2,677 research outputs found

    Determining the grain composition of the interstellar medium with high resolution X-ray spectroscopy

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    We investigate the ability of high resolution X-ray spectroscopy to directly probe the grain composition of the interstellar medium. Using iron K-edge experimental data of likely ISM dust candidates taken at the National Synchrotron Light Source at Brookhaven National Laboratory and the Advanced Photon Source at Argonne National Laboratory, we explore the prospects for determining the chemical composition of astrophysical dust and discuss a technique for doing so. Focusing on the capabilities of the AstroE2 XRS micro-calorimeters, we assess the limiting effects of spectral resolution and noise for detecting significant X-ray absorption fine structure signal in astrophysical environments containing dust. We find that given sufficient signal, the resolution of the XRS will allow us to definitively distinguish gas from dust phase absorption, and certain chemical compositions.Comment: 6 pages, 10 figures - XAFS spectra of Fe compounds; accepted for publication in Ap

    Radio background measurements at the Pierre Auger Observatory

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    Mesures du bruit de fond radio sur le site de l'observatoire Pierre Auge

    Relationships Among Some Lolium and Festuca Species

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    Molecular markers were used to investigate phylogenetic relationships among the 8 species of ryegrass (Lolium) and 11 species of fescue (Festuca). Nine sequences of non-coding chloroplastic or mitochondrial DNA were amplified through PCR, then digested by 20 restriction enzymes. Restriction sites data were used to draw an UPGMA tree. The main features are: 1) a clear-cut distinction between fine-leaved fescues (subg. Festuca) and broad-leaved fescues (subg. Schedonorus), which include the ryegrasses. 2) among the broad-leaved fescues, meadow fescue and tall fescue are very closely related, which may indicate that they share a common maternal ancestor, while gigant fescue is the most differentiated. 3) in the ryegrass group, the endemic L. canariense and perennial ryegrass seem to have diverged first from their common ancestor with meadow fescue, while all the annual ryegrasses, both outbreeders or inbreeders, have a recent origin

    Role of local disorder in the dielectric response of BaTaO_2N

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    Short-range structural disorder of the high-Îş dielectric BaTaO_2N is revealed by the analysis of the extended x-ray-absorption fine-structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy measured at the Ta L_III edge. Although previous neutron, x-ray, and electron diffraction studies have shown BaTaO_2N to crystallize in a centrosymmetric, cubic structure, these EXAFS spectra show a wide distribution of first shell Ta-(O,N) distances with further implications to nonuniformity of the existing octahedral distortions. A distortion model based upon a density functional theory energy minimization for a 4Ă—4Ă—4 supercell of BaTaO_2N was used to successfully interpret these EXAFS data. We find that structural distortions with very short correlation lengths exist in this material and that these distortions are consistent with the large dielectric permitivity of BaTaO_2N

    Fast pyrolysis bio-oil production in an entrained flow reactor pilot

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    Bio-oil produced from biomass fast pyrolysis could constitute an alternative to fossil liquid fuels, especially to be combusted for local district heating. So far, only few studies have dealt with bio-oil production by biomass fast pyrolysis in an entrained flow reactor [1], yet it could constitute an alternative to the better-known fluidised bed pyrolysis process. In the context of the BOIL project with the CCIAG Company (Grenoble district heating), a new pilot based on an entrained flow reactor concept has been designed [2]. The pilot design has been carried out on the basis of woody biomass fast pyrolysis experiments and modeling performed in a drop tube reactor as a first step laboratory-scale study, and also CFD modeling [2-3]. The facility is composed of a biomass injection system with a hopper and a feeding screw, an electrically heated pyrolysis reactor, a cyclone to separate gas and char, 3 heat exchangers to cool the gas (at 30°C, 0°C and 0°C respectively) and condense bio-oil, and a post-combustion unit to burn the incondensable species. Gas temperature is maintained at 350°C from the reactor outlet to the entrance of the first heat exchanger in order to avoid bio-oil condensation. Several conditions were tested in 14 runs: 3 different biomass feedstocks, varying biomass feeding rates from 2 to 9 kg/h and two reactor temperatures 500°C and 550°C. 85 kg of bio-oil has been produced for combustion tests. Recovered bio-oil mass yield is on average 50%, its LHV is about 15 MJ/kg, its water content 26%w and its pH 2.15. We identified three main difficulties during the runs: about 15% of the bio-oil go through the heat exchanger, some char particles go through the cyclone which causes regular plugging of the first heat exchanger. Detailed analyses of the bio-oil produced have been done and the chemical and physical bio-oil characteristics have been compared to the European Standard recommendations [4]. With a regularly cleaning of the first heat exchanger, we successfully produce bio-oil with physical and chemical properties in agreement with the European Standard recommendations. Combustion tests of the bio-oil produced have been carried on by the CIRAD. They succeeded in obtaining a stable flame (without the use of a pilot flame) in a 50 kW burner and a 250 kW combustion chamber. However the physical and chemical characteristics of the bio-oil involve the use of specific pump and pulverization system adapted. In perspective for future projects, it would be interesting to perform pilot modifications in order to increase bio-oil yield and to minimize heat exchanger cleaning, and to test other resources like agricultural biomass or solid recovered fuels. Bibliography 1. J.A. Knight, C.W. Gorton, R.J. Kovac, Biomass 6, pp. 69-76, 1984. 2. Fast pyrolysis reactor for organic biomass materials with against flow injection of hot gases - US 20170166818 A1 3. Guizani, S.Valin, J.Billlaud, M.Peyrot, S.Salvador, Fuel, 2017, 207, pp.71-84. 4. C.Guizani, S.Valin, M.Peyrot, G.Ratel S.Salvador, Woody biomass fast pyrolysis in a drop tube reactor - Pyro2016 conference 5. Fast pyrolysis bio-oils for industrial boilers – Requirements and test methods – EN 1690

    Experimental evidence of thermal fluctuations on the X-ray absorption near-edge structure at the aluminum K-edge

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    After a review of temperature-dependent experimental x-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) and related theoretical developments, we present the Al K-edge XANES spectra of corundum and beryl for temperature ranging from 300K to 930K. These experimental results provide a first evidence of the role of thermal fluctuation in XANES at the Al K-edge especially in the pre-edge region. The study is carried out by polarized XANES measurements of single crystals. For any orientation of the sample with respect to the x-ray beam, the pre-edge peak grows and shifts to lower energy with temperature. In addition temperature induces modifications in the position and intensities of the main XANES features. First-principles DFT calculations are performed for both compounds. They show that the pre-edge peak originates from forbidden 1s to 3s transitions induced by vibrations. Three existing theoretical models are used to take vibrations into account in the absorption cross section calculations: i) an average of the XANES spectra over the thermal displacements of the absorbing atom around its equilibrium position, ii) a method based on the crude Born-Oppenheimer approximation where only the initial state is averaged over thermal displacements, iii) a convolution of the spectra obtained for the atoms at the equilibrium positions with an approximate phonon spectral function. The theoretical spectra so obtained permit to qualitatively understand the origin of the spectral modifications induced by temperature. However the correct treatment of thermal fluctuation in XANES spectroscopy requires more sophisticated theoretical tools

    Advancing the Microbiome Research Community

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    The human microbiome has become a recognized factor in promoting and maintaining health. We outline opportunities in interdisciplinary research, analytical rigor, standardization, and policy development for this relatively new and rapidly developing field. Advances in these aspects of the research community may in turn advance our understanding of human microbiome biology. It is now widely recognized that disturbances in our normal microbial populations may be linked to acute infections such as Clostridium difficile and to chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, obesity, and autoimmune disorders (Clemente et al., 2012). This has prompted substantial interest in the microbiome from both basic and clinical perspectives. Although our genome is relatively static throughout life, each of our microbial communities changes profoundly from infancy through adulthood, continuing to adapt through ongoing exposures to diet, drugs and environment. Understanding the microbiome and its dynamic nature may be critical for diagnostics and, eventually, interventions based on the microbiome itself. However, several important challenges limit the ability of researchers to enter the microbiome field and/or conduct research most effectively
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