21 research outputs found

    Aquifer Tests in Carbonate Rocks Overlain by Glacial Sediments in North-Central Ohio

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    Author Institution: Morrison Knudsen CorporationThe upper 25 to 30 meters (m) of the carbonate-rock aquifer system in north-central Ohio was tested at three sites in 1987 to determine the feasibility of constructing the Superconducting Super Collider (SSC). The aquifer system consists of a sequence of Silurian dolomites and Devonian limestones which is generally overlain by glacial deposits. Although the bedrock units have been separated in terms of age and lithologic characteristics, they function as a common hydrologic unit. Values of transmissivity and the coefficient of storage range from 15 to 745 mVday, and 1.8 X 105 to 9.8 X 10 4, respectively. Water-bearing zones above and below the depth of production in test wells responded to pumping, but the vertical communication was usually not as well developed as horizontal communication. In one test, nested wells completed separately in the bedrock and glacial sediments indicated that the two systems behaved as a single hydrologic unit. Fracture systems in the carbonate-rock aquifer were detected beneath greater than six m of glacial deposits by close inspection of low-level black-and-white infrared aerial photographs. Observation wells located on the fracture systems indicated relatively higher directional transmissivities. The results of the investigation indicated that ground water would have been a factor during construction of the SSC facility. Dewatering and depressurization wells, grouting, and sumps would have been required to control inflows from the aquifer system

    Genetic evaluation of a flock of breeding guinea pigs of Peru genotype

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    El presente estudio tuvo por objetivo la evaluación genética de parte de los animales del plantel de cuyes reproductores de genotipo Perú pertenecientes a la Estación Experimental Agraria Canaán del Instituto Nacional de Innovación Agraria de Ayacucho, Perú, para características de peso vivo al beneficio (PB) y velocidad de crecimiento (VC). Se empleó la información productiva y de parentesco de 162 cuyes, además del sexo, tipo de parto, mes de nacimiento y peso de la madre al parto, cuyo análisis de incidencia sobre las variables estudiadas se efectuó mediante un modelo de efectos fijos. La estimación de los valores de cría se realizó a través de un modelo animal-BLUP unicarácter, el cual incluyó como efectos fijos a aquellos factores ambientales sistemáticos de incidencia significativa, además de los efectos aleatorios derivados de los factores genéticos de los animales. Los componentes de (co)varianza incluidos en el modelo y los algoritmos computacionales fueron resueltos usando el software VCE4 v. 4.2 y PEST v. 4.0, respectivamente. Los valores de cría estimados para PB y VC alcanzaron desvíos de -84.56 a 79.28 g y de 1.39 a -1.26 g/día, mientras que sus niveles de precisión variaron de 28.81 a 89.37% y 28.46 a 88.35%, respectivamente. La alta dispersión de los valores de crías y la elevada correlación genética entre los caracteres evaluados, permitió identificar animales con un alto mérito genético, ameritando su uso potencial como padres de la siguiente generación.This study aimed to genetically evaluate part of the breeding population of guinea pigs, Peru genotype, of the Experimental Station of Instituto Nacional de Innovación Agraria, Ayacucho, Peru, for two parameters: body weight at slaughter (WL) and growth rate (SG). Productive data of of the animals and their family members were collected (n=162 animals), plus environmental factors such as sex, type of birth, month of birth and parturition weight of the mother. The statistical significance on the studied variables was conducted by a fixed effects model. The estimation of breeding values of the offspring wad done by the animal model-BLUP unicharacter. The model included fixed effects that had statistical significance plus the derivative random effects of animal genetic factors. The components of (co) variance included in the model and computational algorithms were solved using the software VCE4 v. 4.2, and PEST v. 4.0, respectively. The estimated breeding values for WL and SG ranged from -84.56 to 79.28 g and from 1.39 to -1.26 g/day, while their levels of accuracy ranged from 28.81 to 89.37%, and 28.46 to 88.35% respectively. The high dispersion of breeding values of the offspring and the high genetic correlation between the traits allow the identification of animals of high genetic merit, and making possible their selection as parents for the next generation

    International longitudinal registry of patients with atrial fibrillation and treated with rivaroxaban: RIVaroxaban Evaluation in Real life setting (RIVER)

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    Background Real-world data on non-vitamin K oral anticoagulants (NOACs) are essential in determining whether evidence from randomised controlled clinical trials translate into meaningful clinical benefits for patients in everyday practice. RIVER (RIVaroxaban Evaluation in Real life setting) is an ongoing international, prospective registry of patients with newly diagnosed non-valvular atrial fibrillation (NVAF) and at least one investigator-determined risk factor for stroke who received rivaroxaban as an initial treatment for the prevention of thromboembolic stroke. The aim of this paper is to describe the design of the RIVER registry and baseline characteristics of patients with newly diagnosed NVAF who received rivaroxaban as an initial treatment. Methods and results Between January 2014 and June 2017, RIVER investigators recruited 5072 patients at 309 centres in 17 countries. The aim was to enroll consecutive patients at sites where rivaroxaban was already routinely prescribed for stroke prevention. Each patient is being followed up prospectively for a minimum of 2-years. The registry will capture data on the rate and nature of all thromboembolic events (stroke / systemic embolism), bleeding complications, all-cause mortality and other major cardiovascular events as they occur. Data quality is assured through a combination of remote electronic monitoring and onsite monitoring (including source data verification in 10% of cases). Patients were mostly enrolled by cardiologists (n = 3776, 74.6%), by internal medicine specialists 14.2% (n = 718) and by primary care/general practice physicians 8.2% (n = 417). The mean (SD) age of the population was 69.5 (11.0) years, 44.3% were women. Mean (SD) CHADS2 score was 1.9 (1.2) and CHA2DS2-VASc scores was 3.2 (1.6). Almost all patients (98.5%) were prescribed with once daily dose of rivaroxaban, most commonly 20 mg (76.5%) and 15 mg (20.0%) as their initial treatment; 17.9% of patients received concomitant antiplatelet therapy. Most patients enrolled in RIVER met the recommended threshold for AC therapy (86.6% for 2012 ESC Guidelines, and 79.8% of patients according to 2016 ESC Guidelines). Conclusions The RIVER prospective registry will expand our knowledge of how rivaroxaban is prescribed in everyday practice and whether evidence from clinical trials can be translated to the broader cross-section of patients in the real world

    Estimación de heterosis individual en cuyes (Cavia porcellus) F1 cruces de los genotipos Peru, Inti y Andina

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    The present study was carried out in the E.E.A. Canaan from INIA (Ayacucho, Peru) with the objective of estimating the individual heterosis in F1 guinea pigs from the crosses between the genotypes Peru (P), Andean (A) and Inti (I) for the characteristics of weight at slaughtering, growth, carcass yield, fat deposition and feed conversion. Information was obtained from 115 descendants between pure lines and crosses of the genotypes PxA, AxP and PxI, being reared as contemporary groups throughout the rearing phase. The incidence of the fixed effects of litter size, sex of the offspring and number of parturition of the mother on the variables under study was analysed through a model of fixed effects, estimating correction factors by least squares for those that had significant incidence (p<0.05). The individual heterosis was estimated as the deviation of the mean of the reciprocal cross compared to the average of the pure parents. The heterosis for the weight at slaughtering character, estimated at the level of crosses PxI (genotype Peru as a paternal route) and the reciprocal PxA, was 11.90 g (1.5%) and 10.25 g (1.3%), respectively; while the growth rate had a heterosis of 0.39 g/day (3.9%) for the PxI cross (Peru genotype as a paternal route). No appreciable levels of heterosis were observed for the other traits. It is concluded that the crossing between improved guinea pigs does not produce significant levels of individual heterosis at the level of the characters related to meat production.El estudio se realizó en la E.E.A. Canaán del INIA (Ayacucho, Perú) con el objetivo de estimar la heterosis individual en cuyes F1 de cruces entre los genotipos Perú, Andina e Inti para las características de peso al beneficio, velocidad de crecimiento, rendimiento de carcasa, grasa de deposición y conversión alimenticia. Se obtuvo información de 115 descendientes entre puros y cruces de los genotipos Perú x Andina, Andina x Perú y Perú x Inti, siendo criados como grupos contemporáneo durante la fase de recría. La incidencia de los efectos fijos de tamaño de camada, sexo de la cría y número de parto de la madre sobre las variables en estudio fue analizada a través de un modelo de efectos, estimándose factores de corrección por mínimos cuadrados para aquellos efectos fijos que tuvieron incidencia significativa (p<0.05). La heterosis fue estimada como el desvío del promedio del cruzamiento recíproco frente al promedio de los parentales puros. No se encontró heterosis significativa en los cruces y para las variables evaluadas. El cruce Perú x Inti (genotipo Perú como vía paterna) y el cruce recíproco Perú x Andina presentaron valores ínfimos de heterosis de 11.90 g (1.5%) y 10.25 g (1.3%) para el carácter peso al beneficio, respectivamente; en tanto que la velocidad de crecimiento se tuvo una heterosis de 0.39 g/día (3.9%) para Perú x Inti (genotipo Perú como vía paterna). Se concluye que el cruzamiento entre cuyes mejorados no produce niveles significativos de heterosis a nivel de los caracteres relacionados con la producción de carne


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    El estudio se realizó en la E.E.A. Canaán del INIA (Ayacucho, Perú) con el objetivo de estimar la heterosis individual en cuyes F1 de cruces entre los genotipos Perú, Andina e Inti para las características de peso al beneficio, velocidad de crecimiento, rendimiento de carcasa, grasa de deposición y conversión alimenticia. Se obtuvo información de 115 descendientes entre puros y cruces de los genotipos Perú x Andina, Andina x Perú y Perú x Inti, siendo criados como grupos contemporáneo durante la fase de recría. La incidencia de los efectos fijos de tamaño de camada, sexo de la cría y número de parto de la madre sobre las variables en estudio fue analizada a través de un modelo de efectos, estimándose factores de corrección por mínimos cuadrados para aquellos efectos fijos que tuvieron incidencia significativa (p<0.05). La heterosis fue estimada como el desvío del promedio del cruzamiento recíproco frente al promedio de los parentales puros. No se encontró heterosis significativa en los cruces y para las variables evaluadas. El cruce Perú x Inti (genotipo Perú como vía paterna) y el cruce recíproco Perú x Andina presentaron valores ínfimos de heterosis de 11.90 g (1.5%) y 10.25 g (1.3%) para el carácter peso al beneficio, respectivamente; en tanto que la velocidad de crecimiento se tuvo una heterosis de 0.39 g/día (3.9%) para Perú x Inti (genotipo Perú como vía paterna). Se concluye que el cruzamiento entre cuyes mejorados no produce niveles significativos de heterosis a nivel de los caracteres relacionados con la producción de carne