91 research outputs found

    Specialized Dental Care in the Brazilian Unified National Health System (SUS)

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    Objective: To analyze specialized dental care through access, demand and the work processes provided by the CEO\u27s, using secondary data from the cycles of the PMAQ-CEO. Material and Methods: Cross-sectional study using public domain data. Variables of interest were selected from the external evaluation instrument data matrices and were grouped in categories. The categories were geographic distribution, structural, human resources, work processes and access and coordination. Results: The total of 932 CEO’s were evaluated in 2014 and 1,042 in 2016, most of them type II, present in the Northeast region. In both cycles, the highest average of dentists worked in the endodontic specialty (2.4 professionals per CEO) and the lowest in oral medicine (0.8 professionals per CEO). Of the two cycles, 91.5% of the CEO’s had a manager, 79.5% performed action planning activities and 74.5% realized internal self-assessment processes. There was an increase in the mean number of days to be seen at the CEO in all analyzed specialties (p<0.001) and 85.2% of the CEO\u27s managers reported that there is a reference for oral cancer confirmed cases. Conclusion: Between the PMAQ-CEO cycles the number of CEO has increased, but there are still a big pent-up demand and the presence of care gaps. However, an expansion and improvement of the CEO’s actions was evidenced, mainly related to the work processes

    GESTÃO DA QUALIDADE HOSPITALAR: ESTUDO DE CASO SOBRE A PREVENÇÃO DE FALHAS EM UM HOSPITAL PÚBLICO: case study on the prevention of failures in a public hospital

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    According to a decision of the Collegiate Board of the Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária, all health services in Brazil must have a Patient Safety Center (PSC). Each PSC should develop a Health Care Patient Safety Plan (PSP) in the safe surgery’s area. This research aimed to analyze means for the reduction of surgical failures in a public hospital based on its PSP. To do so, it was sought to analyze the current state of the goal; identify the causes of low adherence to the checklist and its unsatisfactory completion, if applicable; and put together a plan of action. The research is a descriptive case study of quantitative and qualitative nature. Interviews, documentary analysis and direct observation were used as instruments of data collection. The results indicated that adherence and quality of the checklists are not satisfactory and that the main causes of this are: lack of training, low awareness of safe surgery, lack of motivation of the professionals, low participation of managers and lack of communication between the team. Finally, an action plan was set up based on quality management and the PDCA cycle.Según una decisión de la Junta Colegiada de la Agencia Nacional de Vigilancia Sanitaria, todos los servicios de salud en Brasil deben tener un Centro de Seguridad del Paciente (NSP). Cada NSP debe desarrollar un Plan de seguridad del paciente (PSP) en el área de la cirugía segura. Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo analizar los medios para reducir las fallas quirúrgicas en un hospital público, según su PSP. Para ello, se buscó analizar el estado actual de la meta; identificar las causas de la baja adherencia a la lista de verificación y su deficiente finalización, si corresponde; y armar un plan de acción. La investigación se clasifica como un estudio de caso descriptivo de carácter cuantitativo y cualitativo. Se utilizaron como instrumentos de recopilación de datos entrevistas,  análisis documental y observación directa. Los resultados indicaron que la adherencia y la calidad de las listas de verificación no son satisfactorias y que las principales causas de esto son: falta de capacitación, poca conciencia de la cirugía segura, falta de motivación de los profesionales, baja participación de los gerentes y falta de comunicación entre el equipo. Finalmente, se estableció un plan de acción basado en herramientas de gestión de calidad y el ciclo PDCA.Segundo decisão da Diretoria Colegiada da Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária, todos os serviços de saúde do Brasil devem ter um Núcleo de Segurança do Paciente (NSP). Cada NSP deve elaborar um Plano de Segurança do Paciente em Serviços de Saúde (PSP) na área de cirurgia segura. Esta pesquisa objetivou analisar meios para a redução de falhas cirúrgicas em um hospital público com base em seu PSP. Para tanto, buscou-se analisar o estado atual da meta; identificar as causas da baixa adesão ao checklist e do seu mau preenchimento se for o caso; e montar um plano de ação. Trata-se de um estudo de caso descritivo, de natureza quali-quantitativa. Foram utilizados como instrumentos de coleta de dados entrevistas, análise documental e observação direta. Os resultados indicaram que a adesão e a qualidade do preenchimento dos checklists não estão satisfatórias e que as principais causas disso são: falta de treinamentos, baixa conscientização em relação à cirurgia segura, desmotivação dos profissionais, baixa participação dos gestores e comunicação deficitária entre a equipe. Por fim, montou-se um plano de ação com base nas ferramentas da gestão da qualidade e no ciclo PDCA

    Transtornos mentais comuns em profissionais da Atenção Primária à Saúde em um período de pandemia da covid-19: estudo transversal na macrorregião Norte de saúde de Minas Gerais, 2021

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    Objective: To analyze the prevalence of symptoms of common mental disorders (CMD) in health professionals in Primary Health Care from August to October 2021. Methods: Cross-sectional study carried out with health professionals from the northern macroregion of Minas Gerais. Sampling method was snowball type. The dependent variable, CMD, was assessed using the Self-Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ-20). Poisson regression was used in the statistical analysis. Results: 702 health professionals participated. The prevalence of CMD was 43.2%, higher in those who had previous symptoms of mental disorders (PR=2.42; 95%CI 1.43;4.08) and current (PR=1.54; 95%CI 1.25;1.89); overwork during the pandemic (PR=1.42; 95%CI 1.16;1.73); previous symptoms of anxiety (PR=1.27; 95%CI 1.01;1.61), depression (PR=1.27; 95%CI 1.06;1.52) and other mental disorders (PR=1.20 ;95%CI 1.01;1.43). Conclusion: There was an association between CMD and previous and current symptoms of mental disorders and work overload during the COVID-19 pandemic.Objetivo: Analizar la prevalencia de síntomas de trastornos mentales comunes (TMC) en profesionales sanitarios de la Atención Primaria de Salud de agosto a octubre de 2021. Métodos: Estudio transversal realizado con profesionales de la salud de la macrorregión norte de Minas Gerais. El muestreo fue del tipo bola de nieve. La variable dependiente, TMC, se evaluó mediante el Self-Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ-20). En el análisis estadístico se utilizó la regresión de Poisson. Resultados: Participaron 702 profesionales de salud. La prevalencia de TMC fue del 43,2%, mayor en quienes presentaban síntomas de trastornos mentales previos (RP=2,42; IC95% 1,43;4,08) y actuales (RP=1,54; IC95% 1,25;1,89); exceso de trabajo durante la pandemia (RP=1,42; IC95% 1,16;1,73); síntomas previos de ansiedad (RP=1,27; IC95% 1,01;1,61), depresión (RP=1,27; IC95% 1,06;1,52) y otros trastornos mentales (RP=1,20; IC95% 1,01;1,43). Conclusión: Hubo una asociación entre los TMC y los síntomas previos y actuales de los trastornos mentales y la sobrecarga de trabajo durante la pandemia de COVID-19.Objetivo: analisar a prevalência de sintomas de transtornos mentais comuns (TMCs) em profissionais de saúde da Atenção Primária à Saúde, no período agosto-outubro/2021. Métodos: estudo transversal com profissionais de saúde da macrorregião Norte de saúde de Minas Gerais; amostragem de tipo “bola de neve”; a variável dependente, TMCs, foi avaliada pelo Self-Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ-20); utilizou-se regressão de Poisson na análise estatística. Resultados: participaram 702 profissionais de saúde; a prevalência de TMCs foi de 43,2%, maior naqueles que apresentaram sintomas de transtornos mentais prévios (razão de prevalências [RP] = 2,42 – IC95% 1,43;4,08) e atuais (RP = 1,54 – IC95% 1,25;1,89), trabalho a mais durante a pandemia (RP = 1,42 – IC95% 1,16;1,73), sintomas prévios de ansiedade (RP = 1,27 – IC95% 1,01;1,61), depressão (RP = 1,27 – IC95% 1,06;1,52) e outros transtornos mentais (RP = 1,20 – IC95% 1,01;1,43). Conclusão: observou-se associação de TMCs com sintomas prévios e atuais de transtornos mentais e sobrecarga de trabalho, durante a pandemia da covid-19


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    This work aimed to verify the influence of physiological characteristics of sweet corn (H43IN) and maize (UENF 506-8), at development stages, in carbohydrate contents and productivity in this species. These studies were conducted under field conditions at Colégio Agrícola Antonio Sarlo, in Campos dos Goytacazes-RJ. The experiments were developed from September to January / 2004. The physiological characteristics were investigated in four periods: period III of plant growth, V and VII reproductive and IX plant senescence. The physiological characteristics (net photosynthesis rate, leaf to air vapor pressure deficit, and stomatal conductance), observed during the different phenological cycles showed significant differences between the two genotypes. The sugar and starch contents determinated at stages V and VII also showed differences, as we expected, and the productivity in maize was higher than in sweet corn.Com o objetivo de verificar a influência de parâmetros fisiológicos das plantas de milho doce (H43IN) e milho comum (UENF506-8), nos períodos de desenvolvimento, nos teores de carboidratos e na produtividade desta espécie, foram conduzidos experimentos sob condições de campo, no Colégio Agrícola Antonio Sarlo, em Campos dos Goytacazes-RJ. Os experimentos foram instalados nos meses de setembro a janeiro de 2004. Os parametros fisiológicos foram estudados em quatro períodos: período III de crescimento vegetativo, V e VII reprodutivo e IX senescência da planta. Os parâmetros fisiológicos (taxa fotossintética líquida, déficit de pressão de vapor entre a folha e o ar e condutância estomática), observados, nas diferentes fases fenológicas, demonstraram haver diferenças significativas entre os dois genótipos. Os teores de açúcares e amido determinados nos estádios V e VII também demonstram diferenças, como esperado e a produtividade demonstrou superioridade do milho comum em relação ao milho doce

    Aleitamento Materno e Alimentação Adequada: Aliados na prevenção da Síndrome Metabólica na infância

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    The aim of this article is to review the current medical literature on the relationship between breastfeeding, adequate nutrition and prevention of Metabolic Syndrome. Google Scholar, Scientif Electronic Library Online (SciELO), National Library of Medicine (PubMed), EbscoHost were used as a search tool for selecting articles. Furthermore, to construct the data analysis, information was collected from the National Food and Nutrition Surveillance System (SISVAN) and the National Child Food and Nutrition Study (ENANI). Thus, it has been demonstrated that breastfeeding and adequate complementary feeding after 6 months of life can help prevent metabolic syndrome, avoiding the development of several diseases in adult life.  O presente artigo tem por objetivo uma varredura da literatura médica vigente sobre a relação entre aleitamento materno, alimentação adequada e prevenção da Síndrome Metabólica. Foram utilizados como ferramenta de busca para a seleção dos artigos o Google Scholar, Scientif Eletronic Library Online (SciELO), National Library of Medicine (PubMed), EbscoHost. Além disso, para construir a análise de dados, foram coletadas informações do Sistema Nacional de Vigilância Alimentar e Nutricional (SISVAN), do Estudo Nacional de Alimentação e Nutrição Infantil (ENANI). A partir disso, foi demonstrado que o aleitamento materno e uma alimentação complementar adequada após os 6 meses de vida podem auxiliar na prevenção da Síndrome metabólica, evitanto o desenvolvimento de diversas patologias na vida adulta

    Parâmetros fisiológicos de feijão-caupi tratado com filme de partícula de CaO e submetido à restrição hídrica

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of CaO-based particle film on the physiological parameters of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) subjected to water restriction. Plants were subjected to two levels of soil moisture and three concentrations of the film, as follows: control, without film + 100% crop evapotranspiration (ETc); without film + 50% ETc; 5% CaO + 50% ETc; 10% CaO + 50% ETc; 5% CaO + 100% ETc; and 10% CaO + 100% ETc. Plants treated with 50% ETc remained stable with the application of 10% CaO particle film and showed high photosynthetic assimilation of CO2 (32 μmol m-2 s-1), moderate transpiration (5.6 mmol m-2 s-1), maintenance of chlorophyll content, and greater intrinsic water-use efficiency (IWUE, 226.65 µmol mol-1) and instantaneous water-use efficiency (6.06 µmol mmol-1) than plants of the other treatments. Control plants and plants at 5% CaO + 50% ETc showed, respectively, photosynthetic assimilation of CO2 at 15.34 and 15.94 μmol m-2 s-1, transpiration at 3.51 and 3.45 mmol m-2 s-1, and IWUE at 177.7 and 198.9 µmol mol-1. The CaO-based particle film is effective in protecting bean plants subjected to water restriction.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos do filme de partícula à base de CaO sobre os parâmetros fisiológicos do feijão-caupi (Vigna unguiculata) submetido à restrição hídrica. As plantas foram submetidas a dois níveis de umidade do solo e a três concentrações do filme, conforme a seguir: controle, sem aplicação do filme + 100% da evapotranspiração da cultura (ETc); sem filme + 50% da ETc; 5% de CaO + 50% da ETc; 10% de CaO + 50% da ETc; 5% de CaO + 100% da ETc; e 10% de CaO + 100% da ETc. As plantas tratadas a 50% da ETc mantiveram-se estáveis com a aplicação de 10% do filme de partícula à base de CaO e apresentaram alta assimilação fotossintética de CO2 (32 μmol m-2 s-1), transpiração moderada (5,6 mmol m-2 s-1), manutenção dos teores de clorofila, e maior eficiência intrínseca do uso da água (EIUA, 226,65 µmol mol-1) e eficiência instantânea do uso da água (EUA, 6,06 µmol mmol-1) do que as plantas dos outros tratamentos. As plantas-controle e as plantas tratadas a 5% de CaO + 50% da ETc apresentaram, respectivamente, assimilação fotossintética de CO2 a 15,34 e 15,94 μmol m-2 s-1, transpiração a 3,51 e 3,45 mmolm-2 s-1, e EIUA a 177,7 e 198,9 µmol mol-1. O filme de partícula à base de CaO é eficaz na proteção de plantas de feijão-caupi submetidas à restrição hídrica

    Specialized Dental Care in the Brazilian Unified National Health System (SUS)

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    Objective: To analyze specialized dental care through access, demand and the work processes provided by the CEO's, using secondary data from the cycles of the PMAQ-CEO. Material and Methods: Cross-sectional study using public domain data. Variables of interest were selected from the external evaluation instrument data matrices and were grouped in categories. The categories were geographic distribution, structural, human resources, work processes and access and coordination. Results: The total of 932 CEO’s were evaluated in 2014 and 1,042 in 2016, most of them type II, present in the Northeast region. In both cycles, the highest average of dentists worked in the endodontic specialty (2.4 professionals per CEO) and the lowest in oral medicine (0.8 professionals per CEO). Of the two cycles, 91.5% of the CEO’s had a manager, 79.5% performed action planning activities and 74.5% realized internal self-assessment processes. There was an increase in the mean number of days to be seen at the CEO in all analyzed specialties (p<0.001) and 85.2% of the CEO's managers reported that there is a reference for oral cancer confirmed cases. Conclusion: Between the PMAQ-CEO cycles the number of CEO has increased, but there are still a big pent-up demand and the presence of care gaps. However, an expansion and improvement of the CEO’s actions was evidenced, mainly related to the work processes

    Anticipating the Climate Change Impacts on Madeira’s Agriculture: The Characterization and Monitoring of a Vine Agrosystem

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    Climate—Madeira Strategy (CMS) foresees two models to describe the climate scenarios for the Madeira region in 2050 and 2070. These scenarios anticipate an average temperature rise of 1.4 to 3.7 ◦C and a decrease in precipitation by 30 to 40%. Consequently, Madeira’s agriculture will suffer the impacts of climate change. To understand these impacts, a baseline of major agrosystem components needs to be established, with the ultimate goal to monitor its consequences in its functioning. CASBio project used the 1961–1991 and 2010–2020 meteorological data series to modulate climate conditions and characterize and monitor six agrosystems for 2 years. One of them was a vineyard, Quinta das Vinhas, representing a typical agrosystem in the Mediterranean climate. The annual and seasonal variation in climatic parameters, soil conditions, microbiological communities, floristic and insect diversity, and crop production was assessed, using a total of 50 parameters. The results were used to establish a baseline of the agrosystem components and their seasonal and annual variation. The major findings are: (i) winter and summer extreme events show a trend in temperature and precipitation supporting a fast change in climate; (ii) a critical imbalance between nitrogen fixing and denitrifying bacteria was identified, especially in summer, that could be determined by the rise in temperature and drought; (iii) among floristic diversity, the therophytes and geophytes confirm to be the most suitable indicators for the rise in temperature and reduction in precipitation in the agrosystems; (iv) an imbalance in favor of C. capitata plague was observed, associated with the summer rise in temperature and decrease in precipitation; (v) despite an increase in most of the grape varieties production, the Madeiran wine local varieties were shown to be less stable in productivity under observed climate conditions. The agrosystem baseline is a starting point for long term monitoring and allows for further quantifying the influence of climate change on agrosystem productivity, resilience, and sustainability.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Comparison of pre and post-dispersion compensation schemes with RZ, NRZ and Gaussian modulations for 10 GBPS and 40 GBPS transmission rates / Comparação de esquemas de compensação pré e pós-dispersão com modulações RZ, NRZ e Gaussina para as taxas de transmissão de 10 GBPS e 40 GBPS

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    In this paper, we investigate two dispersion compensation methods: post-compensation, and pre-compensation for transmission rates from 10Gbps to 40Gbps with return to zero (RZ), non-return to zero (NRZ) and Guassian modulations using single fiber mode-fiber (SMF) and dispersion compensating fiber (DCF). The influence of the DCF compensator dispersion with different transmission rates was studied in order to evaluate the performance of the proposed systems. The simulation results were validated through the analysis of the quality factor (Q-factor) and the bit error rate (BER), where it was verified that the post-compensation system with Gaussian modulation offered better performance results in function of the transmission rate variation.

    Analysis of the behavior of an all-optical not logic gate in a photonic crystal directional coupler / Análise do comportamento de uma porta lógica not totalmente óptica em um acoplador direcional de cristal fotônico

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    In the present work, an optical directional coupler (ODC) based on two-dimensional (2-D) photonic crystal (PhC) was analyzed and proposed, through the methods of plane wave expansion (PWE) and finite-difference time-domain (FDTD), which were used with the purpose of analyzing the behavior of a new all-optical NOT logic gate and the electric field distribution in the coupler for linear (bar), non-linear (cross) states and the control signal. The simulation results in OptiFDTD software show that the proposed crystal structure is a strong candidate for use in ultrafast photonic integrated circuits (PICs), being highly advantageous with excellent transmission performance and simple design