135 research outputs found

    Breastfeeding practices, appetite regulation and growth in healthy children in preschool

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    Background Breastfeeding shapes food intake in children, through previous experience of basic flavors derived from the maternal diet by intrauterine life, by breast milk and also by the experience during the first year of life (Vereijken et al. 2011). In food choices, children only consider their preferences, based on known basic flavors, and these same preferences are now involved in appetite regulation (Faith et al. 2004). Developing the necessary skills to make safe and nutritious choices is undoubtedly a fundamental achievement that supports healthy growth. (Vereijken et al., 2011). Objective Evaluate the association between breastfeeding practices, the Appetite Regulation and Healthy Growth in children between 3 and 5 years old. Methodology A total of 327 children aged between 3 and 5 years old, living in the city of Braganza-Portugal and who attend kindergartens, were included in the sample. Two questionnaire were filled by parents of children: (1) A questionnaire regarding the regulation of appetite, Child Eating Behaviour Questionnaire-CEBQ (Wardle et al. 2001). adapted to Portugal (Viana et al. 2008), which includes eight scales: Food responsiveness—FR, Emotional over-eating—EOE, Enjoyment of food–EF, Desire to drink—DD, Satiety responsiveness—SR, Slowness in eating—SE, Emotional under-eating—EUE, Food fussiness— FF. (2) A Question about breastfeeding practices in the period of 0–6 months to identify if the child was exclusively breastfed or not. Finally we proceeded the anthropometric measurements (weight, height and calculate BMI) of children and them BMI were categorized according to CDC recommendations (Kuczmarski RJ et al. 2002). Statistical analysis was performed using the SPSS version 20.0 using the Kruskal–Wallis test (F) and Mann–Whitney-Wilcoxon test (Z). Results The sample mean age was 4 ± 0.8 years old. Children were mostly girls (51.7 %) and having been breastfed minority (43.7 %). A relation was found between breastfeeding practices and the score of one of from CEBQ scales (DD): FR(F = -0.185, p = 0.912), EOE(F = 2.436, p = 0.296), RS(F = 1.437, p = 0.488), SE(F = -0.463, p = 0.793), DD(F = 9.895, p = 0.007), SR(F = 1.877, p = 0.391), EUE(F = 1.428, p = 0.490), FF(F = 5.422, p = 0.066). A relation was found between the score of the scales of CEBQ and percentiles: FR(F = 7,435, p = 0.024), EOE(F = 4,757, p = 0.093), RS(F = 1,473, p = 0.479), SE(F = 4620, p = 0.099), DD(F = 1255, p = 0.534), SR(F = 0337, p = 0.845) EUE(F = 2566, p = 0.277), FF(F = 3038, p = 0.219). Conclusion We detected significant differences between breastfeeding practices and regulation of appetite, particularly in the desire to drink, suggesting that exclusively breastfed infants have a lower desire to drink when compared with the others. There is also the existence of a relation between relative-age percentile BMI and appetite regulation, namely the pleasure of eating. Thus, children who are overweight or obese have a greater pleasure in eating

    Síndrome de hiperestimulação ovárica grave com pancreatite aguda sobreposta: a propósito de um caso clínico

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    Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome is an important complication of controlled ovarian stimulation, mainly associated with assisted reproductive techniques. It has a wide severity spectrum. Acute pancreatitis in pregnancy is a rare event. We report a case of a pregnant woman with acute pacreatitis superimposed to a severe ovarian hyperstimulation induced by assisted reproductive techniques

    Práticas de aleitamento e regulação do apetite em crianças em idade pré‐escolar

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    A amamentação molda a ingestão alimentar em crianças, através da experiência prévia de sabores básicos derivados da dieta materna e ainda pela experiência durante o pri- meiro ano de vida. (Vereijken et al.,2011) No momento das escolhas alimentares, as crianças têm apenas em conside- ração as preferências, com base nos sabores básicos já conhecidos, estando essas mesmas preferências envolvidas na regulação do apetite. (Faith et al.,2004

    Perceção dos Professores do ensino básico face à inclusão de alunos com Trissomia 21

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    O presente trabalho surge no âmbito do mestrado em Educação Especial no Domínio Cognitivo e Motor e insere-se no campo da inclusão de alunos com trissomia 21. As crianças com Síndrome de Down (SD) ou Trissomia 21 (T21) apresentam características muito específicas e obtêm ganhos significativos no seu desenvolvimento pessoal e social, e na melhoria da sua qualidade de vida, se forem incluídas em turmas de ensino regular, logo no início da sua escolaridade. Contudo, para uma efetiva inclusão destes alunos é fundamental que os professores utilizem estratégias que promovam a inclusão destas crianças no ensino regular, cooperando com os restantes técnicos para prestarem ao aluno um atendimento eficaz que vá ao encontro das suas necessidades. Sabendo porém que nem sempre é fácil a implementação de práticas de ensino inclusivas e que os professores são o motor fundamental da inclusão, desenvolvemos o presente estudo para conhecer a perceção dos professores face à Inclusão de alunos com T21 nas turmas de ensino regular. Para esse efeito, aplicámos um questionário a 52 professores do Ensino Básico de dois agrupamentos de escolas de Caldas da Rainha. Da análise da informação recolhida constatámos que os professores manifestam algumas atitudes inclusivas na sua prática docente, considerando que a escola inclusiva contribui para o desenvolvimento pessoal e social de todos os alunos mas que, do pondo de vista das competências académicas, consideram que nem sempre será totalmente positiva para alunos com SD nem para os restantes alunos. Neste sentido, os professores apontam a falta de formação, recursos humanos e materiais e principalmente o excessivo número de alunos por turma como obstáculos existentes à otimização do ensino inclusivo para alunos com SD nas turmas e escolas do ensino regular

    Regulação do apetite e crescimento saudável em crianças em idade pré‐escolar

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    Desenvolver a competência necessária para fazer escolhas seguras e nutritivas é sem dúvida uma conquista fundamen- tal do desenvolvimento, para conseguir uma dieta nutricio- nalmente equilibrada e variada que sustente o crescimento saudável. (Vereijken et al., 2011) Vários estudos mostram que hábitos alimentares saudáveis contribuem para a regu- lação do apetite e têm um impacto positivo sobre o cresci- mento infantil adequado. (Monte et al., 2004

    Reeducação funcional respiratória na pessoa submetida a laringectomia total: um estudo de caso

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    Introduction: Total laryngectomy is a maiming surgical procedure, that causes irrecoverable functional changes, and the person has to adapt to a new health condition, as well as the requirement for postoperative care. Objective: To identify sensitive outcomes to the performance of Rehabilitation Nurse in the prevention of respiratory complications in total laryngectomized person. Methodology: Descriptive study of the case study type, elaborated according to the guidelines of case report. Presented the case of a person submitted to total laryngectomy, admitted to an inpatient unit of a hospital center, with respect for ethical principles in their approach. Data collection was carried out through anamnesis, consultation of the person's clinical file, physical examination (inspection and auscultation) and evaluation of vital signs.   Results: With the implementation of five respiratory functional re-education sessions, there were gains in ventilation, airway cleaning and the ability to promote airway cleaning, preventing postoperative respiratory complications and promoting adaptation to their new health condition. Conclusion: After implementing a respiratory functional re-education program for the person under study, who underwent total laryngectomy, there were gains in ventilation, airway cleaning and the ability to promote airway cleaning. it will be advantageous to carry out further studies in this area, to understand the effect of respiratory functional re-education programs on a representative sample.Introducción: La laringectomía total es un procedimiento quirúrgico mutilar, que provoca cambios funcionales irrecuperables y que requiere que la persona se adapte a una nueva condición de salud, así como a la exigencia de los cuidados postoperatorios. Objetivo: Identificar las ventajas relacionadas con el papel de la Enfermera Especialista en Enfermería de Rehabilitación en la prevención de complicaciones respiratorias en personas con laringectomía total.  Metodología: Estudio descriptivo del tipo estudio de caso elaborado de acuerdo con las directrices del Case REport. Se presenta el caso de un paciente sometido a una laringectomía total, ingresado en una Unidad de Internamiento de un Centro Hospitalario, respetando los principios éticos en su abordaje. La recolección de datos se realizó a través de anamnesis, consulta del expediente clínico de la persona, examen físico (inspección y auscultación) y evaluación de signos vitales. Resultados: Con la implementación de cinco sesiones de reeducación funcional respiratoria, se constataron beneficios en cuanto a ventilación, limpieza de las vías respiratorias y la capacidad de promover la limpieza de las vías aéreas, evitando así complicaciones respiratorias en el postoperatorio y promoviendo la adaptación a su nuevo estado de salud.  Conclusión: Después de implementar un programa reeducación funcional respiratoria para el persona en estudio, que se sometió a laringectomía total, hubo ganancias en la ventilación, la limpieza de las vías aéreas y la capacidad para promover la limpieza de las vías aéreas.   Será ventajoso realizar más estudios en esta área, para comprender el efecto de los programas de reeducación funcional respiratoria en una muestra representativa.Introdução: A laringectomia total é um procedimento cirúrgico mutilante, que provoca alterações funcionais irrecuperáveis, tendo a pessoa que se adaptar a uma nova condição de saúde, bem como à exigência dos cuidados pós-operatórios. Objetivo: Identificar os ganhos sensíveis à atuação do Enfermeiro Especialista em Enfermagem de Reabilitação, na prevenção de complicações respiratórias na pessoa laringectomizada total. Metodologia: Estudo descritivo do tipo estudo de caso elaborado de acordo com as guidelines da Case REport. Apresentado o caso de uma pessoa submetida a laringectomia total, admitida numa Unidade de Internamento de um Centro Hospitalar, tendo sido respeitados os princípios éticos na sua abordagem. A recolha de dados foi efetuada através da anamnese, consulta do processo clínico da pessoa, exame físico (inspeção e auscultação) e avaliação dos sinais vitais. Resultados: Com a implementação de cinco sessões de reeducação funcional respiratória verificou-se ganhos na ventilação, limpeza das vias aéreas e capacidade para promover a limpeza das vias aéreas, prevenindo, deste modo, complicações respiratórias no pós-operatório e promovendo a adaptação à sua nova condição de saúde. Conclusão: Após a implementação de um programa de reeducação funcional respiratória à pessoa em estudo, submetida a laringectomia total, verificaram-se ganhos na ventilação, limpeza das vias aéreas e capacidade para promover a limpeza da vias aéreas. Será vantajoso realizar outros estudos nesta área, para perceber o efeito dos programas de reeducação funcional respiratória numa amostra representativa

    Recrystallization of niobium stabilized ferritic stainless steel during hot rolling simulation by torsion tests

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    AbstractThe aim of this study was to investigate the effect of finishing hot rolling temperature in promoting interpass recrystallization on a Nb-stabilized AISI 430 ferritic stainless steel. Torsion tests were performed in order to simulate the Steckel mill rolling process by varying the temperature ranges of the finishing passes. Interrupted torsion test were also performed and interpass recrystallization was evaluated via optical microscopy and electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD). As a result of this work, it has been established, within the restrictions of a Steckel mill rolling schedule, which thermomechanical conditions mostly favor SRX

    The Theoretical Description for the Perylaldehyde Aldoxyme Anodic Electrochemical Determination, Assisted by the Novel Squaraine Dye Composite with Copper(ii) Sulfide Nanoparticles

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    In this work the perillaldehyde aldoxime electrochemical determination on an anode, modified by squaraine dye composite with copper sulfide nanoparticles is analyzed. The electroanalytical process involves the formation of trivalent copper species, capable to oxidize the analyte by two parallel mechanisms. The correspondent mathematical model, correspondent to both of them, has been developed and analyzed by means of linear stability theory and bifurcation analysis. The model analysis clearly shows that the composite of a squaraine dye in organic phase and bivalent copper sulfide in the inorganic phase may be an efficient electrode modifier for perillaldehyde aldoxime electrochemical determination on an anode. The electroanalytical process will be mostly kinetically-controlled with the possibility of the transfer to diffusion-controlled mode. On the other hand, both oscillatory and monotonic instabilities may be realized in the electroanalytical process, and their probability will depend on the direction of the electroanalytical scenario in the concrete conditions, due to the possibility of the formation of ionic compounds in the pre-surface layer. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17807/orbital.v13i5.150

    Quinoline- and benzoselenazole-derived unsymmetrical squaraine cyanine dyes: design, synthesis, photophysicochemical features and light-triggerable antiproliferative effects against breast cancer cell lines

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    Photodynamic therapy is an innovative treatment approach broadly directed towards oncological diseases. Its applicability and efficiency are closely related to the interaction of three main components, namely a photosensitizer, light and molecular triplet oxygen, which should drive cell death. Recently, several studies have demonstrated that squaraine cyanine dyes have a set of photophysical and photochemical properties that have made of these compounds’ potential photosensitizers for this therapeutic modality. In the present research work, we describe the synthesis and characterization of four quinoline- and benzoselenazole-derived unsymmetrical squaraine cyanine dyes. Except for the precursor of aminosquaraine dyes, i.e., O-methylated derivative, all dyes were evaluated for their behavior and absorption capacity in different organic and aqueous solvents, their ability to form singlet oxygen, their light-stability, and in vitro phototherapeutic effects against two human breast cancer cell cultures (BT-474 and MCF-7). Regardless of the nature of the used solvents, the synthesized dyes showed intense absorption in the red and near-infrared spectral regions, despite the formation of aggregates in aqueous media. Dyes showed high light-stability against light exposure. Despite the low ability to produce singlet oxygen, aminosquaraine dyes demonstrated worthy in vitro phototherapeutic activity.This research was funded by the European Investment Funds by FEDER/COMPETE/POCI under projects POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006958 (CITAB) and POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007491 (CICS-UBI) and Funds by FCT—Portuguese Foundation for Science and technology, under the projects UIDB/ 04033/2020 (CITAB) and UIDB/ 00616/2020 (CQ-VR). This work was also supported by funds from the Health Sciences Research Center (CICS-UBI) through National Funds by FCT—Foundation for Science and Technology (UID/Multi/00709/2019).The research at iBB was supported by Project UID/NAN/50024/2019 and M-ERA-NET/0002/2015 from FCT. E.L. was supported by the FCT PhD grant SFRH/BD/147645/2019.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Evaluation of antifungal activity and potential application as fluorescent probes of indolenine and benzo[e]indole-based squarylium dyes

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    The antifungal performance and the possible use as fluorescent probes of a series of squarylium dyes derived from indolenine and benzo[e]indole previously synthesized was evaluated. Some photophysical properties were performed in ethanol and phosphate buffer, and the type of aggregates form in phosphate buffer was analyzed. Using the 1,3-diphenylisobenzofuran assay, a qualitative assessment of the capacity of dyes to produce singlet oxygen after irradiation was performed. Regarding the antifungal activity, this was studied through a broth microdilution assay using Saccharomyces cerevisiae PYCC 4072 as a biological model. The effect of irradiation of the dyes, with an appropriate light emitting diode system, on the antifungal activity was also evaluated, and it was verified that some of the dyes improve their activity after irradiation. Using fluorescence microscopy techniques, the colocalization of dyes in S. cerevisae cells was investigated and it was possible to verify that some of the squarylium dyes with a barbituric moiety in the four-membered central ring stained and accumulated preferentially in the mitochondrial web and perinuclear membrane of the cells. The possible use as a fluorescent probe for the detection of HSA was also evaluated for one of the dyes of the series, demonstrating a linear variation of the fluorescence intensity accompanied by the increase of the protein concentration.We thank to Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT), Comissão de Coordenação e Desenvolvimento Regional do Norte (CCDR-N) and FEDER (European Fund for Regional Development)-COMPETEQREN-EU for financial support to the research centers CQ/UM (UIDB/00686/2020), CBMA (UID/BIA/04050/2020), CQ/VR (UID/QUI/UI0616/2019) and CICSUBI (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007491), as well as PhD grants to V.S.D.G. (UMINHO/BD/43/2016) and J.C.C.F. (SFRH/BD/133207/2017)