39 research outputs found

    E-waste management in emerging markets

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    Un peligro ambiental grave, pero a menudo pasado por alto, son los desechos electrónicos. Estos se han considerado durante mucho tiempo un problema "exportable" y las naciones más ricas han enviado sus productos electrónicos al final de su vida útil a las partes más pobres del mundo durante décadas, ignorando los desastres ambientales creados y las innumerables vidas afectadas en vertederos masivos y sitios de procesamiento informal en Asia, África y América del Sur. Las economías emergentes como China, India y Brasil han representado durante mucho tiempo el destino final de los desechos electrónicos del mundo. Sin embargo, las cosas están comenzando a cambiar a medida que los peligros a corto y largo plazo de la eliminación inadecuada de desechos electrónicos comienzan a ser más evidentes. Este estudio se centra en los tres países mencionados y sus estrategias para combatir el problema de los desechos electrónicos. El propósito de este estudio es identificar las tendencias y los desafíos que enfrentan las economías emergentes cuando se enfrentan al creciente problema global de los desechos electrónicos, así como evaluar su respuesta tanto a nivel nacional como local.A serious, yet often overlooked environmental danger, E-waste has long been considered an “exportable” problem and wealthier nations have shipped their end of life electronics to poorer parts of the world for decades, ignoring the environmental disasters created and countless lives affected in massive dump sites and informal processing sites in Asia, Africa and South America. Emerging economies such as China, India and Brazil have long represented the final destination for the world’s E-waste. Things are however beginning to change as the short term and long term dangers of improperly disposed of electronic waste are starting to become more apparent. This study focuses on the three aforementioned countries and their strategies for combating the E-waste problem. The purpose of this study is to identify the trends and challenges emerging economies face when dealing with the growing global problem of Electronic waste as well as to assess their response both at a national and local leve

    Investigation of Ammonia Transport Pathways in the Anal Papillae of Larval Aedes Aegypti Mosquito

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    The anal papillae of Aedes aegypti larvae, are important sites of ammonia/ammonium excretion. They express three putative ammonia (NH3/NH4+) transporters, Rhesus proteins AeRh50-1, AeRh50-2 and AeAmt. Ammonium concentration gradients were measured adjacent to the anal papillae using scanning ion-selective electrode technique (SIET). Results suggest that the ionomotive pumps V-type H+ ATPase (VA) and Na+/K+ ATPase (NKA) as well as cation / H+ exchanger, isoform 3 (NHE3) participate in ammonia excretion at the anal papillae. VA is involved in ammonia trapping at the exterior unstirred layer of the anal papillae, while basal NKA and apical NHE3 facilitate the transport of NH4+. Quantitative RT-PCR analysis revealed differential abundances of AeRh-2 and Amt in the anal papillae relative to the abundance of AeRh50-1. In presence of HEA both Rhs were down regulated but Amt was up regulated. It is the conclusion of this study that these transporters work in consortium to regulate ammonia

    Physiological Impacts of Lampricides on Invasive Sea Lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) and Non-target Fishes

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    Parasitic sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) ingest large quantities of blood from fishes using their oral disc and rasping tongue, most often killing the host. In the early 1900s, sea lamprey invaded the Laurentian Great Lakes, decimating sport, commercial and culturally significant fisheries. Since the early 1960s, chemical control using the lampricides 3- trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol (TFM) and niclosamide have helped to reduce sea lamprey populations by 90%. Lampricides are applied to larval lamprey nursery streams targeting many generations of lamprey at once. However, there is concern about the potential adverse effects of lampricides on other fishes, particularly vulnerable lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) populations. In larval lamprey and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), TFM disrupts mitochondrial function, reducing ATP supply and depleting essential energy reserves such as glycogen and phosphocreatine (PCr), leading to death. Yet, little is known about the physiological effects of niclosamide. The goals of this thesis were to better understand how lampricide exposure adversely affected the physiology of the lake sturgeon, and to compare the physiological effects of niclosamide to TFM in larval lamprey, rainbow trout and lake sturgeon. Accordingly, brain, liver and muscle were collected from larval lamprey, trout and sturgeon exposed to TFM or niclosamide, followed by determination of tissue energy reserves (glycogen, glucose), high energy phosphates (ATP, PCr), and acid-base balance. In larval lamprey, brain was most sensitive to niclosamide, resulting in significant reductions in glycogen. In sturgeon and trout, liver was most sensitive to niclosamide and TFM as characterized by large reductions in glycogen concentration, with lesser declines in brain. Niclosamide exposure also caused notable reductions in muscle glycogen stores and intracellular pH in all three species, which could compromise their capacity to perform vigorous activity in the hours following treatment. In all three species, lampricide-induced metabolic disturbances were corrected within 24 h, suggesting that long-term eco-physiological effects on trout and sturgeon populations were unlikely. However, the demonstrated ability of surviving larval lamprey to completely recover from lampricide treatment could also undermine sea lamprey control efforts by leading to increased numbers of parasitic juvenile sea lamprey that could go on to cause substantial damage to Great Lake’s fisheries

    Multigene Methylation Analysis And The Noninvasive Diagnosis Of Prostate Cancer From Body Fluids

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    Introduction During prostatic carcinogenesis, DNA hypermethylation occurs, thus representing a promising biomarker for the early detection of this malignancy. In our study, we aim to determine the usefulness of a molecular and multigene test for prostate cancer. However, this is based on the quantitative methylation-specific polymerase chain reaction (qMSP) of three genes from voided urine specimens by noninvasive methods. Materials and Methods In this study, the voided urine specimens were collected from 89 patients with prostate cancer and 69 controls. Genomic DNA was isolated and subjected to bisulfite modification. Consequently, we tested the methylation status of genomic DNA of three genes, namely: GSTP1, APC, and MDR1. This was done using the quantitative methylationspecific PCR method. Therefore, the obtained results were correlated with the clinicopathologic findings. Results Promoter methylation of GSTP1 gene in voided urine samples was found in 87 out of 89 (97.8%) PCa patients and in 13 out of 62 (21 %) BPH men. In APC gene, methylated levels have been found in 61 out of 89 (68.5%) PCa patients and in 8 out of 62 (12.9%) BPH men. MDR1 gene was found to be hypermethylated in 60 out of 89 (67.4%) PCa patients and in 4 out of 62 (6.5%) BPH men. In addition, we obtained a sensitivity of 88.99% and a specificity of 85.5% for the multigene panel. The AUC in this case was 0.927. Conclusion The analysis of a multigene panel of three methylated genes in prostate cancer by qMSP, can be used to distinguish between men with malignant and benign prostatic diseases from voided urine specimens. Also, it can be used for the follow-up of those men who are presenting increased risk of prostate cancer by noninvasive methods

    A short observational study regarding the lifestyle intervention in newly diagnosed type 2 diabetic patients - cohort 2010

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    To evaluate the results in metabolic control at newly discovered type 2 diabetic mellitus (T2DM) patients regarding the lifestyle optimization only. In this short (1 year) observational study we included a number of 1855 newly discovered T2DM patients. We compared body mass index (BMI), fasting blood glucose (FBG), HbA1c, triglycerides (TG), high density level cholesterol (HDLc) all these recorded initially at the diagnosis and then 1 year later. At baseline 52.91% males and 52.41% females were recommended only lifestyle and the rest was treated with metformin, sulfonylurea or insulin. After one year the patients who remained on lifestyle only decreased with only 5%, demonstrating that lifestyle optimization remains one of the most important "therapeutic" tools in the metabolic control of T2DM patients studied.Adipobiology 2012; 4: 103-106

    Diagnostic/Classification Criteria

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    Diagnostic criteria are used, as the name suggests, to make diagnosis of disease. They should encompass those characteristics that we find in every patient with the disease they are designed for. Therefore, it is extremely difficult to design such criteria. Classification criteria, on the other hand, are intended to be used only in already diagnosed patients, to classify them as having the respective disease, mainly for research purposes. Nevertheless, since classification criteria encompass those characteristics of the disease that are present in the majority of patients, it is only natural to try to use them as a helping tool in the diagnostic endeavor. This should be done appropriately, bearing in mind that the patient not fulfilling every one of them, can and may be still diagnosed as having ankylosing spondylitis, even though he/she cannot be classified as such. Classification criteria for ankylosing spondylitis (AS) have changed over time, due to the new insight obtained into the pathogenic mechanisms of the disease. Moreover, a patient fulfilling them is sometimes the initial step mandated by the paying authorities for reimbursement of therapies. All these reasons and others highlight the need to understand the different facets of the diagnostic/classification criteria and their best use

    Musculoskeletal and Nerve Ultrasonography

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    Musculoskeletal ultrasound had gained more and more importance lately and there is no doubt now about its role in the diagnosis and management of rheumatic diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, spondyloarthritis, osteoarthritis and crystal related arthropathies. We can say that now, US is a widely available, non-invasive, and cost-effective technique suitable for the evaluation of the articular and periarticular structures, such as joints, tendons, muscles, ligaments, and bursa. The real-time capabilities of the US allow continuous observation of those structures during movement and of the needle placement during musculoskeletal interventions. More than this, recently, ultrasonography (US) has gained its rights in the evaluation of Sjogren syndrome and giant cell arteritis. Thus, US can detect changes secondary to both inflammatory joint diseases, like synovitis, tenosynovitis or enthesitis, and to degenerative disease, like osteophytes or tendinosis. US can identify calcium pyrophosphate and urate deposits at the level of the cartilage and tendons and to recognize the changes at the level of the salivary glands in the context of the Sjogren’s syndrome and the ones at the level of the temporal artery, secondary to giant cell arteritis

    Treatment of axial spondyloarthritis patients with biologic disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs in 2022 - data from the Romanian Registry of Rheumatic Diseases

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    Objective. The objective of this cross-sectional study was to analyze data available in the Romanian Registry of Rheumatic Diseases (RRBR) in 2022 for axial spondyloarthritis (axSpA) patients treated with biologic disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (bDMARDs). Methods. From the RRBR electronic database were collected multiple variables, including patient’s demographic and clinical characteristics, treatment characteristics, patterns of treatment use (initiations, continuations, switching, tapering), and treatment efficacy data of axSpA patients, from 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2022. Results. In 2022, a total of 4315 axSpA patients were registered in the RRBR database: 70% were men, 48.4 years mean age, 13.3 years mean disease duration, 90% with radiographic axSpA, with high prevalence of extra-musculoskeletal manifestations and cardiovascular comorbidities. Most patients (88%) were treated with a tumor necrosis factor inhibitor (TNFi), usually in monotherapy. The most frequently prescribed bDMARDs were adalimumab (36%), etanercept (32%) and secukinumab (12%). The uptake of biosimilars reached one third of patients from molecules with available biosimilars in 2022. Most patients had a good clinical response, irrespective of clinical form, disease duration, type of medication or line of treatment. Medication switching was needed in 10% of patients, the main reason for switching was secondary loss of efficacy. Medication tapering was implemented in 11% of patients, and it was successful in 90% of cases. Conclusion. Data from RRBR provide a valuable real-world view of clinical practice at the national level regarding biologic treatment of axSpA patients

    Quality of life challenges for larynx cancer patients

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    Laryngeal cancer continues to raise challenges for specialists all over the world even if there has been improvement in its diagnosis, therapeutic options and comprehensive view of the malignant tumor process. The decision of the oncological committee is not subject to the preferences of the patient, since in terms of therapy, this is the role of the specialist treating the patient. It is very important that the patient should know the implications of total surgery and that the patient has a poorer quality of life after total laryngectomy. The quality of life of these patients has been assessed by means of European quality of life questionnaires in terms of physical status and symptoms, social integration and psychoemotional status. The absence of voice, the impairment in swallowing, the esthetic impairment, the family and social reintegration need to be addressed by the oncological team so that the quality of life of these patients be at optimal levels. The specific questionnaires for the quality of life evaluation need to be used for any patient with laryngeal cancer and key points need to be addressed individually to meet each patient's expectations