230 research outputs found
"Eventyrbrønnens magiske skatter" : eventyrets gjenkomst i bøker for barn og unge : om bruk av eventyrgenren i Maria Gripes Landet utanför (1987) og Mette og Philip Newths Soldreperen (1985)
Jeg har i denne avhandlingen hatt fokus på eventyrenes episke fortellermåte og kunstneriske fremstillingsmåte. Ved å studere eventyrenes generelle form og stil ble det mulig å se hva som er karakteristisk for folkeeventyrene. Jeg har i hovedsak tatt utgangspunkt i Max Lüthis forskning på området, men jeg har også hatt nytte av Walter Ongs forskning på talespråklighetens psykodynamikk i primært talespråklige kulturer og Göte Klingbergs forskning på barne- og ungdomsbokens utvikling. Jack Zipes har studert eventyrgenren i en sosiopolitisk kontekst, og hans forskning på eventyr-diskursen har vært nyttig for å kunne se både eventyrene og de mytisk-eventyrlige bøkene i et nytt lys.
Jeg har arbeidet ut fra en tese om at det er en sterk forbindelse mellom eventyr og fantastisk litteratur, og jeg mente det burde være mulig å vise at ihvertfall deler av den mytisk-eventyrlige barnelitteraturen kan sees på som moderne eventyr, og at det dermed eksisterer en moderne variant av genren ved siden av den tradisjonelle. For å kunne sammenligne disse i utgangspunktet ulike genrene, var det nødvendig å definere den mytisk-eventyrlige retningen innen fantastisk litteratur, og det var da naturlig å studere Åsfrid Svensens og Maria Nikolajevas forskning på mytisk-eventyrlig litteratur.
I hoveddelen av avhandlingen har jeg analysert Soldreperen av Mette og Philip Newth (1985) og Landet utanför av Maria Gripe (1987). Den grundige gjennomgangen av disse bøkene i forhold til Lüthis teorier ga meg en systematisk og oversiktlig analyse, som tydelig viser at begge bøkene følger eventyrenes mønster på svært mange punkter. På den annen side, gjennom å analysere hvor og hvordan disse bøkene bryter med eventyrgenren, fikk jeg avdekket elementer i form og tematikk som samsvarer med hovedtrekkene i mytisk-eventyrlige fortellinger, og her er det så grunnleggende likheter at både Soldreperen og Landet utanför må sies å høre til mytisk-eventyrlig litteratur.
Det er nettopp derfor det er spennende å studere sammenhengen mellom folkeeventyr og mytisk-eventyrlige fortellinger nærmere. I likhet med eventyrene, leses fantastisk litteratur for spenningens og gledens skyld. Barn er fulle av fantasi, og for dem dreier det seg først og fremst om skrekkblandet fryd når de nærmer seg og møter det skumle, vanskelige og ikke minst spennende på et så trygt og ufarlig sted som i litteraturen. Men de klassiske eventyrene rommer ikke muligheten for moderne problemer; det gjør derimot den fantastiske litteraturen. Samtidens problemer og etiske spørsmål bakes inn i eventyrgenren, slik det alltid er blitt gjort, og dette er et uttrykk for at eventyrene på nytt har blitt ført inn i den historiske forandringsprosessen som stoppet opp da de ble nedtegnet på 1800-tallet. Dette er et interessant og viktig fenomen, som det dessverre er forsket nokså lite på
Impacto y gestión de la sobretasa a la gasolina en Bogotá
Las sobretasas, por definición, son aquellas que recaen sobre algunos de los tributos anteriormente establecidos y tienen como caracterÃstica que los recursos obtenidos se destinan a un fin especÃfico. Para un paÃs como el nuestro es fácil argumentar el impuesto a la gasolina en dos puntos básicos: La contaminación de nuestro medio ambiente, y la urgente necesidad de conservación de nuestras vÃas y carreteras, cuyo costo no es posible solo sustentar con el cobro de los peajes, visto desde la posición del consumidor lo podemos definir como el intento de cobro de varios costos sociales para cubrir el caos que el uso de la gasolina desata en el paÃs. Pero lo que realmente no deja de preocupar a todos los consumidores de este hidrocarburo, son las abruptas variaciones de su precio, pues estas no deben depender de las decisiones que quieran tener los entes sino que deben tener una influyente justificación de inversión para que todos los consumidores nos sintamos realmente confiados y seguros del costo que estamos cancelando por este bie
Cooperative Learning: The Power of Positive Interdependence in Storyline
Chapter 1.
This chapter examines student teachers’ experience regarding cooperative learn-ing which was set up for a Storyline. The data consist of group interviews with a total of 22 students, along with the passive participatory observation of three student groups working with Storyline. The study uses a qualitative, exploratory and interpretive ap-proach to the data analysis. The analysis indicates that the students considered coop-erative learning, as the group work was structured in this Storyline, to be valuable for the perception of i) Depth in academic learning, ii) Emotional binding, and iii) Shared responsibility. However, difficulties that might hinder high quality relationships were detected in relation to time pressure and the complementary roles. The study concludes that, although The Storyline Approach offers a good framework and structure for expe-riencing high-quality group working, sufficient time must be set aside to carry out the cooperative processes initiated by a Storyline.publishedVersio
Physio-chemical, mineral composition and antioxidant properties of Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) extract blended with tropical fruit juices
Different varieties of fruit juices and beverages are available globally and there has been an increased consumption of fruit juices and beverages due to consumer awareness of nutritional and health benefits. Juice extracts are produced from various parts of plants including leaves, fruits and flowers. Hibiscus sabdiriffa (Roselle) is one such plant whose flowers are used to prepare juices. The roselle extract has a unique red colour, good flavour, low sugar and high acidic content. The acidity makes the juice sour hence the need for addition of sweetening products. A study was conducted on the formulation of roselle extract-tropical fruit blends aimed at establishing its physiochemical, mineral and antioxidant composition. Dried roselle calyces at a ratio of 1:10 (dried roselle calyces: water) were extracted at 50oC for 30 minutes. The roselle extracts were blended at various proportions of fruit (mango, papaya and guava) juices. Physiochemical, mineral composition and antioxidant properties were evaluated in all the roselle fruit juice blends The results for all roselle-fruit blends (80% roselle to 20% roselle) showed that pH ranged between (2.35-3.32), total soluble solids (5.6-10.6o Brix), titratable acidity (1.28-1.92 %), reducing sugars (2.95-5.55) mg/100g,. Calcium (555.3-23.4 mg/100g DM), Magnesium (213.8-11.5 mg/100g DM), Phosphorus (39.8-9.0 mg/100g DM), Sodium (2.3-5.47 mg/100g DM), Zinc (5.85-0.69 mg/100g DM), Iron (29.5-1.36 mg/100g DM), monomeric anthocyanin (493.5-118.2 mg cyanidin-3-glucoside/100g), vitamin C (40.0-86.5 mg/100g), total phenol (54.6-10.8 mg gallic acid/ 100 g) and antioxidant activity (1.80-1.37 mmol/L). Blending of tropical fruit juices with roselle extract have improved mineral composition and antioxidant properties of fruit juices as roselle is a good source of calcium, magnesium and iron. Antioxidants acts as free radical scavengers inhibit lipid peroxidation and other free radical mediated process, therefore, consumption of roselle-fruit juices with high anthocyanin will protect human body from several diseases attributed to the reactions of free radicals.Key words: Roselle, Fruit juice, Antioxidants, Mineral
Environmental regulation of dormancy, flowering and runnering in two genetically distant everbearing strawberry cultivars
The environmental control of dormancy and its relation to flowering and runner formation is poorly understood in everbearing (EB) strawberry cultivars. We studied the topic by growing plants of the seed-propagated F1-hybrid ‘Delizzimo’ and the runner-propagated ‘Favori’ cultivar in daylight phytotron compartments under short day (SD) and long day (LD) conditions at temperatures of 6, 16 or 26 °C for 5 and 10 weeks. This was followed by forcing at 20 °C and 20-h photoperiod for 10 weeks with and without preceding chilling at 2 °C for 6 weeks. The results showed that dormancy in EB strawberry is regulated by a complex interaction of temperature, photoperiod and chilling in much the same way as known for seasonal flowering (SF) cultivars. Surprisingly, the EB cultivars exhibited the same SD dormancy induction response as SF cultivars, despite their opposite photoperiodic flowering requirements. However, at 26 °C the EB cultivars developed partial dormancy also under LD conditions. As known for SF cultivars, none of the EB cultivars became dormant at 6 °C regardless of daylength conditions, whereas they were increasingly sensitive to SD dormancy induction at intermediate and high temperatures. Similar to SF cultivars, the EB cultivars needed exposure to SD and relatively high temperatures for at least 10 weeks for attainment of the semi-dormant state that is typical for strawberry in general. As reported for SF cultivars, there was a close interrelation between the control of flowering, runner formation and dormancy also in the EB cultivars. ‘Favori’ had an obligatory LD requirement for flowering at 26 °C and was almost day neutral at 16 °C, while ‘Delizzimo’ behaved as a quantitative LD plant at both temperatures, and both cultivars were completely day neutral at 6 °C. Except for the stricter LD control of flowering in ‘Favori’, the overall environmental responses were quite similar in the two genetically distant cultivars. Chilling for six weeks at 2 °C was adequate for complete reversal of the constrained elongation of leaf petioles and flower trusses in dormant plants, but had little or no effect on the degree of flowering and runner formation.acceptedVersio
An approach towards rapid optical measurements of antioxidant activity in blueberry cultivars
Blueberries are well known for their high antioxidant levels. Compared to bilberries (V. myrtillus) with higher antioxidant activity and more intensive blue colour throughout the whole berry, highbush blueberries have the blue pigments concentrated in the skin. Highbush blueberry skin is found to contain a very high content of phenolic compounds. To measure the total antioxidant activity in blueberries, several methods, mostly destructive, including the FRAP assay, have been used. This work is an initial approach towards a simple and rapid method, combining optical and antioxidant activity measurements. Highbush blueberry (V. corymbosum) cultivars ‘Bluecrop’, ‘Hardyblue’, ‘Patriot’, and lowbush cultivars ‘Putte’ (a hybrid originated from V. angustifolium) and ‘Aron’ (V. corymbosum x V. uliginosum) were grown at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (59º 40’N). Berries were harvested at commercial blue-ripe stage of maturity. Fresh berries were cut horizontally and placed on a scanner in order to examine berry size and skin thickness. Berries were weighed, and analysed for antioxidant activity using the FRAP (Ferric Reducing Ability of Plasma) assay. The FRAP assay is a non-specific method based on absorption changes following a reduction of a ferric- to a ferrous-complex in the presence of antioxidants.Own previous results have shown that antioxidant activity and berry weight varied between cultivars (REMBERG et al., 2003). Small berries had higher antioxidant activity compared to larger berries. In this follow-up project, skin thickness and berry diameter were measured by using an image- processing program. Berry and skin cross-section areas were correlated with the antioxidant activity
Effects of temperature and photoperiod on photosynthesis in everbearing strawberry
There is little knowledge about photosynthesis in everbearing strawberry cultivars. We therefore grew three everbearing strawberry cultivars in daylight phytotron compartments at temperatures of 9, 15, 21 and 27°C and photoperiods of 10 h (SD) and 20 h (LD). After three weeks, the rates of dark respiration and photosynthesis and their acclimation were measured in 'Favouri'. Photosynthesis of plants grown in the various conditions was measured as CO2-uptake with an infrared gas analyzer at increasing irradiances (50-1000 µmol quanta m‑2 s‑1) and temperatures ranging from 9 to 27°C. In the dark, CO2-production (dark respiration) increased with increasing measuring temperature and was always largest in plants grown at low temperature (9°C) with no significant effect of photoperiod. Photosynthetic CO2-uptake was lowest at almost all irradiances in plants grown at 9°C, and with no clear effect of growth temperatures in the 15-27°C range. At saturating irradiances (500-1000 µmol), CO2-uptake increased with increasing measuring temperatures, reaching a plateau at about 21°C for plants grown at 15-27°C in SD and at 21-27°C in LD. For plants grown at 15°C in LD, the maximum CO2-uptake rate was obtained at 27°C. Light response curves showed that CO2-uptake increased with increasing irradiance and measuring temperatures and that the irradiance effect was markedly enhanced by increasing growth temperature. Maximum uptake rates were lowest for plants grown at 9°C at both photoperiods and highest for plants grown at 15°C in SD. Comparison of plants of 'Altess', 'Favouri' and 'Murano' at 500 µmol irradiance and 21°C revealed no significant differences in photosynthetic efficiency between the cultivars. Generally, the everbearing strawberry cultivars showed considerable photosynthetic plasticity to temperature within the 9-27°C range, although with an overall optimum at 15-21°C.acceptedVersio
Raman spectroscopy as a tool for characterisation of quality parameters in Norwegian grown apples during ripening
This study shows for the first time the feasibility of Raman spectroscopy as a non-destructive method to follow the ripening process of apple fruits. Two different varieties of apples were studied: ‘Aroma’ and ‘Elstar’. By visual inspection, Raman spectra showed that the starch content was higher in ‘Elstar’ apples compared to ‘Aroma’. The degradation of starch over time could be detected in the Raman spectra, indicating that the method can be used to monitor the ripening process. The ripeness markers starch index, soluble solids content (SSC), and the sugars glucose, fructose and sucrose were determined with traditional destructive methods. Cross validated calibration models based on Raman spectroscopy were obtained for all quality parameters, and test set validation offered good results, with R2 in the range 0.4–0.86 for ‘Aroma’ and 0.4–0.95 for ‘Elstar’, respectively. The regression coefficients showed that the calibrations relied on Raman bands associated with starch and different sugars. The results suggest that Raman spectroscopy in the future could be used to determine the optimal time of harvesting and to sort apples into different degrees of ripeness.publishedVersio
Prediction of chemical and sensory properties in strawberries using Raman spectroscopy
Growth, yield and fruit quality of tomato Solanum lycopersicum L grown in sewage-based compost in a semi-hydroponic cultivation system
Purpose: Due to environmental concerns, there is a demand to reduce the use of peat as a growing medium for horticultural crops. Simultaneously, there is an interest to recycle organic waste materials in the form of compost. This study aimed to document effects on growth, yield, and fruit quality of tomato plants when cultivated in a sewage digestate-based compost in a subirrigation container system. Materials and methods: The compost used in this experiment consisted of 30% hygienised sewage digestate from biogas extraction and 70% garden waste. The treatments were 100% compost, a peat mix and mixtures of the two in 25/75, 50/50 and 75/25 ratios. Results and conclusion: Considering the contrast in chemical and physical properties of the treatments, variations in growth, yield and quality were expected. The plants differed in leaf area and number of leaves, but there were no differences in yield or quality of the tomato fruits. It is assumed that this is in great part due to the remediating effects of subirrigation with an ideal nutrient solution, and the use of pre-established plants. Further research should focus on benefits of this cultivation system for use in sustainable horticulture in combination with recycled organic waste.publishedVersio
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