480 research outputs found

    Detection of organic compound signatures in infra-red, limb emission spectra observed by the MIPAS-B2 instrument

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    International audienceOrganic compounds play a central role in troposphere chemistry and increasingly are a viable target for remote sensing observations. In this paper, infra-red spectral features of three organic compounds are investigated in thermal emission spectra recorded by a balloon-borne instrument, MIPAS-B2, operating at high spectral resolution. It is demonstrated, for the first time, that PAN and acetone can be detected in infra-red remote sensing spectra of the upper troposphere; detection results are presented at tangent altitudes of 10.4 km and 7.5 km (not acetone). In addition, the results provide the first observation of spectral features of formic acid in thermal emission, as opposed to solar occultation, and confirm that concentrations of this gas are likely to be measurable in the free troposphere, given accurate spectroscopic data. For PAN, two bands are observed centred at 794 cm?1 and 1163 cm?1. For acetone and formic acid, one band has been detected for each so far with band centres at 1218 cm?1 and 1105 cm?1 respectively. Mixing ratios inferred at 10.4 km tangent altitude are 180 pptv and 530 pptv for PAN and acetone respectively, and 200 pptv for formic acid with HITRAN 2000 spectroscopy. Accuracies are on the order of 30 to 50%. The detection technique applied here is verified by examining weak but known signatures of CFC-12 and HCFC-22 in the same spectral regions as those of the organic compounds, with results confirming the quality of both the instrument and the radiative transfer model. The results suggest the possibility of global sensing of the organic compounds studied here which would be a major step forward in verifying and interpreting global tropospheric model calculations

    MIPAS detection of cloud and aerosol particle occurrence in the UTLS with comparison to HIRDLS and CALIOP

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    Satellite infrared emission instruments require efficient systems that can separate and flag observations which are affected by clouds and aerosols. This paper investigates the identification of cloud and aerosols from infrared, limb sounding spectra that were recorded by the Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding (MIPAS), a high spectral resolution Fourier transform spectrometer on the European Space Agency's (ESA) ENVISAT (Now inoperative since April 2012 due to loss of contact). Specifically, the performance of an existing cloud and aerosol particle detection method is simulated with a radiative transfer model in order to establish, for the first time, confident detection limits for particle presence in the atmosphere from MIPAS data. The newly established thresholds improve confidence in the ability to detect particle injection events, plume transport in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (UTLS) and better characterise cloud distributions utilising MIPAS spectra. The method also provides a fast front-end detection system for the MIPClouds processor; a processor designed for the retrieval of macro- and microphysical cloud properties from the MIPAS data. <br><br> It is shown that across much of the stratosphere, the threshold for the standard cloud index in band A is 5.0 although threshold values of over 6.0 occur in restricted regimes. Polar regions show a surprising degree of uncertainty at altitudes above 20 km, potentially due to changing stratospheric trace gas concentrations in polar vortex conditions and poor signal-to-noise due to cold atmospheric temperatures. The optimised thresholds of this study can be used for much of the time, but time/composition-dependent thresholds are recommended for MIPAS data for the strongly perturbed polar stratosphere. In the UT, a threshold of 5.0 applies at 12 km and above but decreases rapidly at lower altitudes. The new thresholds are shown to allow much more sensitive detection of particle distributions in the UTLS, with extinction detection limits above 13 km often better than 10<sup>−4</sup> km<sup>−1</sup>, with values approaching 10<sup>−5</sup> km<sup>−1</sup> in some cases. <br><br> Comparisons of the new MIPAS results with cloud data from HIRDLS and CALIOP, outside of the poles, establish a good agreement in distributions (cloud and aerosol top heights and occurrence frequencies) with an offset between MIPAS and the other instruments of 0.5 km to 1 km between 12 km and 20 km, consistent with vertical oversampling of extended cloud layers within the MIPAS field of view. We conclude that infrared limb sounders provide a very consistent picture of particles in the UTLS, allowing detection limits which are consistent with the lidar observations. Investigations of MIPAS data for the Mount Kasatochi volcanic eruption on the Aleutian Islands and the Black Saturday fires in Australia are used to exemplify how useful MIPAS limb sounding data were for monitoring aerosol injections into the UTLS. It is shown that the new thresholds allowed such events to be much more effectively derived from MIPAS with detection limits for these case studies of 1 × 10<sup>−5</sup> km<sup>−1</sup> at a wavelength of 12 μm

    High fidelity: extra-pair fertilisations in eight Charadrius plover species are not associated with parental relatedness or social mating system

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    Extra-pair paternity is a common reproductive strategy in many bird species. However, it remains unclear why extra-pair paternity occurs and why it varies among species and populations. Plovers (Charadrius spp.) exhibit considerable variation in reproductive behaviour and ecology, making them excellent models to investigate the evolution of social and genetic mating systems. We investigated inter- and intra-specific patterns of extra-pair parentage and evaluated three major hypotheses explaining extra-pair paternity using a comparative approach based on the microsatellite genotypes of 2049 individuals from 510 plover families sampled from twelve populations that constituted eight species. Extra-pair paternity rates were very low (0 to 4.1% of chicks per population). No evidence was found in support of the sexual conflict or genetic compatibility hypotheses, and there was no seasonal pattern of extra-pair paternity (EPP). The low prevalence of EPP is consistent with a number of alternative hypotheses, including the parental investment hypothesis, which suggests that high contribution to care by males restricts female plovers from engaging in extra-pair copulations. Further studies are needed to critically test the importance of this hypothesis for mate choice in plovers

    Venezuelan inflation. Nominal and real quarterly variations of Venezuela in the 2005-2017 period

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    This research studied credit and Venezuelan infla-tion during the period 2005-2017. The objective was to identify nominal and real quarterly variations in Venezuela during the period 2005-2017. Methodolo-gically it was based on quantitative research, being this a correlational study, in which the data was taken from the statistical information reports pro-vided by the Central Bank of Venezuela in 2017 and SUDEBAN in 2017. The results allowed us to observe the behavior of nominal and real quarterly variations in Venezuela, allowing us to consider the great relevance that inflationary processes have in the dynamics of nations both locally and internatio-nally. Highlighting how in the financial indexes of the Venezuelan nation in the official data there is a contradiction with the current reality.Esta investigación estudio el crédito y la inflación venezolana durante el periodo 2005-2017. Para ello se planteó como objetivo el identificar las variaciones trimestrales nominales y reales de Venezuela en el periodo 2005-2017. Metodológicamente se funda-mentó desde la investigación cuantitativa, siendo este un estudio correlacional, en el cual los datos fueron tomados de los reportes de información estadística suministrados por el Banco Central de Venezuela en el 2017 y SUDEBAN en el 2017. Los resultados permitieron observar los comportamientos de las variaciones trimestrales nominales y reales de Venezuela, permitiendo considerar la gran relevancia que tienen los procesos inflacionarios en las dinámicas de las naciones tanto a nivel local como a nivel internacional. Destacando como en los índices financieros de la nación venezolana en los datos oficiales se observa una contradicción con la realidad actual

    Diagnosing air quality changes in the UK during the COVID-19 lockdown using TROPOMI and GEOS-Chem

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    The dramatic and sudden reduction in anthropogenic activity due to lockdown measures in the UK in response to the COVID-19 outbreak has resulted in a concerted effort to estimate local and regional changes in air quality, though changes in underlying emissions remain uncertain. Here we combine satellite observations of tropospheric NO_{2} from TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument and the Goddard Earth Observing System (GEOS)-Chem 3D chemical transport model to estimate that NO_{x} emissions declined nationwide by ~20% during the lockdown (23 March to 31 May 2020). Regionally, these range from 22% to 23% in the western portion of the country to 29% in the southeast and Manchester, and >40% in London. We apply a uniform 20% lockdown period emission reduction to GEOS-Chem anthropogenic emissions over the UK to determine that decline in lockdown emissions led to a national decline in PM_{2.5} of 1.1 μg m^{−3}, ranging from 0.6 μg m^{−3} in Scotland to 2 μg m^{−3} in the southwest. The decline in emissions in cities (>40%) is greater than the national average and causes an increase in ozone of ~2 ppbv in London and Manchester. The change in ozone and PM_{2.5} concentrations due to emission reductions alone is about half the total change from 2019 to 2020. This emphasizes the need to account for emissions and other factors, in particular meteorology, in future air pollution abatement strategies and regulatory action

    Pavlovian-conditioned alcohol-seeking behavior in rats is invigorated by the interaction between discrete and contextual alcohol cues: implications for relapse

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    Introduction: Drug craving can be independently stimulated by cues that are directly associated with drug intake (discrete drug cues), as well as by environmental contexts in which drug use occurs (contextual drug cues). We tested the hypothesis that the context in which a discrete alcohol-predictive cue is experienced can influence how robustly that cue stimulates alcohol-seeking behavior. Methods: Male, Long-Evans rats received Pavlovian discrimination training (PDT) sessions in which one conditioned stimulus (CS+; 16 trials/session) was paired with ethanol (0.2 mL/CS+) and a second stimulus (CS-; 16 trials/ session) was not. PDT occurred in a specific context, and entries into a fluid port where ethanol was delivered were measured during each CS. Next, rats were acclimated to an alternate (nonalcohol) context where cues and ethanol were withheld. Responses to the nonextinguished CS+ and CS- were then tested without ethanol in the alcohol-associated PDT context, the nonalcohol context or a third, novel context. Results: Across PDT the CS+ elicited more port entries than the CS-, indicative of Pavlovian discrimination learning. At test, the CS+ elicited more port entries than the CS- in all three contexts: however, alcohol seeking driven by the CS+ was more robust in the alcohol- associated context. In a separate experiment, extinguishing the context- alcohol association did not influence subsequent CS+ responding but reduced alcohol seeking during non-CS+ intervals during a spontaneous recovery test. Conclusion: These results indicate that alcohol-seeking behavior driven by a discrete Pavlovian alcohol cue is strongly invigorated by an alcohol context, and suggest that contexts may function as excitatory Pavlovian conditioned stimuli that directly trigger alcohol-seeking behavior

    Right Ventricle Has Normal Myofilament Function But Shows Perturbations in the Expression of Extracellular Matrix Genes in Patients With Tetralogy of Fallot Undergoing Pulmonary Valve Replacement

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    BACKGROUND: Patients with repair of tetralogy of Fallot (rToF) who are approaching adulthood often exhibit pulmonary valve regurgitation, leading to right ventricle (RV) dilatation and dysfunction. The regurgitation can be corrected by pulmonary valve replacement (PVR), but the optimal surgical timing remains under debate, mainly because of the poorly understood nature of RV remodeling in patients with rToF. The goal of this study was to probe for pathologic molecular, cellular, and tissue changes in the myocardium of patients with rToF at the time of PVR. METHODS AND RESULTS: We measured contractile function of permeabilized myocytes, collagen content of tissue samples, and the expression of mRNA and selected proteins in RV tissue samples from patients with rToF undergoing PVR for severe pulmonary valve regurgitation. The data were compared with nondiseased RV tissue from unused donor hearts. Contractile performance and passive stiffness of the myofilaments in permeabilized myocytes were similar in rToF‐PVR and RV donor samples, as was collagen content and cross‐linking. The patients with rToF undergoing PVR had enhanced mRNA expression of genes associated with connective tissue diseases and tissue remodeling, including the small leucine‐rich proteoglycans ASPN (asporin), LUM (lumican), and OGN (osteoglycin), although their protein levels were not significantly increased. CONCLUSIONS: RV myofilaments from patients with rToF undergoing PVR showed no functional impairment, but the changes in extracellular matrix gene expression may indicate the early stages of remodeling. Our study found no evidence of major damage at the cellular and tissue levels in the RV of patients with rToF who underwent PVR according to current clinical criteria