808 research outputs found

    Sparse approximation of multivariate functions from small datasets via weighted orthogonal matching pursuit

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    We show the potential of greedy recovery strategies for the sparse approximation of multivariate functions from a small dataset of pointwise evaluations by considering an extension of the orthogonal matching pursuit to the setting of weighted sparsity. The proposed recovery strategy is based on a formal derivation of the greedy index selection rule. Numerical experiments show that the proposed weighted orthogonal matching pursuit algorithm is able to reach accuracy levels similar to those of weighted 1\ell^1 minimization programs while considerably improving the computational efficiency for small values of the sparsity level

    Restricted isometries for partial random circulant matrices

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    In the theory of compressed sensing, restricted isometry analysis has become a standard tool for studying how efficiently a measurement matrix acquires information about sparse and compressible signals. Many recovery algorithms are known to succeed when the restricted isometry constants of the sampling matrix are small. Many potential applications of compressed sensing involve a data-acquisition process that proceeds by convolution with a random pulse followed by (nonrandom) subsampling. At present, the theoretical analysis of this measurement technique is lacking. This paper demonstrates that the sth-order restricted isometry constant is small when the number m of samples satisfies m ≳ (s logn)^(3/2), where n is the length of the pulse. This bound improves on previous estimates, which exhibit quadratic scaling

    Restricted Isometries for Partial Random Circulant Matrices

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    In the theory of compressed sensing, restricted isometry analysis has become a standard tool for studying how efficiently a measurement matrix acquires information about sparse and compressible signals. Many recovery algorithms are known to succeed when the restricted isometry constants of the sampling matrix are small. Many potential applications of compressed sensing involve a data-acquisition process that proceeds by convolution with a random pulse followed by (nonrandom) subsampling. At present, the theoretical analysis of this measurement technique is lacking. This paper demonstrates that the ssth order restricted isometry constant is small when the number mm of samples satisfies m(slogn)3/2m \gtrsim (s \log n)^{3/2}, where nn is the length of the pulse. This bound improves on previous estimates, which exhibit quadratic scaling

    Untypical ageing off-flavour and masking effects due to long-term nitrogen fertilization

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    The off-flavour UTA (untypical ageing) of wines produced from the vintages 1996-1999 within the scope of a long-term N fertilization experiment was compared to the o-aminoacetophenone (AAP) concentrations found in these wines. The wines were made of plants treated with 0, 60 and 150 kg N ha-1·N fertilization led to higher UTA intensities and AAP concentrations in aged wines; due to stronger fruity aromas with increasing N fertilization, young wines were able to mask AAP. Controls had a stronger masking effect in older wines, caused by antioxidants (phenols) and possibly higher alcohols. Moreover, at the same AAP level, wines from the vintages 1996 and 1998 exhibited lower UTA intensity than wines from 1997 and 1999. This is influenced by N supply, yield and time of harvest which can not be separated from each other.

    Ambivalence of the influence of nitrogen supply on o-aminoacetophenone in 'Riesling' wine

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    AAP (o-aminoacetophenone) is the aroma substance responsible for the untypical ageing off-flavour (UTA). The impact of nitrogen supply on the formation of AAP was investigated between 1994 and 1999. The experiment was carried out in the Rheingau (Germany) with six fertigation treatments of annual quantities of N (0, 30, 60, 90, 150 kg·N·ha-1). Results indicated that the long-term varied N fertilization affected AAP concentration in wine as much as the year. Whereas a better N supply of the grapes due to effects of the year coincided with lower AAP values, the fertilization effect was reversal: higher N fertilization increased the concentrations of AAP. AAP did not correlate with its precursor IAA and only slightly with antioxidative capacity. Neither varying yield nor soluble solids could explain the high variance of AAP. An indicator for potential AAP formation could not be found, neither in must nor in wine.


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    Untypical ageing off-ßavour and masking effects due to long-term nitrogen fertilizationVitis 46 (1), 33-38 (2007

    New heterodontosaurid remains from the Canadon Asfalto Formation: cursoriality and the functional importance of the pes in small heterodontosaurids

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    New ornithischian remains reported here (MPEF-PV 3826) include two complete metatarsi with associated phalanges and caudal vertebrae, from the late Toarcian levels of the Canadon Asfalto Formation. We conclude that these fossil remains represent a bipedal heterodontosaurid but lack diagnostic characters to identify them at the species level, although they probably represent remains of Manidens condorensis, known from the same locality. Histological features suggest a subadult ontogenetic stage for the individual. A cluster analysis based on pedal measurements identifies similarities of this specimen with heterodontosaurid taxa and the inclusion of the new material in a phylogenetic analysis with expanded character sampling on pedal remains confirms the described specimen as a heterodontosaurid. Finally, uncommon features of the digits (length proportions among nonungual phalanges of digit III, and claw features) are also quantitatively compared to several ornithischians, theropods, and birds, suggesting that this may represent a bipedal cursorial heterodontosaurid with gracile and grasping feet and long digits. In particular, the elongated non-terminal pedal phalanges and morphology of digit III resemble features present in arboreal birds, a unique condition found so far among ornithischians

    Identification of tissue-specific microRNAs from mouse

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a new class of noncoding RNAs, which are encoded as short inverted repeats in the genomes of invertebrates and vertebrates [1, 2]. It is believed that miRNAs are modulators of target mRNA translation and stability, although most target mRNAs remain to be identified. Here we describe the identification of 34 novel miRNAs by tissue- specific cloning of approximately 21-nucleotide RNAs from mouse. Almost all identified miRNAs are conserved in the human genome and are also frequently found in nonmammalian vertebrate genomes, such as pufferfish. In heart, liver, or brain, it is found that a single, tissue-specifically expressed miRNA dominates the population of expressed miRNAs and suggests a role for these miRNAs in tissue specification or cell lineage decisions. Finally, a miRNA was identified that appears to be the fruitfly and mammalian ortholog of C. elegans lin-4 stRNA