of silicon in cabbage crops. The experiment was conducted in the vegetable producing area of Água Limpa Farm, Universidade de Brasília, Distrito Federal, Brasil. The experimental design was of randomized blocks with nine treatments and four replicates, totaling 36 plots. The applied treatments consisted of Agrosilicon® (10.5% Si) (T1), Sifol® (12% Si) (T2), deltamethrin 25 g L-1 (Decis® 25 EC) (T3), Bacillus thuringiensis, 33.60 g L-1 (Dipel® SC) (T4), Agrosilicon® + deltamethrin 25 g L-1(Decis® 25 EC) (T5), Agrosilicon® + Bacillus thuringiensis, 33.60 g L-1 (Dipel® SC) (T6), Sifol® + deltamethrin 25 g L-1 (Decis® 25 EC) (T7), Sifol® + Bacillus thuringiensis, 33.60 g L-1 (Dipel® SC) (T8) and control (T9). Agrosilicon® and Sifol® were applied weekly and the products deltamethrin and Bacillus thuringiensis were applied according to the damage level established for DBM in cabbage crops. Foliar application of silicon, alone or in combination with chemical and biological insecticides - T2, T7 and T8, were the best strategy to control DBM in cabbage crops, resulting in the lowest number of caterpillars per plant, lowest leaf damages and best aesthetic value of plants. Silicon foliar application can be considered as an auxiliary method of DBM management in cabbage crops, followed by the doses recommended by the manufacturers


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    Introdução: A síndrome de Arnold Chiari é uma das principais malformações da junção craniocervical em adultos. Esse distúrbio é dividido em quatro subtipos: tipo I, II, III e IV. O tipo II está relacionado à mielomeningocele e à hidrocefalia, ocorrendo herniação tanto das amígdalas cerebelares quanto do verme cerebelar, quarto ventrículo e ponte. Verifica-se também estenose do aqueduto cerebral, hidromielia e displasia cortical. Como resultado, a principal anomalia cerebral na síndrome de Chiari II é o deslocamento inferior da ponte, medula, quarto ventrículo e verme cerebelar para forame magno e canal cervical superior. Descrição do caso: Paciente feminino, 49 anos, portadora da síndrome de Arnold-Chiari II e invaginação basilar com compressão do tronco encefálico, procurou UBS em Palmas-TO, deixando claro, a limitação de sua qualidade de vida, em virtude da doença. Após assinatura de TCLE, foram aplicados os questionários SF-36 e HAQ. Discussão: No relato apresentado, nota-se o papel da dor na limitação da qualidade de vida da paciente, a qual funciona como fator desencadeante dos demais prejuízos. Estudos prévios relataram baixa qualidade de vida em pacientes com malformação de Chiari. Quanto à capacidade funcional m pacientes portadores de AC tipo II a literatura é pouco vasta. Sabe- se que baixa funcionalidade comumente propicia estresse e ansiedade, pois traz mudanças na identidade, na imagem corporal e exige o desenvolvimento de estratégias de enfrentamento. Palavras – chave: arnold chiari; invaginação basilar; qualidade de vidaIntroduction: Arnold Chiari syndrome is one of the major malformations of the craniocervical junction in adults. This disorder is divided into four subtypes: types I, II, III and IV. Type II is related to myelomeningocele and hydrocephalus, occurring with herniation of the cerebellar tonsils, the cerebellar worm, fourth ventricle and bridge. There is also cerebral aqueduct stenosis, hydromyelia and cortical dysplasia. As a result, the main cerebral anomaly in Chiari II syndrome is the inferior displacement of the bridge, medulla, fourth ventricle and cerebellar worm to the foramen magnum and upper cervical canal. Case report: A 49-year-old female patient with Arnold-Chiari II syndrome and a basilar invagination with compression of the brainstem, sought medical advice in Palmas-TO, making it clear that her quality of life was limited due to the disease. After signing an informed consent, the SF-36 and HAQ assessments were applied. Discussion: In the present report, pain plays a significant role in limiting the patient’s quality of life, acting as a triggering factor for other losses. Previous studies have reported poor quality of life in patients with Chiari malformation. Regarding the functional capacity in patients with type II AC, literary resources are limited. It is known that low functionality commonly leads to stress and anxiety, as it brings changes in identity, body image and requires the development of coping strategies. Keywords: Arnold Chiari syndrome; basilar invagination; quality of lif


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    The COVID-19 pandemic and the distancing measures required adaptations in the entire teaching structure. In this context, the objective of this article is to report remote visits carried out for students attending High School courses integrated to the Technical and Higher Education levels about environmental topics. The visits to five companies/organizations took place by means of a project prepared by undergraduate students attending the FMU Environmental and Sanitary Engineering course, aiming to provide them with a virtual presentation of their processes in the environmental area. The participants in the visits were 231 students from High School courses integrated to the Technical level from two public schools and 152 attending courses integrated to Higher Education at a private institution. Thus, in a dynamic way, it was possible to show socio environmental activities developed by the companies/organizations, regarding different theoretical-practical aspects inherent to sustainability, such as waste management, ecological sanitation, vegetable gardens in small spaces, aquaponics systems and the importance of stingless bees, among others. It is considered that the Remote Visits Project is within a scenario marked by the expansion of educational procedures, enriching both the academic experiences of the students directly involved in the Project and those of the other students participating in the visits, due to the reflections and learning processes provided by the immersion in applied sustainability models, thus promoting interdisciplinary knowledge, sensitization and diverse information pertinent to the environmental issues addressed in the visits

    Efeito analgésico e anti-inflamatório do extrato aquoso das folhas de trevo-roxo (Scutellaria agrestis A. St.-Hil. Ex Benth. - Lamiaceae) em roedores

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    The Scutellaria agrestis is used by Amazonas riverine communities, especially for otitis externa topical treatment, by using the crude extract obtained by maceration. This study aimed to investigate the preliminary phytochemical profile, the safety/toxicity and the analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antiedematogenic activities of the aqueous extract of the S. agrestis leaves. Eighty individuals were collected at the Nilton Lins University medicinal garden, Manaus, Brazil. The phytochemical profile was obtained through a plant drug survey for cyanogenic heterosides, terpenes, alkaloids and phenolic compounds. The extract safety was evaluated by acute toxicity test. Analgesic and anti-inflammatory activities were accessed using formalin test in mice and the antiedematogenic activity, using paw edema test in mice. We detected phenolic (hydrolysable tannins, coumarins and several classes of flavonoids) and terpenoid (free steroids, saponins) metabolites. We could not establish LD50because no animals died during the acute toxicity test, probably because of the absence of cyanogenic glycosides on the composition of the extract. However, we found that the extract is slightly toxic as animal spasms were observed in the first hour of the test. The extract showed significant analgesic and anti-inflammatory activity on the formalin test (30, 100 and 300 mg/kg p.o.), and the highest dose result was equivalent to the standard drug (Fentanyl). However, no significant antiedematogenic effect was observed during the paw edema test. The results obtained in this study provide preliminary scientific basis about the safety and analgesic/anti-inflammatory actions of the aqueous extract of S. agrestis, which indicates that this species is a promising option for further in vitro and in vivo pharmacological studies