382 research outputs found

    Implementation of a point merge system based arrival at Berlin-Schönefeld airport

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    This project assesses the implementation of an innovative arrival procedure, called Point Merge System (PMS), at Berlin-Schönefeld airport. The viability of performing continuous descend operations (CDO) in such kind of system has been addressed. The PMS reduces the delay of aircraft through a better arrival flow merge and it reduces the environmental impact of the flights since they stay less time on air. Furthermore, CDOs allow aircraft to perform more efficient descents, with a reduction in both fuel consumption and noise nuisance. A design of a PMS has been proposed for the runway 07L of Berlin-Schönefeld airport using the current STAR. Since the arrival traffic for this runway merges at one IAF for the north arrivals and another for the south ones, it has been decided to apply a single PMS composed by two arcs; one will be used by the north traffic and the other one by the south traffic. In this design it has been taken into consideration all the regulations and measures imposed by EUROCONTROL in order to keep the safety of the operations. Finally, it has been concluded that a PMS could be implemented at Berlin-Schönefeld. In this project the effect of several parameters on the efficiency when flying CDOs has been studied. The trajectories needed for these computations have been generated with a trajectory optimizer where the aircraft performance model is obtained from the Base of Aircraft Data (BADA) by EUROCONTROL. The results obtained show that the higher the cost index the higher the speed of the aircraft is, which means an earlier time of arrival at the runway; however, the fuel consumption increases as well. Regarding the fuel consumption, it can be said that given the fact that the aircraft perform CDOs a better fuel efficiency is achieved than with conventional procedures. To sum up, the implementation of a PMS procedure at Berlin-Schönefeld is possible and would give many benefits to the airport and the airlines involved.En aquest projecte s’ha estudiat i proposat un disseny per la implementació d’un nou procediment d’arribades anomenat Point Merge System (PMS) a l’aeroport de Berlin-Schönefeld, per tal d’estudiar la possibilitat de permetre a les aeronaus realitzar operacions de descens continu (CDO). El PMS permet reduir les esperes dels avions mitjançant una millor fusió del flux de vols d’arribada; conseqüentment, es redueix l’impacte mediambiental dels vols donat que estan menys temps a l’aire. A més, les CDOs permeten a les aeronaus fer descensos molt més eficients, reduint el consum de combustible i el soroll. Un disseny de PMS s’ha proposat per la pista 07L de l’aeroport de Berlin-Schönefeld aprofitant la STAR actual. Tenint en compte que el tràfic d’arribada per aquesta pista es fusiona a un IAF per totes les arribades del nord i en un altre IAF per les de sud, s’ha decidit aplicar un únic PMS composat per dos arcs, un serà utilitzat pel tràfic del nord i l’altre pel tràfic del sud. En aquest disseny s’ha tingut en compte totes les mesures i regulacions imposades per EUROCONTROL per tal d’assegurar la seguretat en les operacions. Finalment s’ha pogut concloure que l’aeroport de Berlin-Schönefeld està capacitat per la implementació d’un PMS i poder beneficiar-se dels seus avantatges. En aquest treball també s’ha estudiat l’efecte de diferents paràmetres sobre la eficiència al volar CDOs. Les trajectòries necessàries per aquests càlculs s’han generat amb un optimitzador de trajectòries on el model de performances dels avions s’ha obtingut del Base of Aircraft Data (BADA) d’EUROCONTROL. Els resultats obtinguts mostren que a mida que l’aeronau vola amb un cost índex més elevat la velocitat augmenta, arribant així abans a la pista d’aterratge, però el consum de fuel també augmenta. Quant al consum de fuel, es pot concloure que donat que els avions realitzen CDOs s’aconsegueix una molt millor eficiència de combustible respecte als procediments convencionals. Per resumir, la implementació d’un PMS a l’aeroport de Berlin-Schönefeld és possible i permetria a l’aeroport i a les aerolínies beneficiar-se de tots els seus avantatges

    Evaluación de la perceptibilidad en el paisaje de los monumentos prehistóricos. Un enfoque exploratorio por medio de la modelización basada en agentes

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    The perceptibility of a prehistoric monument (the property of being perceptible from its surrounding landscape) can be quite difficult to analyse by means of traditional static models. Such difficulty lies in the fact that perceptibility depends upon many other factors beyond simple topographical position, such as size, colour, contrast with the surroundings or even the specific circumstances of the audience, many such circumstances being of an immaterial nature. In this paper, we explore the potential use of Agent-Based Modelling for the analysis of archaeological perceptibilityLa perceptibilidad de un monumento prehistórico (la propiedad que este tiene de ser divisado desde el paisaje circundante) puede resultar bastante difícil de analizar a partir de modelos estáticos tradicionales. Tal dificultad reside en el hecho de que la perceptibilidad depende de muchos otros factores además de la posición topográfica, como el tamaño, color, contraste con el entorno o incluso las circunstancias específicas de la audiencia, muchas de ellas de naturaleza inmaterial. En este trabajo, exploraremos el potencial uso del Modelado Basado en Agentes para el análisis de la perceptibilidad arqueológica.Programa Emergia (Junta de Andalucía, Spain) (EMERGIA20_00349

    Estudio biomecánico in vivo del grupo muscular flexor del codo en condiciones basales y su respuesta a la fatiga.

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    El objetivo del presente trabajo es establecer una aproximación al patrón de referencia habitual de la biomecánica del bíceps braquial y su respuesta a la fatiga. Sobre 37 voluntarios varones sanos se determinó una capacidad de contracción voluntaria máxima de flexión del codo de 266,8 ± 58,7N en el brazo dominante y de 258,2 ± 59,4N en el no dominante, que descendió a 211,5 ± 53N y 205,3 ± 56,5N respectivamente al someter a los voluntarios al test de fatiga (p<0,001 en ambos). El tiempo de fatiga se objetivó en 160,7 ± 72,8 s en el brazo dominante y en 156,7 ± 68,7 s en el no dominante. La supinación voluntaria máxima disminuyó de 208,7 ± 54N y 207 ± 54,8N hasta 194,1 ± 66,6N y 192,8 ± 66N respectivamente en el estudio postfatiga (p<0,001 en ambas). No se apreciaron diferencias significativas en el estudio de subgrupos por edades

    Application of rate dependent soil model, MIT-SR, for evaluation of long-term ground movements due to consolidation and creep

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    Thesis: S.M., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 2018.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (pages 188-190).Saturated clays exhibit rate-dependent behavior (i.e. their stress-strain-strength properties are significantly affected by the applied loading rate). This is of great significance for geotechnical projects, particularly when long-term predictions of settlements of compressible soil strata are based on results of laboratory element tests on small test specimens. Ladd et al. (1977) show that scaling of laboratory consolidation tests to field scale is strongly affected by assumed creep properties of the clay, leading to competing hypotheses of field performance (Hypotheses A and B). Most pre-existing soil models are based on isochrone theory which assumes a unique relationship between effective stress-strain and strain rate - such that the scaling of creep and consolidation conforms to Hypothesis B. Recently Yuan (2016) has developed a novel elasto-viscoplastic effective stress model, MIT-SR, that is capable of accurately predicting a wide range of rate-dependent characteristics of clay. The proposed formulation is able to represent both scaling hypotheses of coupled creep and consolidation. This thesis analyzed the predictive capabilities of MIT-SR model by studying two projects: New Hamilton Partnership Levee Project (NHPL) and Marina Bay land reclamation projects, Singapore. MIT-SR materials were calibrated with laboratory and field tests only and numerical simulations of the projects were performed with the Finite Element Method (FEM). The NHPL project consisted on an 11 ft high embankment, constructed in 1996 in California, on +30ft of highly compressive San Francisco Bay Mud (SFBM). Our re-analyses included the MIT-SR calibration for SFBM and 2D FEM simulations that compare MIT-SR, Soft Soil Model and Soft Soil Creep Model predictions. The results show that MIT-SR offers superior predictions of the lateral spreading and settlement during both the construction and post-construction phases. The Marina Bay area in Singapore was reclaimed by surcharged underlying marine clays with more than 13m of granular fill between 1979 and 1985. Construction of the new Thomson Line subway through the area has measured on-going free-field settlements from the reclamation during the period 2015-208. We analyze these long-term settlements by calibrating MIT-SR parameters for Singapore marine clay and performing a series of 1 D consolidation analyses to represent variations in the soil profile across the area. The model predicts settlement rates that vary with the thickness of marine clay, principally ranging from 10 to 20mm/yr at present time. The model tends to underestimate the measured settlement rates. This may reflect underestimation of creep properties of the clays or thickness of the fill. The results from MIT-SR simulations in both projects were very encouraging and confirmed the strong predictive capabilities of the model with calibration procedures based on laboratory and site tests only. MIT-SR was able to accurately predict deformations and pore pressures in undrained, consolidation and creep stages with a unique set of parameters calibrated.by Gonzalo Rellán.S.M

    Building an Integrated Database of North-Eastern African Archaeological and Heritage Sites for Mapping Complex Social Landscapes

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    This dataset contains archaeological and heritage sites of the Marmarica region (NE-Libya/NW-Egypt), ranging from the Late Bronze to the Roman times. It has been developed in the framework of the PERAIA project, which aims to analyse the longterm history and interaction patterns along the harsh environments of north-eastern Africa. The records contain accurate geographic location of sites, including place names, typology, chronology, and metadata of documented remains, along with information regarding the environmental and ecological context. Additionally, the dataset accounts for the specificities of the region’s varying environmental conditions and their potential impact on archaeological heritage. All this information associated with each archaeological site was collected from published field data surveys, maps, archaeological reports, and it was subsequently cross-checked with historical aerial photographs and satellite imagery to detect, and to register known and unknown sites within the study area. Regarding the potential reuse of all this data, the dataset is deposited on the project website and linked to Zenodo.Spanish Government FPU17/06503Vice-Rectorate for Research and Knowledge Transfer of the University of Granada PPJIB2020.1

    In the land of tin men? Warrior stelae, mobility, and interaction in western Iberia during the Late Prehistory

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    Funding for open access publishing: Universidad de Sevilla/ CBUA Javier Rodriguez-Corral is a fellow of the VI PPIT-US funded by Universidad de Sevilla. Carlos Rodriguez Rellán is an EMERGIA fellow (EMERGIA20_00349), funded by the Secretaría General de Universidades, Investigación y Tecnología de la Junta de Andalucía. This research was also funded in the framework of a research project with reference number PID2022-139879NB-I00, funded by the Minis- terio de Ciencia e Innovación of the Government of Spain.The warrior stelae, also called southwestern stelae or western stelae, emerge as one of the most characteristic manifestations of the Bronze Age in Iberia. Since the earliest findings more than a century ago, these monoliths have received great attention from scholars, becoming the subject of an intense debate, without a consensus having been reached on their meaning and sense. A slow but steady trickle of new findings, as well as the implementation of new approaches to their study, has only enriched these discussions in recent years. One of the most successful lines has been the spatial analysis focused on the relationship of these monuments with routes, transit areas, and resources of great value. It is within this line that this article explores the potential relationship that the stelae may have had with a critical mineral resource: the tin ores distributed in western Iberia, which is the highest concentration of this mineral in Europe. To do this, a detailed spatial analysis has been conducted in order to explore if the uneven density of these monuments across western Iberia may be linked with the presence of tin ores or, alternatively, with the control of the routes that allowed the circulation of this mineral by land.Universidad de Sevilla/CBUASecretaría General de Universidades, Investigación y Tecnología de la Junta de Andalucía EMERGIA20_00349Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación of the Government of Spain PID2022-139879NB-I0

    Análisis epidemiológico de la mustia hilachosa (thanatephorus cucumeris) en líneas avanzadas de poroto de granos rojos y negros

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    Con el objeto de evaluar el comportamiento genético, agronómico y de epifitias de mustia hilachosa en líneas avanzadas de frijol poroto de granos rojos y negros, se realizó una investigación en el área productora de Renacimiento (Río Sereno); en terrenos del IDIAP, utilizándose líneas avanzadas de los Ensayos Centroamericanos de Adaptación y Rendimiento (ECARs) rojos y negros. Los análisis a datos obtenidos como, ANAVA, Test de medias de Duncan, Correlaciones y Regresión Logística (RL), mostraron, efectos de factores climáticos del área en estudio y de la enfermedad conocida como mustia hilachosa en las líneas avanzadas de los ECARs rojo y negro. La RL ajusto apropiadamente a los datos obtenidos, logrando gráficos tipos sigmoideos, descriptivos y predictivos del avance de la enfermedad en las líneas en estudio. Presentaron resultados más altos de Rendimiento Comercial las L2 (BCR 122-67), L12 (BCR 122R-2) en los ECAR rojo de 37% y 36%, (900 y 800 Kg ha1 promedio) en relación a los de más bajos rendimientos y en los ECAR negro los L1 (PR 1423-55), L14 (131S 7910-36) con 41% y 30% (1,000 y 600 Kg ha1 promedio) de diferencia con respecto a los más bajos. Los resultados de AUDPC y AUDPS mostraron significancia entre las líneas tanto de los ECAR rojos como negros, siendo las L16 (Rojo de seda) y L9 (RSMC 17512-8) en los rojos y las L10 (PR 1423-170) y L6 (BCN 111-60) en los negros. los que marcaron un mayor valor con respecto a la enfermedad

    Computational Mechanism of Methyl Levulinate Conversion to γ-Valerolactone on UiO-66 Metal Organic Frameworks

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    Metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) are gaining importance in the field of biomass conversion and valorization due to their porosity, well-defined active sites, and broad tunability. But for a proper catalyst design, we first need detailed insight of the system at the atomic level. Herein, we present the reaction mechanism of methyl levulinate to γ-valerolactone on Zr-based UiO-66 by means of periodic density functional theory (DFT). We demonstrate the role of Zr-based nodes in the catalytic transfer hydrogenation (CTH) and cyclization steps. From there, we perform a computational screening to reveal key catalyst modifications to improve the process, such as node doping and linker exchangeThis work has received financial support from the Beatriu de Pinós postdoctoral program of the Government of Catalonia’s Secretariat for Universities and Research (2017-BP-00039), MINECO (under project PID2020-119116RA-I00), Xunta Distinguished Researcher program (ED431H 2020/21), the Xunta de Galicia (Centro singular de investigación de Galicia accreditation 2019-2022, ED431G 2019/03), and the European Union (European Regional Development Fund - ERDF). R.L. gratefully acknowledges funding from MINECO under project PID2019-109953GB-I00S

    Violencia de género

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    Traballo fin de grao (UDC.DER). Dereito. Curso 2017/201

    DÍAZ-ANDREU, Margarita y PORTILLO, Marta (coords.) (2021): Arqueología e interdisciplinariedad. La microhistoria de una revolución en la arqueología española (1970-2020), Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, 410 pp.

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    DÍAZ-ANDREU, Margarita y PORTILLO, Marta (coords.) (2021): Arqueología e interdisciplinariedad. La microhistoria de una revolución en la arqueología española (1970-2020), Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, 410 pp. ISBN: 978-84-9168-386-