63 research outputs found

    Investigation of some features of the movement of surface waves and their interaction with the surface objects´ bases and foundations providing seismic safety

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    В статті розглянуто особливості руху поверхневих хвиль, а також виконано аналіз існуючих методик знаходження часових характеристик та закономірностей їх зміни в процесі руху R-хвилі вздовж вільної поверхні. З цією метою були проведені розрахунки частотно-часових показників за різними формулами в R-хвилі й порівняння між собою та із значеннями в R-хвилі залежно від двох факторів: ваги заряду і приведеної відстані, результати яких висвітлено у даній роботі. Непрямим чином було встановлено, що на будь-якій епіцентральній приведеній відстані поверхнева хвиля значно більш сейсмонебезпечна, ніж об’ємна, яка на будь-яких гіпоцентральних відстанях в різних пунктів на поверхні не може перевищувати величини періоду коливань в пункті при приведеному радіусі, рівному одиниці.The article describes the features of surface waves motion as well as the analysis of existing methods for finding the timing and patterns of change in motion R-waves along the free surface. To this end, we calculated time-frequency performance under different formulas in R-wave and compared with each other and with values in R-wave dependsng on two main factors: the weight of the charge and the reduced distance, the results of which are shown in this paper. Indirectly, it was found that the at any epicentral distance surface wave is significantly seysmic unsafety than the body wave, which in any hypocentral distances at different points on the surface may not exceed the period of oscillation in the above point with raduced radius equal to one.В статье рассмотрены особенности движения поверхностных волн, а также выполнен анализ имеющихся методик нахождения временных характеристик и закономерностей их изменения в процессе движения R-волны вдоль свободной поверхности. С этой целью были проведены расчёты временно-частотных показателей по разным формулам в R-волне и сравнение между собой и с значениями в R-волне в зависимости от двух главных факторов: веса заряда и приведенного расстояния, результаты которых приведены в настоящей работе. Косвенным образом было установлено, что на любом эпицентральном приведенном расстоянии поверхностная волна значительно более сейсмоопасная, чем объемная, которая на любых гипоцентральных расстояниях в различных пунктах на поверхности не может превышать величины периода колебаний в пункте при приведенном радиусе равном 1

    Dichotic integration of acoustic-phonetic information: Competition from extraneous formants increases the effect of second-formant attenuation on intelligibility

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    Differences in ear of presentation and level do not prevent effective integration of concurrent speech cues such as formant frequencies. For example, presenting the higher formants of a consonant-vowel syllable in the opposite ear to the first formant protects them from upward spread of masking, allowing them to remain effective speech cues even after substantial attenuation. This study used three-formant (F1+F2+F3) analogues of natural sentences and extended the approach to include competitive conditions. Target formants were presented dichotically (F1+F3; F2), either alone or accompanied by an extraneous competitor for F2 (i.e., F1±F2C+F3; F2) that listeners must reject to optimize recognition. F2C was created by inverting the F2 frequency contour and using the F2 amplitude contour without attenuation. In experiment 1, F2C was always absent and intelligibility was unaffected until F2 attenuation exceeded 30 dB; F2 still provided useful information at 48-dB attenuation. In experiment 2, attenuating F2 by 24 dB caused considerable loss of intelligibility when F2C was present, but had no effect in its absence. Factors likely to contribute to this interaction include informational masking from F2C acting to swamp the acoustic-phonetic information carried by F2, and interaural inhibition from F2C acting to reduce the effective level of F2

    A Chemocentric Approach to the Identification of Cancer Targets

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    A novel chemocentric approach to identifying cancer-relevant targets is introduced. Starting with a large chemical collection, the strategy uses the list of small molecule hits arising from a differential cytotoxicity screening on tumor HCT116 and normal MRC-5 cell lines to identify proteins associated with cancer emerging from a differential virtual target profiling of the most selective compounds detected in both cell lines. It is shown that this smart combination of differential in vitro and in silico screenings (DIVISS) is capable of detecting a list of proteins that are already well accepted cancer drug targets, while complementing it with additional proteins that, targeted selectively or in combination with others, could lead to synergistic benefits for cancer therapeutics. The complete list of 115 proteins identified as being hit uniquely by compounds showing selective antiproliferative effects for tumor cell lines is provided

    Retained capacity for perceptual learning of degraded speech in primary progressive aphasia and Alzheimer's disease

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    This work was supported by the Alzheimer’s Society (AS-PG-16-007), the National Institute for Health Research University College London Hospitals Biomedical Research Centre, the UCL Leonard Wolfson Experimental Neurology Centre (PR/ylr/18575) and the Economic and Social Research Council (ES/K006711/1). Individual authors were supported by the Medical Research Council (PhD Studentship to CJDH and RLB; MRC Clinician Scientist Fellowship to JDR), the Wolfson Foundation (Clinical Research Fellowship to CRM), Alzheimer’s Research UK (ART-SRF2010-3 to SJC) and the Wellcome Trust (091673/Z/10/Z to JDW)

    Phonemes:Lexical access and beyond

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    Studying Adolescent Male Sexuality: Where Are We?

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    This article critically reviews the literature about adolescent males’ sexuality in order to describe the state of the science and to identify promising concepts and research designs that have the potential to guide the next generation of research. A critique was conducted on 94 peer-reviewed studies of sexual behaviors that included a sample of adolescent males; 11 scholarly texts and 2 dissertations. Most studies lacked a theoretical foundation and had cross-sectional designs. For those studies with a theoretical base, 3 perspectives were most often used to guide research: cognitive, biological, or social-environmental. Studies frequently relied on older adolescents or young adult males to report behaviors during early adolescence. Male-only samples were infrequent. Findings include (a) the measurement of sexual activity is frequently limited to coitus and does not explore other forms of “sex”; (b) cognitive factors have been limited to knowledge, attitudes, and intent; (c) little is known about younger males based on their own self-reports; (d) little is known about the normative sexuality development of gay adolescent males; and (e) longitudinal studies did not take into account the complexities of biological, social, and emotional development in interaction with other influences. Research on adolescent sexuality generally is about sexual activity, with little research that includes cognitive competency or young males’ sense of self as a sexual being. The purpose of the paper is to critically review the literature about male sexuality in order to describe the state of the science as well as to identify potential directions to guide the next generation of adolescent male sexual being research.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/45299/1/10964_2005_Article_5762.pd