Passive damping concepts for free and forced member and grillage vibration
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The performance of potential passive damping concepts is investigted for a long tubular aluminum alloy member, and a two-bar grillage structure. The members are restrained partially at the ends and are of the type being considered by NASA for possible use in the construction of a future space station. Four different passive damping concepts are studied and include nylon brush, wool swab, copper brush, and silly putty in chamber dampers. Both free and forced vibration tests are conducted. It is found that the silly putty in chamber damper concept provides considerably greater passive damping as compared to that of the other three concepts. For the grillage natural vibration, a five wool swab damper configuration provides greater damping than the five silly putty dampers in chamber configuration. Due to the constrained motion imposed by the vibrator used in the tests, the effectiveness of the passive dampers could not be adequately evaluated for the individual member. However, it is found that for the grillage under forced vibration, the five silly putty dampers in chamber damper configuration provides very effective passive damping although only at and around the resonant frequency. At resonance, these dampers provide a 51 percent reduction in the dynamic magnification factor for this case