16 research outputs found

    Operation of Cool Thermal Energy Storage to Increase Renewable Energy Utilization

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    Recent international agreements on climate change aim to increase the production of electricity derived from renewable energy resources. Renewable energy generation can be pursued on both an individual building and utility scale. Due to the intermittent nature of renewables, some form of energy storage is essential to bridge diurnal mismatches between generation and demand. Air-conditioning loads associated with commercial buildings dominate peak electricity demand on the utility grid in some areas and climates. Therefore, Cool Thermal Energy Storage (CTES) is a relatively technically mature and inexpensive means of providing this “storage†and balancing supply/demand mismatches, thereby enabling the success of increased renewable energy penetration. Electrical energy generated by renewables during periods of higher availability can be used to run chillers that charge CTES systems. The stored thermal energy can subsequently be used to meet air-conditioning demand during periods of low renewable energy resource availability.  In this work, the U.S. Department of Energy Commercial Reference Building Model for a secondary school is used to obtain simulated cooling loads that are met by a combination of two chillers and a stratified chilled water thermal storage system. Control strategies are designed to charge the thermal storage system when renewable resources are available and discharge storage to meet building cooling loads during periods with low or no renewable energy resource. One optimization target is the fraction of the chiller energy consumption met by renewable power. This metric is one that may be of interest to electric utilities trying to manage a grid with increasing renewable penetration. An alternative optimization target is the net economic benefit to the building owner assuming on-site, small scale renewable generation and thermal storage. This metric is based on equipment costs, net electric demand after wind and/or solar generation offsets the chiller electric demand, and time-of-use electricity rate structures.  The results show that there is a trade-off between maximizing the use of renewable power and life-cycle cost, but a storage system designed to optimize either variable will be more cost effective and utilize the renewable resource better than a system without storage. The analysis is carried out for locations in Texas and California. These results suggest that CTES may be a technology enabling utilities to reach higher penetration of renewables while avoiding the so-called “duck curve†generation ramp caused by the time mismatch between the renewable generation and demand peaks

    Results from the Cuore Experiment

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    The Cryogenic Underground Observatory for Rare Events (CUORE) is the first bolometric experiment searching for neutrinoless double beta decay that has been able to reach the 1-ton scale. The detector consists of an array of 988 TeO2 crystals arranged in a cylindrical compact structure of 19 towers, each of them made of 52 crystals. The construction of the experiment was completed in August 2016 and the data taking started in spring 2017 after a period of commissioning and tests. In this work we present the neutrinoless double beta decay results of CUORE from examining a total TeO2 exposure of 86.3kg yr, characterized by an effective energy resolution of 7.7 keV FWHM and a background in the region of interest of 0.014 counts/ (keV kg yr). In this physics run, CUORE placed a lower limit on the decay half- life of neutrinoless double beta decay of 130Te > 1.3.1025 yr (90% C. L.). Moreover, an analysis of the background of the experiment is presented as well as the measurement of the 130Te 2vo3p decay with a resulting half- life of T2 2. [7.9 :- 0.1 (stat.) :- 0.2 (syst.)] x 10(20) yr which is the most precise measurement of the half- life and compatible with previous results

    Evidence for Type Ia Supernova Diversity from Ultraviolet Observations with the Hubble Space Telescope

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    We present ultraviolet (UV) spectroscopy and photometry of four Type Ia supernovae (SNe 2004dt, 2004ef, 2005M, and 2005cf) obtained with the UV prism of the Advanced Camera for Surveys on the Hubble Space Telescope. This dataset provides unique spectral time series down to 2000 Angstrom. Significant diversity is seen in the near maximum-light spectra (~ 2000--3500 Angstrom) for this small sample. The corresponding photometric data, together with archival data from Swift Ultraviolet/Optical Telescope observations, provide further evidence of increased dispersion in the UV emission with respect to the optical. The peak luminosities measured in uvw1/F250W are found to correlate with the B-band light-curve shape parameter dm15(B), but with much larger scatter relative to the correlation in the broad-band B band (e.g., ~0.4 mag versus ~0.2 mag for those with 0.8 < dm15 < 1.7 mag). SN 2004dt is found as an outlier of this correlation (at > 3 sigma), being brighter than normal SNe Ia such as SN 2005cf by ~0.9 mag and ~2.0 mag in the uvw1/F250W and uvm2/F220W filters, respectively. We show that different progenitor metallicity or line-expansion velocities alone cannot explain such a large discrepancy. Viewing-angle effects, such as due to an asymmetric explosion, may have a significant influence on the flux emitted in the UV region. Detailed modeling is needed to disentangle and quantify the above effects.Comment: 17 pages, 13 figures, accepted by Ap

    Assessment of high penetration of solar photovoltaics in Wisconsin

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    This paper provides an assessment of the large-scale implementation of distributed solar photovoltaics in Wisconsin with regard to its interaction with the utility grid, economics of varying levels of high penetration, and displaced emissions. These assessment factors are quantified using simulations with measured hourly solar radiation and weather data from the National Solar Radiation Database as primary inputs. Hourly utility load data for each electric utility in Wisconsin for a complete year were used in combination with the simulated PV output to quantify the impacts of high penetration of distributed PV on the aggregate Wisconsin electric utility load. As the penetration rate of distributed PV systems increases, both economic and environmental benefits experience diminishing returns. At penetration rates exceeding 15-20% of the aggregate utility load peak, less of the PV-energy is utilized and the contribution of the aggregate electricity generated from PV approaches a practical limit. The limit is not affected by costs, but rather by the time-distribution of available solar radiation and mismatch with the coincidence of aggregate utility electrical loads. The unsubsidized levelized cost of electricity from PV is more than four times greater than the current market price for electricity, based on time-of-use rates, in Wisconsin. At the present time, the investment in solar PV as a cost-effective means to reduce emissions from traditional electricity generation sources is not justified.Solar Photovoltaics Electricity