409 research outputs found

    Homologous Helical Jets: Observations by IRIS, SDO and Hinode and Magnetic Modeling with Data-Driven Simulations

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    We report on observations of recurrent jets by instruments onboard the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS), Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) and Hinode spacecrafts. Over a 4-hour period on July 21st 2013, recurrent coronal jets were observed to emanate from NOAA Active Region 11793. FUV spectra probing plasma at transition region temperatures show evidence of oppositely directed flows with components reaching Doppler velocities of +/- 100 km/s. Raster Doppler maps using a Si IV transition region line show all four jets to have helical motion of the same sense. Simultaneous observations of the region by SDO and Hinode show that the jets emanate from a source region comprising a pore embedded in the interior of a supergranule. The parasitic pore has opposite polarity flux compared to the surrounding network field. This leads to a spine-fan magnetic topology in the coronal field that is amenable to jet formation. Time-dependent data-driven simulations are used to investigate the underlying drivers for the jets. These numerical experiments show that the emergence of current-carrying magnetic field in the vicinity of the pore supplies the magnetic twist needed for recurrent helical jet formation.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures, accepted by Ap

    The design, development and evaluation of an array-based FES system with automated setup for the correction of drop foot

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    Functional electrical stimulation has been shown to be a safe and effective means of correcting drop foot of central neurological origin. However, despite recent technological advances, the set-up of surface stimulators remains a challenge for many users with drop foot. The automation of the setup process through the use of electrode arrays has been proposed as a way to address this problem. This paper describes a series of research and clinical studies which have led to the first demonstration of unsupervised automated setup of an electrode-array based drop foot stimulator. Finally, future research plans are discussed

    U.S. Pacific Marine Mammal Stock Assessments

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    Under the 1994 amendments to the Marine Mammal Protection Act, the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) were required to produce stock assessment reports for all marine mammal stocks in waters within the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone. This document contains the stock assessment reports for the U.S. Pacific marine mammal stocks under NMFS jurisdiction. Marine mammal species which are under the management jurisdiction of the USFWS are not included in this report. A separate report containing background, guidelines for preparation, and .a summary of all stock assessment reports is available from the NMFS Office of Protected Resources. This report was prepared by staff of the Southwest Fisheries Science Center, NMFS and the Alaska Fisheries Science Center, NMFS. The information presented here was compiled primarily from published sources, but additional unpublished information was included where it contributed to the assessments. The authors wish to thanks the members of the Pacific Scientific Review Group for their valuable contributions and constructive criticism: Hannah Bernard, Robin Brown, Mark Fraker, Doyle Hanan, John Heyning, Steve Jeffries, Katherine Ralls, Michael Scott, and Terry Wright. Their comments greatly improved the quality of these reports, We also thanks the Marine Mammal Commission, The Humane Society of the United States, The Marine Mammal Center, The Center for Marine Conservation, and Friends of the Sea Otter for their careful reviews and thoughtful comments. Special thanks to Paul Wade of the Office of Protected Resources for his exhaustive review and comments, which greatly enhanced the consistency and technical quality of the reports. Any ommissions or errors are the sole responsibility of the authors. This is a working document and individual stock assessment reports will be updated as new information becomes available and as changes to marine mammal stocks and fisheries occur; therefore, each stock assessment report is intended to be a stand alone document. The authors solicit any new information or comments which would improve future stock assessment reports. This is Southwest Fisheries Science Center Technical Memorandum NOAA-TM-NMFS-SWFSC- 219, July 1995. 11

    North Atlantic right whales (Eubalaena glacialis) ignore ships but respond to alerting stimuli

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    Author Posting. © Royal Society, 2004. This article is posted here by permission of Royal Society for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 271 (2004): 227-231, doi:10.1098/rspb.2003.2570.North Atlantic right whales were extensively hunted during the whaling era and have not recovered. One of the primary factors inhibiting their recovery is anthropogenic mortality caused by ship strikes. To assess risk factors involved in ship strikes, we used a multi-sensor acoustic recording tag to measure the responses of whales to passing ships and experimentally tested their responses to controlled sound exposures, which included recordings of ship noise, the social sounds of conspecifics and a signal designed to alert the whales. The whales reacted strongly to the alert signal, they reacted mildly to the social sounds of conspecifics, but they showed no such responses to the sounds of approaching vessels as well as actual vessels. Whales responded to the alert by swimming strongly to the surface, a response likely to increase rather than decrease the risk of collision.Funding for this work was provided by the Fisheries Service of the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (contract no. NA87RJ0445), and was conducted under NOAA Fisheries permit to conduct scientific research no. 1014 issued to Dr Scott Kraus and Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans permits 2001-559 and 2002-568

    Evaluating 'Prefer not to say' Around Sensitive Disclosures

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    As people's offline and online lives become increasingly entwined, the sensitivity of personal information disclosed online is increasing. Disclosures often occur through structured disclosure fields (e.g., drop-down lists). Prior research suggests these fields may limit privacy, with non-disclosing users being presumed to be hiding undesirable information. We investigated this around HIV status disclosure in online dating apps used by men who have sex with men. Our online study asked participants (N=183) to rate profiles where HIV status was either disclosed or undisclosed. We tested three designs for displaying undisclosed fields. Visibility of undisclosed fields had a significant effect on the way profiles were rated, and other profile information (e.g., ethnicity) could affect inferences that develop around undisclosed information. Our research highlights complexities around designing for non-disclosure and questions the voluntary nature of these fields. Further work is outlined to ensure disclosure control is appropriately implemented around online sensitive information disclosures

    Factors Associated with Access to Immunotherapy and Its Impact on Survival in Mucosal Melanoma

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    Mucosal melanoma is rare, comprising only 1.4% of all melanomas in the United States. Yet it is associated with a worse prognosis compared to cutaneous melanoma due to aggressive biology and advanced stage at diagnosis with a reported 5-year survival rate of less than 30%. Although there are no established guidelines for the treatment of mucosal melanoma, immunotherapy has been increasingly used for the management of advanced mucosal melanoma

    Assessing Anti-HCMV Cell Mediated Immune Responses in Transplant Recipients and Healthy Controls Using a Novel Functional Assay

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    HCMV infection, reinfection or reactivation occurs in 60% of untreated solid organ transplant (SOT) recipients. Current clinical approaches to HCMV management include pre-emptive and prophylactic antiviral treatment strategies. The introduction of immune monitoring to better stratify patients at risk of viraemia and HCMV mediated disease could improve clinical management. Current approaches quantify T cell IFNγ responses specific for predominantly IE and pp65 proteins ex vivo, as a proxy for functional control of HCMV in vivo. However, these approaches have only a limited predictive ability. We measured the IFNγ T cell responses to an expanded panel of overlapping peptide pools specific for immunodominant HCMV proteins IE1/2, pp65, pp71, gB, UL144, and US3 in a cohort of D+R– kidney transplant recipients in a longitudinal analysis. Even with this increased antigen diversity, the results show that while all patients had detectable T cell responses, this did not correlate with control of HCMV replication in some. We wished to develop an assay that could directly measure anti-HCMV cell-mediated immunity. We evaluated three approaches, stimulation of PBMC with (i) whole HCMV lysate or (ii) a defined panel of immunodominant HCMV peptides, or (iii) fully autologous infected cells co-cultured with PBMC or isolated CD8+ T cells or NK cells. Stimulation with HCMV lysate often generated non-specific antiviral responses while stimulation with immunodominant HCMV peptide pools produced responses which were not necessarily antiviral despite strong IFNγ production. We demonstrated that IFNγ was only a minor component of secreted antiviral activity. Finally, we used an antiviral assay system to measure the effect of whole PBMC, and isolated CD8+ T cells and NK cells to control HCMV in infected autologous dermal fibroblasts. The results show that both PBMC and especially CD8+ T cells from HCMV seropositive donors have highly specific antiviral activity against HCMV. In addition, we were able to show that NK cells were also antiviral, but the level of this control was highly variable between donors and not dependant on HCMV seropositivity. Using this approach, we show that non-viraemic D+R+ SOT recipients had significant and specific antiviral activity against HCMV

    Blazars in the Fermi Era: The OVRO 40-m Telescope Monitoring Program

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    The Large Area Telescope (LAT) aboard the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope provides an unprecedented opportunity to study gamma-ray blazars. To capitalize on this opportunity, beginning in late 2007, about a year before the start of LAT science operations, we began a large-scale, fast-cadence 15 GHz radio monitoring program with the 40-m telescope at the Owens Valley Radio Observatory (OVRO). This program began with the 1158 northern (declination>-20 deg) sources from the Candidate Gamma-ray Blazar Survey (CGRaBS) and now encompasses over 1500 sources, each observed twice per week with a ~4 mJy (minimum) and 3% (typical) uncertainty. Here, we describe this monitoring program and our methods, and present radio light curves from the first two years (2008 and 2009). As a first application, we combine these data with a novel measure of light curve variability amplitude, the intrinsic modulation index, through a likelihood analysis to examine the variability properties of subpopulations of our sample. We demonstrate that, with high significance (7-sigma), gamma-ray-loud blazars detected by the LAT during its first 11 months of operation vary with about a factor of two greater amplitude than do the gamma-ray-quiet blazars in our sample. We also find a significant (3-sigma) difference between variability amplitude in BL Lacertae objects and flat-spectrum radio quasars (FSRQs), with the former exhibiting larger variability amplitudes. Finally, low-redshift (z<1) FSRQs are found to vary more strongly than high-redshift FSRQs, with 3-sigma significance. These findings represent an important step toward understanding why some blazars emit gamma-rays while others, with apparently similar properties, remain silent.Comment: 23 pages, 24 figures. Submitted to ApJ