965 research outputs found

    Educating Children on the Benefits of Physical Activity

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    The increased use of technology has lead to a decrease in physical activity engagement by elementary aged children, and children are often unaware of how a sedentary lifestyle increases the risk of childhood diseases and illnesses, such as obesity and diabetes. In order to increase understanding about the importance of physical activity, I designed a two-day curriculum on the benefits of physical activity and presented it to a class of third grade students at Natividad Elementary School in Salinas, California

    The El Sitio cultural project

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    Centro para jóvenes artistas plásticos y de las artes escénicas con el objetivo de difundir la cultura y las artes además de estimular la participación de las personas en la vida comunitaria y la capacitación en expresión artística para niños y jóvenes

    Frecuencia de falsos positivos e indeterminados en pruebas rápidas y pruebas Elisa VIH en embarazadas, Laboratorio Central en el período de Enero 2009 a Junio 2010.

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    Estudio descriptivo: revisión documental. Se encontró que la transmisión vertical ha ido disminuyendo en los últimos años, siendo la prevalencia menor de 0.5% gracias a los esfuerzos nacionales (Ministerio de Salud y el Seguro Social) de prevención con la realización de la prueba prenatal en forma gratuita con consejería pre y post prueba e incentivo. Se pudo apreciar la alta frecuencia de falsos positivos e indeterminados para las pruebas rápidas y ELISA, lo que indica que estas pacientes se les debe dar seguimiento realizando una nueva ronda de pruebas, complicando el manejo clínico durante el embaraz

    Barreras que influyen en la toma de citología en mujeres entre 20-49 años sexualmente activas. Municipio de Guacotecti-El Salvador 2010.

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    Estudio descriptivo de tipo transversal. Los sentimientos de temor y vergüenza han sido una razón primordial y la principal barrera para que ellas no se la realicen. No se encontró una relación univoca entre el conocimiento y la práctica a pesar de que las mujeres conocen la frecuencia en que deben tomarla demoran un poco más en realizarla

    Development of Post Sexual Assault Care Standardized Guideline

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    Understanding Student GPA

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    As a student of Stephen F. Austin State University have you ever wondered about the efficacy of you weekly habits as it relates towards your cumulative college GPA? Have you ever been curious of students with a higher GPA (grade point average) spent their free time than those with a lower GPAs? We decided to test various weekly habits of the everyday college student to discover if their actions are in fact a determinant of college GPA


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    The global warming and its effect on sea level raise is an undisputed fact that has been supported by numerous studies. Countries such as Belize with large area of land just above sea level will face problems due to increased soil salinity. The sea level raise will also affect our fresh water supplies due to back flow in to our rivers. These all will have effect on agriculture since many crops cannot tolerate the increased salinity level. Development of resistant varieties of crops that can withstand moderate level of salinity can help to mitigate the problems of food shortage in the future. Tissue culture or micropropagation can be an effective technique for the in vitro development of salt resistant varieties of crops. Initially an experiment was carried out to test the effect of hormones on callus formation of red kidney beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Callus tissue was initiated on MS medium supplemented with various hormones (IAA, IBA and 2,4 D) by using explants from epicotyle. Based on the fresh weight produced during the incubation period, 2,4-D was identified as the best hormone for callus growth. After choosing the best hormone for callus generation under in vitro conditions, the effect of salinity on callus regeneration and organogenesis of P. vulgaris was tested under in vitro conditions. Although callus regeneration occurred in all of the salt concentration used in the experiment, the callus regeneration decreased as the concentration of the salt increased. Microscopic evidence of organogenesis was observed as the callus tissue has differentiated in to roots, root hairs and vascular tissues under in vitro saline conditions