224 research outputs found

    Euphemism as a Mechanism of the Internal Workings of the Politically Correct Language

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    As a social phenomenon the politically correct is very recent and operate in the perspective of defending the individual rights of marginalized segments In this context the object of this study refers to the politically correct language PCL which can be defined as the process of substitution of stigmatized variants for others that are considered positive or neutral Thus the purpose of this paper is to present the euphemism as an internal mechanism of functioning of the PCL justified by the need to reflect on prestige variants in three semantic fields disability blackness and homosexuality The corpus covers online collection of the newspaper Folha de S Paulo an important Brazilian journal As a result euphemism in PCL i softens pejorative meanings ii inscribe new meanings in variants in use iii is also associated with technical variants in areas such as health and law and finally iv can also be exaggerated contributing to other negative meaning

    Estimativa da probabilidade do evento extremo de precipitação de janeiro de 2000 no Vale do Paraíba, baseada na distribuição generalizada de pareto

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    Um evento extremo de precipitação ocorreu na primeira semana do ano 2000, de 1º a 5 de janeiro, no Vale do Paraíba, parte leste do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, causando enorme impacto socioeconômico, com mortes e destruição. Este trabalho estudou este evento em 10 estações meteorológicas selecionadas que foram consideradas como aquelas tendo dados mais homogêneos do Que outras estações na região. O modelo de distribuição generalizada de Pareto (DGP) para valores extremos de precipitação de 5 dias foi desenvolvido, individualmente para cada uma dessas estações. Na modelagem da DGP, foi adotada abordagem não-estacionaria considerando o ciclo anual e tendência de longo prazo como co-variaveis. Uma conclusão desta investigação é que as quantidades de precipitação acumulada durante os 5 dias do evento estudado podem ser classificadas como extremamente raras para a região, com probabilidade de ocorrência menor do que 1% para maioria das estações, e menor do que 0,1% em três estações.An extreme rainfall event occurred in the firrst week of year 2000, from 1st to 5th of January, at Vale do Paraíba, eastern portion of Sao Paulo state, Brazil, causing enormous social and economic impact and resulting on deaths and destruction. This work studied this event at 10 selected meteorological stations, which were considered as those comprising more homogeneous data than the others stations in the region. Thus, a Generalized Pareto Distribution (GPD) model for the extreme values of 5-day accumulated rainfall was developed, individually for each one of these stations. In the GPD modeling, the non-stationary approach was adopted, by considering the annual cycle and linear long-term trend as covariates. One conclusion from this investigation is that the GPD models indicate that the total rainfall amount, accumulated during the 5 days of the studied event might be classified as extremely rare for the region, with probability of occurrence being less than 1% for most of stations, and less than 0.1% at three stations.FINEP - Financiadora de Estudos e Projeto

    Lean start-up, entrepreneurship and remote orientation: The experience of action research in Manaus, Brazil

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    Purpose – Creating a new product or service promotes the status quo changes, seeking economic value andsolving customer’s urgent problems. Entrepreneurs play an important role in this changing process throughstart-ups and small and medium enterprises (SMEs), considered one of the leading forces driving an economy’sinnovative and competitive power. However, despite the importance of entrepreneurs, public policies to fosterentrepreneurship ecosystems could be ineffective in emerging countries. Therefore, action research proposesthe qualification of entrepreneurs for the structuring of new businesses through remote orientation, connectingthe country’s main economic centers to emerging areas.Design/methodology/approach – The study is qualitative research comprising two phases. The first phaseconsisted of four-month action research, connecting two researchers and three groups of specialists (from SaoPaulo), with three groups of entrepreneurs (located in Manaus in the Amazon region), through a remoteorientation in entrepreneurship, lean start-up, lean product and process development (LPPD). The secondphase, conducted by a third researcher, regards a case study grounded on interviews and data collection withthe entrepreneurs to capture the outcomes of the remote orientation process.Findings – The remote orientation helped shorten the geographical distance of Amazonas to approach theintegration of business, research and knowledge exchange of such distinct areas in the same country. If aremote orientation program was established as public policy, it could enact subsequent cycles of the lean startup model. Furthermore, the remote orientation could be an alternative to compose the training subsystem in theentrepreneurship ecosystem proposed by Isenberg (2011). On the other hand, a remote orientation could fail toshorten the distance of human values and beliefs, which cannot be neglected when facing a rich territory likethe Amazon.Research limitations/implications – Because of the chosen research approach, a qualitative andexploratory study based on a combination of action research, interviews and case studies, the results may lackgeneralizability. However, further studies can replicate the remote orientation process conducted in the regionof Manaus – Amazon, to obtain distinct results regarding the advantages, disadvantages and effectiveness ofremote orientation as entrepreneurship ecosystem’s human capital dimension development.Practical implications – The outcomes of this research have the potential to start discussions regarding theadoption of remote orientation as a public policy to develop entrepreneurship skills in emerging regions, notonly in Brazil but worldwide. The Brazilian case could be a relevant benchmark due to the large territory andeconomic and social disparities impacting education and entrepreneurship.Social implications – Through start-ups and SMEs, entrepreneurship has innovation potential and is themost solid way to bring economic development. For emerging countries, it can be real game-changer in the economic order. The development of entrepreneurship skills through this remote orientation experience canhelp reduce the economic and social gaps in countries with relevant disparities like Brazil and other emergingcountries.Originality/value – This paper fulfills an identified need to “move the needle of entrepreneurship in the rightdirection” (Isenberg, 2010) by creating local solutions for global challenges. Policymakers and leaders need tocontinue the experiment and learn how to improve the entrepreneurship ecosystem. In this sense, the actionresearch approach, combined with the remote orientation, proposes an alternative to promote changes in howhuman capital dimension can be developed in this challenging ecosystem


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    O presente trabalho tem por escopo a análise dos efeitos gerados a partir da retirada do Canabidiol, substância existente na maconha, da lista de proscrição da Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária e de sua utilização medicinal, especificamente sob o enfoque do Princípio da Dignidade da Pessoa Humana e dos direitos constitucionais à vida e à saúde

    Seasonal streamflow forecast in the Tocantins river basin, Brazil : an evaluation of ecmwf-seas5 with multiple conceptual hydrological models

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    The assessment of seasonal streamflow forecasting is essential for appropriate water resource management. A suitable seasonal forecasting system requires the evaluation of both numerical weather prediction (NWP) and hydrological models to represent the atmospheric and hydrological processes and conditions in a specific region. In this paper, we evaluated the ECMWF-SEAS5 precipitation product with four hydrological models to represent seasonal streamflow forecasts performed at hydropower plants in the Legal Amazon region. The adopted models included GR4J, HYMOD, HBV, and SMAP, which were calibrated on a daily scale for the period from 2014 to 2019 and validated for the period from 2005 to 2013. The seasonal streamflow forecasts were obtained for the period from 2017 to 2019 by considering a daily scale streamflow simulation comprising an ensemble with 51 members of forecasts, starting on the first day of every month up to 7 months ahead. For each forecast, the corresponding monthly streamflow time series was estimated. A post-processing procedure based on the adjustment of an autoregressive model for the residuals was applied to correct the bias of seasonal streamflow forecasts. Hence, for the calibration and validation period, the results show that the HBV model provides better results to represent the hydrological conditions at each hydropower plant, presenting NSE and NSElog values greater than 0.8 and 0.9, respectively, during the calibration stage. However, the SMAP model achieves a better performance with NSE values of up to 0.5 for the raw forecasts. In addition, the bias correction displayed a significant improvement in the forecasts for all hydrological models, specifically for the representation of streamflow during dry periods, significantly reducing the variability of the residuals

    Quality of life in medical students who act in PBL methodology

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    Introduction: The learning takes place, mainly, by the integration of new knowledge acquired to previously existing ones, that is, by the elaboration of new information, in any of its previously analyzed forms. In the Problem Based Learning (PBL) method, constructivism is obtained at the expense of activation of prior knowledge, elaboration of new information, establishment of goals for self-directed study, and increament in the complexity of semantic networks in the final discussion of problem solving. Quality of life (QoL) can be considered as a subject of multiple approaches, contextualizations and applicability of which is used by several areas of knowledge. All the components that make up the quality of life can be measured and evaluated using quantitative instruments, including questionnaires, the main one being the WHOQOL-Bref, developed by the WHO, for having a cross-cultural evaluation methodology that allows uniform results. Objectives: To analyze in a global way the quality of life of medical students who work in the PBL model of the University of Ribeirão Preto (UNAERP). Methodology: A total of 90 students from the UNAERP medical school, aged over 18, enrolled in the 1st, 6th and 11th stages were included in this study. After signing the TCLE approved by the local CEP, the students answered a questionnaire based on the WHOQOL-bref. Results: A total of 55.5% of the women and 44.5% of the men with a mean age varying according to the stages (20 years, 1st stage, 22 years, 6th stage and 26 years in the 11th stage) were evaluated. When analyzing the degree of satisfaction of the students with regard to the PBL methodology, a percentage of 49.1% satisfaction was observed at the beginning of the course (1st stage), followed by 65.4% in the 6th stage and 77% at the end of the course (11th stage). The student’s satisfaction with the ability to perform the activities of his day-to-day recorded that in the first stage, 21.2% can carry out their activities with adequacy; in stage 6, 34.5% and in stage 11, 69.8% feel satisfied or very satisfied in this analysis. Students also had increased satisfaction with their academic performance when compared to the beginning and end of the course; on the other hand, in the intermediate phase, a percentage decrease can be observed as can be observed in the first stage: 42.8%; 6th stage: 33.5%; 11: 77%. Discussion and conclusions of the results: In this study, we measured the quality of life of university students of medicine at UNAERP and then made them reflect on how they deal with their personal, physical, social and mental issues throughout their training course. The PBL methodology enhances the need for independent study and focuses on student-led learning and improvement, which allows the student to evolve with a progressive improvement in the ability to perform day-to-day tasks and academic performance

    Traumatic fistula between the brachiocephalic trunk and the brachiocephalic vein due to gunshot wound

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    We describe the case of a 49-year old male patient who suffered a gunshot wound in the chest which transfixed the medial mediastinum. He was hemodynamically stable, but had tachycardia and tachypnea. He was submitted to integrated work-up with chest radiogram, transthoracic echocardiography, computerized chest tomography, and arteriography of the aortic arch. A traumatic fistula was evidenced between the brachiocephalic trunk and the brachiocephalic vein. Surgical repair was performed using extracorporeal circulation and deep hypothermia with total circulatory arrest. The patient progressed well and was discharged on the fifth day postoperatively.Descrevemos caso de paciente do sexo masculino, 49 anos, que sofreu ferimento por arma de fogo no tórax, transfixando o mediastino médio. Apresentava-se estável hemodinamicamente, contudo taquicárdico e taquipnéico. Ele foi submetido à propedêutica armada com radiograma de tórax, ecocardiografia transtorácica, tomografia computadorizada de tórax e arteriografia do arco aórtico. Evidenciou-se fístula traumática do tronco braquiocefálico com a veia braquiocefálica. Realizou-se correção cirúrgica com a utilização de circulação extracorpórea e hipotermia profunda com parada circulatória total. O paciente evolui bem com alta no quinto pós-operatório.e21e2


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    Os aspectos relacionados à sexualidade, historicamente, são negligenciados na atenção psiquiátrica. Trata-sede um relato de experiência acerca de oficinas terapêuticas sobre sexualidade, que pertencem ao projeto de extensão“Oficinas terapêuticas para hábitos de vida saudável no Centro de Convivência Arthur Bispo do Rosário” e tem porobjetivo descrever a experiência de discentes na discussão da temática sexualidade e ratificar a relevância de integrar essetema ao eixo de atenção aos portadores de transtorno psíquico. Evidenciou-se que o tema “sexualidade” configurava-secomo uma demanda recorrente entre os usuários, observaram-se mitos referentes às formas de contágio e um forte aspectocultural relacionado à fatalidade da aids. Essa experiência corrobora com a literatura consultada, uma vez que se percebeuque essa temática constitui-se em demanda reprimida na assistência ao paciente com transtorno psíquico.Los aspectos relacionados a la sexualidad históricamente son negligenciados en la atención psiquiátrica. Se trata de un relato de experiencia acerca de oficinas terapéuticas sobre sexualidad, que pertenecen al proyecto de extensión “Oficinas terapéuticas para hábitos de vida saludable en el Centro de Convivencia Arthur Bispo del Rosario” y tiene por objetivo describir la experiencia de discentes en la discusión de la temática sexualidad y ratificar la relevancia de integrar ese tema al eje de atención a los portadores de trastorno psíquico. Se evidenció que el tema “sexualidad” se configuraba como una demanda recurrente entre los usuarios, se observaran mitos referentes a las formas de contagio y un fuerteaspecto cultural relacionado a la fatalidad del sida. Esa experiencia corrobora con la literatura consultada, una vez que se percibió que esa temática se constituye en demanda reprimida en la asistencia al paciente con trastorno psíquico.The aspects related to sexuality are historically neglected in psychiatric care. This is an experience reportabout therapeutic workshops on sexuality, which belong to the extension project “Therapeutic Workshops for healthylifestyle habits in the Family Center Arthur Bispo do Rosario,” and aims to describe the experience of students in thediscussion of the theme “sexuality” and ratify the importance of integrating this theme to the axis of attention to peoplewith mental disorders. It was evident that the topic sexuality appears as a recurring demand among users, there were mythsconcerning the ways of contagion and a strong cultural aspect related to the fatality of AIDS. This experience corroborateswith the literature, since it was realized that this theme is of great demand in the care of patients with mental disorders