8 research outputs found

    Generation of a flat-top laser beam for gravitational wave detectors by means of a nonspherical Fabry-Perot resonator

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    We have tested a new kind of Fabry-Perot long-baseline optical resonator proposed to reduce the thermal noise sensitivity of gravitational wave interferometric detectors--the "mesa beam" cavity--whose flat top beam shape is achieved by means of an aspherical end mirror. We present the fundamental mode intensity pattern for this cavity and its distortion due to surface imperfections and tilt misalignments, and contrast the higher order mode patterns to the Gauss-Laguerre modes of a spherical mirror cavity. We discuss the effects of mirror tilts on cavity alignment and locking and present measurements of the mesa beam tilt sensitivity

    Virgo: a laser interferometer to detect gravitational waves

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    none336sìThis paper presents a complete description of Virgo, the French-Italian gravitational wave detector. The detector, built at Cascina, near Pisa (Italy), is a very large Michelson interferometer, with 3 km-long arms. In this paper, following a presentation of the physics requirements, leading to the specifications for the construction of the detector, a detailed description of all its different elements is given. These include civil engineering infrastructures, a huge ultra-high vacuum (UHV) chamber (about 6000 cubic metres), all of the optical components, including high quality mirrors and their seismic isolating suspensions, all of the electronics required to control the interferometer and for signal detection. The expected performances of these different elements are given, leading to an overall sensitivity curve as a function of the incoming gravitational wave frequency. This description represents the detector as built and used in the first data-taking runs. Improvements in different parts have been and continue to be performed, leading to better sensitivities. These will be detailed in a forthcoming paper.mixedT Accadia; F Acernese; M Alshourbagy; P Amico; F Antonucci; S Aoudia; N Arnaud; C Arnault; K G Arun; P Astone; S Avino; D Babusci; G Ballardin; F Barone; G Barrand; L Barsotti; M Barsuglia; A Basti; Th S Bauer; F Beauville; M Bebronne; M Bejger; M G Beker; F Bellachia; A Belletoile; J L Beney; M Bernardini; S Bigotta; R Bilhaut; S Birindelli; M Bitossi; M A Bizouard; M Blom; C Boccara; D Boget; F Bondu; L Bonelli; R Bonnand; V Boschi; L Bosi; T Bouedo; B Bouhou; A Bozzi; L Bracci; S Braccini; C Bradaschia; M Branchesi; T Briant; A Brillet; V Brisson; L Brocco; T Bulik; H J Bulten; D Buskulic; C Buy; G Cagnoli; G Calamai; E Calloni; E Campagna; B Canuel; F Carbognani; L Carbone; F Cavalier; R Cavalieri; R Cecchi; G Cella; E Cesarini; E Chassande-Mottin; S Chatterji; R Chiche; A Chincarini; A Chiummo; N Christensen; A C Clapson; F Cleva; E Coccia; P -F Cohadon; C N Colacino; J Colas; A Colla; M Colombini; G Conforto; A Corsi; S Cortese; F Cottone; J -P Coulon; E Cuoco; S D'Antonio; G Daguin; A Dari; V Dattilo; P Y David; M Davier; R Day; G Debreczeni; G De Carolis; M Dehamme; R Del Fabbro; W Del Pozzo; M del Prete; L Derome; R De Rosa; R DeSalvo; M Dialinas; L Di Fiore; A Di Lieto; M Di Paolo Emilio; A Di Virgilio; A Dietz; M Doets; P Dominici; A Dominjon; M Drago; C Drezen; B Dujardin; B Dulach; C Eder; A Eleuteri; D Enard; M Evans; L Fabbroni; V Fafone; H Fang; I Ferrante; F Fidecaro; I Fiori; R Flaminio; D Forest; L A Forte; J -D Fournier; L Fournier; J Franc; O Francois; S Frasca; F Frasconi; A Freise; A Gaddi; M Galimberti; L Gammaitoni; P Ganau; C Garnier; F Garufi; M E Gáspár; G Gemme; E Genin; A Gennai; G Gennaro; L Giacobone; A Giazotto; G Giordano; L Giordano; C Girard; R Gouaty; A Grado; M Granata; V Granata; X Grave; C Greverie; H Groenstege; G M Guidi; S Hamdani; J -F Hayau; S Hebri; A Heidmann; H Heitmann; P Hello; G Hemming; E Hennes; R Hermel; P Heusse; L Holloway; D Huet; M Iannarelli; P Jaranowski; D Jehanno; L Journet; S Karkar; T Ketel; H Voet; J Kovalik; I Kowalska; S Kreckelbergh; A Krolak; J C Lacotte; B Lagrange; P La Penna; M Laval; J C Le Marec; N Leroy; N Letendre; T G F Li; B Lieunard; N Liguori; O Lodygensky; B Lopez; M Lorenzini; V Loriette; G Losurdo; M Loupias; J M Mackowski; T Maiani; E Majorana; C Magazzù; I Maksimovic; V Malvezzi; N Man; S Mancini; B Mansoux; M Mantovani; F Marchesoni; F Marion; P Marin; J Marque; F Martelli; A Masserot; L Massonnet; G Matone; L Matone; M Mazzoni; F Menzinger; C Michel; L Milano; Y Minenkov; S Mitra; M Mohan; J -L Montorio; R Morand; F Moreau; J Moreau; N Morgado; A Morgia; S Mosca; V Moscatelli; B Mours; P Mugnier; F -A Mul; L Naticchioni; I Neri; F Nocera; E Pacaud; G Pagliaroli; A Pai; L Palladino; C Palomba; F Paoletti; R Paoletti; A Paoli; S Pardi; G Parguez; M Parisi; A Pasqualetti; R Passaquieti; D Passuello; M Perciballi; B Perniola; G Persichetti; S Petit; M Pichot; F Piergiovanni; M Pietka; R Pignard; L Pinard; R Poggiani; P Popolizio; T Pradier; M Prato; G A Prodi; M Punturo; P Puppo; K Qipiani; O Rabaste; D S Rabeling; I Rácz; F Raffaelli; P Rapagnani; S Rapisarda; V Re; A Reboux; T Regimbau; V Reita; A Remilleux; F Ricci; I Ricciardi; F Richard; M Ripepe; F Robinet; A Rocchi; L Rolland; R Romano; D Rosińska; P Roudier; P Ruggi; G Russo; L Salconi; V Sannibale; B Sassolas; D Sentenac; S Solimeno; R Sottile; L Sperandio; R Stanga; R Sturani; B Swinkels; M Tacca; R Taddei; L Taffarello; M Tarallo; S Tissot; A Toncelli; M Tonelli; O Torre; E Tournefier; F Travasso; C Tremola; E Turri; G Vajente; J F J van den Brand; C Van Den Broeck; S van der Putten; M Vasuth; M Vavoulidis; G Vedovato; D Verkindt; F Vetrano; O Véziant; A Viceré; J -Y Vinet; S Vilalte; S Vitale; H Vocca; R L Ward; M Was; K Yamamoto; M Yvert; J -P Zendri; Z ZhangT., Accadia; F., Acernese; M., Alshourbagy; P., Amico; F., Antonucci; S., Aoudia; N., Arnaud; C., Arnault; K. G., Arun; P., Astone; S., Avino; D., Babusci; G., Ballardin; F., Barone; G., Barrand; L., Barsotti; M., Barsuglia; A., Basti; Th S., Bauer; F., Beauville; M., Bebronne; M., Bejger; M. G., Beker; F., Bellachia; A., Belletoile; J. L., Beney; M., Bernardini; S., Bigotta; R., Bilhaut; S., Birindelli; M., Bitossi; M. A., Bizouard; M., Blom; C., Boccara; D., Boget; F., Bondu; L., Bonelli; R., Bonnand; V., Boschi; L., Bosi; T., Bouedo; B., Bouhou; A., Bozzi; L., Bracci; S., Braccini; C., Bradaschia; Branchesi, Marica; T., Briant; A., Brillet; V., Brisson; L., Brocco; T., Bulik; H. J., Bulten; D., Buskulic; C., Buy; G., Cagnoli; G., Calamai; E., Calloni; E., Campagna; B., Canuel; F., Carbognani; L., Carbone; F., Cavalier; R., Cavalieri; R., Cecchi; G., Cella; Cesarini, Elisabetta; E., Chassande Mottin; S., Chatterji; R., Chiche; A., Chincarini; A., Chiummo; N., Christensen; A. C., Clapson; F., Cleva; E., Coccia; P. F., Cohadon; C. N., Colacino; J., Colas; A., Colla; M., Colombini; Conforto, Giovanni; A., Corsi; S., Cortese; F., Cottone; J. P., Coulon; E., Cuoco; S., D'Antonio; G., Daguin; A., Dari; V., Dattilo; P. Y., David; M., Davier; R., Day; G., Debreczeni; G., De Carolis; M., Dehamme; R., Del Fabbro; W., Del Pozzo; M., del Prete; L., Derome; R., De Rosa; R., Desalvo; M., Dialinas; L., Di Fiore; A., Di Lieto; M., Di Paolo Emilio; A., Di Virgilio; A., Dietz; M., Doets; Dominici, Pietro; A., Dominjon; M., Drago; C., Drezen; B., Dujardin; B., Dulach; C., Eder; A., Eleuteri; D., Enard; M., Evans; L., Fabbroni; V., Fafone; H., Fang; I., Ferrante; F., Fidecaro; I., Fiori; R., Flaminio; D., Forest; L. A., Forte; J. D., Fournier; L., Fournier; J., Franc; O., Francois; S., Frasca; F., Frasconi; A., Freise; A., Gaddi; M., Galimberti; L., Gammaitoni; P., Ganau; C., Garnier; F., Garufi; M. E., Gáspár; G., Gemme; E., Genin; A., Gennai; G., Gennaro; L., Giacobone; A., Giazotto; G., Giordano; L., Giordano; C., Girard; R., Gouaty; A., Grado; M., Granata; V., Granata; X., Grave; C., Greverie; H., Groenstege; Guidi, GIANLUCA MARIA; S., Hamdani; J. F., Hayau; S., Hebri; A., Heidmann; H., Heitmann; P., Hello; G., Hemming; E., Hennes; R., Hermel; P., Heusse; L., Holloway; D., Huet; M., Iannarelli; P., Jaranowski; D., Jehanno; L., Journet; S., Karkar; T., Ketel; H., Voet; J., Kovalik; I., Kowalska; S., Kreckelbergh; A., Krolak; J. C., Lacotte; B., Lagrange; P., La Penna; M., Laval; J. C., Le Marec; N., Leroy; N., Letendre; T. G. F., Li; B., Lieunard; N., Liguori; O., Lodygensky; B., Lopez; M., Lorenzini; V., Loriette; G., Losurdo; M., Loupias; J. M., Mackowski; T., Maiani; E., Majorana; C., Magazzù; I., Maksimovic; V., Malvezzi; N., Man; S., Mancini; B., Mansoux; M., Mantovani; F., Marchesoni; F., Marion; P., Marin; J., Marque; Martelli, Filippo; A., Masserot; L., Massonnet; G., Matone; L., Matone; M., Mazzoni; F., Menzinger; C., Michel; L., Milano; Y., Minenkov; S., Mitra; M., Mohan; J. L., Montorio; R., Morand; F., Moreau; J., Moreau; N., Morgado; A., Morgia; S., Mosca; V., Moscatelli; B., Mours; P., Mugnier; F. A., Mul; L., Naticchioni; I., Neri; F., Nocera; E., Pacaud; G., Pagliaroli; A., Pai; L., Palladino; C., Palomba; F., Paoletti; R., Paoletti; A., Paoli; S., Pardi; G., Parguez; M., Parisi; A., Pasqualetti; R., Passaquieti; D., Passuello; M., Perciballi; Perniola, Bruna; G., Persichetti; S., Petit; M., Pichot; Piergiovanni, Francesco; M., Pietka; R., Pignard; L., Pinard; R., Poggiani; P., Popolizio; T., Pradier; M., Prato; G. A., Prodi; M., Punturo; P., Puppo; K., Qipiani; O., Rabaste; D. S., Rabeling; I., Rácz; F., Raffaelli; P., Rapagnani; S., Rapisarda; V., Re; A., Reboux; T., Regimbau; V., Reita; A., Remilleux; F., Ricci; I., Ricciardi; F., Richard; M., Ripepe; F., Robinet; A., Rocchi; L., Rolland; R., Romano; D., Rosińska; P., Roudier; P., Ruggi; G., Russo; L., Salconi; V., Sannibale; B., Sassolas; D., Sentenac; S., Solimeno; R., Sottile; L., Sperandio; R., Stanga; Sturani, Riccardo; B., Swinkels; M., Tacca; R., Taddei; L., Taffarello; M., Tarallo; S., Tissot; A., Toncelli; M., Tonelli; O., Torre; E., Tournefier; F., Travasso; C., Tremola; E., Turri; G., Vajente; J. F. J., van den Brand; C., Van Den Broeck; S., van der Putten; M., Vasuth; M., Vavoulidis; G., Vedovato; D., Verkindt; Vetrano, Flavio; O., Véziant; Vicere', Andrea; J. Y., Vinet; S., Vilalte; S., Vitale; H., Vocca; R. L., Ward; M., Was; K., Yamamoto; M., Yvert; J. P., Zendri; Z., Zhan

    Virgo: a laser interferometer to detect gravitational waves

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    This paper presents a complete description of Virgo, the French-Italian gravitational wave detector. The detector, built at Cascina, near Pisa (Italy), is a very large Michelson interferometer, with 3 km-long arms. In this paper, following a presentation of the physics requirements, leading to the specifications for the construction of the detector, a detailed description of all its different elements is given.These include civil engineering infrastructures, a huge ultra-high vacuum (UHV) chamber (about 6000 cubic metres), all of the optical components, including high quality mirrors and their seismic isolating suspensions, all of the electronics required to control the interferometer and for signal detection. The expected performances of these different elements are given, leading to an overall sensitivity curve as a function of the incoming gravitational wave frequency. This description represents the detector as built and used in the first data-taking runs. Improvements in different parts have been and continue to be performed, leading to better sensitivities. These will be detailed in a forthcoming paper

    Virgo: a laser interferometer to detect gravitational waves

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    This paper presents a complete description of Virgo, the French-Italian gravitational wave detector. The detector, built at Cascina, near Pisa (Italy), is a very large Michelson interferometer, with 3 km-long arms. In this paper, following a presentation of the physics requirements, leading to the specifications for the construction of the detector, a detailed description of all its different elements is given. These include civil engineering infrastructures, a huge ultra-high vacuum (UHV) chamber (about 6000 cubic metres), all of the optical components, including high quality mirrors and their seismic isolating suspensions, all of the electronics required to control the interferometer and for signal detection. The expected performances of these different elements are given, leading to an overall sensitivity curve as a function of the incoming gravitational wave frequency. This description represents the detector as built and used in the first data-taking runs. Improvements in different parts have been and continue to be performed, leading to better sensitivities. These will be detailed in a forthcoming paper

    Virgo: a laser interferometer to detect gravitational waves

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