2,468 research outputs found

    First Kepler results on compact pulsators VIII: Mode identifications via period spacings in g−g-mode pulsating Subdwarf B stars

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    We investigate the possibility of nearly-equally spaced periods in 13 hot subdwarf B (sdB) stars observed with the Kepler spacecraft and one observed with CoRoT. Asymptotic limits for gravity (g-)mode pulsations provide relationships between equal period spacings of modes with differing degrees and relationships between periods of the same radial order but differing degrees. Period transforms, Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests, and linear least-squares fits have been used to detect and determine the significance of equal period spacings. We have also used Monte Carlo simulations to estimate the likelihood that the detected spacings could be produced randomly. Period transforms for nine of the Kepler stars indicate ell=1 period spacings, with five also showing peaks for ell=2 modes. 12 stars indicate ell=1 modes using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test while another shows solely ell=2 modes. Monte Carlo results indicate that equal period spacings are significant in 10 stars above 99% confidence and 13 of the 14 are above 94% confidence. For 12 stars, the various methods find consistent regular period spacing values to within the errors, two others show some inconsistencies, likely caused by binarity, and the last has significant detections but the mode assignment disagrees between methods. We find a common ell=1 period spacing spanning a range from 231 to 272 s allowing us to correlate pulsation modes with 222 periodicities and that the ell=2 period spacings are related to the ell=1 spacings by the asymptotic relationship 1/31/\sqrt{3}. We briefly discuss the impact of equal period spacings which indicate low-degree modes with a lack of significant mode trappings.Comment: 27 pages, 4 figures, 17 tables. Accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Societ

    The ground state of a general electron-phonon Hamiltonian is a spin singlet

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    The many-body ground state of a very general class of electron-phonon Hamiltonians is proven to contain a spin singlet (for an even number of electrons on a finite lattice). The phonons interact with the electronic system in two different ways---there is an interaction with the local electronic charge and there is a functional dependence of the electronic hopping Hamiltonian on the phonon coordinates. The phonon potential energy may include anharmonic terms, and the electron-phonon couplings and the hopping matrix elements may be nonlinear functions of the phonon coordinates. If the hopping Hamiltonian is assumed to have no phonon coordinate dependence, then the ground state is also shown to be unique, implying that there are no ground-state level crossings, and that the ground-state energy is an analytic function of the parameters in the Hamiltonian. In particular, in a finite system any self-trapping transition is a smooth crossover not accompanied by a nonanalytical change in the ground state. The spin-singlet theorem applies to the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model and both the spin-singlet and uniqueness theorems apply to the Holstein and attractive Hubbard models as special cases. These results hold in all dimensions --- even on a general graph without periodic lattice structure.Comment: 25 pages, no figures, plainte

    Functional evolution of quantum cylindrical waves

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    Kucha{\v{r}} showed that the quantum dynamics of (1 polarization) cylindrical wave solutions to vacuum general relativity is determined by that of a free axially-symmetric scalar field along arbitrary axially-symmetric foliations of a fixed flat 2+1 dimensional spacetime. We investigate if such a dynamics can be defined {\em unitarily} within the standard Fock space quantization of the scalar field. Evolution between two arbitrary slices of an arbitrary foliation of the flat spacetime can be built out of a restricted class of evolutions (and their inverses). The restricted evolution is from an initial flat slice to an arbitrary (in general, curved) slice of the flat spacetime and can be decomposed into (i) `time' evolution in which the spatial Minkowskian coordinates serve as spatial coordinates on the initial and the final slice, followed by (ii) the action of a spatial diffeomorphism of the final slice on the data obtained from (i). We show that although the functional evolution of (i) is unitarily implemented in the quantum theory, generic spatial diffeomorphisms of (ii) are not. Our results imply that a Tomanaga-Schwinger type functional evolution of quantum cylindrical waves is not a viable concept even though, remarkably, the more limited notion of functional evolution in Kucha{\v{r}}'s `half parametrized formalism' is well-defined.Comment: Replaced with published versio

    Plane waves in quantum gravity: breakdown of the classical spacetime

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    Starting with the Hamiltonian formulation for spacetimes with two commuting spacelike Killing vectors, we construct a midisuperspace model for linearly polarized plane waves in vacuum gravity. This model has no constraints and its degrees of freedom can be interpreted as an infinite and continuous set of annihilation and creation like variables. We also consider a simplified version of the model, in which the number of modes is restricted to a discrete set. In both cases, the quantization is achieved by introducing a Fock representation. We find regularized operators to represent the metric and discuss whether the coherent states of the quantum theory are peaked around classical spacetimes. It is shown that, although the expectation value of the metric on Killing orbits coincides with a classical solution, its relative fluctuations become significant when one approaches a region where null geodesics are focused. In that region, the spacetimes described by coherent states fail to admit an approximate classical description. This result applies as well to the vacuum of the theory.Comment: 11 pages, no figures, version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    'Working out’ identity: distance runners and the management of disrupted identity

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    This article contributes fresh perspectives to the empirical literature on the sociology of the body, and of leisure and identity, by analysing the impact of long-term injury on the identities of two amateur but serious middle/long-distance runners. Employing a symbolic interactionist framework,and utilising data derived from a collaborative autoethnographic project, it explores the role of ‘identity work’ in providing continuity of identity during the liminality of long-term injury and rehabilitation, which poses a fundamental challenge to athletic identity. Specifically, the analysis applies Snow and Anderson’s (1995) and Perinbanayagam’s (2000) theoretical conceptualisations in order to examine the various forms of identity work undertaken by the injured participants, along the dimensions of materialistic, associative and vocabularic identifications. Such identity work was found to be crucial in sustaining a credible sporting identity in the face of disruption to the running self, and in generating momentum towards the goal of restitution to full running fitness and reengagement with a cherished form of leisure. KEYWORDS: identity work, symbolic interactionism, distance running, disrupted identit

    Seeing the way: visual sociology and the distance runner's perspective

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    Employing visual and autoethnographic data from a two‐year research project on distance runners, this article seeks to examine the activity of seeing in relation to the activity of distance running. One of its methodological aims is to develop the linkage between visual and autoethnographic data in combining an observation‐based narrative and sociological analysis with photographs. This combination aims to convey to the reader not only some of the specific subcultural knowledge and particular ways of seeing, but also something of the runner's embodied feelings and experience of momentum en route. Via the combination of narrative and photographs we seek a more effective way of communicating just how distance runners see and experience their training terrain. The importance of subjecting mundane everyday practices to detailed sociological analysis has been highlighted by many sociologists, including those of an ethnomethodological perspective. Indeed, without the competence of social actors in accomplishing these mundane, routine understandings and practices, it is argued, there would in fact be no social order

    The Observed Growth of Massive Galaxy Clusters I: Statistical Methods and Cosmological Constraints

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    (Abridged) This is the first of a series of papers in which we derive simultaneous constraints on cosmological parameters and X-ray scaling relations using observations of the growth of massive, X-ray flux-selected galaxy clusters. Our data set consists of 238 clusters drawn from the ROSAT All-Sky Survey, and incorporates extensive follow-up observations using the Chandra X-ray Observatory. Here we describe and implement a new statistical framework required to self-consistently produce simultaneous constraints on cosmology and scaling relations from such data, and present results on models of dark energy. In spatially flat models with a constant dark energy equation of state, w, the cluster data yield Omega_m=0.23 +- 0.04, sigma_8=0.82 +- 0.05, and w=-1.01 +- 0.20, marginalizing over conservative allowances for systematic uncertainties. These constraints agree well and are competitive with independent data in the form of cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropies, type Ia supernovae (SNIa), cluster gas mass fractions (fgas), baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO), galaxy redshift surveys, and cosmic shear. The combination of our data with current CMB, SNIa, fgas, and BAO data yields Omega_m=0.27 +- 0.02, sigma_8=0.79 +- 0.03, and w=-0.96 +- 0.06 for flat, constant w models. For evolving w models, marginalizing over transition redshifts in the range 0.05-1, we constrain the equation of state at late and early times to be respectively w_0=-0.88 +- 0.21 and w_et=-1.05 +0.20 -0.36. The combined data provide constraints equivalent to a DETF FoM of 15.5. Our results highlight the power of X-ray studies to constrain cosmology. However, the new statistical framework we apply to this task is equally applicable to cluster studies at other wavelengths.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures. v4: final version (typographic corrections). Results can be downloaded at https://www.stanford.edu/group/xoc/papers/xlf2009.htm

    Phase Space Reduction and Vortex Statistics: An Anyon Quantization Ambiguity

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    We examine the quantization of the motion of two charged vortices in a Ginzburg--Landau theory for the fractional quantum Hall effect recently proposed by the first two authors. The system has two second-class constraints which can be implemented either in the reduced phase space or Dirac-Gupta-Bleuler formalism. Using the intrinsic formulation of statistics, we show that these two ways of implementing the constraints are inequivalent unless the vortices are quantized with conventional statistics; either fermionic or bosonic.Comment: 14 pages, PHYZZ

    ‘Get yourself some nice, neat, matching box files’: research administrators and occupational identity work

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    To date, qualitative research into occupational groups and cultures within academia has been relatively scarce, with an almost exclusive concentration upon teaching staff within universities and colleges. This article seeks to address this lacuna and applies the interactionist concept of ‘identity work’ in order to examine one specific group to date under-researched: graduate research administrators. This occupational group is of sociological interest as many of its members appear to span the putative divide between ‘academic’ and ‘administrative’ occupational worlds within higher education. An exploratory, qualitative research project was undertaken, based upon interviews with 27 research administrators. The study analyses how research administrators utilise various forms of identity work to sustain credible occupational identities, often in the face of considerable challenge from their academic colleagues

    Evidence for TeV gamma ray emission from Cassiopeia A

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    232 hours of data were accumulated from 1997 to 1999, using the HEGRA Stereoscopic Cherenkov Telescope System to observe the supernova remnant Cassiopeia A. TeV gamma ray emission was detected at the 5 sigma level, and a flux of (5.8 +- 1.2(stat) +- 1.2(syst)) 10^(-9) ph m^(-2) s^(-1) above 1 TeV was derived. The spectral distribution is consistent with a power law with a differential spectral index of -2.5 +- 0.4(stat) +- 0.1(syst) between 1 and 10 TeV. As this is the first report of the detection of a TeV gamma ray source on the "centi-Crab" scale, we present the analysis in some detail. Implications for the acceleration of cosmic rays depend on the details of the source modeling. We discuss some important aspects in this paper.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic
