33 research outputs found

    Passive damping concepts for free and forced member and grillage vibration

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    The performance of potential passive damping concepts is investigted for a long tubular aluminum alloy member, and a two-bar grillage structure. The members are restrained partially at the ends and are of the type being considered by NASA for possible use in the construction of a future space station. Four different passive damping concepts are studied and include nylon brush, wool swab, copper brush, and silly putty in chamber dampers. Both free and forced vibration tests are conducted. It is found that the silly putty in chamber damper concept provides considerably greater passive damping as compared to that of the other three concepts. For the grillage natural vibration, a five wool swab damper configuration provides greater damping than the five silly putty dampers in chamber configuration. Due to the constrained motion imposed by the vibrator used in the tests, the effectiveness of the passive dampers could not be adequately evaluated for the individual member. However, it is found that for the grillage under forced vibration, the five silly putty dampers in chamber damper configuration provides very effective passive damping although only at and around the resonant frequency. At resonance, these dampers provide a 51 percent reduction in the dynamic magnification factor for this case

    Two-Dimensional Sequential and Concurrent Finite Element Analysis of Unstiffened and Stiffened Aluminum and Composite Panels with Hole

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    The results of a detailed investigation of the distribution of stresses in aluminum and composite panels subjected to uniform end shortening are presented. The focus problem is a rectangular panel with two longitudinal stiffeners, and an inner stiffener discontinuous at a central hole in the panel. The influence of the stiffeners on the stresses is evaluated through a two-dimensional global finite element analysis in the absence or presence of the hole. Contrary to the physical feel, it is found that the maximum stresses from the glocal analysis for both stiffened aluminum and composite panels are greater than the corresponding stresses for the unstiffened panels. The inner discontinuous stiffener causes a greater increase in stresses than the reduction provided by the two outer stiffeners. A detailed layer-by-layer study of stresses around the hole is also presented for both unstiffened and stiffened composite panels. A parallel equation solver is used for the global system of equations since the computational time is far less than that using a sequential scheme. A parallel Choleski method with up to 16 processors is used on Flex/32 Multicomputer at NASA Langley Research Center. The parallel computing results are summarized and include the computational times, speedups, bandwidths, and their inter-relationships for the panel problems. It is found that the computational time for the Choleski method decreases with a decrease in bandwidth, and better speedups result as the bandwidth increases

    Experimental and theoretical investigation of passive damping concepts for member forced and free vibration

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    Potential passive damping concepts for use in space structures are identified. The effectiveness of copper brush, wool swab, and silly putty in chamber dampers is investigated through natural vibration tests on a tubular aluminum member. The member ends have zero translation and possess partial rotational restraints. The silly putty in chamber dampers provide the maximum passive damping efficiency. Forced vibration tests are then conducted with one, two, and three damper chambers containing silly putty. Owing to the limitation of the vibrator used, the performance of these dampers could not be evaluated experimentally until the forcing function was disengaged. Nevertheless, their performance is evaluated through a forced dynamic finite element analysis conducted as a part of this investigation. The theoretical results based on experimentally obtained damping ratios indicate that the passive dampers are considerably more effective under member natural vibration than during forced vibration. Also, the maximum damping under forced vibration occurs at or near resonance

    Theoretical and experimental investigation of biaxially loaded rectangular tubular columns.

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    Higher-Order Effects in Biaxial Flexure of GFRP I-Section Beams

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    A theoretical study of Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) beams subjected to biaxial bending moments is presented with a focus on the influence of higher-order effects on maximum normal stresses. It is shown that the biaxial bending type of loading causes a dramatic increase in the maximum normal stress for a GFRP beam when induced torsional effects are included. The study demonstrates that the traditional first-order theory can grossly underestimate the maximum normal stress in a GFRP beam. Based on the numerical results presented using a higher-order theory which also accounts for induced warping normal stresses, the maximum normal stress is found to be about two to three times larger than that determined using the first-order theory

    Method for Reducing Warping Stresses in Torsionally Loaded I-Section Members Using CFRP Plates

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    This paper presents a method for reducing warping normal stresses in torsionally loaded I-section members by utilizing carbon fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP) plates. The CFRP plates are bonded to the outer surfaces of the flanges with a view to reducing warping normal stresses. The maximum warping normal stress in the flanges of a steel I-shaped member without the CFRP plates is compared to those obtained with the CFRP plates having various thicknesses. It has been found that the use of CFRP plates bonded to both flanges of the I-section result in a substantial reduction of the warping stresses. For the study presented, the maximum warping normal stress without CFRP plates drops down to merely one-third of its value when 0.625-in. thick CFRP plates are mounted on the outer surfaces of the I-section flanges

    Elastoplastic Quasi-Static and Impact Load Response of Steel Structure Sub-Assemblage with CFRP Strips

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    Presented in this paper is the outcome of an experimental investigation of the elastoplastic quasi-static and impact load response of a steel sub-assemblage constructed using a pair of hollow square section members with or without Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) strips. The sub-assemblage consists of a long structural member welded to a short member, thus representing a typical combination of a column and a beam on the face of a multi-story steel building frame. The column is subjected to a lateral quasi-static or impact load. Tests are conducted on four separate steel sub-assemblages. The first two tests are conducted with a gradually increasing flexural load applied at the midspan of the column up to the collapse condition without and with CFRP strips, respectively. Additional two tests are performed with a flexural impact load applied at midspan of the column also both without and with CFRP strips, respectively. The results of the study show that CFRP strips substantially increase the quasi-static collapse load of the sub-assemblage. However, when subjected to an impact load, the steel structure sub-assemblage with CFRP strips developed smaller strains in comparison with those without the CFRP strips. The post-impact time-dependent strains also became considerably smaller for the sub-assemblage with CFRP strips

    Passive damping concepts for tubular beams with partial rotational and translational end restraints

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    The main objectives of the study are: (1) identification of potential passive damping concepts for slender tubular structural members with rotational and translational end springs under natural and forced-free vibrations; (2) evaluation of damping efficiencies of the various damping concepts; and (3) evaluation of the suitability of a theoretical finite difference analysis by comparison to the experimental results for the case of natural vibrations. Only member flexural an translation motion is considered. The natural vibration study is conducted on the seven damping concepts and for only one specific initial deflection. The most suitable of the seven dampers is further investigated under forced-free vibrations. In addition only one set of end springs is used for all of the experiments. The results show that passive damping provides a possible approach to structural vibration reduction

    Substructure analysis using NICE/SPAR and applications of force to linear and nonlinear structures

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    Parallel computing studies are presented for a variety of structural analysis problems. Included are the substructure planar analysis of rectangular panels with and without a hole, the static analysis of space mast, using NICE/SPAR and FORCE, and substructure analysis of plane rigid-jointed frames using FORCE. The computations are carried out on the Flex/32 MultiComputer using one to eighteen processors. The NICE/SPAR runstream samples are documented for the panel problem. For the substructure analysis of plane frames, a computer program is developed to demonstrate the effectiveness of a substructuring technique when FORCE is enforced. Ongoing research activities for an elasto-plastic stability analysis problem using FORCE, and stability analysis of the focus problem using NICE/SPAR are briefly summarized. Speedup curves for the panel, the mast, and the frame problems provide a basic understanding of the effectiveness of parallel computing procedures utilized or developed, within the domain of the parameters considered. Although the speedup curves obtained exhibit various levels of computational efficiency, they clearly demonstrate the excellent promise which parallel computing holds for the structural analysis problem. Source code is given for the elasto-plastic stability problem and the FORCE program

    Lateral-Torsional Instability and Biaxial Bending of Imperfect FRP I-Beams

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    This paper presents the outcome of a theoretical and experimental study of the behavior of Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) I-beams exposed to lateral-torsional instability or when subjected to biaxial bending. Laboratory experiments involved the application of vertical and horizontal static loads to a 4 x 4 x 录 in. I-beam with various lengths and the resulting deflections were recorded. Governing biaxial flexure and torsion differential equations were modified to account for the presence of initial imperfections and subsequently solved using a central finite-difference scheme. The theoretical predictions of the beam behavior were found to be in good agreement with what was observed in the laboratory