814 research outputs found

    Conquiliologia e Morfologia da Rádula em Três Representantes de Conidae (Mollusca, Neogastropoda, Conoidea) Assinalados para a Costa Brasileira

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    Despite the number of Conidae species on Brazilian seashore, most of them were studied only by shell features so far. The present study adds morphological radula data to conchology in three species of Conus assigned to Brazil. Conus centurio and C. regius have radula morphology that match vermivorous habit; the radula of Brazilian shells from both species is, for the first time, illustrated through optical microscopy. It is also illustrated the radula of a Brazilian C. ermineus in scanning eletronic microscopy corroborating the radula morphology that suggests the piscivorous habit as already assigned to African shells.Apesar da representatividade da família Conidae na costa brasileira, a maioria das espécies, até o momento, foi avaliada com base apenas no estudo da concha. O presente estudo acrescenta à conquiliologia dados morfológicos da rádula de três espécies de Conus assinaladas para o Brasil. Conus centurio e C. regius apresentaram morfologia da rádula compatível com o hábito alimentar vermívoro e as rádulas de exemplares brasileiros, das duas espécies, são pela primeira vez fotografadas em microscopia óptica. De um exemplar brasileiro de C. ermineus é ilustrada a morfologia da rádula em microscopia eletrônica de varredura mostrando que corrobora com o hábito alimentar piscívoro conforme assinalado para os exemplares africanos da espécie

    Composition of endophytic fungal community associated with leaves of maize cultivated in south Brazilian field

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    The objective of this study was to conduct a survey about fungi associated with leaves from two different maize plant lineages and to analyze their microbiota diversity. Isolated fungi were identified by morphological analysis and molecular taxonomy was performed using ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 rDNA. About 27 fungi morphotypes were obtained, 15 of them were from the first maize lineage. About 86.7% of the individuals belonged to the Dothideomycetes class (Phoma sorghina, Epicocum nigrum, Cladosporium sp., Bipolaris zeicola, and Alternaria alternata complex) and 13.3% to the Sordariomycetes class (Diaporthe/Phomopsis sp. and Nigrospora sp.). This ratio was opposite in the other maize lineage with 25.0% of Dothideomycetes (E. nigrum and Pleosporales) and 75.0% of Sordariomycetes (Gibberella fujikuroi complex, Fusarium graminearum complex, Diaporthe/Phomopsis sp., and Nigrospora sp.). By concerning the analyses of morphological characteristics and molecular phylogeny, this study intended to identify the groups of saprophytic, phytopathogenic, and mycotoxin fungi, which differently co-inhabit leaf tissue of maize plants in both tested lineages

    Formação continuada de professores: curso de capacitação ou grupo colaborativo?

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    Este trabalho narra a história de um Grupo Colaborativo de Estudos em Educação Matemática (GCEEM), escrita sob o ponto de vista de seus próprios participantes. A intenção inicial era apenas ter por escrito o registro desta história, para que o tempo não apagasse experiências importantes e significativas da trajetória desse grupo que julgamos diferente de outros que conhecemos, por não possuir vínculo com qualquer instituição de ensino privada ou pública, sem nenhuma remuneração ou dispensa de nossas atividades escolares. Decidimos, então, que cada integrante contaria de que forma o grupo surgiu em sua vida, as contribuições e as mudanças provocadas em sua prática enquanto educador. Como o grupo, desde seu início, em 2005, já possuía a prática de ter memórias (atas), escritas pelos seus próprios participantes, optou-se, também, por revisá-las. Ao escrevermos e analisarmos nossa própria história, (re)visitando as memórias do grupo e as narrativas pessoais, percebemos que além de divulgar nossa experiência para inspirar novos grupos, seria importante obtermos o reconhecimento e a validação da nossa prática pelas políticas públicas como uma valiosa alternativa de formação continuada. Grupos colaborativos, como o nosso, são espaços de reflexões que promovem aperfeiçoamento e mudança de nossas práticas pedagógicas. São espaços em que temos alcançado a “verdadeira” formação continuada

    Combining high pressure and electric fields towards nannochloropsis oculata eicosapentaenoic acid-rich extracts

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    Nannochloropsis oculata is naturally rich in eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). To turn this microalga into an economically viable source for commercial applications, extraction efficiency must be achieved. Pursuing this goal, emerging technologies such as high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) and moderate electric fields (MEF) were tested, aiming to increase EPA accessibility and subsequent extraction yields. The innovative approach used in this study combined these technologies and associated tailored, less hazardous different solvent mixtures (SM) with distinct polarity indexes. Although the classical Folch SM with chloroform: methanol (PI 4.4) provided the highest yield concerning total lipids (166.4 mglipid/gbiomass), diethyl ether: ethanol (PI 3.6) presented statistically higher values in terms of EPA per biomass, corresponding to 1.3-fold increase. When SM were used in HHP and MEF, neither technology independently improved EPA extraction yields, although the sequential combination of technologies did result in 62% increment in EPA extraction. Overall, the SM and extraction methodologies tested (HHP—200 MPa, 21 °C, 15 min, followed by MEF processing at 40 °C, 15 min) enabled increased EPA extraction yields from wet N. oculata biomass. These findings are of high relevance for the food and pharmaceutical industries, providing viable alternatives to the “classical” extraction methodologies and solvents, with increased yields and lower environmental impact.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Alternative communication technology applied inlaryngectomized people due to head and neck cancer

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    Study design: Integrative literature review. Aims: To summarize the main results of research and publications related to the use of alternative communication technologies for people with restrictions on their communication skills, particularly those laryngectomized with head and neck cancer. Method: This study was based on bibliographic research in electronic databases: PubMed, LILACS, SCIELO and CINAHL through the use of the following descriptors: “Head and Neck Neoplasms”, “Head and Neck Cancer”, “Quality of Life” and “Communication” , their corresponding in Portuguese and their crosses. Results: Selected 14 articles published in the period from 2004 to 2014, categorized into two units of analysis: I: Illness and treatment impact on quality of life and physical aspects, functional and symptoms (N = 5), II: Psychosocial aspects related to the treatment of head and neck cancer (N = 9). The articles indicated that the disease and the treatment of cancer cause body changes, at times traumatic, with important impacts on the functional and esthetic aspects, with speech, nutrition and physical appearance alterations, besides affecting the psychological factors. The laryngectomy is highly stressing and compromises the communication and social interactions, particularly in relation to their families and the health team. The consequences are manifested in everyday life of these subjects, including emotional responses ranging in a singular way to each individual. The use of alternative communication resources can encourage active social participation by people with communication difficulties and favor therefore their quality of life (QoL). Conclusion: The use of alternative resources for communication, by partial or total laryngectomized favors the exercise of the autonomy, maintaining communication skills, active social participation and improves QoL in person’s with cancerModelo do estudo: Revisão Integrativa da Literatura. Objetivo: sintetizar os principais resultados de pesquisas e publicações relacionados ao uso de tecnologias de comunicação alternativa por pessoas com restrições de sua capacidade de comunicação, particularmente daquelas laringectomizadas por câncer de cabeça e pescoço. Método: estudo baseado em levantamento bibliográfico nas bases de dados eletrônicas: PubMed, LILACS, SCIELO e CINAHL, através do uso dos descritores: “Head and Neck Neoplasms”, “Head and Neck Cancer”, “Quality of Life” e “Communication”, seus correspondentes em português e seus cruzamentos. Resultados: Foram selecionados 14 artigos, publicados no período de 2004 à 2014, categorizados em duas unidades de análise: I: Impacto do adoecimento e do tratamento na qualidade de vida e aspectos físicos, funcionais e sintomas (N=5), II: Aspectos psicossociais relacionados ao tratamento de câncer de cabeça e pescoço (N=9). Os artigos indicaram que o adoecimento e o tratamento do câncer causam alterações corporais, por vezes traumáticas, com impactos importantes sobre os aspectos funcionais e estéticos, com alterações da fala, da alimentação e aparência física, além de afetar fatores psicológicos. A laringectomia é altamente estressante e compromete a comunicação e as interações sociais, particularmente em relação a seus familiares e equipe de saúde. Essas consequências manifestam-se na vida cotidiana desses sujeitos, incluindo respostas emocionais que variam de forma singular a cada individuo. O uso de recursos de comunicação alternativa pode favorecer a participação social ativa por parte de pessoas com dificuldades de comunicação e favorecer, assim, sua qualidade de vida (QV). Conclusão: O uso de recursos alternativos para a comunicação, por parte de laringectomizados parciais ou totais, favorece o exercício da autonomia, a manutenção da capacidade de comunicação, a ativa participação social e melhora da QV da pessoa com cânce

    Caregivers burden in people in palliative care: an integrative literature review

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    Modelo do estudo: Revisão Integrativa da Literatura. Objetivo: sintetizar os principais resultados de pesquisas e analisar criticamente as evidências científicas relativas ao tema da sobrecarga de cuidadores de pessoas em Cuidados Paliativos. Método: Busca bibliográfica nas bases de dados MEDLINE, LILACS, CINAHL e na biblioteca virtual SciELO, com os cruzamentos entre os descritores: “Caregivers”, “Palliative Care”, “Terminal Care”, “Hospice Care”, e as palavras-chave “Burden”, “Supportive Care”. Resultados: Foram selecionados 23 artigos publicados em periódicos internacionais, no período de janeiro de 2004 a junho de 2014. Foram categorizados em três unidades de análise: a tarefa de cuidar e as consequências para a vida do cuidador (N=7); a sobrecarga do cuidador diante da proximidade da morte (N=8); programas e serviços de apoio aos cuidadores (N=8). Os artigos indicaram que a sobrecarga do cuidador varia de acordo com sua vivência da tarefa de cuidar e a evolução da doença da pessoa cuidada; o cuidador necessita ser acolhido em suas necessidades e ter acesso a recursos da comunidade e serviços de saúde para diminuir a sobrecarga e melhorar tanto sua qualidade de vida, quanto da pessoa cuidada. Porém, as evidências científicas são consideradas fracas, com níveis 4 (65,2%) e 5 (21,8%) e apenas 13% dos estudos apresentam evidências consideradas fortes. Conclusão: O tema da sobrecarga de cuidadores de pessoas em Cuidados Paliativos é relevante para a pesquisa e para a prática clínica, mas há necessidade de estudos com melhor qualidade metodológica e evidências científicas que alicercem o cuidado a essa populaçãoStudy design: Integrative literature review. Objective: To summarize the main research findings and critically analyze the evidence on the burden of caregivers of people in Palliative Care. Method: Bibliographic search in the electronic databases: MEDLINE, LILACS, CINAHL and the virtual library SciELO, with crosses between the descriptors: “Caregivers”, “Palliative Care”, “Hospice Care”, “Terminal Care” and the keywords “Burden”, “Supportive Care”. Results: 23 articles were selected, having been published in journals between January 2004 and June 2014, categorized into three units of analysis: 1. the task of caring and the consequences to the life of the caregiver (N=7); 2. the caregiver burden before the approach of death (N=8); 3. programs and support services to caregivers (N=8). The articles indicate that the caregiver burden varies according to their experience of care task and the evolution of the cared person’s illness; the caregiver needs to be received on your needs and have access to reduce the burden and improve both caregiver’s quality life as the assisted one. However, scientific evidence is considered fragile, with levels 4 (65.2%) and 5 (21.8%) and only 13% of studies present evidence considered strong. Conclusion: The issue of burden of caregivers of people in palliative care is relevant for research and for clinical practice, but there is need for studies with better methodological quality and scientific evidence to support the care for this populatio

    Functional characterization of a putative Glycine max ELF4 in transgenic arabidopsis and its role during flowering control.

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    Flowering is an important trait in major crops like soybean due to its direct relation to grain production. The circadian clock mediates the perception of seasonal changes in day length and temperature to modulate flowering time. The circadian clock gene EARLY FLOWERING 4 (ELF4) was identified in Arabidopsis thaliana and is believed to play a key role in the integration of photoperiod, circadian regulation, and flowering. The molecular circuitry that comprises the circadian clock and flowering control in soybeans is just beginning to be understood. To date, insufficient information regarding the soybean negative flowering regulators exist, and the biological function of the soybean ELF4 (GmELF4) remains unknown. Here, we investigate the ELF4 family members in soybean and functionally characterize a GmELF4 homologous gene. The constitutive overexpression of GmELF4 delayed flowering in Arabidopsis, showing the ELF4 functional conservation among plants as part of the flowering control machinery. We also show that GmELF4 alters the expression of Arabidopsis key flowering time genes (AtCO and AtFT), and this down-regulation is the likely cause of flowering delay phenotypes. Furthermore, we identified the GmELF4 network genes to infer the participation of GmELF4 in soybeans. The data generated in this study provide original insights for comprehending the role of the soybean circadian clock ELF4 gene as a negative flowering controller

    Preconditioning of Cardiosphere-Derived Cells With Hypoxia or Prolyl-4-Hydroxylase Inhibitors Increases Stemness and Decreases Reliance on Oxidative Metabolism

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    Cardiosphere-derived cells (CDCs), which can be isolated from heart explants, are a promising candidate cell source for infarcted myocardium regeneration. However, current protocols used to expand CDCs require at least 1 month in vitro to obtain sufficient cells for transplantation. We report that CDC culture can be optimized by preconditioning the cells under hypoxia (2% oxygen), which may reflect the physiological oxygen level of the stem cell niche. Under hypoxia, the CDC proliferation rate increased by 1.4-fold, generating 6 × 10(6) CDCs with higher expression of cardiac stem cell and pluripotency gene markers compared to normoxia. Furthermore, telomerase (TERT), cytokines/ligands involved in stem cell trafficking (SDF/CXCR-4), erythropoiesis (EPO), and angiogenesis (VEGF) were increased under hypoxia. Hypoxic preconditioning was mimicked by treatment with two types of hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF) prolyl-4-hydroxylase inhibitors (PHDIs): dimethyloxaloylglycine (DMOG) and 2-(1-chloro-4-hydroxyisoquinoline-3-carboxamido) acetic acid (BIC). Despite the difference in specificity, both PHDIs significantly increased c-Kit expression and activated HIF, EPO, and CXCR-4. Furthermore, treatment with PHDIs for 24 h increased cell proliferation. Notably, all hypoxic and PHDI-preconditioned CDCs had decreased oxygen consumption and increased glycolytic metabolism. In conclusion, cells cultured under hypoxia could have potentially enhanced therapeutic potential, which can be mimicked, in part, by PHDIs

    Thermochemical and catalytic conversion technologies for the development of Brazilian biomass utilization

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    The social, economic, and environmental impacts of climate change have been shown to affect poorer populations throughout the world disproportionally, and the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020–2021 has only exacerbated the use of less sustainable energy, fuel, and chemical sources. The period of economic and social recovery following the pandemic presents an unprecedented opportunity to invest in biorefineries based on the pyrolysis of agricultural residues. These produce a plethora of sustainable resources while also contributing to the economic valorization of first-sector local economies. However, biomass-derived pyrolysis liquid is highly oxygenated, which hinders its long-term stability and usability. Catalytic hydrogenation is a proposed upgrading method to reduce this hindrance, while recent studies on the use of nickel and niobium as low-cost catalysts, both abundant in Brazil, reinforce the potential synergy between different economic sectors within the country. This review gathers state-of-the-art applications of these technologies with the intent to guide the scientific community and lawmakers alike on yet another alternative for energy and commodities production within an environmentally sustainable paradigm