59 research outputs found

    Optical clustering on a mesh-connected computer

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    A distributed tree data structure for real-time OLAP on cloud architectures

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    In contrast to queries for on-line transaction processing (OLTP) systems that typically access only a small portion of a database, OLAP queries may need to aggregate large portions of a database which often leads to performance issues. In this paper we introduce CR-OLAP, a Cloud based Real-time OLAP system based on a new distributed index structure for OLAP, the distributed PDCR tree, that utilizes a cloud infrastructure consisting of (m + 1) multi-core processors. With increasing database size, CR-OLAP dynamically increases m to maintain performance. Our distributed PDCR tree data structure supports multiple dimension hierarchies and efficient query processing on the elaborate dimension hierarchies which are so central to OLAP systems. It is particularly efficient for complex OLAP queries that need to aggregate large portions of the data warehouse, such as 'report the total sales in all stores located in California and New York during the months February-May of all years'. We evaluated CR-OLAP on the Amazon EC2 cloud, using the TPC-DS benchmark data set. The tests demonstrate that CR-OLAP scales well with increasing number of processors, even for complex queries. For example, on an Amazon EC2 cloud instance with eight processors, for a TPC-DS OLAP query stream on a data warehouse with 80 million tuples where every OLAP query aggregates more than 50% of the database, CR-OLAP achieved a query latency of 0.3 seconds which can be considered a real time response

    GeV emission from Gamma Ray Bursts: a radiative fireball?

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    We study the emission observed at energies greater than 100 MeV of 11 Gamma Ray Bursts (GRBs) detected by the Fermi/Large Area Telescope (LAT) until October 2009. The GeV emission has three main properties: (i) its duration is often longer than the duration of the softer emission detected by the Gamma Burst Monitor (GBM) onboard Fermi [this confirms earlier results from the Energetic Gamma-Ray Experiment Telescope (EGRET)]; (ii) its spectrum is consistent with F(v) propto v^(-1) and does not show strong spectral evolution; (iii) for the brightest bursts, the flux detected by the LAT decays as a power law with a typical slope: t^(-1.5). We argue that the observed >0.1 GeV flux can be interpreted as afterglow emission shortly following the start of the prompt phase emission as seen at smaller frequencies. The decay slope is what expected if the fireball emission is produced in the radiative regime, i.e. all dissipated energy is radiated away. We also argue that the detectability in the GeV energy range depends on the bulk Lorentz factor Gamma of the bursts, being strongly favoured in the case of large Gamma. This implies that the fraction of bursts detected at high energies corresponds to the fraction of bursts having the largest Gamma. The radiative interpretation can help to explain why the observed X-ray and optical afterglow energetics are much smaller than the energetics emitted during the prompt phase, despite the fact that the collision with the external medium should be more efficient than internal shocks in producing the radiation we see.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS, minor changes, added EGRET light-curve of GRB 94021

    Rest-frame properties of 32 gamma-ray bursts observed by the Fermi Gamma-Ray Burst Monitor

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    Aims: In this paper we study the main spectral and temporal properties of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) observed by Fermi/GBM. We investigate these key properties of GRBs in the rest-frame of the progenitor and test for possible intra-parameter correlations to better understand the intrinsic nature of these events. Methods: Our sample comprises 32 GRBs with measured redshift that were observed by GBM until August 2010. 28 of them belong to the long-duration population and 4 events were classified as short/hard bursts. For all of these events we derive, where possible, the intrinsic peak energy in the νFν\nu F_{\nu} spectrum (\eprest), the duration in the rest-frame, defined as the time in which 90% of the burst fluence was observed (\tninetyrest) and the isotropic equivalent bolometric energy (\eiso). Results: The distribution of \eprest has mean and median values of 1.1 MeV and 750 keV, respectively. A log-normal fit to the sample of long bursts peaks at ~800 keV. No high-\ep population is found but the distribution is biased against low \ep values. We find the lowest possible \ep that GBM can recover to be ~ 15 keV. The \tninetyrest distribution of long GRBs peaks at ~10 s. The distribution of \eiso has mean and median values of 8.9×10528.9\times 10^{52} erg and 8.2×10528.2 \times 10^{52} erg, respectively. We confirm the tight correlation between \eprest and \eiso (Amati relation) and the one between \eprest and the 1-s peak luminosity (LpL_p) (Yonetoku relation). Additionally, we observe a parameter reconstruction effect, i.e. the low-energy power law index α\alpha gets softer when \ep is located at the lower end of the detector energy range. Moreover, we do not find any significant cosmic evolution of neither \eprest nor \tninetyrest.Comment: accepted by A&

    First-year Results of Broadband Spectroscopy of the Brightest Fermi-GBM Gamma-Ray Bursts

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    We present here our results of the temporal and spectral analysis of a sample of 52 bright and hard gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) observed with the Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (GBM) during its first year of operation (July 2008-July 2009). Our sample was selected from a total of 253 GBM GRBs based on each event peak count rate measured between 0.2 and 40MeV. The final sample comprised 34 long and 18 short GRBs. These numbers show that the GBM sample contains a much larger fraction of short GRBs, than the CGRO/BATSE data set, which we explain as the result of our (different) selection criteria and the improved GBM trigger algorithms, which favor collection of short, bright GRBs over BATSE. A first by-product of our selection methodology is the determination of a detection threshold from the GBM data alone, above which GRBs most likely will be detected in the MeV/GeV range with the Large Area Telescope (LAT) onboard Fermi. This predictor will be very useful for future multiwavelength GRB follow ups with ground and space based observatories. Further we have estimated the burst durations up to 10MeV and for the first time expanded the duration-energy relationship in the GRB light curves to high energies. We confirm that GRB durations decline with energy as a power law with index approximately -0.4, as was found earlier with the BATSE data and we also notice evidence of a possible cutoff or break at higher energies. Finally, we performed time-integrated spectral analysis of all 52 bursts and compared their spectral parameters with those obtained with the larger data sample of the BATSE data. We find that the two parameter data sets are similar and confirm that short GRBs are in general harder than longer ones.Comment: 40 pages, 11 figures, 3 tables, Submitted to Ap

    Time-Resolved Spectroscopy of the 3 Brightest and Hardest Short Gamma-Ray Bursts Observed with the FGST Gamma-Ray Burst Monitor

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    From July 2008 to October 2009, the Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (GBM) on board the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope (FGST) has detected 320 Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs). About 20% of these events are classified as short based on their T90 duration below 2 s. We present here for the first time time-resolved spectroscopy at timescales as short as 2 ms for the three brightest short GRBs observed with GBM. The time-integrated spectra of the events deviate from the Band function, indicating the existence of an additional spectral component, which can be fit by a power-law with index ~-1.5. The time-integrated Epeak values exceed 2 MeV for two of the bursts, and are well above the values observed in the brightest long GRBs. Their Epeak values and their low-energy power-law indices ({\alpha}) confirm that short GRBs are harder than long ones. We find that short GRBs are very similar to long ones, but with light curves contracted in time and with harder spectra stretched towards higher energies. In our time-resolved spectroscopy analysis, we find that the Epeak values range from a few tens of keV up to more than 6 MeV. In general, the hardness evolutions during the bursts follows their flux/intensity variations, similar to long bursts. However, we do not always see the Epeak leading the light-curve rises, and we confirm the zero/short average light-curve spectral lag below 1 MeV, already established for short GRBs. We also find that the time-resolved low-energy power-law indices of the Band function mostly violate the limits imposed by the synchrotron models for both slow and fast electron cooling and may require additional emission processes to explain the data. Finally, we interpreted these observations in the context of the current existing models and emission mechanisms for the prompt emission of GRBs.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures, 9 tables, Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal September, 23 2010 (Submitted May, 16 2010) Corrections: 1 reference updated, figure 10 captio

    Detection of a Thermal Spectral Component in the Prompt Emission of GRB 100724B

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    Observations of GRB 100724B with the Fermi Gamma-Ray Burst Monitor (GBM) find that the spectrum is dominated by the typical Band functional form, which is usually taken to represent a non-thermal emission component, but also includes a statistically highly significant thermal spectral contribution. The simultaneous observation of the thermal and non-thermal components allows us to confidently identify the two emission components. The fact that these seem to vary independently favors the idea that the thermal component is of photospheric origin while the dominant non-thermal emission occurs at larger radii. Our results imply either a very high efficiency for the non-thermal process, or a very small size of the region at the base of the flow, both quite challenging for the standard fireball model. These problems are resolved if the jet is initially highly magnetized and has a substantial Poynting flux.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, 1 table, Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letters November, 23 2010 (Submitted October, 20 2010

    Temporal Deconvolution study of Long and Short Gamma-Ray Burst Light curves

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    The light curves of Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs) are believed to result from internal shocks reflecting the activity of the GRB central engine. Their temporal deconvolution can reveal potential differences in the properties of the central engines in the two populations of GRBs which are believed to originate from the deaths of massive stars (long) and from mergers of compact objects (short). We present here the results of the temporal analysis of 42 GRBs detected with the Gamma-ray Burst Monitor onboard the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope. We deconvolved the profiles into pulses, which we fit with lognormal functions. The distributions of the pulse shape parameters and intervals between neighboring pulses are distinct for both burst types and also fit with lognormal functions. We have studied the evolution of these parameters in different energy bands and found that they differ between long and short bursts. We discuss the implications of the differences in the temporal properties of long and short bursts within the framework of the internal shock model for GRB prompt emission.Comment: 38 pages, 11 figure