130 research outputs found


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    Abstract ∙ Feathers are one of the defining characteristics of birds and serve a critical role in thermal insulation and physical protection against the environment. Feather structure is known to vary among individuals, and it has been suggested that populations exposed to different environmental conditions may exhibit different patterns in feather structure. We examined both down and contour feathers from two populations of male Torrent Ducks (Merganetta armata) from Lima, Peru, including one high‐altitude population from the Chancay‐Huaral River at approximately 3500 m a.s.l. and one low‐altitude population from the Chillón River at approximately 1500 m a.s.l.. Down feather structure differed significantly between the two populations. Ducks from the high‐altitude population had longer, denser down compared with low‐altitude individuals. Contour feather structure varied greatly among individuals but showed no consistent difference between populations. These results suggest that the innermost, insulative layer of plumage (the down), may have developed in response to lower ambient temperatures at high elevations. The lack of observable differences in the contour feathers may be due to the fact that this outer plumage layer is more important as waterproofing than insulation.Resumen ∙ La estructura del plumón del Pato de los Torrentes (Merganetta armata) varia entre bajas y grandes altitudes en los Andes El plumaje es una característica que define a las aves y cumple roles críticos en el aislamiento térmico y protección física del ambiente. Se sabe que la estructura de las plumas varía entre individuos, y se ha sugerido que poblaciones expuestas a diferentes condiciones ambientales pueden exhibir diferentes patrones en la estructura de las plumas. En este estudio se examinaron tanto el plumón como las plumas de contorno de machos adultos del Pato de los Torrentes (Merganetta armata) de dos poblaciones, una en el río Chancay‐Huaral a 3500 m s.n.m. y otra en el río Chillón a 1500 m s.n.m., ubicadas en Lima, Perú. La estructura de plumón difiere significativamente entre las dos poblaciones. Los patos de la población a mayor altitud presentan un plumón más largo, y denso que sus congéneres de menor altitud. La estructura de las plumas de contorno varía ampliamente entre individuos, pero no muestra diferencias significativas entre poblaciones. Estos resultados sugieren que las diferencias entre las capas interiores de aislamiento del plumaje (plumón), pueden haberse desarrollado como respuesta en ambientes de bajas temperaturas a grandes elevaciones. En cambio, la ausencia de diferencias detectables en las plumas de contorno puede deberse al hecho de que esta capa externa es más importante en la impermeabilización que en el aislamiento

    Rehospitalization following percutaneous coronary intervention for commercially insured patients with acute coronary syndrome: a retrospective analysis

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    BACKGROUND: While prior research has provided important information about readmission rates following percutaneous coronary intervention, reports regarding charges and length of stay for readmission beyond 30 days post-discharge for patients in a large cohort are limited. The objective of this study was to characterize the rehospitalization of patients with acute coronary syndrome receiving percutaneous coronary intervention in a U.S. health benefit plan. METHODS: This study retrospectively analyzed administrative claims data from a large US managed care plan at index hospitalization, 30-days, and 31-days to 15-months rehospitalization. A valid Diagnosis Related Group code (version 24) associated with a PCI claim (codes 00.66, 36.0X, 929.73, 929.75, 929.78–929.82, 929.84, 929.95/6, and G0290/1) was required to be included in the study. Patients were also required to have an ACS diagnosis on the day of admission or within 30 days prior to the index PCI. ACS diagnoses were classified by the International Statistical Classification of Disease 9 (ICD-9-CM) codes 410.xx or 411.11. Patients with a history of transient ischemic attack or stroke were excluded from the study because of the focus only on ACS-PCI patients. A clopidogrel prescription claim was required within 60 days after hospitalization. RESULTS: Of the 6,687 ACS-PCI patients included in the study, 5,174 (77.4%) were male, 5,587 (83.6%) were <65 years old, 4,821 (72.1%) had hypertension, 5,176 (77.4%) had hyperlipidemia, and 1,777 (26.6%) had diabetes. At index hospitalization drug-eluting stents were the most frequently used: 5,534 (82.8%). Of the 4,384 patients who completed the 15-month follow-up, a total of 1,367 (31.2%) patients were rehospitalized for cardiovascular (CV)-related events, of which 811 (59.3%) were revascularization procedures: 13 (1.0%) for coronary artery bypass graft and 798 (58.4%) for PCI. In general, rehospitalizations associated with revascularization procedures cost more than other CV-related rehospitalizations. Patients rehospitalized for revascularization procedures had the shortest median time from post-index PCI to rehospitalization when compared to the patients who were rehospitalized for other CV-related events. CONCLUSIONS: For ACS patients who underwent PCI, revascularization procedures represented a large portion of rehospitalizations. Revascularization procedures appear to be the most frequent, most costly, and earliest cause for rehospitalization after ACS-PCI

    Development and diagnostic validation of the Brisbane Evidence-Based Language Test

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    Purpose: To describe the development and determine the diagnostic accuracy of the Brisbane Evidence-Based Language Test in detecting aphasia. Methods: Consecutive acute stroke admissions (n = 100; mean = 66.49y) participated in a single (assessor) blinded cross-sectional study. Index assessment was the ∼45 min Brisbane Evidence-Based Language Test. The Brisbane Evidence-Based Language Test is further divided into four 15–25 min Short Tests: two Foundation Tests (severe impairment), Standard (moderate) and High Level Test (mild). Independent reference standard included the Language Screening Test, Aphasia Screening Test, Comprehensive Aphasia Test and/or Measure for Cognitive-Linguistic Abilities, treating team diagnosis and aphasia referral post-ward discharge. Results: Brisbane Evidence-Based Language Test cut-off score of ≤ 157 demonstrated 80.8% (LR+ =10.9) sensitivity and 92.6% (LR− =0.21) specificity. All Short Tests reported specificities of ≥ 92.6%. Foundation Tests I (cut-off ≤ 61) and II (cut-off ≤ 51) reported lower sensitivity (≥ 57.5%) given their focus on severe conditions. The Standard (cut-off ≤ 90) and High Level Test (cut-off ≤ 78) reported sensitivities of ≥ 72.6%. Conclusion: The Brisbane Evidence-Based Language Test is a sensitive assessment of aphasia. Diagnostically, the High Level Test recorded the highest psychometric capabilities of the Short Tests, equivalent to the full Brisbane Evidence-Based Language Test. The test is available for download from brisbanetest.org. Implications for rehabilitation: Aphasia is a debilitating condition and accurate identification of language disorders is important in healthcare. Language assessment is complex and the accuracy of assessment procedures is dependent upon a variety of factors. The Brisbane Evidence-Based Language Test is a new evidence-based language test specifically designed to adapt to varying patient need, clinical contexts and co-occurring conditions. In this cross-sectional validation study, the Brisbane Evidence-Based Language Test was found to be a sensitive measure for identifying aphasia in stroke

    Development of a transmission model for dengue virus

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    BACKGROUND: Dengue virus (DENV) research has historically been hampered by the lack of a susceptible vertebrate transmission model. Recently, there has been progress towards such models using several varieties of knockout mice, particularly those deficient in type I and II interferon receptors. Based on the critical nature of the type I interferon response in limiting DENV infection establishment, we assessed the permissiveness of a mouse strain with a blunted type I interferon response via gene deficiencies in interferon regulatory factors 3 and 7 (IRF3/7 (−/− −/−)) with regards to DENV transmission success. We investigated the possibility of transmission to the mouse by needle and infectious mosquito, and subsequent transmission back to mosquito from an infected animal during its viremic period. METHODS: Mice were inoculated subcutaneously with non-mouse adapted DENV-2 strain 1232 and serum was tested for viral load and cytokine production each day. Additionally, mosquitoes were orally challenged with the same DENV-2 strain via artificial membrane feeder, and then allowed to forage or naïve mice. Subsequently, we determined acquisition potential by allowing naïve mosquitoes on forage on exposed mice during their viremic period. RESULTS: Both needle inoculation and infectious mosquito bite(s) resulted in 100% infection. Significant differences between these groups in viremia on the two days leading to peak viremia were observed, though no significant difference in cytokine production was seen. Through our determination of transmission and acquisition potentials, the transmission cycle (mouse-to mosquito-to mouse) was completed. We confirmed that the IRF3/7 (−/− −/−) mouse supports DENV replication and is competent for transmission experiments, with the ability to use a non-mouse adapted DENV-2 strain. A significant finding of this study was that this IRF3/7 (−/− −/−) mouse strain was able to be infected by and transmit virus to mosquitoes, thus providing means to replicate the natural transmission cycle of DENV. CONCLUSION: As there is currently no approved vaccine for DENV, public health monitoring and a greater understanding of transmission dynamics leading to outbreak events are critical. The further characterization of DENV using this model will expand knowledge of key entomological, virological and immunological components of infection establishment and transmission events

    Therapists’ perceptions and acceptability of providing internet-delivered guided self-help Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) for family carers of people with dementia (iACT4CARERS): a qualitative study

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    This study aimed to explore therapists' perceptions and acceptability of providing internet-delivered, therapist-guided, self-help acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) for family carers of people with dementia (iACT4CARERS). To achieve this, a qualitative approach with semi-structured interviews was employed with eight novice therapists recruited from primary and secondary care services taking part in a feasibility study of iACT4CARERS. The interviews were audio-recorded, transcribed, and analysed using thematic analysis. Four over-arching themes were identified: (1) positive attitudes towards the intervention, (2) therapists' workload, (3) therapists' confidence to perform their role, and (4) connecting with family carers in a virtual context. Theme 1 included seeing their involvement as an opportunity for personal growth and perceiving benefits to the family carers, which contributed to greater acceptability. Theme 2 reflected that while workload and the user-friendliness of the online platform were highly acceptable among the therapists, there were also time-consuming cases that increased therapists' burden. Theme 3 revealed that practical resources provided during the training, continued supervision, and opportunities to learn from other therapists, increased therapist confidence and facilitated greater acceptability. Finally, Theme 4 highlighted that improving the connection between therapists and carers was critical in a virtual context and strategies to improve the therapist-carer relationship were recommended. The implementation of iACT4CARERS was largely acceptable for the therapists involved in the trial. Ways to strengthen the therapeutic relationship in the virtual context and practical strategies to deal with common problems may enhance therapist experience and delivery in a full-scale effectiveness trial. Key learning aims (1) To understand which factors facilitated therapists' positive perceptions and acceptability of providing internet-delivered guided self-help ACT (iACT4CARERS). (2) To understand what challenges acted as barriers to therapists' positive perceptions and acceptability of providing iACT4CARERS. (3) To learn what aspects of the training and the intervention can be refined to improve the acceptability to therapists in trials involving internet-delivered guided self-help interventions for family carers

    The Human Disease Ontology 2022 update.

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    The Human Disease Ontology (DO) (www.disease-ontology.org) database, has significantly expanded the disease content and enhanced our userbase and website since the DO\u27s 2018 Nucleic Acids Research DATABASE issue paper. Conservatively, based on available resource statistics, terms from the DO have been annotated to over 1.5 million biomedical data elements and citations, a 10× increase in the past 5 years. The DO, funded as a NHGRI Genomic Resource, plays a key role in disease knowledge organization, representation, and standardization, serving as a reference framework for multiscale biomedical data integration and analysis across thousands of clinical, biomedical and computational research projects and genomic resources around the world. This update reports on the addition of 1,793 new disease terms, a 14% increase of textual definitions and the integration of 22 137 new SubClassOf axioms defining disease to disease connections representing the DO\u27s complex disease classification. The DO\u27s updated website provides multifaceted etiology searching, enhanced documentation and educational resources

    Internet-delivered guided self-help Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for family carers of people with dementia (iACT4CARERS): A qualitative study of carer views and acceptability

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    Purpose: To explore carers’ views and acceptability of internet-delivered, therapist-guided, self-help Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) for family carers of people with dementia (iACT4CARERS).  Methods: A qualitative approach with semi-structured interviews was employed with family carers (N=23) taking part in a feasibility study of iACT4CARERS. The interviews were audio- recorded, transcribed and analysed using thematic analysis.  Results: Four overarching themes were identified: 1) usefulness and relevance of the content of the sessions, 2) sense of connectedness, 3) the impact of the intervention on participants and 4) acceptability of the online delivery. Positive carer experiences and intervention acceptability were facilitated by learning helpful ACT skills, perceiving the content of the session as relatable to the carers' needs, feeling connected to other carers and the therapist during the intervention, noticing the benefits of the intervention and the user-friendliness of the online platform. Recommendations for a full-scale trial were identified, such as the inclusion of some ‘face-to-face’ interactions (e.g. via video call) between carers and therapists to facilitate a bidirectional interaction and the provision of an additional aide-memoire to improve the learning experiences.  Conclusion: Overall, the intervention was acceptable to the family carers. The proposed recommendations should be considered in a full-scale trial

    Carers’ and therapists’ views of internet-delivered guided self-help Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for family carers of people with dementia (iACT4CARERS): A qualitative study in the context of ethnic minority families

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    This study aimed to explore the views of family carers of people living with dementia from ethnic minority groups and their therapists on internet-delivered, self-help acceptance and commitment therapy for family carers (iACT4CARERS), enhanced with additional therapist guidance. To achieve this, a qualitative approach with semi-structured interviews was employed with ethnic minority carers who completed Enhanced iACT4CARERS (n=9) and therapists who supported them throughout the programme (n=5). The interviews were audio-recorded, transcribed and analysed using framework analysis. Four over-arching themes were identified: (1) Value of the programme to ethnic minority carers, (2) Barriers for ethnic minority carers, (3) Sense of connectedness through written feedback, and (4) Sense of connectedness through one-to-one sessions. Theme 1 reflected that ethnic minority carers valued ACT techniques, highlighting their usefulness and simplicity, leading to perceived benefits. Theme 2 revealed the irrelevance of examples provided of carer experiences throughout the programme due to differences in family carers' experiences of providing care within ethnic minority communities. Theme 3 highlighted that carers' engagement with the programme was facilitated by feelings of validation and encouragement received from their therapist via weekly written feedback. Finally, Theme 4 highlighted that additional one-to-one support sessions allowed both carers and therapists to develop strong therapeutic relationships. This enhanced subsequent text-based online interactions, allowing carers to be more open and engaged. Also, therapists reported that a strong sense of connectedness helped them to tailor their feedback. Enhanced iACT4CARERS that uses carers' experiences more relevant to ethnic minority communities may be more acceptable. Key learning aims (1) To understand the views of family carers of people living with dementia from ethnic minority groups and their therapists on internet-delivered, self-help acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), which has been found to be feasible and acceptable with White British carers. (2) To understand whether additional one-to-one support can help develop effective therapeutic relationships and thus improve the experiences of carers in completing the programme. (3) To learn whether any cultural adaptations are needed to improve the acceptability of internet-delivered self-help ACT among this population

    Critical analysis of the utility of initial pleural aspiration in the diagnosis and management of suspected malignant pleural effusion

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    INTRODUCTION:Current guidelines recommend an initial pleural aspiration in the investigation and management of suspected malignant pleural effusions (MPEs) with the aim of establishing a diagnosis, identifying non-expansile lung (NEL) and, at times, providing a therapeutic procedure. A wealth of research has been published since the guidelines suggesting that results and outcomes from an aspiration may not always provide sufficient information to guide management. It is important to establish the validity of these findings in a 'real world' population. METHODS:A retrospective analysis was conducted of all patients who underwent pleural fluid (PF) sampling, in a single centre, over 3 years to determine the utility of the initial aspiration. RESULTS:A diagnosis of MPE was confirmed in 230/998 (23%) cases, a further 95/998 (9.5%) were presumed to represent MPE. Transudative biochemistry was found in 3% of cases of confirmed MPE. Positive PF cytology was only sufficient to guide management in 45/140 (32%) cases. Evidence of pleural thickening on CT was associated with both negative cytology (&#x3C7;2 1df=26.27, p&lt;0.001) and insufficient samples (&#x3C7;2 1df=10.39, p=0.001). In NEL 44.4% of patients did not require further procedures after pleurodesis compared with 72.7% of those with expansile lung (&#x3C7;2 1df=5.49, p=0.019). In patients who required a combined diagnostic and therapeutic aspiration 106/113 (93.8%) required further pleural procedures. CONCLUSIONS:An initial pleural aspiration does not achieve either definitive diagnosis or therapy in the majority of patients. A new pathway prioritising symptom management while reducing procedures should be considered

    Internet-delivered guided self-help Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for family carers of people with dementia (iACT4CARERS): A feasibility study

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    Objective: The feasibility of research into internet-delivered guided self-help Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) for family carers of people with dementia is not known. This study assessed this in an uncontrolled feasibility study. Methods: Family carers of people with dementia with mild to moderate anxiety or depression were recruited from primary and secondary healthcare services in the UK. Participants were offered eight, guided, self-help online ACT sessions adapted for the needs of family carers of people with dementia with optional online peer support groups. Pre-defined primary indicators of success included recruitment of 30 eligible carers over six months and ≥70% completing at least two online sessions. Results: Thirty-three participants (110% of the target sample) were recruited over six months and 30 participants (91%) completed two or more sessions, and thus both indicators of success were met. Further, 70% of participants completed seven or all eight sessions, and 27% of participants were lost to follow-up, but none of the reasons for early withdrawal were related to the intervention. Conclusion: This study supports the feasibility, including recruitment and treatment completion. A full-scale trial to assess the clinical- and cost-effectiveness of the intervention including its long-term effects is warranted. Registration: ISRCTN trial registration 1895641