26 research outputs found

    JEBRI, YOUSSEF (2007) RĂ©flexions clandestines

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    Young, Lélia (2006) "Aquarelles. La paix comme poème"

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    De l’indépendance confisquée à l’identité bafouée dans Le fleuve détourné de Rachid Mimouni

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    Figure importante dans la littérature algérienne d'expression française, Rachid Mimouni propose, dans sa production romanesque, une critique acerbe sur les maux qui rongent l'Algérie depuis son indépendance. Sans se cacher hypocritement sous le boisseau de la fiction, Mimouni fait, dans Le fleuve détourné , le procès cocasse et corrosif de la société algérienne de la post-indépendance. L'étude vise à montrer le courage et l'engagement de l'écrivain qui n'hésite pas à dénoncer ouvertement le despotisme du centralisme autoritaire de son pays qui a confisqué, voire trahi, l'idéal de la Révolution algérienne. Il laisse entrevoir que la souveraineté du pays n'est que pure illusion et que le peuple, bafoué dans son identité, est assujeti à l'asservissement, à l'oppression, et à l'injustice, tant humaine que sociale.An important figure in Algerian literature written in French, Rachid Mimouni proposes through his novels an acerbic criticism of the troubles which have eaten away at Algeria since its independence. Without hiding hypocritically under the bushel of fiction, Mimouni, in The Diverted River, puts post-independence Algerian society on trial in a bitingly humourous manner. This study aims to show the courage and the commitment of the writer who does not hesitate to openly denounce the tyranny of the authoritarian centralism of a government he considers to have betrayed the ideals of the Algerian Revolution. He hints that the sovereign power of the country is nothing but an illusion and that the people, whose identity is ridiculed, are subjected to human and social oppression and injustice

    MAALOUF, Amin (2004) "Origines"

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    Chloroquineand hydroxychloroquine in covid 19: asystematic review

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    Since 100 years, current coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) caused by SARS-CoV-2 is themostdangerous healthcare crisis and unprecedented in absense of prophylactic or therapeutic drugs. The world's major health systems have had no large-scale therapeutic choice and at an acceptable cost apart from Chloroquine (CQ) and its derivative hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) to treat Covid-19.These drugs have anti-inflammatory activity and are already used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, lupus. However, these drugs have raised a great worldwide controversy between the pros and cons of their uses to treat patientswith Covid-19In these systematic review, we analyzed articles published until 28 august in pubmed, sciences direct and ClinicalTrials.gov by using these keywords: chloroquine and COVID-19 or hydroxychloroquine and COVID-19. these online preprint publications have offered inconclusive preliminary results as well as clinical trials not yet finished. Although CQ / HCQ have antiviral activity against Sars cov 2 in vitro, antiviral activity in vivo is questionable

    Effects of water stress on food security and socio-economic development

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    This deliverable of MADFORWATER project, D1.3 “Effects of water stress on food security and socio-economic development”, presents an econometric modeling approach developed to assess the effects of different dimensions of water stress and vulnerability on selected indicators for food security and socio-economic development in three Mediterranean African Countries (MACs): Egypt, Morocco and Tunisi

    Effects of water stress on food security and socio-economic development

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    This deliverable of MADFORWATER project, D1.3 “Effects of water stress on food security and socio-economic development”, presents an econometric modeling approach developed to assess the effects of different dimensions of water stress and vulnerability on selected indicators for food security and socio-economic development in three Mediterranean African Countries (MACs): Egypt, Morocco and Tunisi

    LAFERRIÉRE, Dany, Le Cri des oiseaux fous

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    Écrivains haïtiens au Québec. Une écriture du dépassement identitaire

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    Cette étude aborde l’éclatement d’une mouvance littéraire au sein de la littérature québécoise. Elle s’appuie principalement sur cinq romanciers haïtiens qui ont décidé de s’exiler et qui, à partir de leur terre d’accueil, abordent certains thèmes sur Haïti, colorés par leur nouvel environnement. Ce faisant, ils décrivent une réalité singulière liée à l’histoire tourmentée de leur pays d’origine. Bien qu’ils partagent leur langue avec les francophones du Québec, ces écrivains conservent leur préoccupation identitaire, leur combat culturel et leur prise de conscience politique. Leur écriture imprime une facture singulière au discours romanesque et poétique dans le champ de la littérature québécoise.The article studies the break-out of Haitian literature in Québec. It focuses on five exiled Haitian authors who bring into light some issues about their ancient home country from the perspective of and influenced by the new environment. In their writings appears a singular connection to the historical torments of their country of origin. Even though these authors have a common language with French Quebecers, they preserve their specific identity concerns, cultural combat and political consciousness. Their writings leave a singular mark in the Québec literature, whether it be in the field of novelistic or poetic writing