115 research outputs found

    Propuesta de un cuestionario breve para la evaluación de la competitividad en el ámbito deportivo : Competitividad-10

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    A brief questionnaire to assess competitiveness in sports was developed and analyzed psychometrically. The items in this questionnaire were developed on the basis of a review of the literature on achievement motivation theories in sports (content validity). An experiment was then conductedin which the participants were exposed to a competitive game. The competitive game experiment was used as external criteria to evaluate the degree of the competitiveness trait degree in competition (empirical validity). The experiment and psychometric study included 153 university students (43.8% women and 56.2% men) between the 19 and 32 years of age (an average 22.9 years old, DT=2,5). The factorial analysis supported the construct validity and identified two independent dimensions: Motivation for success (a = 66) and Motivation to avoid failure (a = 66), the reliability of the two subscales was acceptable. The questionnaires concurrent, discriminant and predictive (sensitivity 72.6% and specificity 50.7%) criteria validity was also identified, bearing in mind the results of the competition and the subjective self-evaluation of the degree of competitiveness. In summary, the questionnaires psychometric indicators confirm the questionnaires construct validity, reliability and empirical validity. Gender differences and an age effect on motivation for success were observed

    Psychometric Properties of a European Spanish Version of the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS)

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    This paper presents evidence from a heterogeneous sample of 440 Spanish adults, for the reliability and validity of a European Spanish version of the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS), designed to measure the degree to which situations in one’s life are appraised as stressful. The European Spanish version PSS (14-item) demonstrated adequate reliability (internal consistency, α= .81, and test-retest, r = .73), validity (concurrent), and sensitivity. Additional data indicate adequate reliability ( α= .82, test-retest, r = .77), validity, and sensitivity of a 10-item short version of the PSS.El presente artículo demuestra la fiabilidad y la validez de la versión española de la Escala de Estrés Percibido (PSS en el original) a partir del estudio de las propiedades psicométricas de la escala en una muestra heterogénea de 440 adultos españoles. La PSS fue diseñada para medir el grado en que las situaciones en la vida se valoran como estresantes. La versión española de la PSS (14-ítems) demostró una adecuada fiabilidad (consistencia interna, α= .81, y test-retest, r = .73), validez (concurrente), y sensibilidad. Datos adicionales indicaron una fiabilidad (α= .82, test-retest, r = .77), validez, y sensibilidad adecuadas también para la versión corta de 10-ítems (PSS-10)

    Calidad de vida relacionada con la salud y variables psicosociales: caracterización de una muestra de mujeres uruguayas con cáncer de mama

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    Health related quality of life (HRQOL) is a complex multidimensional construct that may be affected by demographic, medical, and psychosocial variables. The aim of this study was to examine the association between perceived stress, coping strategies, and depressive symptomatology, and HRQOL outcomes. Participants included 116 Uruguayan women diagnosed with breast cancer who underwent surgery and who were attending ambulatory follow-ups either in private or public health care centers. Factors associated with better adjustment to the disease and its treatment and with higher levels of quality of life, were identified and highlighted. Perceived stress (PSS), depressive symptoms (BDI II), coping strategies (Brief COPE), and HRQOL (MOS-SF-36) were assessed utilizing self-report questionnaires. The results yielded several statistically significant associations between demographic, medical, and psychological factors and participant´s HRQOL. ANOVA analyses indicated surgery for breast cancer with reconstruction was associated to significantly lower levels of perceived stress and depressive symptoms, and to a better HRQOL.La calidad de vida relacionada con la salud (CVRS) es un constructo complejo y multidimensional que puede verse afectado por diferentes aspectos, tales como, sociodemográficos, laborales, clínicos, y psicosociales. El objetivo del presente estudio fue examinar la relación existente entre el estrés percibido, las estrategias de afrontamiento, y la sintomatología depresiva, y su efecto sobre la CVRS. Se estudió una muestra de 116 mujeres uruguayas diagnosticadas e intervenidas quirúrgicamente por cáncer de mama, que acudían a consulta externa tanto en centros de salud de la esfera pública, como privada. Se determinaron aquellas variables asociadas con un mejor ajuste a la enfermedad y sus tratamientos, y una mejor calidad de vida. Se evaluó los niveles de estrés percibido (PSS) y sintomatología depresiva (BDI-II), las estrategias de afrontamiento (Brief COPE), y la CVRS (MOS-SF-36) en una única toma de medidas por medio de cuestionarios de auto-informe. Los resultados indicaron la relación de una serie de indicadores sociodemográficos, clínicos y psicológicos con la CVRS actual de las mujeres evaluadas. El análisis de los datos, a través de ANOVA, indicó que la cirugía con posterior reconstrucción mamaria se encontró asociada a niveles significativamente menores de estrés percibido y síntomas depresivos, y a una mejor CVRS

    Psychological resources program - an intervention to foster psychological resources : evaluation of results in the Brazilian population

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    A quasi-experimental trial was conducted to evaluate the effects of the Psychological Resources Program, an intervention to foster psychological resources for adults, on self-reported psychological-resources-related measures. Participant’s satisfaction with the intervention and program attrition were also specific aims. The Psychological Resources Program, which claims to be a preventive tool, aims to improve psychological resources. It consists of 10 weekly group sections that each last approximately 120 min. Before delivering the program, the intervention manual was translated from the original in Spanish to Brazilian Portuguese and facilitators were trained. Twenty-seven undergraduate students completed the program at university and were evaluated before, after, and at a three-month follow-up. The results showed that (a) perceived mood state improved week-by-week, and (b) improvement in positive affect [PANAS], gratitude [GQ–6], optimism [LOT—R], resilience [RS], general mental health [GHQ–12], assertiveness [E3], and satisfaction with life [SWLS], and decreases in perceived stress [PSS-14] and negative affect [PANAS] (effect sizes from 0.44 to 0.75). These changes, although attenuated, were maintained at the follow-up (3 months after the end of the intervention). The participant satisfaction with the program was high. The attrition rate (35%) was within the range expected for the type of intervention and context. The results support that the program represents a potential tool for prevention and health promotion in the university context. Continued evaluation of the intervention effects are recommended

    Adhesión al tratamiento, estado emocional y calidad de vida en pacientes con insuficiencia renal crónica en tratamiento con diálisis

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    A low rate of adherence to treatment is a widespread problem of great clinical relevance among dialysis patients. The objective of the present study is to determine the relationship between adherence, emotional state (depression, anxiety, and perceived stress), and healthrelated quality of life (HRQOL) in renal patients undergoing dialysis. Method: Two patient groups (30 in hemodialysis and 31 in peritoneal dialysis) participated in this study. We evaluated aspects of adherence, depression, anxiety, perceived stress, and HRQOL with self-report and standardized instruments. Results: Peritoneal dialysis patients reported signifi cantly higher levels of adherence to treatment and better HRQOL in Physical Function and Bodily Pain domains. Depression level is associated with HRQOL indicators. We did not fi nd any differences regarding specifi c adherence to antihypertensive and phosphate binder drugs or in psychological variables depending on the modality of dialysis. Patients with adherence to antihypertensive drugs show better physical HRQOL. The predictors of HRQOL in dialysis patients were: work, gender and depression. Conclusions: Our results suggest that the modality of dialysis does not differentially affect the emotional state or specifi c adherence to drugs, but it is nevertheless related to their overall adherence to treatment and to their HRQOLAdhesión al tratamiento, estado emocional y calidad de vida en pacientes con insufi ciencia renal crónica en tratamiento con diálisis. Antecedentes: la escasa adhesión al tratamiento y un estado psicológico negativo constituyen potenciales factores de riesgo para la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud (CVRS) de los pacientes en diálisis. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue estudiar las relaciones entre adhesión, estado emocional (depresión, ansiedad y estrés percibido) y CVRS en pacientes en hemodiálisis y diálisis peritoneal. Método: participaron dos grupos de pacientes (30 en hemodiálisis y 31 en diálisis peritoneal). Evaluación mediante autoinformes e instrumentos estandarizados. Resultados: los pacientes en diálisis peritoneal informaron de niveles signifi cativamente más altos de adhesión y mejor CVRS en función física y dolor corporal. La depresión se relaciona de manera signifi cativa con la CVRS. No encontramos diferencias en adhesión específi ca a fármacos hipotensores y quelantes del fósforo ni en las variables psicológicas en función de la modalidad de diálisis. Al analizar la muestra en conjunto los pacientes adherentes a los hipotensores tienen mejor CVRS física. Los predictores de CVRS en pacientes en diálisis fueron: trabajo, género y depresión. Conclusiones: nuestros resultados sugieren que la modalidad de diálisis no afecta al estado emocional ni a la adhesión específi ca a fármacos, pero sí está asociada al grado de adhesión global al tratamiento y CVR

    Evidence of validity for the online version of the assessment of adherence to antiretroviral therapy questionnaire

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    A Patient-Reported Outcome (PRO) measure titled Cuestionario para la Evaluación de la Adhesión al Tratamiento Antiretroviral (acronym CEAT-VIH) is currently available in paper-and-pencil and digital (online assessment) formats. Due to the advantages of online assessment, the main objective of this work was to evaluate psychometric properties of the online version, in an international sample, to accumulate evidence of its validity and provide score norms for the questionnaire. A psychometric study was performed with an international sample of 1,470 participants, from 30 countries, to accumulate evidence of CEAT-VIH validity regarding internal structure and related external criterion (e.g., viral load, number of pills, and AIDSrelated symptoms). Descriptive statistics and normative data for scores are also presented. The majority of participants were men (72.4%), aged 15 to 78 years old (M = 39.3, SD = 12.6). A unidimensional model with five facets occurred as the observed variables converged, which presented a good model fit (comparative fit index [CFI] = 1.000; Tucker–Lewis index [TLI] = 0.999; standardized root mean square residual [SRMR] = 0.027; and root mean square error of approximation [RMSEA] [90% confidence interval, CI] = 0.009 [0.000, 0.038], p = .995). There was a weak invariance for the CEAT-VIH structure for language versions and countries. Cronbach’s alpha values for the instrument (17 items) were acceptable across language versions (.88-.96). Evidence of validity related to external criteria was achieved by associations (e.g., Spearman and Mann–Whitney) between CEAT-VIH scores and relevant clinical (e.g., CD4+ cells, viral load, number of pills, and AIDSrelated symptoms) and sociodemographic (e.g., gender, age, employment status, education level, place of residence, and participation at local AIDS association) variables. In conclusion, the overall data on the evaluated psychometric properties allow recommendation of the use of this instrument in research and applied settings

    Psychological Variables Associated With Health-Related Quality-of-Life in Uruguayan Women Surgically Intervened for Breast Cancer

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    Aim: This study described demographic, clinical, psychological and health-related quality of life (HRQOL) characteristics in women surgically intervened for breast cancer, and the present study was conducted to examine the association between these characteristics. Method: Uruguayan women (N = 116) diagnosed and surgically intervened for breast cancer were assessed on demographic, clinical and psychological indicators and HRQOL, by self-report questionnaires (i.e., BDI-II, PSS, Brief-COPE, and SF-36). Study was conducted adopting a non-experimental, cross-sectional methodology. After studying associations between variables assessed, hierarchical regression analyses were performed to identify HRQOL predictors. Results: HRQOL Physical Health Component (SF-36) was predicted by perceived stress and depression, above and beyond demographic and clinical factors. And HRQOL Mental Health Component (SF-36) was predicted by education, time elapsed since diagnosis of breast cancer, time hospitalized during the past year, perceived stress and depression. Conclusion: Results suggest that psychological variables may have a significant role for HRQOL prediction, and need to be taken into account along with demographic and clinical markers in order to explain HRQOL outcomes in women with breast cancer

    Massive open online course for Brazilian healthcare providers working with substance use disorders : curriculum design

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    Background: Interpersonal and technical skills are required for the care of people living with substance use disorders. Considering the applicability and usability of online courses as continuing professional education initiatives, this study aimed to describe the content design process of an introductory-level healthcare-centered Massive Open Online Course (MOOC). Methods: The content of the course was informed through needs assessment, by using three sources: (a) narrative literature review, (b) Delphi health experts panel consensus, and (c) focus groups conducted with people living with substance use disorders. The data from the empirical research phases were analyzed through qualitative Thematic Analysis. Results: The product of this research project is the introductory-level Massive Open Online Course “Healthcare: Developing Relational Skills for the Assistance of People Living with Substance Use Disorders” which approaches health communication and empathetic relational professional skills as a means of reducing stigmatization of people living with substance use disorders. Conclusions: Diverse strategies for designing distance education initiatives have to consider different views on the subject being approached in such courses. The product presented in this paper has the potential to be an educational tool for topics traditionally not addressed in Brazilian continuing education and can be used as a model to the design of online courses directed to the development of work-related skills for the healthcare professions

    Tributação de Operações com Criptoativos no Brasil: Estudo de caso envolvendo Bitcoin

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    O trabalho analisou o tratamento tributário brasileiro conferido às transações comerciais envolvendo o criptoativo Bitcoin. Foram levantados alguns conceitos importantes do ambiente de criptomoedas, tais como Blockchain, criptomoedas, mineração, halving, evolução de preço de mercado. Igualmente, avaliou-se o quadro normativo nacional e internacional acerca do tema, concluindo-se que há necessidade ainda de aperfeiçoamento da legislação brasileira sobre o tema. A classificação jurídico-contábil mais adequada para criptomoedas, para fins de incidência tributária, é a equiparação destes ativos como moedas estrangeiras. A compra de Bitcoin fica sujeita à incidência de IOF. A venda deste criptoativo com ganho de capital fica sujeita ao IRPF, no caso de pessoa física, e ao IRPJ, CSLL, PIS e COFINS, no caso de pessoa jurídica, não cabendo incidência de ICMS. O lucro na venda de Bitcoin é considerado Receita Financeira, nos Regimes do Lucro Presumido e Real. Haverá incidência de ISSQN na prestação de serviços. Não cabe a incidência de IPI nas atividades de mineração. Cabe incidência de ITCMD nas hipóteses de herança recebida por pessoa física envolvendo Bitcoin. Obrigatória a prestação de informações acessórias à Receita Federal em caso de operações superiores a R$30.000,00/mês

    Efeito de um programa de intervenção para a potenciação das fortalezas e dos recursos psicológicos sobre o estado de ânimo, otimismo, queixas de saúde subjetivas e a satisfação com a vida em estudantes universitários

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    El estudio presenta la aplicación del Programa de Intervención Manualizado para la Potenciación de las Fortalezas y los Recursos Psicológicos en una muestra de estudiantes universitarios. Las variables de resultado evaluadas fueron: satisfacción con la vida, estrés percibido, optimismo disposicional, síntomas somáticos, ansiedad e insomnio, disfunción social, depresión, autoestima y quejas de salud subjetivas. También se evaluaron indicadores de implementación de la intervención y medidas de satisfacción con el programa. Se utilizó una metodología cuasi-experimental haciendo uso de un diseño pre-post con un solo grupo (n= 25). El programa fue implementado correctamente y la valoración de la intervención por parte de los participantes fue muy satisfactoria. Los resultados obtenidos por el programa sobre las variables de resultado, indicaron que el programa logró un incremento significativo en el estado de ánimo percibido en las sesiones del programa, así como un incremento en la satisfacción con la vida y el optimismo disposicional, y una reducción de los síntomas pseudoneurológicos y de las quejas de salud subjetivas. En las demás variables de resultado no se observaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas. En conjunto, la información obtenida con este estudio avala la continuidad de la aplicación del programa en otras muestras y contextos.This paper describes the application of an Intervention Program aimed at enhancing personal strengths and psychological resources in a sample of college students. The variables assessed to detect the changes produced by the program were: life satisfaction, perceived stress, dispositional optimism, somatic symptoms, anxiety and insomnia, social dysfunction, depression, self-esteem and subjective health complaints. Also, indicators for the implementation of the intervention program and measures of satisfaction with the program were assessed. A quasi-experimental methodology was employed, using a pre-post non-experimental design with only one intervention group (n= 25). The program was delivered and implemented correctly. According to the participants' subjective evaluation the program was very satisfactory. Results showed that the intervention program produced an improvement in the participants' perceived mood after most of the program sessions. Likewise, the intervention produced an increase on the variables life satisfaction and dispositional optimism and a decrease on pseudo-neurological symptoms and subjective health complaints. No significant effects were found for the other variables. In summary, the information obtained from this study supports the continued implementation of the program in other samples and settings.O estudo apresenta a aplicação do Programa de Intervenção Manualizado para a Potenciação das Fortalezas e os Recursos Psicológicos em uma mostra de estudantes universitários. As variáveis de resultado avaliadas foram: satisfação com a vida, estresse percebido, otimismo disposicional, sintomas somáticos, ansiedade e insônia, disfunção social, depressão, autoestima e queixas de saúde subjetivas. Foram avaliados também indicadores de implementação da intervenção e medidas de satisfação com o programa. Utilizou-se uma metodologia quase-experimental usando um desenho pré-pós com somente um grupo (n= 25). O programa foi implementado corretamente e a valoração da intervenção por parte dos participantes foi muito satisfatória. Os resultados obtidos pelo programa sobre as variáveis de resultado,indicaram que o programa obteve um aumento significativo no estado de ânimo percebido nas sessões do programa, assim como um aumento na satisfação com a vida e o otimismo disposicional, e uma redução dos sintomas pseudoneurológicos e das queixas de saúde subjetivas. Nas outras variáveis de resultado não foram observadas diferenças estatisticamente significativas. Em conjunto, a informação obtida com este estudo avaliza a continuidade da aplicação do programa em outras mostras e contextos