2,121 research outputs found

    Striving for the best of both worlds: the moderating role of gender and organizational citizenship behavior on non-work related activities

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    I would like to thank everyone who contributed to the achievement of this Master Thesis. They helped me grow up as a student and as a person too, once this experience was a huge source of self-fulfillment, knowledge and personal enrichment. To Professor Aristides Ferreira for his research spirit and pragmatism, for being patient and encourage me to go beyond my own expectations. I thank him for all the confidence he gave me since the beginning, the autonomy he provided me and for his precious advice. To Companies that collaborated in this investigation, allowing the participation of their employees. I am also really grateful to all the people who had the kindness of participating in this study, becoming it possible. To all my friends and family for their incentive. However, some of them deserve a special word of appreciation. To my mom, for all her support and for always encouraging me to pursuit my dreams. For believing in me, even when I didn’t. To Ângela, for being my best friend and for all her patience. To Andreia for listening to me in every moments and for being a real friend. To Serafim, for reminding me every day that I would be able to reach this objective. For his friendship and for his humor, which eased the most difficult moments of this journey. And last but not the least, to Hélder, for being my safe haven, my best friend, my most faithful critic. For never have letting me give up and for understanding all my necessary absences. I am really grateful for all his love, friendship and unconditional support.O presente estudo teve como objetivo estudar as atividades não produtivas em contexto de trabalho, analisando as suas flutuações diárias, assim como a sua relação com o conflito trabalho-família (CTF). Esta é uma área de investigação recente que visa investigar a realização de atividades de cariz pessoal por parte dos colaboradores, durante o seu horário de trabalho. Procurou-se, igualmente, testar os efeitos de moderação do género e dos comportamentos de cidadania organizacional (OCBs) nessa relação. Assim, utilizou-se uma metodologia longitudinal – daily diary study. 56 Colaboradores de três diferentes empresas portuguesas participaram nesta investigação. Foram recolhidos dados diários durante quatro semanas consecutivas de trabalho, os quais foram analisados através do modelo hierárquico linear. Constatou-se que os CCOs e o CTF estão negativamente associados às atividades não produtivas. Verificou-se, igualmente, que o género modera a relação existente entre CCOs e atividades não produtivas, bem como, em conjunto com os CCOs, modera a relação entre CTF e estas atividades. Por último, são discutidas as implicações teóricas e práticas deste estudo. São aconselhados novos estudos nesta área no sentido de averiguar a existência de uma relação entre atividades não produtivas e desempenho

    Unveiling Geobacter sulfurreducens electron transfer chain: probing the mechanisms of bacterial electricity production

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    Geobacter bacteria have been gaining attention due to their biotechnological and bioremediation applications. Species like G. sulfurreducens are capable of bioenergy production and removal of contaminants from wastewaters. G. sulfurreducens is capable of transferring electrons towards extracellular acceptors, in a process called extracellular electron transfer, and it is also capable of accepting electrons in current consuming biofilms. In order to take full advantage of their applications, it is necessary to understand the mechanisms and the proteins involved in these processes. G. sulfurreducens genome encodes for more than 100 c-type cytochromes, being these the main intervenient in the electron transfer. In this thesis, some of the cytochromes encoded by this bacterium were studied: OmcF, and outer-membrane monoheme cytochrome, PpcA, a thriheme periplasmatic cytochrome, and PccH and GSU2515, both monoheme cytochromes localized at the periplasm. Using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) was possible to assign the backbone and side-chain of OmcF in the oxidized state, and use these results to perform molecular interactions with PpcA. Although the results of the interaction were inconclusive, the assignment of OmcF constitutes an important step to find putative redox partners of this protein. Using cyclic voltammetry, an electrochemical study was performed on OmcF. Furthermore, by constructing strategic mutants, analyzing their NMR spectra and determining their redox potential, was possible to determine the redox-Bohr center of OmcF. NMR spectroscopy was also used to assign the backbone, side-chain and heme substituents of PccH in the oxidized state. A biochemical and structural characterization of cytochrome GSU2515 was carried using circular dichroism, visible redox titrations, UV-visible, and NMR spectroscopy techniques. By performing NMR molecular interactions between GSU2515 and PccH, there is a strong indication that these two cytochromes are physiological partners. The results obtained contribute to a better understanding of the electron transfer mechanisms of G. sulfurreducens

    Measures of neuropsychological assessment as indicators of success in neuropsychological rehabilitation: an exploratory correlational study

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    Neuropsychological assessment not only allows diagnosing possible neurocognitive impairments in domains such as attention, working memory, and executive functions, but can also provide useful information for the neuropsychological rehabilitation. By applying a set of valid neuropsychological tests to individuals with Acquired Brain Injury (ABI), and subsequently studying how patients’ performance in rehabilitation programs relates with measures that are commonly provided by these tests, we may obtain valuable predictors of individual success that can be considered in neuropsychological rehabilitation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Iconography’s development for a seniors’ iTV informative platform

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    Technological solutions, namely interactive television (iTV) applications, have a lot of potential to deliver adapted solutions to wider audiences or to specific groups of users. Elderly can be one of these groups but require a special attention by specialists due to their specificities. One of the central questions to develop pleasant and usable technological solutions is the iconography used in the applications, as graphical interface elements. To make icons appealing and perceptible visual representations, with a high degree of iconicity ensured, it is important to design them taking end users’ inputs into account. This paper reports on the iconographic design process and its results, carried out in the scope of an academic project that aims to develop an iTV platform for seniors. The purpose of the icons is to support users to perceive, visually, the area in which the information sent through this platform belongs to. After developing three icon proposals per each one of the seven areas of information, the proposals were presented to a group of 19 elderly people who, through election voting test, defined their preferred options. In this work it was also possible to validate a process that can be applied to similar studies. © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the CENTERIS - International Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems / ProjMAN - International Conference on Project MANagement / HCist - International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies

    Building informative audio-visual content automatically: a process to define the key aspects

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    Related to the population ageing that most of the countries are witnessing, several new challenges emerged in areas such as health and social care. Often, governments and entities does not have human, physical and infrastructural means available or in sufficient number to support all citizens’ needs. This trend requires different approaches to address their related problems. In this context, several technologies have recently emerged and have been explored as an important ally to cope with seniors’ needs. Interactive television (iTV) infrastructure have a lot of potential to deliver adapted solutions to seniors, although it is essential that such products are designed and developed with inputs from potential end users. The application of a participatory design approach is a key factor to assure high levels of final products’ adoption. In line with this, the present paper describes the process of data collection that aims to analyse the audio-visual elements that compose a set of videos that will be transmitted by an iTV platform and that intents to deliver informative contents about social and public services to Portuguese elders. The results will provide guidelines for the development of similar products that address older people’s needs

    A modelação do actor securitário europeu

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    A Política Comum de Segurança e Defesa conheceu entre 1998 e 2012 um desenvolvimento significativo, mais veloz do que seria expectável, quer institucional, quer ao nível de capacidades de atuação em diversos teatros de operações. A possibilidade de gestão de crises no sistema internacional e de intervenção em conflitos, incluindo o uso da força, distingue a PCSD de outras políticas da UE, e permite a definição da UE enquanto ator internacional sui generis no campo da política externa e de segurança e defesa. Mas que tipo de ator representa a UE no sistema internacional? De que forma este ator foi moldado pela PCSD nos últimos anos? Tratando-se a UE de um ator ímpar nas relações internacionais, não se prefigurando como um Estado, ou uma organização internacional clássica, os modelos e as construções teóricas quer da área das Relações Internacionais, quer das teorias de integração revelam-se incapazes de, isoladamente, explicar o fenómeno da integração para a esfera da high politics, tradicionalmente da responsabilidade dos Estados-membros, bem como o modelo de actorness que a UE construiu

    Revisão integrativa sobre envelhecimento na paralisia cerebral: contributos para um livro verde

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    Mestrado em Gerontologia - Gestão de Equipamentos SociaisContexto: Existem vários fatores que têm contribuído para um aumento da esperança média de vida das pessoas, incluindo para aquelas com condições de saúde crónica. Paralisia Cerebral (PC) é um termo abrangente para um grupo heterogéneo de condições clinicas que se caracteriza por dificuldades no controlo da postura e do movimento e que apesar de não progressiva tem impacto ao longo de todo o ciclo de vida do indivíduo. É importante compreender o fenómeno do envelhecimento nesta população de forma a perspetivar necessidades de suporte quer a nível da saúde e social Objetivo: Contribuir para a elaboração de um livro verde sobre a PC, na componente relativa ao envelhecimento. Método: Realização de uma revisão integrativa sobre o envelhecimento na PC, com pesquisa na literatura científica nas bases de dados Pubmed, Scopus e Web of Knowledge, utilizando as palavras-chave que incluíram os termos ‘cerebral palsy’, ‘adults’ e combinações com outras palavras-chave relacionadas com a saúde e funcionalidade. Os critérios de inclusão foram: (1) a população-alvo incluir pessoas adultas com PC (mínimo de 25%); (2) estar escrito em Português, Inglês, Francês ou Espanhol. Foram excluídos os artigos onde não se conseguiu ter acesso ao texto integral. Os estudos foram divididos pela natureza do estudo, sendo o nível de evidência avaliado, para os estudos quantitativos e métodos mistos pela classificação do Oxford Center for Evidence Based Medicine, e para os estudos qualitativos utilizou-se a escala hierárquica de Daly e para as revisões sistemáticas recorreu-se às diretrizes AMSTAR. Resultados: Do processo de seleção dos artigos resultaram 229 que foram analisados, com publicações desde 1991 até fevereiro de 2016. O número de publicações ao longo dos anos tem vindo a aumentar, porém o nível de evidência dos estudos não é elevado. Os resultados mostram que a função do sistema músculo-esquelético e a dor são os que levantam mais interesse de estudo. Os estudos abrangem faixas etárias amplas, situação essa que dificulta a sistematização de informação. Conclusão: É necessário melhorar o nível de conhecimento sobre o processo de envelhecimento nas pessoas com PC, aumentando a qualidade dos trabalhos a realizar. A preparação de um envelhecimento saudável nesta população implica mudanças a nível dos sistemas de saúde e de apoio social de forma a prevenir condições clínicas secundárias e envolver este grupo de cidadãos em situações de participação efetiva.Context: There are several factors that have contributed to an increase the life expectancy of people, including for those with chronic health conditions. Cerebral palsy (CP) is a comprehensive term for a heterogeneous group of clinical conditions which are characterized by difficulties in the control of posture and movement and although not progressive impacts throughout the individual's life cycle. It is important to understand the aging process in this population in order to perspective support in terms of health and social needs. Objective: Contribute to prepare of a Green Paper on the PC regarding the aging component. Method: Conducting an integrative review about aging with CP. Researched the scientific literature on Pubmed, Scopus and Web of Knowledge, using keywords that included the terms 'cerebral palsy’, 'adults' and combinations other keywords related to health and functionality. Inclusion criteria were: (1) the target population included adults with PC (minimum of 25%); (2) be written in Portuguese, English, French or Spanish. Articles where you could not have access to the full text were excluded. The studies were divided by the nature of the study, and the level of evidence evaluated for quantitative studies and methods mixed by the classification of the Oxford Center for Evidence Based Medicine, and qualitative studies used the hierarchical scale of Daly and revisions systematic recourse to the AMSTAR guidelines. Results: After the selection process resulted 229 articles that were analyzed, the publications were from 1991 to February 2016. The number of publications has increased over the years, but the level of evidence of the studies is not high. The results show that the function of the musculoskeletal system and the pain are the themes that raise more interest to study. The studies include large age groups, this situation hamper to systematize information. Conclusion: It is necessary to improve the level of knowledge about the aging process in people with CP, increasing the quality of work to be done. The preparation of healthy aging in this population involves changes at the level of health systems and social support in order to prevent secondary medical conditions and involve this group of citizens in effective participation situations

    Da Estratégia Global da União Europeia à Cooperação Estruturada Permanente

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    UID/CPO/04627/2019A União Europeia tem na sua origem as aspirações a um projeto de paz para o continente europeu, fraturado após a Segunda Guerra Mundial. Não é por isso despiciente que a defesa assuma um papel fundamental quer no início do projeto europeu, através da instituição da ceca ou do Plano Pléven, quer, posteriormente, no desenvolvimento da PCSD. Este artigo percorre as dinâmicas mais recentes no quadro da defesa europeia, nomeadamente a redefinição da narrativa estratégica europeia, através da Estratégia Global e a opção pelo mecanismo da Cooperação Estruturada Permanente expondo a dificuldade em ultrapassar o caráter intergovernamental no domínio da defesa.publishersversionpublishe
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