573 research outputs found

    Multilevel measurements of surface temperature over undulating terrain planted to barley

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    A ground and aircraft program was conducted to extend ground based methods for measuring soil moisture and crop water stress to aircraft and satellite altitudes. A 260ha agricultural field in California was used over the 1977-78 growing season. For cloud free days ground based temperature measurements over bare soil were related to soil moisture content. Water stress resulted from too much water, not from lack of it, as was expected. A theoretical examination of the canopy air temperature difference as affected by vapor pressure deficit and net radiation was developed. This analysis shows why surface temperatures delineate crop water stress under conditions of low humidity, but not under high humidity conditions. Multilevel temperatures acquired from the ground, low and high altitude aircraft, and the Heat Capacity Mapping Mission (HCMM) spacecraft were compared for two day and one night overpasses. The U-2 and low altitude temperatures were within 0.5 C. The HCMM data were analyzed using both the pre- and post-launch calibrations, with the former being considerably closer in agreement with the aircraft data than the latter

    Diurnal patterns of wheat spectral reflectances and their importance in the assessment of canopy parameters from remotely sensed observations

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    Spectral reflectances of Produra wheat were measured at 13 different times of the day at Phoenix, Arizona, during April 1979 using a nadir-oriented hand-held 4-band radiometer which had bandpass characteristics similar to those on LANDSAT satellites. Different Sun altitude and azimuth angles caused significant diurnal changes in radiant return in both visible and near-IR regions of the spectrum and in several vegetation indices derived from them. The magnitude of these changes were related to different canopy architecture, percent cover and green leaf area conditions. Spectral measurements taken at each time period were well correlated with green leaf area index but the nature of the relationship changed significantly with time of day. Thus, a significant bias in the estimation of the green leaf area index from remotely sensed spectral data could occur if sun angles are not properly accounted for

    Hand-held radiometry: A set of notes developed for use at the Workshop of Hand-held radiometry

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    A set of notes was developed to aid the beginner in hand-held radiometry. The electromagnetic spectrum is reviewed, and pertinent terms are defined. View areas of multiband radiometers are developed to show the areas of coincidence of adjacent bands. The amounts of plant cover seen by radiometers having different fields of view are described. Vegetation indices are derived and discussed. Response functions of several radiometers are shown and applied to spectrometer data taken over 12 wheat plots, to provide a comparison of instruments and bands within and among instruments. The calculation of solar time is reviewed and applied to the calculation of the local time of LANDSAT satellite overpasses for any particular location in the Northern Hemisphere. The use and misuse of hand-held infrared thermometers are discussed, and a procedure for photographic determination of plant cover is described. Some suggestions are offered concerning procedures to be followed when collecting hand-held spectral and thermal data. A list of references pertinent to hand-held radiometry is included

    Soil water content and evaporation determined by thermal parameters obtained from ground-based and remote measurements

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    A procedure is presented for calculating 24-hour totals of evaporation from wet and drying soils. Its application requires a knowledge of the daily solar radiation, the maximum and minimum, air temperatures, moist surface albedo, and maximum and minimum surface temperatures. Tests of the technique on a bare field of Avondale loam at Phoenix, Arizona showed it to be independent of season

    Airborne monitoring of crop canopy temperatures for irrigation scheduling and yield prediction

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    Airborne and ground measurements were made on April 1 and 29, 1976, over a USDA test site consisting mostly of wheat in various stages of water stress, but also including alfalfa and bare soil. These measurements were made to evaluate the feasibility of measuring crop temperatures from aircraft so that a parameter termed stress degree day, SDD, could be computed. Ground studies have shown that SDD is a valuable indicator of a crop's water needs, and that it can be related to irrigation scheduling and yield. The aircraft measurement program required predawn and afternoon flights coincident with minimum and maximum crop temperatures. Airborne measurements were made with an infrared line scanner and with color IR photography. The scanner data were registered, subtracted, and color-coded to yield pseudo-colored temperature-difference images. Pseudo-colored images reading directly in daily SDD increments were also produced. These maps enable a user to assess plant water status and thus determine irrigation needs and crop yield potentials

    Kruppel-like factor 8 regulates triple negative breast cancer stem cell-like activity

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    IntroductionBreast tumor development is regulated by a sub-population of breast cancer cells, termed cancer stem-like cells (CSC), which are capable of self-renewing and differentiating, and are involved in promoting breast cancer invasion, metastasis, drug resistance and relapse. CSCs are highly adaptable, capable of reprogramming their own metabolism and signaling activity in response to stimuli within the tumor microenvironment. Recently, the nutrient sensor O-GlcNAc transferase (OGT) and O-GlcNAcylation was shown to be enriched in CSC populations, where it promotes the stemness and tumorigenesis of breast cancer cells in vitro and in vivo. This enrichment was associated with upregulation of the transcription factor Kruppel-like-factor 8 (KLF8) suggesting a potential role of KLF8 in regulating CSCs properties.MethodsTriple-negative breast cancer cells were genetically modified to generate KLF8 overexpressing or KLF8 knock-down cells. Cancer cells, control or with altered KLF8 expression were analyzed to assess mammosphere formation efficiency, CSCs frequency and expression of CSCs factors. Tumor growth in vivo of control or KLF8 knock-down cells was assessed by fat-pad injection of these cell in immunocompromised mice.ResultsHere, we show that KLF8 is required and sufficient for regulating CSC phenotypes and regulating transcription factors SOX2, NANOG, OCT4 and c-MYC. KLF8 levels are associated with chemoresistance in triple negative breast cancer patients and overexpression in breast cancer cells increased paclitaxel resistance. KLF8 and OGT co-regulate each other to form a feed-forward loop to promote CSCs phenotype and mammosphere formation of breast cancer cells.DiscussionThese results suggest a critical role of KLF8 and OGT in promoting CSCs and cancer progression, that may serve as potential targets for developing strategy to target CSCs specifically

    Effect of tree type and rootstock on the long-term performance of ‘Gala’, ‘Fuji’ and ‘Honeycrisp’ apple trees trained to Tall Spindle under New York State climatic conditions

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    In 2006, two 0.3 ha orchard trials were established at two sites (Dressel farm in Southeastern New York State and VandeWalle farm in Western New York State) to compare two tree types (feathered trees and bench-grafted trees) on five rootstocks [three Geneva® rootstocks (G.11, G.16, G.41) with one Budagovsky rootstock (B.9) and one Malling rootstock (M.9T337)] as controls. ‘Gala’ and ‘Fuji’ were used as scion cultivars at Dressel farm and ‘Gala’ and ‘Honeycrisp’ as the scions cultivars at VandeWalle farm. At each location, trees were planted at 3,262 trees ha−1and trained to a Tall Spindle (TS) system. Location, tree type and rootstock interacted to affect tree growth, production and fruit quality of each scion cultivar. ‘Gala’ trees from VandeWalle (Western NY State) were more productive (33% more production) than those from Dressel Farm (Southern NY State), because they produced more fruits per cm−2 and fruit size was bigger. When comparing the two tree types (feathered and bench-grafted) at both locations and across all rootstocks (B.9, G.11, G.16, G.41, and M.9T337), feathered trees were similar in tree size after 11 seasons as bench-grafted ones, except for ‘Fuji’ at Dressel farm where bench-grafted trees were 27% smaller than feathered trees. The bench-grafted trees had lower cumulative yield per hectare, cumulative yield efficiency, and cumulative crop load than the fully feathered trees. Finally, when comparing all 10 tree type × rootstock combinations, for ‘Fuji’, feathered trees with G.11, for ‘Gala’, feathered trees with G.41, and for ‘Honeycrisp’, feathered trees with G.16 were the combinations with the highest cumulative yield, high yield efficiency and crop loads, low biennial bearing, and with slightly significant larger fruits.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    There and back again: molecular phylogenetics of the Brazilian endemic Psyllocarpus (Rubiaceae: Spermacoceae) supports a circumscription of the genus based on its original concept

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    The Spermacoce clade (tribe Spermacoceae) is one of the most taxonomically complex groups in Rubiaceae due to the unclear delimitation of Borreria and Spermacoce, in which several smaller genera are phylogenetically intermingled. One of these genera is the Brazilian endemic Psyllocarpus, whose circumscription was broadened, thereby including two sections. Psyllocarpus sect. Psyllocarpus, being based on the original genus delineation, includes nine species, distributed in the Cerrado and campo rupestre of eastern Brazil, whereas P. sect. Amazonica comprises three species, occurring in the Amazonian campinas. Furthermore, P. intermedius was not classified in any of these sections when it was later described. In order to test the monophyly of Psyllocarpus and assess its relationships to other genera, we conducted phylogenetic analyses, sampling across the whole Spermacoce clade, including nearly all Psyllocarpus species. A combined nuclear ribosomal (ETS and ITS) and plastid (rps16 and trnLtrnF) dataset was generated, representing 124 species (ca 25% of the species in the clade) in 15 genera (ca 65%). Various methodologies were applied to investigate the degree of incongruence among markers and address the lack of resolution and low support values for some branches. Our results revealed that Psyllocarpus is not monophyletic. Psyllocarpus campinorum (from P . sect. Amazonica) and P intermedius are situated as distinct lineages in the Spermacoce clade, yet do not belong to Psyllocarpus. Members of section Psyllocarpus form a strongly supported clade sister to Staelia and was recovered with high to maximum support across different datasets and inference methods. Therefore, Psyllocarpus has to be circumscribed based on its original concept, excluding P. sect. Amazonica and P. intermedius. This establishes the genus as a monophyletic and easily diagnosable taxon, characterized by terete leaves, homostylous flowers, a bilobate calyx, included stamens and style, and compressed, septifragally dehiscent capsules with a persistent septum

    Nutrient sensor O-GlcNAc transferase controls cancer lipid metabolism via SREBP-1 regulation

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    Elevated O-GlcNAcylation is associated with disease states such as diabetes and cancer. O-GlcNAc transferase (OGT) is elevated in multiple cancers and inhibition of this enzyme genetically or pharmacologically inhibits oncogenesis. Here we show that O-GlcNAcylation modulates lipid metabolism in cancer cells. OGT regulates expression of the master lipid regulator the transcription factor sterol regulatory element binding protein 1 (SREBP-1) and its transcriptional targets both in cancer and lipogenic tissue. OGT regulates SREBP-1 protein expression via AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK). SREBP-1 is critical for OGT-mediated regulation of cell survival and of lipid synthesis, as overexpression of SREBP-1 rescues lipogenic defects associated with OGT suppression, and tumor growth in vitro and in vivo. These results unravel a previously unidentified link between O-GlcNAcylation, lipid metabolism and the regulation of SREBP-1 in cancer and suggests a crucial role for O-GlcNAc signaling in transducing nutritional state to regulate lipid metabolism
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